Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

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How can one explain away the fact that KC doesn't act like somebody who is innocent and wrongly accused of killing her own child?

If it were a real kidnapping then KC would be a wreck worrying about her baby, she would not be partying, baking, stealing, laughing, celebrating...etc. (She would also not act this way if it were an accident. Nor would there be duct tape over the mouth, with a freaking heart sticker, bagged and thrown away...not even buried...if it were an accident.)

If her baby was really taken she would have reported her missing, which she never did.

She would not have lied to the police about where Zanny lived...Sawgrass, old folks home, non-existed roommates...she would not have lied about a job and where she worked.
She would have phone numbers, addresses, emails and pictures. Family and friends would have a least seen this Zanny after two years of nannying. Zanny would have left fingerprints of things that KC said the nanny had. The "wrong" Jeff Hopkins doesn't know Zanny, doesn't have a kid, never introduced them. KC's "right" "Jeff Hopkins" if he exists would have come forward and said that he knew Zanny, etc. CA would not have said that "Zanny" is whoever is watching Caylee at the time. People don't discuss other real people like that.

If she were indeed innocent she would be screaming it from the mountain tops. She would be begging people to find Zanny, or whoever really took and murdered her child, which she has never done. She would be begging CA and GA for info and help when she saw them. Not "why is she crying?" and then getting irate when questioned.

So, how can the defence square all of that with a "she's innocent" defence?
I was thinking about what I wanted to see in today's doc dump. I realized it really doesn't matter (to me) what's missing because I think there's more than enough to get a guilty verdict. Yes, I'm disappointed in today's documents. Sure, I would love to see evidence that directly and definitively ties Casey to Caylee's body in the woods. But her behavior alone is more than enough to convince me she is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. :behindbar

Despite the lack of an eye witness or a confession (direct evidence), the circumstantial evidence is very strong...31 days! the smell of the car! the cadaver dog hits! death band on Caylee's hair! hamper matching one found in the Anthony home! partying without a care in the world! lack of emotion! no Zanny! no Jeff! no Juliet! no job that required childcare! Lie after lie after lie!

I wouldn't make it onto the jury as I am not a proponent of the death penalty. Although this case had me seriously thinking about my position, I haven't changed my mind. But that's another subject altogether and I don't judge anyone who might believe it's the right thing to do. I will gladly settle for LWOP. There isn't a doubt in my mind Casey alone is guilty of murdering Caylee. Unless Zanny is found, I will never change my mind. Casey backed herself into a corner the minute she opened her mouth.

No accident in the world can excuse her behavior. She was a negligent mother, at best. With all the texting she did, it's obvious she had little to no time for Caylee. I know how distracted I get when sending/reading a text message or using the computer and I'm not obsessed with either one. Casey simply was not available to give Caylee the care a child needs. Her priorities were completely screwed up and I believe with all my heart she wanted to live "la bella vida" unburdened by the shackles of motherhood.

These are my random thoughts for today :)
I was thinking about what I wanted to see in today's doc dump. I realized it really doesn't matter (to me) what's missing because I think there's more than enough to get a guilty verdict. Yes, I'm disappointed in today's documents. Sure, I would love to see evidence that directly and definitively ties Casey to Caylee's body in the woods. But her behavior alone is more than enough to convince me she is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. :behindbar

Despite the lack of an eye witness or a confession (direct evidence), the circumstantial evidence is very strong...31 days! the smell of the car! the cadaver dog hits! death band on Caylee's hair! hamper matching one found in the Anthony home! partying without a care in the world! lack of emotion! no Zanny! no Jeff! no Juliet! no job that required childcare! Lie after lie after lie!

I wouldn't make it onto the jury as I am not a proponent of the death penalty. Although this case had me seriously thinking about my position, I haven't changed my mind. But that's another subject altogether and I don't judge anyone who might believe it's the right thing to do. I will gladly settle for LWOP. There isn't a doubt in my mind Casey alone is guilty of murdering Caylee. Unless Zanny is found, I will never change my mind. Casey backed herself into a corner the minute she opened her mouth.

No accident in the world can excuse her behavior. She was a negligent mother, at best. With all the texting she did, it's obvious she had little to no time for Caylee. I know how distracted I get when sending/reading a text message or using the computer and I'm not obsessed with either one. Casey simply was not available to give Caylee the care a child needs. Her priorities were completely screwed up and I believe with all my heart she wanted to live "la bella vida" unburdened by the shackles of motherhood.

These are my random thoughts for today :)

There's only one part of your post I think defense will argue-KC partied for most of the 31 days because she thought Caylee was ok with ZFG.

This is not what I believe-JMO
Here is a thought:

Did KC claim to be protecting her family because one of them was indirectly involved?

For example maybe one of them forgot to move the ladder away from the the pool and they all decided to cover for each other (I know CA said she was sure she took it away from the pool but...).

IDK this just get more and more complicated

Please don't shoot me!

I was thinking about what I wanted to see in today's doc dump. I realized it really doesn't matter (to me) what's missing because I think there's more than enough to get a guilty verdict. Yes, I'm disappointed in today's documents. Sure, I would love to see evidence that directly and definitively ties Casey to Caylee's body in the woods. But her behavior alone is more than enough to convince me she is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. :behindbar

Despite the lack of an eye witness or a confession (direct evidence), the circumstantial evidence is very strong...31 days! the smell of the car! the cadaver dog hits! death band on Caylee's hair! hamper matching one found in the Anthony home! partying without a care in the world! lack of emotion! no Zanny! no Jeff! no Juliet! no job that required childcare! Lie after lie after lie!

I wouldn't make it onto the jury as I am not a proponent of the death penalty. Although this case had me seriously thinking about my position, I haven't changed my mind. But that's another subject altogether and I don't judge anyone who might believe it's the right thing to do. I will gladly settle for LWOP. There isn't a doubt in my mind Casey alone is guilty of murdering Caylee. Unless Zanny is found, I will never change my mind. Casey backed herself into a corner the minute she opened her mouth.

No accident in the world can excuse her behavior. She was a negligent mother, at best. With all the texting she did, it's obvious she had little to no time for Caylee. I know how distracted I get when sending/reading a text message or using the computer and I'm not obsessed with either one. Casey simply was not available to give Caylee the care a child needs. Her priorities were completely screwed up and I believe with all my heart she wanted to live "la bella vida" unburdened by the shackles of motherhood.

These are my random thoughts for today :)

re bold: I heard a prosecuting attorney in a totally unrelated case say on tv today something like, "I love a circumstantial evidence case. The defense can't cross examine circumstantial evidence." I just thought that was really interesting and gave me some real hope that justice will be done in this case.
Thought I would share.
...I think defense will argue-KC partied for most of the 31 days because she thought Caylee was ok with ZFG.

However, according to KC in her first interview with the cops at Hopesprings Dr, the day that Zanny took her..."after about 7 o'clock when I still hadn't heard anything, I was getting pretty upset, pretty frantic..." She then goes on to say that she didn't notify the cops because she was scared that something would happen to Caylee. So according to KC not only was she frantic starting on day one but she believed that Zanny was capable of hurting Caylee if she tried to get help. And yet...she partied. Hmmm?
My random thought:

Can any one of please share your thought's on CA? This women intrigue's me. I guess because I have never seen anyone act like her. What drives her to act the way she does?
I really understand standing by you child no matter what, but not in the way she does. Does she even realize how she comes off to every one else? Can she help it?
How can one explain away the fact that KC doesn't act like somebody who is innocent and wrongly accused of killing her own child?

If it were a real kidnapping then KC would be a wreck worrying about her baby, she would not be partying, baking, stealing, laughing, celebrating...etc. (She would also not act this way if it were an accident. Nor would there be duct tape over the mouth, with a freaking heart sticker, bagged and thrown away...not even buried...if it were an accident.)

If her baby was really taken she would have reported her missing, which she never did.

She would not have lied to the police about where Zanny lived...Sawgrass, old folks home, non-existed roommates...she would not have lied about a job and where she worked.
She would have phone numbers, addresses, emails and pictures. Family and friends would have a least seen this Zanny after two years of nannying. Zanny would have left fingerprints of things that KC said the nanny had. The "wrong" Jeff Hopkins doesn't know Zanny, doesn't have a kid, never introduced them. KC's "right" "Jeff Hopkins" if he exists would have come forward and said that he knew Zanny, etc. CA would not have said that "Zanny" is whoever is watching Caylee at the time. People don't discuss other real people like that.

If she were indeed innocent she would be screaming it from the mountain tops. She would be begging people to find Zanny, or whoever really took and murdered her child, which she has never done. She would be begging CA and GA for info and help when she saw them. Not "why is she crying?" and then getting irate when questioned.

So, how can the defence square all of that with a "she's innocent" defence?

Bolded by me.

KC is charged with:

1) Killing Caylee with intent and malice aforethought
2) Killing Caylee during the perpetration of some type of aggravated abuse (specific criteria applies)
3) Causing Caylee's death through culpable negligence

If she neither intended nor planned Caylee's death, or caused her death through aggravated abuse, or caused her death through her own culpable negligence,


Simples! :)
I'm done... I can't take anymore....We are all spinnig our wheels & she is going to walk on a technicallity......I just feel IT
Here is a thought:

Did KC claim to be protecting her family because one of them was indirectly involved?

For example maybe one of them forgot to move the ladder away from the the pool and they all decided to cover for each other.

IDK this just get more and more complicated

Please don't shoot me!


No shots fired from my direction :)

You are correct about Casey saying something that may have implied someone in the family did something. "Don't worry I haven't told them anything" or something like that. I don't think we've quite figured out exactly what she meant by that. There may be a thread devoted to discussion of that statement. Try a search using "don't worry" or look for a thread on that particular visit. If I can find anything, I'll come back and post the links.

She also said she was protecting the family from the ruthless Invisinanny. IIRC she said it after prompting from Cindy, "Are you protecting us?" or words to that effect. Cindy asked and Casey answered but Casey, not quite knowing how to continue that part of the script, cut off that conversation with "Mom, just leave it at that" (again paraphrasing). Casey forgot to mention the scary threats when she was talking to LE. I suppose she didn't tell them because she forgot about Blanchard Park and the script.

I believe Cindy steered the jail conversations in a direction that would paint Casey in the best light possible, while keeping the focus on the menacing nanny or Casey's "shady" friends. Cindy, Lee and George all asked leading questions and Casey told them what they wanted to hear. Casey never quite figured how to follow their lead.

There's only one part of your post I think defense will argue-KC partied for most of the 31 days because she thought Caylee was ok with ZFG.

This is not what I believe-JMO

That or the "ugly coping" defense :floorlaugh:

There's only one part of your post I think defense will argue-KC partied for most of the 31 days because she thought Caylee was ok with ZFG.

This is not what I believe-JMO

They can't use that and her being afraid to go to LE... her trying to protect the family. Also the defense cannot prove there ever was a nanny. They will have to dream up something else.
I'm done... I can't take anymore....We are all spinnig our wheels & she is going to walk on a technicallity......I just feel IT

Please have faith! I have been very depressed today over doc dump. But I am sure that LE has strong evidence that they holding until the last minute, otherwise, I do not feel like they would have reinstated the DP.
My random thought:

Can any one of please share your thought's on CA? This women intrigue's me. I guess because I have never seen anyone act like her. What drives her to act the way she does?
I really understand standing by you child no matter what, but not in the way she does. Does she even realize how she comes off to every one else? Can she help it?

Oh my! That's quite a request!! How much time do you have??

Take a look at the "Psychological profile" threads and the "Cindy Deposition" threads. Lots of insight there.
My random thought. The lady who made up the story she was attacked at the park and then they found out she killed her child, and even MH and susan smith. They all cracked. How is it this one girl has never cracked, or slipped up? Even her friends say, she just can't be that smart. She has been questioned by very experienced LE and FBI detectives. I would love to know if she took a pollygraph.

The only other person that comes to my mind is Darlie Routier. She is still claiming that she is innocent {and some people believe her}. She has never "cracked"
Oh my! That's quite a request!! How much time do you have??

Take a look at the "Psychological profile" threads and the "Cindy Deposition" threads. Lots of insight there.

Oh! Thank You so much! :blowkiss:
casey's kinda unique in that no one really ever faced her w/ one of her lies and made her admit it and suffer the consequences. her whole family accept her lies and their own - it's almost like a lifestyle choice for the anthony's. all casey's life it seems that people have let her get away w/ lying to them. nobody ever called her on a lie (or at least it was incredibley rare) b/c they'd rather let it go than evoke the tantrums and drama that would follow any confrontation about her lying ... but i don't think casey understands that. i think casey is under the impression that everyone believed all of her lies and she's a fantastic liar, so why quit now since she's always gotten away w/ it in the past, KWIM?
if she is, in fact, a sociopath then there's a good chance that a polygraph just wouldn't work on her anyway.

ETA if by 'never slipped up' you mean never changed her story then yes, she has.

Yes, sociopaths believe their own lies so chances are she could beat a polygraph test. I'm not saying KC is a sociopath or anything. :rolleyes:
Bolded by me.

KC is charged with:

1) Killing Caylee with intent and malice aforethought
2) Killing Caylee during the perpetration of some type of aggravated abuse (specific criteria applies)
3) Causing Caylee's death through culpable negligence

If she neither intended nor planned Caylee's death, or caused her death through aggravated abuse, or caused her death through her own culpable negligence,


Simples! :)

A defendant is never declared 'innocent'.

Simples! :)

i've been saying that too. the advert's driving me scatty.

Please have faith! I have been very depressed today over doc dump. But I am sure that LE has strong evidence that they holding until the last minute, otherwise, I do not feel like they would have reinstated the DP.

i'm more than a little despondent myself today, but like you i have to believe that the DP came back for a reason and i'm not buying into any of the plea deal theories floating around either.

(btw why isn't jack sporting his sexy animated grin? that would cheer me up ... that would cheer a lot of us up!)
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