Ramsey Clothing Journey

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
About the topic: sorry if this is a bit off topic or redundent, as I haven't had a chance to read the entire thread or all threads here: I put up the avatar on my heading here, which one of you members asked me to do a couple of months ago. Here is the link to the FFJ thread where Jayelles posted this picture she made from her model:

Bloomies underwear model:
3 Dimensional

The over-sized Bloomies is one of the great "bugaboos" in this case (a nod to Lou "bugaboo" Smit, you noticed I'm sure). Answer the question of who put them on JonBenet, and you have answered who at least participated in the redressing that night, IMO.

Here is the picture of a model made from a child the age and size of JonBenet in her correct sized 4-6 Bloomies:


And here is a picture of the actual sized 12-14 Bloomies found on JonBenet:


The details of how Jayelles sized and made the model, collected the Bloomies, etc., are on the thread at the FFJ link.

The tag with the link is also on the bottom of my posts. Anyone who really wants to know the truth in this case will study the model Jayelles made up and ask some important questions, in light of Patsy's interview on the question of the Bloomies in Atlanta in 2000, IMO.

Thanks for posting this KK!!!
About the topic: sorry if this is a bit off topic or redundent, as I haven't had a chance to read the entire thread or all threads here: I put up the avatar on my heading here, which one of you members asked me to do a couple of months ago. Here is the link to the FFJ thread where Jayelles posted this picture she made from her model:

Bloomies underwear model:
3 Dimensional

The over-sized Bloomies is one of the great "bugaboos" in this case (a nod to Lou "bugaboo" Smit, you noticed I'm sure). Answer the question of who put them on JonBenet, and you have answered who at least participated in the redressing that night, IMO.

Here is the picture of a model made from a child the age and size of JonBenet in her correct sized 4-6 Bloomies:


And here is a picture of the actual sized 12-14 Bloomies found on JonBenet:


The details of how Jayelles sized and made the model, collected the Bloomies, etc., are on the thread at the FFJ link.

The tag with the link is also on the bottom of my posts. Anyone who really wants to know the truth in this case will study the model Jayelles made up and ask some important questions, in light of Patsy's interview on the question of the Bloomies in Atlanta in 2000, IMO.

Thanks for your post, love your avatar. The bugaboo is more important than that. Its alike the pineapple, imo the size-12's break the case because Patsy is shown to lie. e.g. no size-12's were found in JonBenet's panty drawer. Furthermore it demonstrates Patsy is lying from a position of ignorance, otherwise she would offer an explanation that is consistent with zero size-12's being in the panty drawer. That tells you Patsy is covering for someone else, she is lying to keep some other persons story consistent. In other words someone has duped her because she does not know JonBenet is wearing size-12's!

On another thread you mention the return of underwear. Now if a pack of unopened size-12's were returned this would corroborate Patsy's Atlanta statement that she purchased two packs of size-12's e.g. one for JonBenet and one for her niece Jenny. If an opened pack of size-12's were returned then crime-scene evidence is being returned.

I ask you to guess which pack was returned and why?

Thanks for your post, love your avatar. The bugaboo is more important than that. Its alike the pineapple, imo the size-12's break the case because Patsy is shown to lie. e.g. no size-12's were found in JonBenet's panty drawer. Furthermore it demonstrates Patsy is lying from a position of ignorance, otherwise she would offer an explanation that is consistent with zero size-12's being in the panty drawer. That tells you Patsy is covering for someone else, she is lying to keep some other persons story consistent. In other words someone has duped her because she does not know JonBenet is wearing size-12's!

On another thread you mention the return of underwear. Now if a pack of unopened size-12's were returned this would corroborate Patsy's Atlanta statement that she purchased two packs of size-12's e.g. one for JonBenet and one for her niece Jenny. If an opened pack of size-12's were returned then crime-scene evidence is being returned.

I ask you to guess which pack was returned and why?


I actually hate the avatar. It's a visual reminder of how abused this murdered child really was, before AND AFTER she died, when her mother lied to LE about the Bloomies. But it's important enough to see it, for those who want to know the truth, that I keep it.

Remind me if the second package of Bloomies was ever admitted to being bought, if you can think of the source. I was thinking in Atlanta Patsy said she couldn't remember if she bought a second package, or one for JonBenet...or two sized 12-14? Obviously, I've forgotten. I haven't read this in some time. I guess I should go back and read it all again. It's not like I don't want to spend another 12 years on this.... :bang:

I think Patsy knew she was going to get that question about the too large Bloomies. She told Kane she'd heard "something" about it, didn't she--or am I misremembering that? When first asked the Bloomies question in Atlanta, Patsy immediately had an answer ready, obviously rehearsed: JonBenet put them on herself. As she was questioned in detail about the problems with that story, like the 4-6 size of the underwear LE found in the drawer, Patsy started changing it: those in the drawer were too small; the panty sizes were not that different; JonBenet begged for the too large Bloomies; Patsy put them in JonBenet's bathroom...uh...drawer; they were supposed to go to the niece in a Christmas package, but didn't get sent; on and on. Lin Wood did his best to interrupt and cue her. When told how all the underwear found in the drawer and collected by LE were size 4-6, Patsy kept tap dancing.

But look at pictures of JonBenet: does she LOOK like she was abnormally large for her size? Not on your life. She was thin as a rail in her last pictures. The video where she sang and danced at the mall a few days before she died shows a small little girl.

Look at the model Jayelles made, a very close approximation of JonBenet's actual size, and the pictures of ACTUAL BLOOMIES in BOTH SIZES on the model. Do those look like they're NOT THAT DIFFERENT? Buy underwear in your own brand two sizes too large or small and see how unimportant sizing is. Yet there is Patsy, OBVIOUSLY AND INARGUABLY ATTEMPTING TO MINIMIZE THE FACT THAT HER MURDERED CHILD WAS DRESSED IN UNDERWEAR SO LARGE SHE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ABLE TO WALK IN THEM WITHOUT THEM FALLING DOWN. LE told Patsy why the underwear issue was so important, but even THEN Patsy did not bother to even TELL LE the Ramseys' lawyers HAD THE ACTUAL PACKAGE OF SIZE 12-14 UNDERWEAR, AND WAITED ANOTHER 2+ YEARS TO TURN THEM IN TO LACY. Why would Patsy do that, all while claiming to want to HELP LE find the "intruder"? Only ONE reason I can think of.

Then there is the question one naturally thinks of with a mother who is dressing her child in party dresses, velvet jeans, and detailed, custom-tailored pageant costumes, hair, and makeup: If those 4-6 panties in her drawer were too small and the Bloomies were so beloved by JonBenet, why hadn't Patsy thought to buy JonBenet her OWN CORRECT SIZE in New York? Or even some in the correct size at Walmart, for that matter? Patsy said JonBenet had so many nightgowns, Patsy didn't "remember" the Barbie one; but no one thought to replace underwear too small for a child who spent more time being sized and measured and dressed and undressed by adults than most of us will in a lifetime?

No, it won't wash.

Since we know from the LE interviews and from the crime scene pics that Patsy had some New York, toy store, Christmas wrapping paper in the cellar room, that she in fact was wrapping packages that very day, that John said Patsy kept her wrapping stuff in the basement, and that somehow the presents to the children back in Atlanta didn't get sent, I wonder if the size 12-14 Bloomies package was in fact in that basement all along. That would explain why the crime scene processors missed them in JonBenet's suite when they collected the rest of her underwear, and how the package ended up with the Ramsey investigators all those years. I wonder if the size 12-14 pair put on JonBenet were grabbed that night in the basement and put on her out of that package, not realizing how they'd one day prove that JonBenet never wore those while walking and moving and playing like the child she was before she was being redressed.

Well, it would have proved that IF there were anyone in the Boulder DA office who cared to solve the case. Too late now.

I ask you to guess which pack was returned and why?


Oh, missed this.

I can only surmise the package with the missing pair of 12-14 Bloomies was finally given to LE because the Ramseys' hired private investigator who found them in the Ramsey belongings had found something they ALL knew was important evidence in a child murder case. One of the stories spun about how the Bloomies package was found was that a retired cop in Atlanta found it when "looking" through the Ramseys' still boxed clothes from Boulder to find the clothes the Ramseys had on that murderious night, clothes which had never been subpoenaed nor collected by the BDA/BPD, but were finally being requested--again?--a year later.

One thing I don't think most lawyers nor LE, even retired, will do is destroy evidence from a crime scene. That's illegal. So the Ramsey lawyers had to keep this evidence intact, at the very least. Of course, they destroyed the chain of custody when they didn't call LE when they found it, but passed it around until it finally ended up with Lin Wood. heh In Atlanta, when reading the 2000 nterviews, remember that both PATSY, JOHN, AND LIN WOOD ALL KNEW THEY HAD THE PACKAGE OF BLOOMIES IN QUESTION--and NEVER TOLD BOULDER LE. They just marched right out and to the banks of mics and cameras and pouted about how mean the Boulder LE was being to them and how they were cooperating! AND WE KNOW THIS FOR A FACT BECAUSE WE SAW IT ALL AND HAVE THE TRANSCRIPTS, PROVIDED BY NONE OTHER THAN LIN WOOD! THEY ALL LIED, TO LE AND TO THE PUBLIC, WITHOUT FLINCHING!

Unless, of course, they handed in a bogus package to Lacy and MANUFACTURED evidence. And WHY would the parents of a murdered child do that?

Either way, they gave themselves away as liars who obstructed the investigation of a child's murder...one they SHOULD care about.

So...what do you think, UKGuy?
Oh, missed this.

I can only surmise the package with the missing pair of 12-14 Bloomies was finally given to LE because the Ramseys' hired private investigator who found them in the Ramsey belongings had found something they ALL knew was important evidence in a child murder case. One of the stories spun about how the Bloomies package was found was that a retired cop in Atlanta found it when "looking" through the Ramseys' still boxed clothes from Boulder to find the clothes the Ramseys had on that murderious night, clothes which had never been subpoenaed nor collected by the BDA/BPD, but were finally being requested--again?--a year later.

One thing I don't think most lawyers nor LE, even retired, will do is destroy evidence from a crime scene. That's illegal. So the Ramsey lawyers had to keep this evidence intact, at the very least. Of course, they destroyed the chain of custody when they didn't call LE when they found it, but passed it around until it finally ended up with Lin Wood. heh In Atlanta, when reading the 2000 nterviews, remember that both PATSY, JOHN, AND LIN WOOD ALL KNEW THEY HAD THE PACKAGE OF BLOOMIES IN QUESTION--and NEVER TOLD BOULDER LE. They just marched right out and to the banks of mics and cameras and pouted about how mean the Boulder LE was being to them and how they were cooperating! AND WE KNOW THIS FOR A FACT BECAUSE WE SAW IT ALL AND HAVE THE TRANSCRIPTS, PROVIDED BY NONE OTHER THAN LIN WOOD! THEY ALL LIED, TO LE AND TO THE PUBLIC, WITHOUT FLINCHING!

Unless, of course, they handed in a bogus package to Lacy and MANUFACTURED evidence. And WHY would the parents of a murdered child do that?

Either way, they gave themselves away as liars who obstructed the investigation of a child's murder...one they SHOULD care about.

So...what do you think, UKGuy?

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Exactly! And an investigation during in which they were obviously more concened about protecting their own tails than they were in helping to find justice for the murder of their own daughter by seeing the person(s) responsible prosecuted! Bottom line...

If the evidence doesn't convince anyone of their guilt, their lack of cooperation and acts of obstruction of the investigation must!
When PR is discussing with LE the Bloomies she purchased in NY, she doesn't remember if she bought 2 sets or 1. If she bought 2, that doesn't mean she bought them both in the same size. Whether there was one or two sets bought, only ONE was size 12. She would never had bought JBR a set in a size that she wouldn't fit into for another 6 years or so. If she bought JBR her own set they were in JBR's correct size (6). Let's face it, I highly doubt she'd be on a shopping trip to NYC and buy her niece the Bloomies and not get a set for her own daughter. So I think we can assume she bought JBR her own set.
Now- all JBR's panties were removed by LE, at least all they could find. If there were no size 6 Bloomies found (and it has never been said either way) we can assume they had been wrapped as a gift just as Jenny's were, and may have been still under the Christmas Tree- I wonder if LE would have thought to look there.
If none were found the other possibility is that all were removed from the house, since the pair she may have worn that day (a size 6 Wednesday pair) was stained with blood or other forensic evidence. It would really raise suspicion if there were six pairs of Bloomies found in her drawer and one missing (a Wednesday pair). LE would be wondering how it came to be that there is a pair missing from the size 6 set and a size 12 pair on the body that doesn't have the other 6 pairs. So right there you'd have to think that the panties were switched because whatever was on them was incriminating.
Bottom line, the R's got caught in too "D" many lies that the only purpose for them being inventd in the first place was to try to remove their own guilt in having been deeply involved in the murder.
Oh, missed this.

I can only surmise the package with the missing pair of 12-14 Bloomies was finally given to LE because the Ramseys' hired private investigator who found them in the Ramsey belongings had found something they ALL knew was important evidence in a child murder case. One of the stories spun about how the Bloomies package was found was that a retired cop in Atlanta found it when "looking" through the Ramseys' still boxed clothes from Boulder to find the clothes the Ramseys had on that murderious night, clothes which had never been subpoenaed nor collected by the BDA/BPD, but were finally being requested--again?--a year later.

One thing I don't think most lawyers nor LE, even retired, will do is destroy evidence from a crime scene. That's illegal. So the Ramsey lawyers had to keep this evidence intact, at the very least. Of course, they destroyed the chain of custody when they didn't call LE when they found it, but passed it around until it finally ended up with Lin Wood. heh In Atlanta, when reading the 2000 nterviews, remember that both PATSY, JOHN, AND LIN WOOD ALL KNEW THEY HAD THE PACKAGE OF BLOOMIES IN QUESTION--and NEVER TOLD BOULDER LE. They just marched right out and to the banks of mics and cameras and pouted about how mean the Boulder LE was being to them and how they were cooperating! AND WE KNOW THIS FOR A FACT BECAUSE WE SAW IT ALL AND HAVE THE TRANSCRIPTS, PROVIDED BY NONE OTHER THAN LIN WOOD! THEY ALL LIED, TO LE AND TO THE PUBLIC, WITHOUT FLINCHING!

Unless, of course, they handed in a bogus package to Lacy and MANUFACTURED evidence. And WHY would the parents of a murdered child do that?

Either way, they gave themselves away as liars who obstructed the investigation of a child's murder...one they SHOULD care about.

So...what do you think, UKGuy?

Your surmise may be correct. But what allows you to assume it was the package with the missing pair that what discovered? Do you have evidence to back your surmise?

If a package with 6-pairs of size 12's was returned to the investigating authorities then this represents crime-scene evidence?

So...what do you think, UKGuy?
I think the Ramsey's have to return an unopened pack of size-12's so to distance themselves from the case?

that's what I think,too,UK.the R's were trying to lend credence to Patsy's own testimony that she bought 2 packages of size 12's.
Patsy stated the underwear JB was wearing came from the bathroom drawer,so in effect she was saying they were *not in a package? if so she wouldn't have returned an opened package;that would be a statement that she was indeed lying.
It would have been an unopened package (and who knows when or who purchased them for the R's to turn in).
When PR is discussing with LE the Bloomies she purchased in NY, she doesn't remember if she bought 2 sets or 1. If she bought 2, that doesn't mean she bought them both in the same size. Whether there was one or two sets bought, only ONE was size 12. She would never had bought JBR a set in a size that she wouldn't fit into for another 6 years or so. If she bought JBR her own set they were in JBR's correct size (6). Let's face it, I highly doubt she'd be on a shopping trip to NYC and buy her niece the Bloomies and not get a set for her own daughter. So I think we can assume she bought JBR her own set.
Now- all JBR's panties were removed by LE, at least all they could find. If there were no size 6 Bloomies found (and it has never been said either way) we can assume they had been wrapped as a gift just as Jenny's were, and may have been still under the Christmas Tree- I wonder if LE would have thought to look there.
If none were found the other possibility is that all were removed from the house, since the pair she may have worn that day (a size 6 Wednesday pair) was stained with blood or other forensic evidence. It would really raise suspicion if there were six pairs of Bloomies found in her drawer and one missing (a Wednesday pair). LE would be wondering how it came to be that there is a pair missing from the size 6 set and a size 12 pair on the body that doesn't have the other 6 pairs. So right there you'd have to think that the panties were switched because whatever was on them was incriminating.

She states that she purchased one set for JonBenet, a personal request by JonBenet, and another set for her niece Jenny, both sets were size-12's Bloomingdales.

Let's face it, I highly doubt she'd be on a shopping trip to NYC and buy her niece the Bloomies and not get a set for her own daughter. So I think we can assume she bought JBR her own set.
Your assumption is just that and may be erroneous.

Now- all JBR's panties were removed by LE, at least all they could find. If there were no size 6 Bloomies found (and it has never been said either way) we can assume they had been wrapped as a gift just as Jenny's were, and may have been still under the Christmas Tree- I wonder if LE would have thought to look there.
LE searched the whole house as per the Atlanta interview, Patsy agreed any underwear left to be discovered should be unopened and size-12. Patsy is on record stating that she purchased no size-6 underwear for JonBenet during her trip to New York.

Now- all JBR's panties were removed by LE, at least all they could find. If there were no size 6 Bloomies found (and it has never been said either way) we can assume they had been wrapped as a gift just as Jenny's were, and may have been still under the Christmas Tree- I wonder if LE would have thought to look there.
The interviewers were explicit at the Atlanta interview, no size-12's were found in JonBenet's panty drawer, and by extension no unopened size-12's were found in the remainder of the house. Patsy has never stated she purchased size-6 Bloomingdales for JonBenet.

So right there you'd have to think that the panties were switched because whatever was on them was incriminating.
Thats what they thought! And they tell Patsy there should be more size-12's in the house, not size-6's!

Well, now I'm really confused.

Patsy said she gave JonBenet the package of Bloomies, size 12-14, and JonBenet put a pair on herself that day, which would be the pair found on the body the next. Since no other size 12-14 Bloomies were found in the drawer by LE, where would the other 6 pair have gone if LE didn't collect them, but Patsy says she bought them and they were there, and the receipt proves it?

Or am I misremembering and LE did find the other six pair of size 12-14 Bloomies in the drawer? Is that what I'm missing?

I just remember them saying all the underwear in the drawer they took in...15 pairs or some such...were the actual size JonBenet should have been wearing, size 4-6. Remember that when asked, Patsy first told the Boulder investigators in Atlanta that JonBenet would have worn size 8-10. Boulder LE nailed her on that lie immediately. It's one reason I believe Patsy was awaiting the questions about the large Bloomies: she lied to minimize the problem with the much too large Bloomies found on the child, plain and simple, as there were no size 8-10 anywhere in the drawer or home, which LE told Patsy after she was caught in that lie. If that was the size JonBenet wore, why didn't she own ANY? Boulder LE jumped all over that, and then Wood jumped in to cue Patsy. Patsy got nervous and started stammering and trying to keep her lies going...but it is obvious she was making it up as she went.

Should we bring that part of the Atlanta interview here to review? (Please say no.) Okay, we have to, or I will never figure this out.

Because a poster at another forum is saying that Dr. Lee said LE tested the other Bloomies 12-14 from that package for "unknown" DNA and found some. I remember reading that SOME were tested, but not from the actual package. If you know about this, UKGuy, don't be coy, spit it out! I'm not young anymore, you know! I might croak any minute!

Okay, I'm spent tonight, so I'll be back tomorrow to see if I can figure out where I lost those 6 pairs of Bloomies....
Because a poster at another forum is saying that Dr. Lee said LE tested the other Bloomies 12-14 from that package for "unknown" DNA and found some. I remember reading that SOME were tested, but not from the actual package. If you know about this, UKGuy, don't be coy, spit it out! I'm not young anymore, you know! I might croak any minute!

As I recall, Dr. Lee tested new bloomies, fresh from the package. A package bought just for his testing purposes. Same brand/size, etc., but not from a package that was ever in possession of the Rs.

I think DeeDee is right that PR wouldn't have bought JBR size 12s. JBR couldn't have worn them for years - until she got much bigger. Why she claims to have bought 12s for JBR I don't know. It doesn't make sense.
Well, now I'm really confused.

Patsy said she gave JonBenet the package of Bloomies, size 12-14, and JonBenet put a pair on herself that day, which would be the pair found on the body the next. Since no other size 12-14 Bloomies were found in the drawer by LE, where would the other 6 pair have gone if LE didn't collect them, but Patsy says she bought them and they were there, and the receipt proves it?

Or am I misremembering and LE did find the other six pair of size 12-14 Bloomies in the drawer? Is that what I'm missing?

I just remember them saying all the underwear in the drawer they took in...15 pairs or some such...were the actual size JonBenet should have been wearing, size 4-6. Remember that when asked, Patsy first told the Boulder investigators in Atlanta that JonBenet would have worn size 8-10. Boulder LE nailed her on that lie immediately. It's one reason I believe Patsy was awaiting the questions about the large Bloomies: she lied to minimize the problem with the much too large Bloomies found on the child, plain and simple, as there were no size 8-10 anywhere in the drawer or home, which LE told Patsy after she was caught in that lie. If that was the size JonBenet wore, why didn't she own ANY? Boulder LE jumped all over that, and then Wood jumped in to cue Patsy. Patsy got nervous and started stammering and trying to keep her lies going...but it is obvious she was making it up as she went.

Should we bring that part of the Atlanta interview here to review? (Please say no.) Okay, we have to, or I will never figure this out.

Because a poster at another forum is saying that Dr. Lee said LE tested the other Bloomies 12-14 from that package for "unknown" DNA and found some. I remember reading that SOME were tested, but not from the actual package. If you know about this, UKGuy, don't be coy, spit it out! I'm not young anymore, you know! I might croak any minute!

Okay, I'm spent tonight, so I'll be back tomorrow to see if I can figure out where I lost those 6 pairs of Bloomies....


Patsy said she gave JonBenet the package of Bloomies, size 12-14, and JonBenet put a pair on herself that day, which would be the pair found on the body the next. Since no other size 12-14 Bloomies were found in the drawer by LE, where would the other 6 pair have gone if LE didn't collect them, but Patsy says she bought them and they were there, and the receipt proves it?

Should we bring that part of the Atlanta interview here to review? (Please say no.) Okay, we have to, or I will never figure this out.
I know, it has to be done, so we can establish the panty count. See below.

If you read through Patsy's question and answer session you will find that she suggested that two packs of size-12's were purchased at Bloomingdales. One for Jenny and one for JonBenet. Later during the interview she professes memory loss repeatedly for being unable to restate whether she purchase one or two packs of Bloomingdales size-12's!

Eventually the interviewer tells Patsy that no size-12's were discovered in JonBenet's panty drawer. Slightly further on in the interview Patsy is then asked if there had been two packs of Bloomingdales size-12's purchased then there should be another pack of size-12's lying about the house? Patsy agrees e.g. see the very last quote on this page.

This question can only be reasonably put to Patsy if the interviewer already has an answer. That is a complete house search has been done and no size-12's, opened or unopened, have been found. Also just after Patsy is told no size-12's were found in the panty drawer, she is asked to confirm that the size-12's found on JonBenet did actually belong to JonBenet and were not brought into the house by an alleged intruder.

Because a poster at another forum is saying that Dr. Lee said LE tested the other Bloomies 12-14 from that package for "unknown" DNA and found some. I remember reading that SOME were tested, but not from the actual package. If you know about this, UKGuy, don't be coy, spit it out! I'm not young anymore, you know! I might croak any minute!
At the Atlanta interview some alleged facts were established:

1. Patsy purchased two packs of Bloomingdales size-12 underwear in November 1996.
2. The size-12's discovered on JonBenet were indeed owned by JonBenet.
3. That no intruder brought the size-12's into the house.
4. That no size-12's were discovered in the house, opened or unopened.

#3 is a question that need not be put to Patsy if the police are already in posession of a pack of opened size-12's, since they should contain the six remaining pairs. e.g. they can simply show Patsy a photograph of the said opened packet, and ask her to confirm that she purchased them.

#4 Tells you no unopened pack of size-12's was discovered in the house, otherwise again the same procedure outlined in #3 can be followed, presenting Patsy with an unopened pack, which also might make the question about the existence of an unopened pack of size-12's, see last quote on this page, redundant.

I remember reading that SOME were tested, but not from the actual package.
Holly Smith then head of Boulder County Sexual Abuse team, was called into the investigation on its 3rd day, so this tells you what kind of a case the investigators assumed they were dealing with. In JonBenet's bedroom dresser drawers, Holly Smith is on record stating that she discovered that most of the panties had been soiled with fecal material. So its safe to assume that this underwear would have been dna tested, these results have not been made public, nor has the size, or the day of the week of the said soiled underwear ever been made public.

The importance of this information cannot be understated, since do any of the soiled pants contain foreign dna, could it match the touch dna on the longjohns or size-12's discovered on JonBenet? Why was JonBenet hoarding soiled underwear, did LHP or Patsy know about this?

So in essence it appears that no Bloomingdales size-12's purchased by Patsy were tested, other than the pair discovered on JonBenet, because none were found in the house.

A phone call to Holly Smith asking if any of the underwear found in the bedroom dresser was size-12 should indirectly confirm this?

If what Dr. Lee is saying was correct then the current debate about the touch dna on JonBenet's size-12's and longjohns might be redundant. It would also mean that the police found a pack of size-12's in their house search, if so, then what pack did the Ramsey's return?

The conclusive outcome is that we know Patsy is lying from a position of ignorance otherwise she would never have stated she placed the size-12's into JonBenet's panty drawer, only to be told none were found there!

Excerpts from Patsy's Atlanta interview

Patsy states she purchased size-12's for JonBenet in November 1996.
18 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Well, let's start

19 with what - I will make it very simple for

20 you, Mrs. Ramsey. What information are you

21 in possession of or what do you know about

22 the underwear that your daughter was wearing

23 at the time she was found murdered?

24 A. I have heard that she had on a

25 pair of Bloomi's that said Wednesday on them.


1 Q. The underwear that she was

2 wearing, that is Bloomi's panties, do you

3 know where they come from as far as what

4 store?

5 A. Bloomingdales in New York.

6 Q. Who purchased those?

7 A. I did.

8 Q. Do you recall when you purchased

9 them?

10 A. It was, I think, November of '96.

11 Q. In the fall of 1996, how many

12 trips did you make to New York?

13 A. Two, I believe.

Patsy states JonBenet chose the size-12's
2 Q. Which of those two trips did you

3 purchase the Bloomi's?

4 A. The first trip.

5 Q. Was it something that was selected

6 by JonBenet?

7 A. I believe so.

Patsy suggests she purchased two sets of Bloomingdales, including a set for her niece Jenny.
14 Q. Just so I am clear, though, it is

15 your best recollection that the purchase of

16 the underpants, the Bloomi's days of the

17 week, was something that you bought for her,

18 whether it was just I am buying underwear

19 for my kids or these are special, here's a

20 present, that doesn't matter, but it was your

21 intention that she would wear those?

22 A. Well, I think that I bought a

23 package of the -- they came in a package of

24 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

25 I think I bought a package to give to my


1 niece.

2 Q. Which niece was that?

3 A. Jenny Davis.

4 Q. They came in, if you recall, do

5 you remember that they come in kind of a

6 plastic see-through plastic container.

7 A. Right.

Patsy has memory loss on the number of packs purchased.
0 Q. So if I understand you correctly,

11 you bought one package for Jenny Davis, your

12 niece, and one for JonBenet?

13 A. I am not sure if I bought one or

14 two.

15 Q. Do you remember what size they

16 were?

17 A. Not exactly.

Patsy states she placed the size-12's into JonBenet's panty drawer.
21 Q. Okay. What we are trying to

22 understand is whether -- we are trying to

23 understand why she is wearing such a large

24 pair of underpants. We are hoping you can

25 help us if you have a recollection of it.


1 A. I am sure that I put the package

2 of underwear in her bathroom, and she opened

3 them and put them on.

4 Q. Do you know if -- you bought

5 these sometime in mid to early December, is

6 that correct, as far as -- no, I am sorry,

7 you bought them in November?

8 A. Right.

9 Q. Do you recall, was she wearing

10 these? And I don't mean this specific day

11 of the week, but was she wearing, were you

12 aware of the fact that she, you know, was in

13 this package of underpants and had been

14 wearing them since the trip to New York in

15 November?

16 A. I don't remember.

17 Q. Ms. Hoffman Pugh generally did the

18 laundry for the family, that is part of her

19 duties; is that correct?

20 A. Correct.

21 Q. Exclusively, or did you wash

22 clothes on occasion?

23 A. I washed a lot of clothes.

24 Q. Do you have any recollection of

25 ever washing any of the Bloomi panties?


1 A. Not specifically.

Patsy re-states placing the size-12's into JonBenet's panty drawer.
13 Q. Knowing yourself as you do, if it

14 was, if it had caught your attention or came

15 to your attention, do you think you might

16 have said, JonBenet, you should, those don't

17 fit, put something on that fits, that is

18 inappropriate? Do you think, if it came,

19 had come to your attention --

20 A. Well, obviously we, you know, the

21 package had been opened, we made the

22 decision, you know, oh, just go ahead and

23 use them because, you know, we weren't going

24 to give them to Jenny after all, I guess,

25 so.


1 I mean, if you have ever seen

2 these little panties, there is not too much

3 difference in the size. So, you know, I'm

4 sure even if they were a little bit big,

5 they were special because we got them up

6 there, she wanted to wear them, and they

7 didn't fall down around her ankles, that was

8 fine with me.

9 MR. MORRISSEY: Did you ever see

10 if they fell down around her ankles or not?


12 MS. HARMER: But you specifically

13 remember her putting on the bigger pair?

14 And I am not saying --

15 THE WITNESS: They were just in

16 her panty drawer, so I don't, you know, I

17 don't pay attention. I mean, I just put all

18 of her clean panties in a drawer and she can

19 help herself to whatever is in there.

20 MS. HARMER: I guess I am not

21 clear on, you bought the panties to give to

22 Jenny.

23 THE WITNESS: Right.

24 MS. HARMER: And they ended up in

25 JonBenet's bathroom?


1 A. Right.

Again Patsy re-states placing the size-12's into JonBenet's panty drawer.
8 I think I bought them with the intention of

9 sending them in a package of Christmas things

10 to Atlanta. Obviously I didn't get that

11 together, so I just put them in her, her

12 panty drawer. So they were free game.

Patsy's memory loss becomes specific at this point
5 Q. (By Mr. Kane) Let me ask it

6 this way. Did you say you bought more than

7 one set of Bloomi's?

8 A. I can't remember.

9 Q. You bought some for JonBenet?

10 A. I can't remember.

11 Q. Why is it that you remember

12 buying Bloomingdale's panties in November of

13 1996?

14 A. Because --

Patsy is told no size-12's were found in the panty drawer.
1 Q. (By Mr. Kane) Okay. Were you

2 aware that these were the size of panties

3 that she was wearing, and this has been

4 publicized, it is out in the open, that they

5 were size 12 to 14? Were you aware of

6 that?

7 A. I have become aware of that, yes.

8 Q. And how did you become aware of

9 that?

10 A. Something I read, I am sure.

11 Q. And I will just state a fact

12 here. I mean, there were 15 pair of panties

13 taken out of, by the police, out of

14 JonBenet's panty drawer in her bathroom. Is

15 that where she kept -

16 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).

17 Q. -- where you were describing that

18 they were just put in that drawer?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. Okay. And every one of those was

21 either a size four or a size six. Okay?

22 Would that have been about the size pair of

23 panties that she wore when she was six years

24 old?

25 A. I would say more like six to


1 eight. There were probably some in there

2 that were too small.

3 Q. Okay. But not size 12 to 14?

4 A. Not typically, no.


5 MR. KANE: Okay.

6 Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) And you

7 understand the reason we are asking this, we

8 want to make sure that this intruder did not

9 bring these panties with him, this was

10 something --

11 A. Right.

12 Q. - that was in the house.

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. And we are clear that, as far as

15 you know, that is something that was in this

16 house?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. -- that belonged to your daughter,

19 these panties?

20 A. Correct.

Patsy is asked two packets or one?
2 Q. Okay. I am slightly confused,

13 and I would like this clarified. When I

14 first started to ask you about the purchase

15 of the panties in November, I got the

16 impression that you were somewhat unclear as

17 to whether you bought two sets or one.

18 In follow-up questions, I got the

19 impression that you felt confident that you

20 only bought one. Do you know?

21 A. I really can't remember.

22 Q. Do you recall that you did -- you

23 never mailed this pair out to --

24 A. Jenny, yes.

25 Q. Okay. So if there was an


1 unopened package, it would have been left in

2 the house?

3 A. Yes.
Because a poster at another forum is saying that Dr. Lee said LE tested the other Bloomies 12-14 from that package for "unknown" DNA and found some. I remember reading that SOME were tested, but not from the actual package. If you know about this, UKGuy, don't be coy, spit it out! I'm not young anymore, you know! I might croak any minute!

As I recall, Dr. Lee tested new bloomies, fresh from the package. A package bought just for his testing purposes. Same brand/size, etc., but not from a package that was ever in possession of the Rs.

I think DeeDee is right that PR wouldn't have bought JBR size 12s. JBR couldn't have worn them for years - until she got much bigger. Why she claims to have bought 12s for JBR I don't know. It doesn't make sense.

I think DeeDee is right that PR wouldn't have bought JBR size 12s. JBR couldn't have worn them for years - until she got much bigger. Why she claims to have bought 12s for JBR I don't know. It doesn't make sense.
Patsy may actually have purchased a pack of size-6 Bloomingdales for JonBenet during the NY trip. But this is not what Patsy is claiming.

Why she claims to have bought 12s for JBR I don't know. It doesn't make sense.
It made sense to Patsy at the interview because she was attempting to explain something that she had not had prior knowledge of e.g. that JonBenet was discovered wearing size-12 underwear.

This tells you it was not Patsy who redressed JonBenet in those size-12's otherwise she would have a more credible story ready, she would also know not to place size-12's onto JonBenet in the first place, and if JonBenet wore those size-12's to the White's party then there should be fibers from the black velvet pants worn by JonBenet transfered to the size-12's.

Since we know from the LE interviews and from the crime scene pics that Patsy had some New York, toy store, Christmas wrapping paper in the cellar room, that she in fact was wrapping packages that very day, that John said Patsy kept her wrapping stuff in the basement, and that somehow the presents to the children back in Atlanta didn't get sent, I wonder if the size 12-14 Bloomies package was in fact in that basement all along. That would explain why the crime scene processors missed them in JonBenet's suite when they collected the rest of her underwear, and how the package ended up with the Ramsey investigators all those years. I wonder if the size 12-14 pair put on JonBenet were grabbed that night in the basement and put on her out of that package, not realizing how they'd one day prove that JonBenet never wore those while walking and moving and playing like the child she was before she was being redressed.

Well, it would have proved that IF there were anyone in the Boulder DA office who cared to solve the case. Too late now.

The size-12's may have been in the basement all along, but some of that area was searched and various gifts described as Partially Wrapped were found, also John was in and out helping Patsy move the gifts around and load some onto his plane, so he may have been aware of what was what?


Patsy may actually have purchased a pack of size-6 Bloomingdales for JonBenet during the NY trip. But this is not what Patsy is claiming.

It made sense to Patsy at the interview because she was attempting to explain something that she had not had prior knowledge of e.g. that JonBenet was discovered wearing size-12 underwear.

This tells you it was not Patsy who redressed JonBenet in those size-12's otherwise she would have a more credible story ready, she would also know not to place size-12's onto JonBenet in the first place, and if JonBenet wore those size-12's to the White's party then there should be fibers from the black velvet pants worn by JonBenet transfered to the size-12's.


True, we know she was ignorant of the size 12s being on JBR. It's also reasonable to infer that she was redressed by a male who didn't really know about panty sizes. Or the size 12s were the only things handy.
It's obvious she bought a set for JB,and a set for Jenny,sizes 6 and 12,respectively.Do you think she had an inkling of what was to follow,seeing as she said she can't recall if she bought one or two packs,and unsure of the size as well?ie-did she already suspected something might be amiss w/ the underwear?
I'm kind of jumping in here because I've been doing some research again this morning and I have some things on the Bloomies topic that some of you may want to check out. Me, I want to jump off a bridge about now, my mind is so boggled.

This is a thread at the JB forum with a group called "topix". This thread was posted around May of 2007, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why it took me this long to "get" the significance of it, except that I just didn't.

Let me be clear: the basis of all the "info" is a anonymous gossip posted by someone who claims to have known a group of women who had experiences with John and Patsy Ramsey and the Paughs back in the early '80s. Her memory was obviously like most decades old memories: spotty, mixed up, possibly. Some things don't add up timewise, but then, she's repeating OLD GOSSIP, as well.

The thing that made me sit up upon a rereading today is the info on the Bloomies, which sounds authentic to me. Unless she's just flat out making it all up, and it doesn't "sound" like that, this puts the 12-14 Bloomies, John and Patsy Ramsey, and finding the too large Bloomies on JonBenet in a very different light, possibly.

Here is the link to the page where "Dots" talks about the Bloomies, specifically, but you may want to go back to the beginning of the thread for it all to make some kind of sense, and to evaluate the info "Dots" shared yourself. It's fascinating reading, at any rate:


Here we are also currently having this "Bloomies" discussion at the JB topix forum, which you might want to check out as there are interesting ideas on this, as well:

Great post, UKGuy, and I'll have to come back to respond and think it through carefully because I have to do some errands now.

But I did want to point out that the question I'm pondering is the one put forth by the mysterious "Dots" at topix in May of 2007: if the Bloomies IN THE '80s did in fact contain an EXTRA PAIR for holidays...what does THAT do for the packages Patsy bought? Was that still in practice in '96? Etc. And did Patsy buy the 12-14 Bloomies for HERSELF? To look "sexy" in "little girl's undies", as "Dots" said young women did in Atlanta back in the '80s when "Dot's" gossip allegedly took place? If that were true, then that would "add up" in the version of the "found" package of Bloomies being located in boxes when the retired Atlanta cop was hired to "find" the Ramseys' clothes they were wearing on the 25th/26th to turn into LE: was he "looking" for Patsy's clothes in HER clothing packed in Boulder after the murder, and then "found" the Bloomies package? Or is that story a ruse, too?

My head is swimming.... Errands are looking good right now....

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