Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

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Are there any Federal laws that allow a parent to drop a child off to a local hospital, police or fire department if they feel they are in danger of hurting the child or just don't want the child, or are they only in certain states? There are so many families that would happily adopt these babies, when I first heard of the no questions asked/no charges pressed idea regarding letting the parent willingly surrender the baby I thought it was brilliant! Do any of you know about this and what we can do to bring awareness about it? Back to the lawyers, I would love to know what Mark surmised and why. Do any of you think he made any anonymous reports to police about the Anthonys or PI knowing something? God bless him and Tim Miller, all day long! I usually donate to the red cross, but from now on whatever money I donate I am sending to Texas Equisearch, they are Angels. You could search high and you could search low and Tim is one of the very true heroes in this. He and the four thousand volunteers that came from all over the nation on their own dime to search for the baby while the Anthonys were abusive towards Tim for looking for a body. It was then, and them blaming Jesse that I changed my heart and stopped trying to rationalize their denial and delusions. God forgive me I then found their behavior evil.Even Cindy's own family told the police that Cindy was covering up for Casey, not in those words but that is the inference I drew from listening to Rick talk to the FBI and Yuri.

Newborns can be dropped off and everything is fine. Older kids can not be dropped off like that. However, they can call social services and turn the kids over to them. Social services generally will work with the parents to "help". The same as those who have their kids taken are "helped". Classes, etc.
Sorry for throwing this totally random thought into the current topic but:

I was posting a pic (on a different forum) from my album and I got sidetracked when the pic of the A's swimming pool distracted me (I'm easily distracted, lol). This reminded me of previous posts abt CA stating she made sure she moved the pool ladder away from the pool (June 15?). But looking at the pool pic, I noticed the storage chest sitting right against the pool. Woulda been easy for Caylee to climb on it to get to the top of the pool.


Caylee was a beautifully active little 2 1/2 year old, wont to get into everything and given license to explore her world. However, the pool locker near the pool, standing 2 ft high at most, topped by Caylee (at most 30") on an exploration, would still not do more than allow her to put her hands onto the edge of the pool. There is a 5" lip on the outside of the pool that would make it nearly impossible for Caylee to lever herself over. Small children do not have the upper body strength required to chin themselves up and over the edge as would be required for her to crawl into the pool.
I think they never asked her anything, because I think they thought the house was "bugged". They still think that-not too long ago it was reported that they had one of the PIs do a "sweep" looking for the "bugs"-

I thought that was the oddest thing I ever heard, a lie of course, but very odd.
I wasn't sure where to put this, but it makes me a little sad when I think of how Caylee probably wished Casey a Happy Mother's Day last year.

I wonder how Casey feels today.
By not asking KC questions because of being parinoid of LE planting bugs goes to the A's knowing their daughter was guilty as charged and didn't want to bury her any further instead of helping LE break through KC's wal lof lies and silence. I can't help but think of what was a family of four generations of women who for a very short amount of time were given an opportunity to nuture there relationships and be proud aand strong as JB stated, "Southern women" So sad that didn't occure for these women and today we are left wondering what the three remaining "Mothers of the Year" are feeling on what has to be the most difficult day of memories and contemplation.
I wasn't sure where to put this, but it makes me a little sad when I think of how Caylee probably wished Casey a Happy Mother's Day last year.

I wonder how Casey feels today.

I don't really care how Casey feels but if I had to pick I hope it is miserable.
I do find myself feeling very sad for Cindy today though. I can't stand the woman and have no respect what so ever for her, but I would not want to be her today. I imagine today to be very very tough for her.
I think there was a big red flag about that,almost like Keo was covering for KC.Keo was asked for her phone records [I assume so LE could verify her switch] and she refused to release them.
Have you seen anything that shows LE verified it was a different Casey? There are so many docs out there now I may have missed it.

Here's the link where Appie Wells re-interviewed Kio and confirmed that it was a Casey Williams that had called and asked to borrow the money.

http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Cruz Kiomarie phone call-0812.pdf
I don't really care how Casey feels but if I had to pick I hope it is miserable.
I do find myself feeling very sad for Cindy today though. I can't stand the woman and have no respect what so ever for her, but I would not want to be her today. I imagine today to be very very tough for her.

ITA. I am sure both the A's wish they could just disappear on Mother's Day/Father's Day. I am sure being CA today pretty much sucks, but can you imagine Father's Day for GA? Knowing that was the last day baby Caylee lived /smiled/laughed before the dawn of what became her death day? And thats the last full day that KC was not a murderess??? (well as far as we know now) Awful--what an awful thought. jmo
I don't really care how Casey feels but if I had to pick I hope it is miserable.
I do find myself feeling very sad for Cindy today though. I can't stand the woman and have no respect what so ever for her, but I would not want to be her today. I imagine today to be very very tough for her.

Oh, I completely agree! I hope she has a miserable day. Mean of me, I know, but true.
I don't really care how Casey feels but if I had to pick I hope it is miserable.
I do find myself feeling very sad for Cindy today though. I can't stand the woman and have no respect what so ever for her, but I would not want to be her today. I imagine today to be very very tough for her.

Cindy is probably busy getting her hair and nails done in preparation for her trip to California for the Larry King interview.
Cindy is probably busy getting her hair and nails done in preparation for her trip to California for the Larry King interview.

Unless I'm not looking in the right place, I don't see the A's listed on Larry's website anymore. Maybe "CA canceled." :)

On another note, it occurs to me that they are desperately trying to rehabilitate themselves in light of those horrifying dispositions and all of their other despicable behavior. Assuming KC gets convicted and I believe she will, during the penalty phase of the trial, if the jury hates the family it will be a lot easier to impose the DP. What they haven't figured out yet is that it's too late. Way too much damage has been done, IMO. They better hope they get a jury that's been under a rock for the past year.
*resp. snipped.
that's brilliant chiquita, and if you typed it :eek: then it's amazing!

I'm a little behind time, but thanks for posting the entire interview, Chiquita. I'm thinking that CA's boyfriend moving in was another of KC's inventions. Like her dad having a stroke.
I know it's unlikely, but I also know how determined children can be (I have 2). I have a photo of me as a 2 yr old sitting in my Nanna's bathroom sink, proud of myself that I used a 6" high jack-in-the-box toy to reach the sink that had no Vanity or anything to help me climb (think 1960's). I had a lot of fun peeling the wallpaper off the wall while sipping my bottle. My Nanna was NOT happy, my mom took a pic.
i was going over some of the old media links and found CA saying something about an...
uncle Brian? a dedicated uncle....who every year on caylee's birthday would pick out a song to sing to her?

do we know who this uncle Brian is?


thanks :)
Caylee was a beautifully active little 2 1/2 year old, wont to get into everything and given license to explore her world. However, the pool locker near the pool, standing 2 ft high at most, topped by Caylee (at most 30") on an exploration, would still not do more than allow her to put her hands onto the edge of the pool. There is a 5" lip on the outside of the pool that would make it nearly impossible for Caylee to lever herself over. Small children do not have the upper body strength required to chin themselves up and over the edge as would be required for her to crawl into the pool.

of all the places that locker could have been photographed isn't it in such a very convenient spot to bolster belief in the possibilty of an accident?
i agree w/ you that a child as young as caylee does not possess the necessary strength to have gained access to the pool via the locker but i don't think cindy, nurse or not, is intelligent enough to be aware of that and would have kept it at a distance from the pool. it's human nature anyway to eliminate all possible avenues to danger where a child is concerned and i doubt the locker was a permanent feature at the very side of the pool, especially considering how careful cindy seemed to be about everything else. i'm inclined to think that cindy may have moved it there from it's usual location to give people reason to speculate over whether or not acylee used it as a method to climb into the pool and she's getting what she wanted ... but not from me.
Do you think KC and CA have been communicating through JB's laptop when he does his jail visits with her?

I really think they have been and that is why they have not visited her in jail. No need to do it. I think they have figured out a way around the system.

This is how she watched the memorial I believe, Casey said in one of her jailhouse visits that Jose ad watched a NG episode on his computer with her , that he wanted her to "Get a good laugh". So, yes it is being done.
How sad is it that GA tells JG back in Nov 2007 that the family is AWARE of the fact that KC was NOT a "good" person or in a "good place". What steps did GA and CA take to HELP their daughter??? Seem likely, NONE. Yet they knew SHE was the person with the most access to their innocent Grandbaby. Procrastination seems to run in the family! Should the A's be suffering with guilt! DUH!:furious:

In one of their jailhouse visits George is saying I wish I could have been a better father, maybe we were too controlling. The thing that struck me is he really truly does not understand that it is just the opposite, they raised her with no real guidance, limits, consequences that adds up to no conscious. Lee had a much better understanding of the base problem than George and Cindy combined.
I don't see a gas can thread so I will just put this here. In the doc dump was a report of LE picking up and logging the red gas can from the A home. In the log report it said that the screw cap still had it's seal ring but could be removed? and that the gas can did not smell of gas???? Did anyone else read this and what do you make of it? :cow:

The CSI found no, zero prints on the shed also. This is impossible, unless someone cleaned them off. The gas cans were cleaned, the car was cleaned, the clothes were washed, things were thrown away, wrong hairbrushes were handed over to police, credit card records the police asked for were withheld, Cindy refused to give the name of the nursing home her dad was staying in, you name it the cover up goes on and on. The fact that George states in his depo he never went over with his PI what details or searches were going on for Zenaida Gonzales....tells you he knew there wasn't one. When the Anthonys said they believe Zanny is Amy or Jesse it was painfully obvious they were covering for Casey, figuratively and literally.
The CSI found no, zero prints on the shed also. This is impossible, unless someone cleaned them off. The gas cans were cleaned, the car was cleaned, the clothes were washed, things were thrown away, wrong hairbrushes were handed over to police, credit card records the police asked for were withheld, Cindy refused to give the name of the nursing home her dad was staying in, you name it the cover up goes on and on. The fact that George states in his depo he never went over with his PI what details or searches were going on for Zenaida Gonzales....tells you he knew there wasn't one. When the Anthonys said they believe Zanny is Amy or Jesse it was painfully obvious they were covering for Casey, figuratively and literally.

Oh my goodness TWA I got confused when I posted this. I came to find out later that there where two gas cans and I got them mixed as one. One was AH and the other the A's. Sorry. jmo
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