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Quoted myself to say I had no problem logging in this time.

Quoting myself again .... that was the inly time I did not have trouble, and it was shortly after I had closed the page and apparently still logged in. I hever log out.

I get the redirect every time I come back to WS, even though I have it set to “keep me logged in” —- I have to log in again, and the redirect error stays even after logged in. I can click links on the page to go to other threads, etc.

FWIW, I am using an iPad, version 11.2.2. It has been a while since the last update came.
Quoting myself again .... that was the inly time I did not have trouble, and it was shortly after I had closed the page and apparently still logged in. I hever log out.

I get the redirect every time I come back to WS, even though I have it set to “keep me logged in” —- I have to log in again, and the redirect error stays even after logged in. I can click links on the page to go to other threads, etc.

FWIW, I am using an iPad, version 11.2.2. It has been a while since the last update came.
I had same problem today first time ever. It logged me out when I left the site even though I had the box ticked remember me and when I tried to log in again I had the same error message you are referring to.
I had same problem today first time ever. It logged me out when I left the site even though I had the box ticked remember me and when I tried to log in again I had the same error message you are referring to.

Yes! thanks Totroise, you explained it better than I did. that is exactly what is happening.
I have a continuous problem that is actually more of an aggravation. If it's already been addressed here in the past, my apologies, as I haven't read back very far.

But this problem is seriously driving me right up a wall. It used to be occasional but now it's constant.

Every single time I click to change threads, or even go to the next page in a thread, I get the box that says:

'Are you sure you want to leave? You might lose any changes you've made on this page.'

It has a 'Leave' or 'Stay' box underneath. The Leave box has to be clicked before it will move to the next page. This is every time.

Has nothing to do with whether I've even posted that day at all. It still tells me I might lose any changes I've made.

After I click the leave box about five or six consecutive times with page changes, then it shows a box that gives me the option that says, 'Don't let this page create more messages' with a box to place a check mark.

When checked, that does end the constant, 'Are you sure you want to leave' messages, but then it will not allow me to open any of the links on any of the missing person pages. I can read no news sites about anyone who is missing.

I've tried everything I know to get rid of that box. I've gone to the settings page here, trying to figure out if there's something I can unclick.

I've looked at my own computer settings, but nothing seems to work.

It's more frustrating than anything else. If I just have to live with it, I will. But I would be so grateful if I could find a way to turn it off.

Thank you in advance...
Can't load images using Insert Image as I get a black box with "404 - image not found".

Still getting the redirect message but can go to a thread.

One small step for mankind. Emoticons are working again.
Also still getting the redirect message and site won't keep me logged in with remember me ticked.
Also still getting the redirect message and site won't keep me logged in with remember me ticked.

Tortoise, I discovered it works OK (so far) if I logged in at the large box (scroll down the page a bit) .. but not if I use the tiny boxes for login at the top right corner of the page. Can you try that? It may depend on what device you are using if you have the larger log-in area.

Pics are not posting from the link, but do show up as a thumbnail. See this post for a sample: https://www.websleuths.com/forums/s...is-Sidebar-Friends-12&p=13870884#post13870884

does anyone actually check in here daily? Should we alert a mod to have Dave check-in here?
Well that is weird. I just closed down all my windows to try your suggestion, and I came back to the forum using a link saved in my bookmarks. It had logged me out as has been the problem (showed the tiny boxes top right for me to log in as you described) but when I was searching for the large log in area you described I couldn't see one so I clicked on the main forum page (top left) to look for it there and when it took me there it showed me as already logged in.

I don't know if any of that makes sense but what it appears to mean, to me, is my bookmarked links to the site that I always use are the problem just this past week. I will have to reset my bookmarks.

I don't know of a way to have Dave check in, I think maybe mods alert him when they see messages posted in this thread that need his expertise.
Just came back and I was shown as logged out, even thiugh I hd marked the “keep logged in”

I will alert one of my posts and ask to have Dave check in here
Same here, I updated my bookmarked link to WS before I left but it hasn't fixed the problem.
Even though I mark “Remember Me”, I have to log in every time I come back to WS today. Happens on both the iPad and the PC today. Frustrating
Can't load images using Insert Image as I get a black box with "404 - image not found".

Still getting the redirect message but can go to a thread.

One small step for mankind. Emoticons are working again.

No images for me either.

Also the scroll thing at the top of the page has disappeared :(
JudgeJudi said:
Can't load images using Insert Image as I get a black box with "404 - image not found".

Still getting the redirect message but can go to a thread.

One small step for mankind. Emoticons are working again.

daisglen said:
No images for me either.

Also the scroll thing at the top of the page has disappeared

I have the same above problems.... but no "redirect problem". Just the "insert image pix" and no scroll on top.
Same problem with 404 errors.

Chrome browser — version 63.0.3239.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)
MacBook Pro — running macOS Sierra Version 10.12.6



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    Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 4.09.37 PM.jpg
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Thank you. I will touch base with Dave first thing.
Soon. We are moving to our new software within the next 60 days hopefully. Seems like it is far away but it will be here before you know it.

Thank you. I will touch base with Dave first thing.
Soon. We are moving to our new software within the next 60 days hopefully. Seems like it is far away but it will be here before you know it.


Thanks Tricia!

Another tidbit on the picture posting issue: I think I have figured out through trial and error that if I paste a picture while in advanced posting mode it stays, but if I go back to edit the post in anyway or post without selecting "go advanced" then the picture won't copy and I get a broken box or 404 error. Hope this helps Dave figure out the problem.
Thank you. I will touch base with Dave first thing.
Soon. We are moving to our new software within the next 60 days hopefully. Seems like it is far away but it will be here before you know it.


:tyou: and :yourock:
Exciting ... two months or less, perhaps :fireworks:
For those having problems staying logged in, please clear all cookies and history, reboot your device and try again.

The image issue still needs a little work. One word of advice, if you have an image in your post DO NOT edit your post or you will have to delete and insert the image again(dang it, coffee down my shirt. what made it in my mouth was ice cold).

Why all of sudden these issues? I can try to explain in an easy to understand fashion but it will be difficult to put in layman terms.

Some of you are familiar with the security warnings that some browsers give when visiting WS. This never did mean that WS was a dangerous site (as was implied), what it meant was that we did not have an SSL certificate. An SSL is what gives you the padlock and changes the websites address from http to https. We really did not have much of a need for SSL as we do not collect personal information. Unfortunately the time came that more and more browsers were frowning on http sites (sites without SSL). Though our plan was to install SSL at the same time we went live with the new software, our hand was forced and we had to do the change now.

What does any of this have to do with logging me out? In theory, by SSL there are now 4 possible ways to access WS
http with or without www
https with or without www
My job was to force everything to go to https with the www, regardless of how it was typed in the address bar or in any link. If you are logged in at https with the www and you click a link that is http with www, welI you were not logged into http so it shows you logged out. I believe (hope) this is fixed now though you may need to clear cookies/history/cache and reboot.

What about the image issue? The short answer is "mixed content". when using SSL EVERYTHING that makes up the page must use https. So if you post an image from a site that is not https the browser will throw a mixed content warning and let you know the page is not secure, even though it has an SSL. This means I must install 3rd party code which will place the image on our server in a sort of image cache. This allows us to serve the image from https instead of http, thus avoiding the mixed content warning. The long and short of it is that the 3rd party code I installed was pretty poorly designed and I must find another which works as it should. I will work on this some more today and hopefully come up with a solution very soon.

confused yet?

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