Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

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Wouldn't it! LOL But I can also see CA thinking that---"You took my man/I'll take his baby." Maybe LA even knew. Maybe that is why he LOL over at stupidest times. Have to go re-listen to his videos now. GRRRRRRR. One just never knows what really has happened in the A's lives.

Hey Mama, before you pull the pin and throw that little grenade, lol, IIRC, the Mr. Cravitz neighbor said that right after the baby was born, CA threw GA out and then got herself a boyfriend. So unless CA was seeing him beforehand for at least 9 months, I wouldn't think he'd have any chance to be the baby daddy.

Anyone have a link to Mr. Cravitz's (A's neighbor) interview? Thanks in advance!
Random thoughts...

We have heard nothing from KC, I wonder if she is going bonkers :behindbar

Jose wants to take the trial to Miami, GA and CA are going on Larry King again...

And I just read through the 188 pages of the deposition....why do I torture myself like this.

The lies, the backtracking...JB isn't going to want that woman on the stand...she will sink his ship and everyone elses
Random thoughts...

We have heard nothing from KC, I wonder if she is going bonkers :behindbar

Jose wants to take the trial to Miami, GA and CA are going on Larry King again...

And I just read through the 188 pages of the deposition....why do I torture myself like this.

The lies, the backtracking...JB isn't going to want that woman on the stand...she will sink his ship and everyone elses

The Anthonys are going on Larry King again??????? Why????????
Since the A's are making another apperance could there be that other doc dump comming around the bend? Here we go again! I'm bound and determined to stay with this case to the end no matter how revolting the A's are to me. The A's always give me some small detail to make me laugh at them. I do find their desperateness a bit disturbing to watch. I guess as bystanders privy to their behavior and lies we will just have to sit back and watch once again, and again, again. Sigh, I'll see you all on the boards that evenning.
I haven't the foggiest...maybe to chew gum and talk...:crazy:

Oh i know that gum chewing is annoying as he**-- and lord i hope she has another color blouse/shirt.. Cindy in green reminds me of the grinch!:chicken:
Hello WS

Things just get curiousier and curiousier...WSers, what is this? Because I am so behind all the other WS I just found out about this interview with the Dickens and after listening to it(link below)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSBGyYFwtTk& feature=channel_page

I am again made small at the realization that so little of this so-called-reality makes sense. Unless I am missing something here...in this interview that took place seven days after Caylee was reported missing these neighbors of the Anthonys unwittingly/yet pretty confidently reveal the very place where Caylee's remains would be found months later? Do I have this correct? :waitasec:

After interviewing Ms. Rosado, Deputy Manderville and I drove to Hopespring Drive, Orlando, FL to further assist

Orange County Sheriff's Office
Arrest Affidavit - Casey Marie Anthony
Date of Arrest: 07/16/2008 16:33:00
Case # 08-CF-10925
Discovery Documents Set#2 (Pages 91-92)


with the investigation. Sergeant John Allen had assigned Deputy Manderville and I to complete a "neighborhood canvass" on Hopespring Drive. While conducting the canvass, I made contact with Joyce and Bailey Dickens at 4913 Hopespring Drive. Ms. Dickens told me that on Saturday, July 19th, 2008, she had a visit from a femaie by the name of Keo Torres, Keo is a former neighbor who grew up down the street and her parents still live in the neighborhood. While visiting with the Dickens, Keo told Joyce and Bailey that Casey called Keo about two weeks ago on the phone. According to Ms. Dickens, Keo stated that she heard a "baby" in the background and Casey was saying, "Shhhh, I'm on the phone". Ms. Dickens further stated that Keo had told her that Casey contacted her from a pay phone (unknown date and time) and asked to borrow $200.00. Ms. Dickens said that Keo told them that she asked Casey to tell her where she was and Keo would bring her the money but Casey never told her the location and never called her back in reference to the money. Ms. Dickens further stated that Keo told her that Casey, Keo and some other friends use to hang out together near the Hidden Oaks Elementary School when they were younger. Keo told the Dickens' that "If the baby was buried, it would be buried in back of Hidden Oaks Elementary School." Mr. Dickens stated he knows the gate down by the school is unlocked. Mr. Dickens further stated that he encouraged Keo to notify the Sheriffs Office. I later spoke with Detective Appling Wells who told me that he had spoke with Keo Torres in reference to this topic.

Chiquita You guessed right! Little did we know as W/S members that CA was called "evil" by her neighbors before we did! I can't imagine what it is like to live on that block after all the admissions of how their neighbors really felt. Kinf of ironic how several in the investigation of where Caylee was eventually found gravitated to the idea of Caylee being in the spot where they buried there pets.
Hello, essies!

I must be confused though! In the video I saw of KC playing 'airplane' with Caylee, it looked to me like Casey was wearing Kelly green, but my TV might be off on the color.

That video of KC playing 'airplane' with KC was really heartbreaking. Poor little Caylee had such a look of love for her mom in that video. It just breaks my heart that the woman Caylee trusted betrayed her like she did.

I can't stand thinking of what that poor child went through in her last moments while looking up at the mother she trusted.

I've come to the conclusion that that video was staged to make it seem like KC actually gave a hoot about her own child. I'm just appalled that one of the two women she trusted would have done what most of believe she did.

Forgive me. I'm tired, worn down to raw nerves over this case. I still will never believe the carp that Team Baez and Team Anthony are trying to shove down our throats, though.

My heart grieves for that poor child who never stood a chance given the dynamics of the family she was born into.
Re- eading Jesse G interview


1.PG 11 Nov 18/07 Casey "seizure" incident.

Jesse states that GA pulled him aside said he didn't know what was going on between the 2, that Jesse is a good guy, treats Casey and Caylee very well but cautioned him not to be around Casey because she has problems that they need to get her help for and that Casey was not a good person right now and not in the right place.
So Casey had issues and/or was not a good person back in late 07 and the A's knew about it?

2. Page 13 Concerning talk that Jesse had keys to Casey's car by the A Team.

Jesse states in this interview that he does not now nor ever has had a pair of keys to Casey's car, that he's never been in sole possession of a pair of keys for her. And that the only time he has ever held her keys is when she was right next to him and he was driving her car.

So it's a he said she said. And we know the She is a well known liar

How sad is it that GA tells JG back in Nov 2007 that the family is AWARE of the fact that KC was NOT a "good" person or in a "good place". What steps did GA and CA take to HELP their daughter??? Seem likely, NONE. Yet they knew SHE was the person with the most access to their innocent Grandbaby. Procrastination seems to run in the family! Should the A's be suffering with guilt! DUH!:furious:
Hello, essies!

I must be confused though! In the video I saw of KC playing 'airplane' with Caylee, it looked to me like Casey was wearing Kelly green, but my TV might be off on the color.

That video of KC playing 'airplane' with KC was really heartbreaking. Poor little Caylee had such a look of love for her mom in that video. It just breaks my heart that the woman Caylee trusted betrayed her like she did.

I can't stand thinking of what that poor child went through in her last moments while looking up at the mother she trusted.

I've come to the conclusion that that video was staged to make it seem like KC actually gave a hoot about her own child. I'm just appalled that one of the two women she trusted would have done what most of believe she did.

Forgive me. I'm tired, worn down to raw nerves over this case. I still will never believe the carp that Team Baez and Team Anthony are trying to shove down our throats, though.

My heart grieves for that poor child who never stood a chance given the dynamics of the family she was born into.

I may be wrong, but seeing the footage of KC and Caylee playing (airplane) on the floor, makes me very uncomfortable. KC looks uneasy to me. Caylee looks uneasy to me. (I'm failing to see love for her Mommy) I may be wrong, but I've been thinking that video was shot on Caylee's 2nd birthday. Need to review Caylee's 2nd B-Day pics again, but from memory, KC had short hair and a green shirt. Anyone else care to chime in? TIA.
PS. The videos of KC holding Caylee at her 2nd B-day party, with Caylee trying to smear cake on KC face or something like that, again, I pick up a sixth-sence "unease". Reminds me of the way my cats treat my daughter when she comes over. She moved out a year ago, and since then, the cats, treat her with unease every single time she comes over. As if they have very short-term memories. Or maybe their just mad at her for leaving!
Hello, essies!

I must be confused though! In the video I saw of KC playing 'airplane' with Caylee, it looked to me like Casey was wearing Kelly green, but my TV might be off on the color.

That video of KC playing 'airplane' with KC was really heartbreaking. Poor little Caylee had such a look of love for her mom in that video. It just breaks my heart that the woman Caylee trusted betrayed her like she did.

I can't stand thinking of what that poor child went through in her last moments while looking up at the mother she trusted.

I've come to the conclusion that that video was staged to make it seem like KC actually gave a hoot about her own child. I'm just appalled that one of the two women she trusted would have done what most of believe she did.

Forgive me. I'm tired, worn down to raw nerves over this case. I still will never believe the carp that Team Baez and Team Anthony are trying to shove down our throats, though.

My heart grieves for that poor child who never stood a chance given the dynamics of the family she was born into.

* * * :eek::eek::eek::mad:
at the end of the video... of KC playing airplane... etc..
with Little Angel CAYLEE.... KC is really tickling her R E A L Y hard..
and holding CAYLEE and Continuing to Tickle her HARD...and
KC is using her mouth to get Little Angel CAYLEE...
then Little Angel CAYLEE grabs KC and at one time
because KC is moving her (KC's) head and mouth back and
forth and going GRRRRR GRRRRR... when Little Angel CAYLEE
grabs KC to try and ~ S T O P ~ KC from getting her so HARD...

Little CAYLEE's fingers go into KC Mouth...and then it seems
to really reaaaaaly tick KC off and she just says STOP
and calls An ABRUPT ~ END ~ to the Video Session...

*** I have said from the start... THIS REALLY B U G G S ME !!!

Many times people just show the 1st part of the Video...

L@@Ks like fun.... but at the ~END ~ KC is very UNHAPPY

It is ~ N O T ~ a response that most Mothers... have when
the response...
with KC is more like when 2 people the same age are playing...

NOT the response of MOTHER & CHILD/ CHILD & Child maybe...

Wish I knew how to tell you the
link to
the w h o l e ~ Video ! sorry I don't know how to do it...

Thanks ! for listening... Like I said... that was one of

MY Personal 1st " WARNING SIGNS" of KC = trouble ! ! !
way back when
it 1st aired...


God Bless !
Anyone else becoming totally weary of this case?

Just re-reading how frenetic she was with the cell phone calls and texting and pinging all over god's swampy Orlando makes me tired again.
I just listened to the A's neighbor's interview. I feel they are telling the truth as they know it to be. Keo seems very near and dear to them. One thing I missed was when they said that KC wanted to borrow $200.00 from her, what did KC say it as for? Was that the date that ZG needed to pay her fine with traffic court? I'm so sorry, but dates are getting jumbled. I listened to it on You Tube and proceeding to listen to sweet little Caylee sing Don't take my sunshine away. Why do I do that to myself, blubbering like crazy. Any ol' way, they spoke about adoption of Caylee. Was it so appalling to their image to allow such a thing? My Goodness, are they that ignorant that they couldn't see that that was best for Caylee? Did they truly think that KC would be fine after the child was born and there would be no repercussions? Was their image so important that nothing else mattered. Did they really believe that Caylee would save their family? My oh my. Why do I do this to myself? I can't wrap my head around these people.
I just listened to the A's neighbor's interview. I feel they are telling the truth as they know it to be. Keo seems very near and dear to them. One thing I missed was when they said that KC wanted to borrow $200.00 from her, what did KC say it as for? Was that the date that ZG needed to pay her fine with traffic court? I'm so sorry, but dates are getting jumbled. I listened to it on You Tube and proceeding to listen to sweet little Caylee sing Don't take my sunshine away. Why do I do that to myself, blubbering like crazy. Any ol' way, they spoke about adoption of Caylee. Was it so appalling to their image to allow such a thing? My Goodness, are they that ignorant that they couldn't see that that was best for Caylee? Did they truly think that KC would be fine after the child was born and there would be no repercussions? Was their image so important that nothing else mattered. Did they really believe that Caylee would save their family? My oh my. Why do I do this to myself? I can't wrap my head around these people.

Kio later recanted her story (sort of) about KC calling to ask for a $200 loan AND hearing Caylee in the background. Her recant story was that she has ANOTHER friend also named Casey (who has a child) and it was this other Casey who called for the loan request. IIRC LE asked Kio for her phone records and her husband threw a fit and said NO. I can only assume that if LE felt Kio's phone records were a vital part of their investigation, they would have sought a search warrent. As far as I know they didn't.

re: KC's pregnancy: Seems to me, that a young girl who is preggers and denying it up until her 7th month when her body "outted" her is a young girl with serious issues!!! First of all, even before Caylee was born, her mother DENIED her access to Health Care!!! HUGE Red Flag Alert!:furious:
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