Me too, River. I was bookmarked to the front page and, on Christmas morning, I stopped by to catch up, only to read your message that you were closing the forum. Then later in the day, I came back to post only to get the forbidden message too! I thought you'd made good on your intention. But then Jayelles posted a viable link today on FFJ that redirected me and voila! Here I am.
Later today, while trying to post at FFJ, a similar thing is happening at THAT forum. You can read the threads but when you hit submit to post a reply, you get a message that there seems to be "something wrong" with the FFJ database. The message directs to hit the refresh button, but that doesn't work to post replies either. I've emailed Tricia....
Funny that all of a sudden there are problems at 2 of the 3 anti-Ram forums, eh? Could this be coincidental to the Fox lawsuit just filed?