Question about the "Tapas 9"

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Aug 28, 2004
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Unless I totally missed it, I have never seen anything about the friends of the McCanns being interviewed or considered suspects.

Does anyone have any information about them?
Unless I totally missed it, I have never seen anything about the friends of the McCanns being interviewed or considered suspects.

Does anyone have any information about them?

Hi Tristan. Yes, they've been interviewed several times.,20867,21733449-1702,00.html May 27, 2007 (Tapas friend gives account of man seen leaving apartment area) suspect after eight hour grilling/ July 10, 2007 (Family friends confront suspect),,91210-1274738,00.html July 11, 2007 (Friends vow to do all they can to find Madeleine) July 30, 2007 (McCann friends' relationship With suspect questioned) August 14, 2007 (Friends attack police 'smears') August 22, 2007 (Russell O'Brien says he is not a suspect)
One discrepancy that doesn't jar me at all is that Jane Tanner witnessed a man carrying what looked like a child in p.j.s & a blanket (some reports quote "rushing") whereas no one else saw this man. Gerry McCann & his tennis friend as well as one of the doctors was on the scene at about the same time. Particularly if this man was rushing, he may have passed too fast for anyone else to see him. Certainly, the positions of these people were not synchronised. And no one knows where their attention was directed. I want to review all the information on this sighting.
Review taken. Jane Tanner says it was 9:15 p.m. when she went to her apt. and that she saw Jeremy Wilkins & Gerry McCann probably at about the time their chat ended according to GM. He has said the two spoke for about 10 - 15 min. This is also the time when Jane Tanner saw the man wearing beige slacks and pointed black shoes carrying the child, going in the direction of the Murat villa. I still do not know where her apt. was, hers and O'Brien's, i.e. I came across a report that it was one of the doctors whose DNA was found in 5A "where it didn't belong". This report was not sourced. The social quiz artist who gave the diners a test at the tapas bar did not arrive until 9:30, so the fact she didn't see diners leaving the table has never bothered me.
Review taken. Jane Tanner says it was 9:15 p.m. when she went to her apt. and that she saw Jeremy Wilkins & Gerry McCann probably at about the time their chat ended according to GM. He has said the two spoke for about 10 - 15 min. This is also the time when Jane Tanner saw the man wearing beige slacks and pointed black shoes carrying the child, going in the direction of the Murat villa. I still do not know where her apt. was, hers and O'Brien's, i.e. I came across a report that it was one of the doctors whose DNA was found in 5A "where it didn't belong". This report was not sourced. The social quiz artist who gave the diners a test at the tapas bar did not arrive until 9:30, so the fact she didn't see diners leaving the table has never bothered me.

That sounds scary! It would be interesting to know where that came from!
Maybe all the male Doctors are on the "down low" and they weren't swinging at all, but having sex with other men. Perfect reason to help your buddy if he's got that to tell your wife...girlfriend...colleagues
The doctor/diner/friends were in 5B and 5D and upstairs from the McCanns in 5A. I have not got a clear idea where 5B & 5D are. Obviously the upstairs apt. is not directly above as that is Pamela Fenn's place. At one time, the police suspected a shift in things, even Madeleine, between 5A and one of the other apartments, probably 5B. That seemed to go nowhere.
There was an apartment that the early search dogs hit on, but we never learned if it belonged to a Tapas friend. I kind of doubt it because that would've been very suspicious, and we'd probably know by now.
Review taken. Jane Tanner says it was 9:15 p.m. when she went to her apt. and that she saw Jeremy Wilkins & Gerry McCann probably at about the time their chat ended according to GM. He has said the two spoke for about 10 - 15 min.
Which article states this timeframe? Thoughtfox's article a few posts back says Matthew Oldfield checked on McCann children by listening at 9:25. So If Gerry walked back to the table at about 9:15 taking a few minutes to do so,are you saying Matthew went back less than ten minutes later to check on them again? Checks every 10 minutes now!:waitasec:
Which article states this timeframe? Thoughtfox's article a few posts back says Matthew Oldfield checked on McCann children by listening at 9:25. So If Gerry walked back to the table at about 9:15 taking a few minutes to do so,are you saying Matthew went back less than ten minutes later to check on them again? Checks every 10 minutes now!:waitasec:

This was one of the earliest timelines we figured out. Based on reports that have been released since, we're not sure how reliable it is. But it appears as if the McCanns' friends were falling all over themselves to check on the children.

This included a 9:25 time in which Gerry returned from checking the children and three others were also absent from the table. I can't understand how any of the Tapas group managed to get the "adult" time they craved so much when they were jumping up and down like jackrabbits.
Thanks, CaliKid! So If Gerry left at 9 or 905PM from the table and returned at 925PM, that does not fit with a 10-15 minute talk with Jeremy. Also Matthew immediately got up to check on the McCann kids again. How did they find the time for 8 to 14 bottles of wine?:D
It does seem strange that professionals that have to organize their time & their personal lives in order to be sucessful would have this "musical chairs " running around with all those children & slightly intoxicated!!!! :crazy: :crazy:
Surely they could have parcelled out babysitting duties & had several children in one apartment or two & have the baby sitters go to 5A with 4 kids & 5b with 4 kids! They don't sound like the gogetters with 5-10yrs of medical training under their belts:doh:
While I was looking for the news item on Tanner noticing McCann & Wilkins, I also saw material on diner-witness inconsistencies, particularly as against the arrival of the McCanns. The couple thought they arrived at 8:30. Other guests say 9:00. But Gerry was very specific that he left at 9:05 to check on the children. If the other diners are right, he no sooner sat down than got up to go see them. Someone's timing is OFF!
The timing of that night is all off Tuba. If the members of the party were checking kids as often as they say they were, there would have been padssing one another by & very few at the table all night!
There have been stories from the very first week that the McCanns had cancelled their babysitting arrangements late on the day/evening of May 3. I wonder if they told their friends that they had canx the sitter, or if they said the sitter cancelled on them?
There have been stories from the very first week that the McCanns had cancelled their babysitting arrangements late on the day/evening of May 3. I wonder if they told their friends that they had canx the sitter, or if they said the sitter cancelled on them?

Rumored but no story could be found to verify that, Morag.

Maybe true but not able to verify. Maybe not true at all. Sure would love to know the exact truth!
According to the Mirror site, tomorrow's Correia da Manha headline says that all the kids were in the same room! That would certainly explain why there was so much coming and going from the table. Those people were getting their own kids out of there and back into their own apts before the cops came!

So could Madeleine have died while all the other kids were there? But then what happened next?
<---wants my fifth dimension post back, that's what
happened next
According to the Mirror site, tomorrow's Correia da Manha headline says that all the kids were in the same room! That would certainly explain why there was so much coming and going from the table. Those people were getting their own kids out of there and back into their own apts before the cops came!

So could Madeleine have died while all the other kids were there? But then what happened next?

Where would they get that, if not from someone who saw that or knew it for a fact? There are a lot of things I can see people making up, but that's not one of them.
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