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Perhaps, if you are talking about the staging of the body, maybe.

But, let me ask you this. Then why is there no Ramsey DNA on her body?

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Who told you there was no Ramsey DNA on her body?

Its likely, as per Kolars theory, that BR's touch-dna is present on JonBenet's body along with her clothing, did you ever note no BR touch-dna was cited as being present on BR's own longjohns?

So there is likely some Ramsey touch-dna on JonBenet's person, e.g. body and clothing, but we have not been told about it?

The million dollar Q is: at the point of JonBenet's death was BR producing semen?

Who told you there was no Ramsey DNA on her body?

Its likely, as per Kolars theory, that BR's touch-dna is present on JonBenet's body along with her clothing, did you ever note no BR touch-dna was cited as being present on BR's own longjohns?

So there is likely some Ramsey touch-dna on JonBenet's person, e.g. body and clothing, but we have not been told about it?

The million dollar Q is: at the point of JonBenet's death was BR producing semen?


Perhaps, perhaps not. Although, sexual gratification wasn’t the motive for the abuse.

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Perhaps, perhaps not. Although, sexual gratification wasn’t the motive for the abuse.

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Although, sexual gratification wasn’t the motive for the abuse.
Coroner Meyer disagrees with you he said at the autopsy that JonBenet had been subject to digital penetration and sexual contact

You might suggest that staging caused JonBenet to bleed, so why bother cleaning it up?


Coroner Meyer disagrees with you he said at the autopsy that JonBenet had been subject to digital penetration and sexual contact

You might suggest that staging caused JonBenet to bleed, so why bother cleaning it up?


UK, you misinterpreted what I said. Yes, there was sexual contact, molestation. But, in the mind of the perpetrator, it wasn’t for his own sexual gratification.

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UK, you misinterpreted what I said. Yes, there was sexual contact, molestation. But, in the mind of the perpetrator, it wasn’t for his own sexual gratification.

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OK I misinterpreted you. So what was in the mind of the perpetrator if not some sexual motive, please explain?

Maybe it was Burke, who knew there was just a pair down in the basement, i.e. remember he told us how he went back downstairs once everyone was in their respective bedroom.*snip*

Burke's bedroom was on the 2nd floor. Logic dictates he went downstairs from the 2nd floor to the 1st where his toy was.
OK I misinterpreted you. So what was in the mind of the perpetrator if not some sexual motive, please explain?


When kids play doctor, or experiment at that young of age, it isn’t for sexual gratification. That’s not the goal. Also, when you have sibling molestation/abuse, quite often, it’s born out of the need to control the subject. Inadequacy, and jealousy. Two reasons for control.

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Burke's bedroom was on the 2nd floor. Logic dictates he went downstairs from the 2nd floor to the 1st where his toy was.

Which logic, that which follows the Ramsey version of events or that which considers the Ramsey version of events is a carefully constructed story to explain away various forensic evidence?

BR might have undertaken the route you suggest, he might at any other point in time visited the basement to fetch the size-12's, logic does not disbar this account.

Lets face it the R's regardless of which RDI is the valid one, are not going to tell you truth.

When kids play doctor, or experiment at that young of age, it isn’t for sexual gratification. That’s not the goal. Also, when you have sibling molestation/abuse, quite often, it’s born out of the need to control the subject. Inadequacy, and jealousy. Two reasons for control.

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So they are just playing around with one child wishing to be in charge of the other? Do you think some adults, e.g. myself and Coroner Meyer have got hold of the wrong end of the stick, metaphorically speaking when we read sexual intent into the end result?

Were Burke fingerprints on the knife btw.?

Who knows, maybe LHP's were there, including Patsy's, its not a moot point. Since one reason for BR saying he went downstairs once everyone was in their bedroom, is to specifically account for the presence of the knife?

So they are just playing around with one child wishing to be in charge of the other? Do you think some adults, e.g. myself and Coroner Meyer have got hold of the wrong end of the stick, metaphorically speaking when we read sexual intent into the end result?


You have to apply child psychology to the end result. Child psychology will likely bring you closer to understanding the case. Just like you use it when you come up with the reasoning for BR re-dressing JB in oversized bloomies.

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You have to apply child psychology to the end result. Child psychology will likely bring you closer to understanding the case. Just like you use it when you come up with the reasoning for BR re-dressing JB in oversized bloomies.

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Right, and with child psychology being a weak point for me, maybe I need to read some books. The last child psychology topic I read about was the development of self perspective.

Which logic, that which follows the Ramsey version of events or that which considers the Ramsey version of events is a carefully constructed story to explain away various forensic evidence?

How about it being more logical for a toy he received for Christmas to be on the 1st floor as opposed to in the basement?

BR might have undertaken the route you suggest, he might at any other point in time visited the basement to fetch the size-12's, logic does not disbar this account.

Lets face it the R's regardless of which RDI is the valid one, are not going to tell you truth.

In order for Burke to visit the basement for the purpose of fetching the pair of size 12 underwear, he would have to have done it from the starting point of the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd floor.
How about it being more logical for a toy he received for Christmas to be on the 1st floor as opposed to in the basement?

In order for Burke to visit the basement for the purpose of fetching the pair of size 12 underwear, he would have to have done it from the starting point of the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd floor.

Is all that not self evident? I'm simply suggesting that BR's trip back downstairs on Christmas night is to account for any other BR forensic items he left behind, e.g. footprint, fingerprint, penknife, etc.

On Dr. Phil, BR said he went downstairs after everyone was in bed. He also brought the flashlight into play.

Burke moved himself onto the stage 20 years after the crime was committed. There's no doubt in my mind that he talked with an attorney and was probably coached before he did the Dr. Phil show. I don't trust what he said--not like he was flat-out lying, but presenting half truths. If you are RDI, then you cannot put faith in what the Ramseys say. You must approach what they say with skepticism.

BR basically said that he was in the center of the murder scene when everyone went to bed. (The pen from the cup by the phone and the notepad on the back hallway counter top). If there's any time you need to question motive, this is it. He had all the time in the world to prepare what he was going to say and what he would leave out.

“All warfare is based on deception..." I actually need to study Sun Tzu more but it's a great quote.

What he said during the interview wasn't by accident. The only question I saw that really tripped him up was his voice being on the 911 call. His response was like: "Ah shucks, I know you're not going to believe me, but I'm gonna say it anyway."

Pay attention to the subterfuge where Dr. Phil said, "I think your dad had said he used the flashlight that night to put you to bed, and then you snuck downstairs to play?" Burke didn't say it. John didn't say it. Dr. Phil said he "think's your father said." We never saw John say that on camera. That's extremely careful wording. It leaves deniability open.

I don't think he put himself on the 1st floor that night to incriminate himself. He's the only one who can't be touched. The blow to the head could have been an accident or done in a fit of rage. The cord to the neck was flat-out murder. Who did that?
I don't see it as being any different from what was said 20 years ago. JR said he put JBR on her bed and then went back down and helped BR with his toy before getting BR to bed. That means BR was downstairs alone at one point. What needs to be paid attention to is that BR must have been upstairs to creep back down to play. Nowhere does it say he played with the toy downstairs twice. What this means is that JR was still up while BR was playing, and it means that JR didn't just put JBR on her bed and go right away downstairs again. There had to be time for BR to be upstairs initially after getting home, thinking everyone had gone to bed, and then creeping downstairs to play. How does JR account for that time gap?

We can't put faith in what any of them say, but for JR to have said he went back down and played with BR means he knew back in 1997 that this would be what BR would tell investigators.

If anyone disagrees find where it has ever been said BR admitted playing with the toy twice. It's an assumption made by BDI's. It looks like a convenient omission from JR's story that BR was already in his bedroom before he crept down to play. Why did JR not know BR was in his bedroom before he went to play? What was JR doing?
When did JR ever say he went back downstairs to play with BR?

The narrative has always been that he helped BR put together a toy before BR and him went to bed.

Even though that story is probably bs.

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When did JR ever say he went back downstairs to play with BR?

The narrative has always been that he helped BR put together a toy before BR and him went to bed.

Even though that story is probably bs.

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He said it in his 1998 interview. He said he carried JBR up to bed and then went back down to help BR with a toy next to the Christmas tree.
He said it in his 1998 interview. He said he carried JBR up to bed and then went back down to help BR with a toy next to the Christmas tree.

Well, same thing. Before BR went to bed.

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