Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

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i'm more than a little despondent myself today, but like you i have to believe that the DP came back for a reason and i'm not buying into any of the plea deal theories floating around either.

(btw why isn't jack sporting his sexy animated grin? that would cheer me up ... that would cheer a lot of us up!)

ITA! My Jack cheers me up just looking at him! Thanks
:blowkiss: Too many complained that he other Jack pic was giving them seizures!
My random thought:

Can any one of please share your thought's on CA? This women intrigue's me. I guess because I have never seen anyone act like her. What drives her to act the way she does?
I really understand standing by you child no matter what, but not in the way she does. Does she even realize how she comes off to every one else? Can she help it?

Great question. Sadly she reminds me of a cornered wild animal striking out at anything near her. I would never have dreamed that the grandmother would become such a key player in this case for her behavior. But that it what has happened. The armchair shrink in me has wondered and marvelled at the creature that is CA :hand:
My random thought. The lady who made up the story she was attacked at the park and then they found out she killed her child, and even MH and susan smith. They all cracked. How is it this one girl has never cracked, or slipped up? Even her friends say, she just can't be that smart. She has been questioned by very experienced LE and FBI detectives. I would love to know if she took a pollygraph.
She lawyered up very quickly and all questioning was stopped.JB came to her
defense very early on and convinced her she could get out of this.KC got away with the murder for 31 days before she was even confronted.She got away with lying about working for 2 years.She got away with a pregnancy for 7 months.
KC has gotten away with so much in her life she really believes she's golden.
I'm willing to bet whenever anything happened at school or with other kids Cindy jumped in and said "not my child!"
KC got bolder as she got older.It caught up with her. Mommy can't get her out of this one!
IMO every time KC opened her mouth when questioned she slipped up.Everything she told LE and the FBI was a lie and very easy to prove.If she was so smart she would have come up with a lie they couldn't prove so easily.
My random thought:

Can any one of please share your thought's on CA? This women intrigue's me. I guess because I have never seen anyone act like her. What drives her to act the way she does?
I really understand standing by you child no matter what, but not in the way she does. Does she even realize how she comes off to every one else? Can she help it?

I suspect CA has had a chip on her shoulder for a long time.She knows she's not being honest,but how dare anyone not believe her! She knows her kids have issues,but how dare anyone say anything negative about them! I think that's her personality and this case magnified it.
I find it interesting that no one from her job has spoken publicly .No one from their past [except for brother ,Ric] has said anything positive or negative about Cindy or George.
That document dump was and now the defense even has all these tests results to make hay out of. Who else is really disappointed? Just seems like there is nothing super concrete to pin this crime on KC as much as we think she did it. I am so afraid she will get off. Why can't there be anything on the prosecution side and what possessed them to seek the death penalty??
I wonder if the WS'ers so crushed today are suffering from CSI effect?
Hello, ME, I'm disappointed and I haven't even finished reading. I've recently become obsessed with Emma Leigh Barker, so I've been on her thread all day. An hour ago, I came here, saw that there was a doc dump and go soooo excited. What a letdown.
You know.........I was so busy dealing with other things today that i didn't have a chance to even take a peek at the docs. I plan to later this evening, but you know what I started thinking? Perhaps our disappointment stems from the fact that so many of us have been able to locate and unravel so much information prior to it's "discovery release" There is so much talent on this forum and I think we have all just been adept at looking in and under the right spots on our own. Obviously discovery docs validate our findings, but we have been way ahead since we came through the gates. Big pat on the back to all our super sleuths!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 pairs of shoes. 12. Not one that has soil samples from the dump site???? Not ONE? Yet there is soil but none matches? Nothing on the knife??? Doesn't even match the duct tape. No fingerprints? None on the duct tape? None on the sticker? What the heck???? No drugs in the hair? Nothing?
Weren't there something like 23 pairs of shoes taken from the Anthony home, along with the two pair retrieved from her car?
12 pairs of shoes. 12. Not one that has soil samples from the dump site???? Not ONE? Yet there is soil but none matches? Nothing on the knife??? Doesn't even match the duct tape. No fingerprints? None on the duct tape? None on the sticker? What the heck???? No drugs in the hair? Nothing?

How in the world did they reinstate the DP then? They must be holding back some dang good evidence, I assume. I hope.
How in the world did they reinstate the DP then? They must be holding back some dang good evidence, I assume. I hope.

I thought SA may have been trying to get a confession out of her and a plea deal, but not now.
12 pairs of shoes. 12. Not one that has soil samples from the dump site???? Not ONE? Yet there is soil but none matches? Nothing on the knife??? Doesn't even match the duct tape. No fingerprints? None on the duct tape? None on the sticker? What the heck???? No drugs in the hair? Nothing?

ON HLN TV NEWS Channel today, regarding the shoes being tested, said that they only tested for minerals from the soil. That we didn't yet hear about the plant matter tests from the shoes yet. So here's hoping that they get something that matches from that! Also they mentioned with the floods at that time that soil could have been different.
Why not now? Thats exactly what I think the SA was hoping for. IF they put the DP back on the table that she would cop a plea so they don't have to go to trial. They don't have much to go to trial with!! Nothing is panning out for them so why not scare her to death and get her to cop a plea. Knowing her she is probably dancing and think she is going scott free with no problem.
OMG!! How can this be true? KC isn't that smart to cover her tracks like that. They have to have something. Maybe they are keeping it a secret. I hope and pray!!! :banghead:
I don't think she covered her tracks at all. The trunk and the duct tape are enough.

OMG!! How can this be true? KC isn't that smart to cover her tracks like that. They have to have something. Maybe they are keeping it a secret. I hope and pray!!! :banghead:
:eek: = no nanny !

:croc: = N O ~ Zanny
:liar::liar::liar: = kc "YES - there is a Nanny!"
:doh: LA = I said NO there is no Nanny!
:usa: IS THIS A NANNY OUT FIT ? or a ZANNY outfit ?
:argue: YES ~ NO ! NO ~ YES ! yes-no ! no - yes ! YES YES!! NO NO!!
:sheesh::talker:Zanny is the Nanny & Nanny is the Zanny I just know it !!!
:puke: Nanny/made me sick !

:sponge: I'm trying to catch NANNY =:treadmill:


j j gram
ps: I personally vote: No Nanny but Lots of the Zanny stuff ! ! !
I'm not disappointed. It is what it is. And I have faith in the justice system. If the evidence can't prove murder, then that's the facts. And it is looking as if there is a weak case to try to go for the death penalty. In fact, it's looking weak for murder 1. If there's not more to come, I can't see a conviction on the current charges.
I don't think she covered her tracks at all. The trunk and the duct tape are enough.

I also think the car trunk says it all. Regarding the shoes again....thinking that KC threw those shoes away as they were probably filthy after all that work to dispose of Casey. No way she would go to TL's or CA's house with dirty shoes. Prob kept a spare pair or two in the Pontiac. JMO
Everything considered, I am NOT worried. We knew there was a lot of depo's and evidence being collected and tested. I don't expect the SAO to release the body of evidence that turned the tide to return to the DP for a month or so, if that.

Not every piece of evidence collected will be the one. It will be a collection of many pieces of evidence and testimonies that will convict her.

People are expecting a slam dunk now. This isn't CSI or L&O folks. It will come. Process of elimination is what we are seeing. We are seeing evidence that isn't a slam dunk; evidence that has been collected/tested that will fill in the blanks around the slam dunk, not junk science as the defense would like us to believe.

I have faith in the FBI, LE and SAO, complete without question what they release and when they release it.

Be thankful that Fla does have their sunshine law, because in my state, none of this type of info would be available until the trial is in progress.
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