Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

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Who was denied access? I would think that at her age she would have to be enrolled as a full time student living at home to be covered by her parents? What surprises me is that they never once inquired about her having a full time job, with a large company, and no benefits! It doesn't take rocket science. Why didn't her parents immediately ask "who pay's for Caylee's medical bills, hmmm, why was she not covered by you? Thanks so much for you insight, gave me more to think about : )
I just listened to the A's neighbor's interview. I feel they are telling the truth as they know it to be. Keo seems very near and dear to them. One thing I missed was when they said that KC wanted to borrow $200.00 from her, what did KC say it as for? Was that the date that ZG needed to pay her fine with traffic court? I'm so sorry, but dates are getting jumbled. I listened to it on You Tube and proceeding to listen to sweet little Caylee sing Don't take my sunshine away. Why do I do that to myself, blubbering like crazy. Any ol' way, they spoke about adoption of Caylee. Was it so appalling to their image to allow such a thing? My Goodness, are they that ignorant that they couldn't see that that was best for Caylee? Did they truly think that KC would be fine after the child was born and there would be no repercussions? Was their image so important that nothing else mattered. Did they really believe that Caylee would save their family? My oh my. Why do I do this to myself? I can't wrap my head around these people.

To the last three questions: Yes, yes, and yes.:-(

I don't know whether this answers your question, but KC stole a few hundred $ from Annie, having convinced Annie that Annie got up in the night and put the money someplace else. Later, of course, KC cleaned out Annie's account.

KC didn't steal the money to pay a traffic fine. KC stole the money because she could. She's just a complusive thief. She could have a need or not have a need, and she's steal anyway.

When Annie finally confronted KC re: the thefts, KC made the excuse that she needed the money to finance her "search for Caylee."

I guess she was searching for Caylee at Fusian and at Wal-Mart, that week. :-(
Thanks Brini, I was hoping to connect some dot's. Pretty hard when the dot's are located on many, many pages. I now found out that that the testimony was recanted and that it was not KC but another friend of the same first name that asked for the money. Not sure if I believe that either but hey who am I so say either way. I will not let this rest. Baby Caylee, needs justice. My heart breaks!
Who was denied access? I would think that at her age she would have to be enrolled as a full time student living at home to be covered by her parents? What surprises me is that they never once inquired about her having a full time job, with a large company, and no benefits! It doesn't take rocket science. Why didn't her parents immediately ask "who pay's for Caylee's medical bills, hmmm, why was she not covered by you? Thanks so much for you insight, gave me more to think about : )

Bold mine

I'm sure the A's probably asked at some point. But I'm also sure they accepted whatever "explanation" she gave them. Remember, she also had CA convinced that she didn't have money because her paycheck was in a locker somewhere. :rolleyes:
To the last three questions: Yes, yes, and yes.:-(

I don't know whether this answers your question, but KC stole a few hundred $ from Annie, having convinced Annie that Annie got up in the night and put the money someplace else. Later, of course, KC cleaned out Annie's account.

KC didn't steal the money to pay a traffic fine. KC stole the money because she could. She's just a complusive thief. She could have a need or not have a need, and she's steal anyway.

When Annie finally confronted KC re: the thefts, KC made the excuse that she needed the money to finance her "search for Caylee."

I guess she was searching for Caylee at Fusian and at Wal-Mart, that week. :-(

I'm sure you probably meant, Amy, not Annie. :blowkiss:
Who was denied access? I would think that at her age she would have to be enrolled as a full time student living at home to be covered by her parents? What surprises me is that they never once inquired about her having a full time job, with a large company, and no benefits! It doesn't take rocket science. Why didn't her parents immediately ask "who pay's for Caylee's medical bills, hmmm, why was she not covered by you? Thanks so much for you insight, gave me more to think about : )

..KC "HID" her pregnancy for the first 7 months. KC DENIED her UNBORN baby Medical Care for her first 7 months in the womb. Okay? :blowkiss:
..KC "HID" her pregnancy for the first 7 months. KC DENIED her UNBORN baby Medical Care for her first 7 months in the womb. Okay? :blowkiss:

THANK YOU JBEAN for fixing these "broken" quotes?...I was FRANTIC for the past 15 minutes or so...OKAY...deep breath...letting it go now...Again, Thank You for fixing this problem.:blowkiss:
Hello WS

Things just get curiousier and curiousier...WSers, what is this? Because I am so behind all the other WS I just found out about this interview with the Dickens and after listening to it(link below)


I am again made small at the realization that so little of this so-called-reality makes sense. Unless I am missing something here...in this interview that took place seven days after Caylee was reported missing these neighbors of the Anthonys unwittingly/yet pretty confidently reveal the very place where Caylee's remains would be found months later? Do I have this correct? :waitasec:

After interviewing Ms. Rosado, Deputy Manderville and I drove to Hopespring Drive, Orlando, FL to further assist

Orange County Sheriff's Office
Arrest Affidavit - Casey Marie Anthony
Date of Arrest: 07/16/2008 16:33:00
Case # 08-CF-10925
Discovery Documents Set#2 (Pages 91-92)


with the investigation. Sergeant John Allen had assigned Deputy Manderville and I to complete a "neighborhood canvass" on Hopespring Drive. While conducting the canvass, I made contact with Joyce and Bailey Dickens at 4913 Hopespring Drive. Ms. Dickens told me that on Saturday, July 19th, 2008, she had a visit from a femaie by the name of Keo Torres, Keo is a former neighbor who grew up down the street and her parents still live in the neighborhood. While visiting with the Dickens, Keo told Joyce and Bailey that Casey called Keo about two weeks ago on the phone. According to Ms. Dickens, Keo stated that she heard a "baby" in the background and Casey was saying, "Shhhh, I'm on the phone". Ms. Dickens further stated that Keo had told her that Casey contacted her from a pay phone (unknown date and time) and asked to borrow $200.00. Ms. Dickens said that Keo told them that she asked Casey to tell her where she was and Keo would bring her the money but Casey never told her the location and never called her back in reference to the money. Ms. Dickens further stated that Keo told her that Casey, Keo and some other friends use to hang out together near the Hidden Oaks Elementary School when they were younger. Keo told the Dickens' that "If the baby was buried, it would be buried in back of Hidden Oaks Elementary School." Mr. Dickens stated he knows the gate down by the school is unlocked. Mr. Dickens further stated that he encouraged Keo to notify the Sheriffs Office. I later spoke with Detective Appling Wells who told me that he had spoke with Keo Torres in reference to this topic.


wow...i just listened to that neighbours interview also------incredible!
THANK YOU JBEAN for fixing these "broken" quotes?...I was FRANTIC for the past 15 minutes or so...OKAY...deep breath...letting it go now...Again, Thank You for fixing this problem.:blowkiss:
No prob.:blowkiss:
To the last three questions: Yes, yes, and yes.:-(

I don't know whether this answers your question, but KC stole a few hundred $ from Annie, having convinced Annie that Annie got up in the night and put the money someplace else. Later, of course, KC cleaned out Annie's account.

KC didn't steal the money to pay a traffic fine. KC stole the money because she could. She's just a complusive thief. She could have a need or not have a need, and she's steal anyway.

When Annie finally confronted KC re: the thefts, KC made the excuse that she needed the money to finance her "search for Caylee."

I guess she was searching for Caylee at Fusian and at Wal-Mart, that week. :-(

Not sure if it matters, but wasnt it amy that kc took the money from???
Kio later recanted her story (sort of) about KC calling to ask for a $200 loan AND hearing Caylee in the background. Her recant story was that she has ANOTHER friend also named Casey (who has a child) and it was this other Casey who called for the loan request. IIRC LE asked Kio for her phone records and her husband threw a fit and said NO. I can only assume that if LE felt Kio's phone records were a vital part of their investigation, they would have sought a search warrent. As far as I know they didn't.

re: KC's pregnancy: Seems to me, that a young girl who is preggers and denying it up until her 7th month when her body "outted" her is a young girl with serious issues!!! First of all, even before Caylee was born, her mother DENIED her access to Health Care!!! HUGE Red Flag Alert!:furious:

(Snip respect Ripley):)

I am not following anyone, you guys just get to where I am going faster than I do. :blowkiss:

Ripley is giving an answer I just found out today, Kio retracted the part of her story re: everything Ripley says in her post I have snipped. I had just found out about the Dickens interview this week and thought it was amazing how accurate they were(thru Kio) re: where Caylee's remains were discovered and then went to find any Kio info(acandyrose) and found "Supplement 314-Incident report (08/08/08) where again all that Ripley relates in her post is documented.

I have a question because of this interview: Kio, her mother, Joyce and Bailey Dickens, that guy from the neighborhood who was around Casey's age and knew where they all had hung out as kids(guess where?):rolleyes:would be a good place to look for Caylee(who he didn't even know had passed)but on his THIRD time going to the spot where Caylee's remains would later be found-LE was called to check him out(someone at Hidden Oaks had called and said: trespasser)he was on NG when I heard him speak of this. Then we have Ray K. and I know very little about him. Something like he tried to get someone to know about something he had found and a officer who he told no longer has their job on the force because of his handling of this tip. Whether JB knew, Cindy, George, Lee-there are threads for all these...

I want to know what someone who has done more research into this case has to say about all that, because...oh, and the psychic and the PI...oh my! Casey saying she's close? Hind sight must be 20/20...

This interview is with Joyce and Bailey Dickens who are neighbors of the Anthonys.

LE: Present in the room withe me is Joyce Dickens and her husband Bailey dickens and this is in reference to the Caylee Anthony Case. Ah, Miss Dckens can you go ahead and tell me if you have any knowledge or what you know(inaudable), what you told me?
JD: I, I, about two, three days ago one of the girls in the neighborhood, her names' Keo.
BD: Saturday
JE: Saturday
LE: (inaudable)
JD: Anyway, she stopped by here and she was akin' questions and we just started talking and she told me that uh, she herself had talked toCasey, Casey had called her.

(This is the portion of the interview where Joyce and Bailey relay the information given to them by Keo Torres during a recent visit she made to the neighborhood. The information that Keo had spoken to Casey Anthony and heard a baby(Caylee)in the background was later retracted(see snipped portion of this post for explanation). I did transcribe the whole conversation but that was before I knew it was retracted. If anyone wants to see that I will post it but I am going to skip it here and get to where the Dickens relay: Casey wanting NOT to have Caylee, The Anthonys seeming denial of Casey's pregnancy till 7months(I agree this is abuse Ripley: no prenatal care, etc.)

LE: Did she tell you anything else?
JD: Well she went on talkin' about how Keo and Casey and Julie another girl...
BD: Jessica
JD: Jessica was ah, best friends, I said, I said one of the things on the news they said if there's any place you know where, maybe you know, um, Casey'd hung out at, please let the cops know and everything.
LE: Okay.
JD: And she told me about, there's a little school right over here, hidden oaks...
BD: Elementary school
JD: Elementary school
BD: And the road that goes down, if you take our street Hopespring down ther, if you turn right you go down and it dead(mumble then speaks to person in room "baby we got a police officer here get dressed)you, you go down, you turn right on Suburban Drive and it dead ends into a fence, the elementary school is called Hidden Oak, its on the left, thats where my son went when he was one year ahead of her in school, ah one year behind her in school. He knew her the whole time, ah, the, the, there was a bunch of fires purposely set up behind that school a couple of years ago so they built a big fence up all around there, so you can't get back in there anymore. I went down there to check it, the fence is all locked, all ya gotta do is just do what, she could drive right down the road and go back to the field. Keo told us she thinks if the babys buried its probably buried back there. I, (mumble)when she told me that, Keo told me this she was sitting right in that chair, I said to her, you have got to give this information to the detectives, you have to do this. Well, I don't know what to do, I said just a minute. So I called Brian Burner down there he gave me Happy's na..., detective Wells name and number and, I'm thinkin' Keo's a young girl she 's like 22, she's scared that was her friend, I don't want to step over her bounds or nothin' but I don't know if Keo came forward and I know you can't tell me if she did, I'm not askin' you that. I just want to make damn sure you got this information.
LE: Well, I can guarentee you it'll be delivered.
JD: Yeah, yeah but she aid they used to go back there all the time, they just hung out and talked, you know, through out their middle school and high school...days.
BD: And I said did you smoke pot and drink beer ya know, she said, no we just hung out as friends that's what she, Keo said it and I believe her.
LE: Why, I wonder what would lead her to believe that if the baby was buried, eh you know, if it would be buried there, if it was dead?
BD: She also, she said there was a pond back there close by, its...
JD: Swamp area (finishing sentence of BD above)
BD: And her mother, Keo's mother told, had been telling Keo for the last week that, the ba, babys buried around hidden oaks elementary school. And they, they...
LE: Do you have Keo's phone number by chance?
JD: No, I'm, shoul...
BD: We can get it from her father.
LE: Well, well I'll definitely be headin' over there too, as soon as I leave here.
JD: Yeah
LE: You know their address?
BD: It's the pink house on the left.
JD: Ah, a few other things she said...
BD: Its straight out the front door.
JD: ...to is that, Casey really did like to party.
LE: She did or did not?
JD: She did.
BD: She did like party
JD: Inaudable
BD: She would see her in clubs
JD: Yeah
BD: She, she told her, this was very important, she, she tell ya how brilliant this Casey is, she was seven months pregnant before she even knew she was pregnant and she thinks she, its too late for an abortion, she wanted to put the baby up for adoption and her mother...if there was a vote taken on the street she would be the ***** from hell on the street if you understand what I am saying. That mother is, is she's acting all wonderful and nice now, she is evil and she can, very controlling person, control Casey and, ah, Keo said she would be down at the house in the afternoon when the mother came home from work, and if the dad was there, fine, George but if the mother came she'd throw everybody out of the house immediately and see Keo said to me she threw me out because I was Puerto Rican. I don't want to get into all that but she said that her mother just didn't like those people. And then she said Casey would date Puerto Rican boys just to upset her mother because that was a love/hate relationship there, the mother is pretty domineering.
JD: And I think she said...
LD: This is Keo telling you though?
JD: Yes, Oh yes
BD Yes
LE: didn't hear any of this directly from Casey?
JD: No, no we have not. But another thing...

I was going to post all of this but then I though maybe it is available somewhere else? If it is not and someone wants to read it instead of just hearing...(I like to read the words) then I will post the rest. I don't want to take up so much space, I didn't realize how long it was...anywho...point made about neighbors "wrapping" up the case early on-and rest of interview goes on to say that Casey did not want to give birth to Caylee but Cindy forced Casey to have Caylee. That Casey was a "party girl" with "guys lined up from Toledo Ohio" that found Caylee cramped her style, and that Cindy had kicked George out of the house and another man moved in-but that George had (obviously) come back.

Oh, its goes on and on...

Anyone else becoming totally weary of this case?

Yes, I do. Sometimes I have to go away from here for a little while and focus on something positive and good, such as little Joshua Childers in MO who was found alive 2 days after he went missing...:woohoo::clap:

I pray a lot...I try to stay focused on God's perfect justice, rather than be frustrated with man's imperfect judicial system. I do want to see Caylee get justice in the courts, but I understand that with all of the rules, loopholes, etc. in place, I may not like how it ends.

I always come back here, though, because all you WS'ers CARE SO MUCH for justice and righteousness for those who cannot speak for themselves. It is because PEOPLE WHO CARE that there are sometimes joyful endings, such as that of little Joshua being found by a volunteer searcher. And that is what keeps me going.
Anyone else becoming totally weary of this case?

Yes but as Winston Churchill said "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

It will be a long one....between the family, the lawyers...thank God for Judge Strickland...
Yes but as Winston Churchill said "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

It will be a long one....between the family, the lawyers...thank God for Judge Strickland...

:liar::Banane57::argue: :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead:snake: :Bicicleta: :cop: :Benny_monkeysmilies:
shakehead::rocker: :treadmill: :computer:
:partyguy: :dj: :talker::talker::talker: :liar:

I think the area Kio described was actually behind the school. Caylee was found in a different area on the other side of the street and not that close to the school. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Also, didn't Kio actually take LE to the place where she and Caylee used to hang out?
Just wanted to mention a thought... I think LE has their smoking gun... in the form of KC's fingerprints.

1. As we know, the documents released concerning fingerprints mention LA, CA, and GA's prints were not found, but don't mention KC's. That's no mistake, and no oversight.

2. The state is now seeking the death penalty. Something must have happened to change their mind and give them the confidence to move forward with that.

3. KC is not considered the smartest tool in the shed. Annie said she's not smart enough to pull this off by herself. Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to kill a two year old, but it does take some forethought to apply gloves before you rip duct tape. Forethought KC has never exhibited in the past.

4. She was dumb enough to dump the baby less than 1/2 mile from the house, and apply duct tape and a heart in a manner that's very similar to plenty of the images she has in her photobucket. Another sign that she wouldn't have the forethought to wear gloves.
I think the area Kio described was actually behind the school. Caylee was found in a different area on the other side of the street and not that close to the school. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Also, didn't Kio actually take LE to the place where she and Caylee used to hang out?

You are correct. Kio described the area behind the school which was subsequently fenced off after arson (per the neighbor's statement). When LE were taken there by Kio, they were parked near the school, not near the end of the fence where Caylee was subsequently found.
I think the area Kio described was actually behind the school. Caylee was found in a different area on the other side of the street and not that close to the school. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Also, didn't Kio actually take LE to the place where she and Caylee used to hang out?

I think you're right. IIRC, Kio took LE there. And, KC did hide Caylee's remains in another place in the same neighborhood.
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