Questions For Websleuthers Part 4

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I haven't found the appropriate time to pose this question,,,my apologies if this isn't the appropriate time or place - but I noticed that KC refers to Kaylee in the past tense during her initial LE interviews, and during her jailhouse meeting with her parents. I'm curious how many times she's made this "freudian slip" that I haven't seen! I'm sure LE is on top of this since it's interrogation 101, but has anyone else noticed this too?

Not only that, but when she's describing dropping Caylee off during that interview she says "I go to Sawgrass, I drop her off at the end of the stairs, I go to work as usual.... " I'm paraphrasing. I remember reading on a dissection of the interview that it's a sign of a liar when, instead of saying "I went to Sawgrass, I dropped her off"... a subject uses present tense, like they're building a story.
quash - To set aside or to make void; with respect to process, such as a summons or subpoena, to void on motion of the person served.
quash - To set aside or to make void; with respect to process, such as a summons or subpoena, to void on motion of the person served.

Thank you.

I looked at the civil suit ZFG vs. KC and CA and GA are scheduled to be deposed on 12-22-2008.

Why hasn't KC been scheduled for a deposition?
I believe you are a winner! Hence, the claim by JB (IIRC) that the reason they dropped the DP was the result of "not enough" aggravating circumstances.

True but still circumstances for murder one

Geez I come here everyday with fingers, legs, arms, toes, and eyes crossed hoping that either we have a confession or plea deal, find Caylees little body or the A's releasing a pressor that they are going to stop searching for a live Caylee with evidence they've received

And NONE of these happened goshdarnit!!!!!
Does anyone know what this is about?


Perhaps it's to quash a witness subpoena served on KC by ZFG's attorney and a protective order for KC against having to comply with any further subpoena until after trial.

Just a guess.
Perhaps it's to quash a witness subpoena served on KC by ZFG's attorney and a protective order for KC against having to comply with any further subpoena until after trial.

Just a guess.

Hey, Devon. I had wondered about that. Could this Judge (over criminal case)be approached with such a request/motion(pertaining to the civil case)?

Hey, Devon. I had wondered about that. Could this Judge (over criminal case)be approached with such a request/motion(pertaining to the civil case)?


Well i guess that if the subject matter of the witness testimony requested is directly related to the criminal case (the nanny story) then I would assume that a motion to quash would have to be considered.
Well i guess that if the subject matter of the witness testimony requested is directly related to the criminal case (the nanny story) then I would assume that a motion to quash would have to be considered.

O.K That sounds logical. Thank you.

**waves from across the pond**
Does anyone know what this is about?


Thank you.

I looked at the civil suit ZFG vs. KC and CA and GA are scheduled to be deposed on 12-22-2008.

Why hasn't KC been scheduled for a deposition?

It looks like the Motion to Quash relates to Holly Bristow, a reporter for Fox News. The motion can be traced back to 11-25 -- since then additional motions have been filed, including a motion for an extension and a protective order, etc. So, it makes sense to me that all the quashing business relates to Bristow.
If I'm correct in my belief the Motion to Quash is in re: Bristow, the protective order is likely a move to safeguard the journalist's First Amendment protections-- i.e., a finding that she isn't required to reveal sources or stop covering the case-- not a protective order relating to her physical safety.
If I'm correct in my belief the Motion to Quash is in re: Bristow, the protective order is likely a move to safeguard the journalist's First Amendment protections-- i.e., a finding that she isn't required to reveal sources or stop covering the case-- not a protective order relating to her physical safety.

That would make sense on the 'stop covering the case' angle. During the 'chase' when many think that KC was going to make a run for it, CA swerved across traffic, pulled over, got out of the car and advanced back on the following reporters. She screeched that 'Holly will never get another interview!'

So, I suspect CA has tried to mess with her rights in one way or another - purely out of spite.
ok, I answered yours please answer mine, tia
there are five police reports in the new doc dump, these were filled out by guys searching on 9/11/08, all five were asked by le if they had talked to the media, all answered no, all indicated on the bottom of the police report that they woud testify in court, they all claim that at the end of suburban dr where it goes back into the woods that they saw an area that looked freshly dug, there was a stick with a rope tied to it, the rope went underground as it was buried, they dug but couldnt get to the bottom of it, it was getting dark so they left and came back the next morning on 9/12 with shovels. This is abruptly where the story ends. HUH??? what did they find ? is this some kind of hoax ? these statements have been logged by the prosecution as evidence. HUH??? Has anyone heard anything about what they found ? any rumors ? Somebody knows something about this, and they aren't sharing.......come on now, please. tia

It's discussed quite a bit in the thread linked above, you just have to search for the posts. Just for the record, in that thread I posted the location where they found the mysterious "grave" and odd things at the end of Suburban Drive. Take a look how close it is to the Anthony house, for those who didn't know previously, spooky isn't it?
Who feels this case is going to take a long time.
Do you think they will change the court date
then change it again ect. I sure hope not I have
been keeping up with this since day one.
Could anyone point me to the thread that had a picture of a dark haired guy in a photo with KC where fellow sleuths were commenting on whether they thought it was LA or another guy a/k/a the makeout pic? I have checked the questions threads and so far no luck. TIA!
One question today. Did le release the "5 witness statements" so that jb would ask his client, hey kc what are these witness statements in reference to ? (This is a serious question) jb has to know that there is something there, or they wouldnt be logged as evidence. (I mean even I realize that ) I know an attorney can't make a client take a plea, but it has to have been discussed, right ?
Could anyone point me to the thread that had a picture of a dark haired guy in a photo with KC where fellow sleuths were commenting on whether they thought it was LA or another guy a/k/a the makeout pic? I have checked the questions threads and so far no luck. TIA!

Rumor Thread #5 starting at pg 20
Is it documented anywhere that KC was in any kind of ongoing psychotherapy at all or had any kind of psychological diagnosis?
Is it documented anywhere that KC was in any kind of ongoing psychotherapy at all or had any kind of psychological diagnosis?

I find myself wondering this too, however I think that there is no prior history of mental defect....on paper that is. In my opinion Casey is living with some kind of mental defect but still as a mother of a child with bipolar and other mental disorders I feel I can say mental defect is no excuse! My daughter is 11 and has been in psychotherapy for a good many years and in this day and age we have come so far in finding a way to treat these things. I feel like Cindy and George have been in denial of their daughter's defect for many many years and Casey should have been helped long ago.

Good question though I hope one of the fantastic sleuths on these boards can dig up some information on your question.
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