Questions Interviewers should ask:NO DISCUSSION

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1. Mrs Anthony, it has been reported that in the past you called Casey a sociopath. What was the basis for that comment?

2. Mrs. Anthony, in your previous recorded conversations you told Casey that you were planing to get custody of Caylee. What prompted you to make that threat?
I'd ask why.... IF..... they are really getting so many good tips about Caylee sightings... they never bother telling the public where they should be searching.

That vague tip about Caylee being spotted in Texas with NOT EVEN a description of who she was with or a location was pretty feeble.
Cindy, can you explain how it was you never met the nanny, never spoke to her on the phone, never saw a picture of her? Not to mention why you never had her phone number, physical address or email address? And how you never once dropped off or picked Caylee up from her?

And can you explain why you went along with Casey's lies about having a job for the past 2 years? Why didn't you have Casey contribute to her and Caylee's expenses?
Mrs. Anthony if you are so desperate for help to find an ALIVE Caylee, why won't you release any tips so more people can help you?
Was CA "paying" for the babysitter? Was she giving KC money for the babysitter?
Cindy, you're a mother, a grandmother, and a nurse, Caylee lived with you and you basically supported her. Why then, did you not have the nanny's address and emergency phone number. Why didn't she have your and Gerorge's phone numbers in case of emergency. If you had-the whole month that Casey wouldn't let you talk to Caylee-you could have contacted the nanny-not waited to get hold of Amy to track your daughter down!:furious:
Thought I would start this thread, since at some point, we've all said, "I wish they would ask this or that question", or the tough questions....

If they are reading here, they just might !!

Also a place to send out your kudo's for the media (like Kathy Belich for example).
Thought I would start this thread, since at some point, we've all said, "I wish they would ask this or that question", or the tough questions....

If they are reading here, they just might !!

Also a place to send out your kudo's for the media (like Kathy Belich for example).
Super idea.

Kathy Belich, great piece on the Kidfinders. That interview alone puts you head and shoulders abovet the rest of the reporting on this case.
Question for Kathy Belich with WFTV:

Will you ask the Kesse's and the Ducketts if they will now be dis-associating themselves with KFN as a result of your fabulous reporting yesterday?

Also Kathy, thanks for all of your hard investigative work. I'm lovin ya right now !!!
I wonder with everything that the A's are doing and all the false reporting and absolute rudeness of the A's to searchers and those that are trying to help - if we will finally have the tough questions asked

Granted, most media outlets won't ask the tough questions because they can lose 'the story' or access to 'the story' - I'm hoping with this first tough love to the A's that we will see more and really get down to brass tacks, and find little Caylee
Kathy Belich is great!! I see on the Kid Finders site that the Kesse family is one of their sponsors. Will the Kesse's disassociate themselves from KFN now?
Here's another one. This one's open to any Media that wants to attempt it:

Ask the A's (CA, GA & LA) or their attorney MN, why the A's won't take a lie detector test.
Ask Cindy if she had any luck finding that picture of the nanny Zenaida that she claimed she had.
I wish they would ask these Grandparents some real questions. For example tonight because it is sweeps we are being let in to the Anthony home by CA and Local 6 (which was my favorite station) and you know no real questions will be asked to CA or GA All we will hear is "Caylee is alive blah blah blah blah!" Please some one ask her what PROOF she has of her daughters non involvement...Please ask her why she believes defending KC is more important than finding this little girl...Please ask her " Dear Cindy America has fallen in Love with your granddaughter and people are only attacking KC and you because America has taken her in their hearts as their own, The public deserves some straight answers not the same BS, the American public sees through BS.
Was your daughter a hooker?
To CA:

What exactly did you mean when you made the statement to GA
"We lost her" referring to Caylee?

To GA:

Did you actually make it all the way to the trunk of the car the day KC showed up at the house unexpectedly? Or did KC throw the the gas cans to you before you made it to the trunk of her car? You have stated it both ways. Which is it? If you in fact made it all the way into the trunk, what did you see there?
Cindy, you keep saying that Casey handed Caylee off to someone who then kept her. Why would she have 'handed her off' to anyone when the facts show she was not working?

How would Casey have paid for this 'nanny' when she had no income source?

Why would you continue to believe someone who has lied to you repeatedly, instead of believing the evidence and looking for Caylee dead so you can give her a proper burial?

Don't you love Caylee that much? Why did you allow Casey to rip your parents off? Why not make her pay for what she did?
Why is it that you believe the investigators should have found Caylee's clothing seperate from Caylee, Casey? If she were kidnapped then would her clothing not have been on her body when the kidnappers took her, or are you saying that they took time to undress her before they stole her away you stupid #@$#h!
To CA:

What exactly did you mean when you made the statement to GA
"We lost her" referring to Caylee?

To GA:

Did you actually make it all the way to the trunk of the car the day KC showed up at the house unexpectedly? Or did KC throw the the gas cans to you before you made it to the trunk of her car? You have stated it both ways. Which is it? If you in fact made it all the way into the trunk, what did you see there?

And add to these, George, did you smell anything that worried you ON the gas cans when you got them back and is THAT what prompted you to search your own backyard?
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