Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

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I want to discuss the selling of Caylee's pictures from what I think is a different slant. (If these questions have been discussed before please direct me to the thread, thank you)

Question #1: When did the A family start selling pictures of Caylee to the media? Did they do it before or after Casey was arrested?

Question #2: If the A family sold the pictures before Casey was arrested for what purpose were they sold? Were they sold so that they could raise money to help find Caylee or to raise reward money?

Question #3: Is this a common practice? Do you mean to tell me that everytime a child goes missing and we see those pictures and videos on tv shows and in magazines the family of the missing child sold those pictures to the media?
I know you all are talking about the neighbor interviews. But just wanted to add the link and time in the audio of AD's interview to give you something to think about....

Part 2 at 01:00:42 - AD states "my moms best friend works for MY doctor???

Whats up with that? That is why I mention "samples". Jmo Or any other possible 'favors'?

I know you all are talking about the neighbor interviews. But just wanted to add the link and time in the audio of AD's interview to give you something to think about....

Part 2 at 01:00:42 - AD states "my moms best friend works for MY doctor???

Whats up with that? That is why I mention "samples". Jmo Or any other possible 'favors'?


link doesn't work....on either thread.

Go to the top of the caylee case form main page.
Go to the analysis forum.
go to finding interview guide - post # 9.

Sorry bout the link, hope this helps
I'm getting page not found when clicking to site. I wonder why it was pulled? Sky girl can you tell me who made the statement about working for a doctor? Maybe just a short summary of the video? Thanks! Don't you just hate when a link is there and gone tomorrow? It happens alot in this case.
I am sure with Cindy it was for show.. I do think George just loved spending time with Caylee.. we all would have.

ITA and also, maybe George took Caylee out so they both could get away for a bit :)

From the Doc Dump http://www.wftv.com/_blank/18740668/detail.html
I'm not sure what page... wow, I was reading through so much of it, but it's the "Forensic Section; Non-Nature Items;" which reads - "A stone observed from the baseline section of 18 to 21 feet was collected by this Investigator due to being advised by Sprv. Murdock that the stone appeared to be consistent to stones present at the Anthony home."

Apparently these are landscaping stones, or "pavers" IMO. My question is why would KC take a stone or "paver" from her home and dump with the body? Aren't pavers kind of large and somewhat heavy? Was she going to use it to mark the site?

Also, in this document, I did not see mention of the bullet. I may have overlooked it. Did anyone else see where the bullet was collected?


I'm not so sure KC dumped her and marked it. Also, the ones at the house don't look big. To me they look slightly larger than bricks.
What bothers me the most about this interview is the information about the area by the school. I don't think I'll ever understand why this area wasn't scoured by LE for Caylee's body. And, sorry, I don't want to hear that part of it was underwater and swampy. That part could have been drained. Also, unless Casey staged the child's voice in the background of her call to Kiomarie, Caylee was still alive July 9? Of course, if the call was made on a pay phone as Kio stated, I guess it could have just been a child passing by. All this is assuming what Kiomarie told this couple is true.

Or the neighbors could have gotten the date wrong. I still get confused about June/July---always have. Wonder if CA's B/F is the daddy.:eek:
Or the neighbors could have gotten the date wrong. I still get confused about June/July---always have. Wonder if CA's B/F is the daddy.:eek:

OHH what a slap in the face that would have been to Cindy for KC to sleep with her b/f ......
What struck me in the video was the husbands account of boyfriends lining up at the A's house all the way from Toledo! That account of KC's beaus at the A's house is the first we heard of it from someone in the neighborhood. Wouldn't CA & GA have been aware of KC's buds going in out of the house. Seems like the A's would know that better than the neighbors. I'm so thankful to the "Kravits" couple for being so forth right. This couple confirmed to me that CA wanted KC to have that baby to fulfill her own personal needs of feeling inadequate as a mother and a wife. I can't help but feel cA thought this baby would bring the family closer and her marriage. CA's words of, "Caylee's goal was to make us happy." rings more true as evidence comes out.
ITA and also, maybe George took Caylee out so they both could get away for a bit :)


GA reminds me so much of my Pa-Pa Bear. We would leave the house and either my daughter or I would carry baby/carrier to the car. Get to Church and Pa-Pa Bear would run around and grab baby and head for the door. I think he liked when the women would swoon over the baby and he acted like the baby came from his body. I think it is the attention. I think I could have had a ring thru Pa-Pa Bear's nose, but I married him to get his butt off the street. Told him he walked around with a stick up his:butthead:and e-body he ran into thought he was a big sucker and they would take a big lick. LOL

Poor guy, he was easy. I can see this in GA. But it is probably to late for GA to change life now. GA doesn't seem to be able to have any control over his life. Poot, a woman has to at least let her man think he was the boss and I don't see CA as letting GA think anythang was his idea.

OHH what a slap in the face that would have been to Cindy for KC to sleep with her b/f ......

Wouldn't it! LOL But I can also see CA thinking that---"You took my man/I'll take his baby." Maybe LA even knew. Maybe that is why he LOL over at stupidest times. Have to go re-listen to his videos now. GRRRRRRR. One just never knows what really has happened in the A's lives.
From the Doc Dump http://www.wftv.com/_blank/18740668/detail.html
I'm not sure what page... wow, I was reading through so much of it, but it's the "Forensic Section; Non-Nature Items;" which reads - "A stone observed from the baseline section of 18 to 21 feet was collected by this Investigator due to being advised by Sprv. Murdock that the stone appeared to be consistent to stones present at the Anthony home."

Apparently these are landscaping stones, or "pavers" IMO. My question is why would KC take a stone or "paver" from her home and dump with the body? Aren't pavers kind of large and somewhat heavy? Was she going to use it to mark the site?

Also, in this document, I did not see mention of the bullet. I may have overlooked it. Did anyone else see where the bullet was collected?


Total speculation here.

Maybe the paver had to be dumped too, if it were in the area of the original Caylee disposal site (thinking of the dogs in the garden here) it may have got evidence on it.

I doubt she planned on marking the site - she was not likely to be visiting the site.

It would also account for the multiple talks of pavers by DC, LP, various psychics et al.
Re- eading Jesse G interview


1.PG 11 Nov 18/07 Casey "seizure" incident.

Jesse states that GA pulled him aside said he didn't know what was going on between the 2, that Jesse is a good guy, treats Casey and Caylee very well but cautioned him not to be around Casey because she has problems that they need to get her help for and that Casey was not a good person right now and not in the right place.
So Casey had issues and/or was not a good person back in late 07 and the A's knew about it?

2. Page 13 Concerning talk that Jesse had keys to Casey's car by the A Team.

Jesse states in this interview that he does not now nor ever has had a pair of keys to Casey's car, that he's never been in sole possession of a pair of keys for her. And that the only time he has ever held her keys is when she was right next to him and he was driving her car.

So it's a he said she said. And we know the She is a well known liar
GA reminds me so much of my Pa-Pa Bear. We would leave the house and either my daughter or I would carry baby/carrier to the car. Get to Church and Pa-Pa Bear would run around and grab baby and head for the door. I think he liked when the women would swoon over the baby and he acted like the baby came from his body. I think it is the attention. I think I could have had a ring thru Pa-Pa Bear's nose, but I married him to get his butt off the street. Told him he walked around with a stick up his:butthead:and e-body he ran into thought he was a big sucker and they would take a big lick. LOL

Poor guy, he was easy. I can see this in GA. But it is probably to late for GA to change life now. GA doesn't seem to be able to have any control over his life. Poot, a woman has to at least let her man think he was the boss and I don't see CA as letting GA think anythang was his idea.

(bold is mine)- mamabear you are so cute! and great advice. :blowkiss:
Re- eading Jesse G interview


1.PG 11 Nov 18/07 Casey "seizure" incident.

Jesse states that GA pulled him aside said he didn't know what was going on between the 2, that Jesse is a good guy, treats Casey and Caylee very well but cautioned him not to be around Casey because she has problems that they need to get her help for and that Casey was not a good person right now and not in the right place.
So Casey had issues and/or was not a good person back in late 07 and the A's knew about it?

2. Page 13 Concerning talk that Jesse had keys to Casey's car by the A Team.

Jesse states in this interview that he does not now nor ever has had a pair of keys to Casey's car, that he's never been in sole possession of a pair of keys for her. And that the only time he has ever held her keys is when she was right next to him and he was driving her car.

So it's a he said she said. And we know the She is a well known liar

If KC's car has the security key that you can click and unlock your car I'll bet JG is telling the truth because to replace that key is $300.
If KC's car has the security key that you can click and unlock your car I'll bet JG is telling the truth because to replace that key is $300.

Not sure if her 1998 Pontiac had those kind of keys.
Thinking back my 1996 Mazda did not, but my 2000 Ford Windstar did and all my vehicles since then have those kind of keys.

Just went to look at my keys...the key part and the security key to click to lock and unlock are separate..is that what you mean?
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