Ransom note analysis

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I don't know if people have gone over this (sorry, there is really an overwhelming amount of information and opinions collected over the years here) , but I think the "We respect your business but not the country that it serves" part of the RN is incredibly telling. When killing or kidnapping, why does someone take the time to clarify that the business is OK with them, and no one should let this reflect on the business. "America is awful, we hate the U.S. , but we respect Access Graphics. We just want to be clear about this. We kidnapped your daughter and hence give us money. We win! - Foreigners"

I agree completely. This little side note of praise makes no sense in a letter that then goes on to detail how much they'll kill the child if one single tiny thing goes wrong.

If anyone's going to attack the image of America, they'd go after well known CEO's (Bill Gates or something) at the least. A more logical method would be to attack a political leader. (Governor, Senator, etc.)

Whether IDI or RDI there's just 100% no way this is some kind of act of terrorism from an anti-American organization. No way.

Wanting to add something of my own. The phrase 'southern common sense' is something I never heard used before. It sounds like a common phrase used in certain parts of America. Why would a foreign anti-American group use a little American-specific saying?

For some reference, I have recently moved from America to Canada. I have been here for over a year, and so far I have no idea what reputation people have in the southern and northern areas of my province. As an American I say, ah, southern common sense, this is probably because northern Americans have a reputation of being kind of elitist and university educated and southerners would probably pride themselves on being down to earth and practical. But if I was a foreigner to America, would have I any idea whatsoever? It's extremely doubtful.
Ringfinger, that sign off made me laugh.

The author of this note left loads of subconscious phrasing in there. Some of the most telling in my opinion are the mentions of the proper burial and the beheading. The proper burial was of concern to the author. The beheading phrase IMO was a reaction to seeing the deep furrow of the ligature on her neck.

All in all this is the strangest note I've ever seen. the FBI and other professionals agree. We're still debating this so many years later!
After all this time I still think Patsy wrote the "Ransom Note" all by herself. Every theory has already been posted on here and none has convinced me it is anyone other than her. The note is so over the top I can't imagine an actual kidnapper writing it and I also can't imagine her husband having anything to do with such a ridiculous letter.

But do you really think JR would have slept through all of the activity that took place that evening? The head bash, the scream, redressing JBR, moving her to the basement? I know he said he took a melatonin but it isn't like that is some high powered sleeping pill that would have totally knocked him out. While effective, melatonin is a natural supplement used by many people, myself included, and it does aid in sleep but certainly not like taking a prescription strength pill.
I think the entire family was up early in the evening, BR was sent to his room with strict instructions NOT to leave it and PR and JR went to work staging. PR penned the note but JR assisted in the wording. MOO
I think, the way the note is written, it is mostly for John to read between the lines and figure out what is going on, buried between typical lines from books and movies he was into. I think he was expected to follow this script, and take action and work some miracle and make everything OK. Instead, John tells Patsy to call the police.
But do you really think JR would have slept through all of the activity that took place that evening? The head bash, the scream, redressing JBR, moving her to the basement? I know he said he took a melatonin but it isn't like that is some high powered sleeping pill that would have totally knocked him out. While effective, melatonin is a natural supplement used by many people, myself included, and it does aid in sleep but certainly not like taking a prescription strength pill.
I think the entire family was up early in the evening, BR was sent to his room with strict instructions NOT to leave it and PR and JR went to work staging. PR penned the note but JR assisted in the wording. MOO

Yes, it's possible JR could have slept through everything. I doubt PR was making lots of noise while she or who ever was staging the scene. Some people can be deep sleepers if they are really tired. I also believe it is possible for the brother to have slept through it all as well.
I've gone over many theories and for me, it still comes back to the ransom note being written by PR. After watching all those interviews with PR, it made me believe more strongly that it was crafted by her and her alone.
I also believe that is why JR wanted to get out of that house asap, he couldn't deal with it. PR on the other hand...
A little off this thread's topic, but it fits the ransom note discussion.

I caught an episode of the "Forensic Files" on Saturday. There was an odd case where someone was murdered and it was staged to look like a suicide so a note was left. One of the clues was that there were no signs of sweat on the suicide note. They went on to claim that suicide notes usually had signs of sweat. Investigators thought it was odd.

I tried to find a reference to this on Google, but couldn't find anything confirming the concept of excessive sweating and writing a suicide note.

If the person who wrote the note was sweating due to the increased stress. That ransom note could have been a gold mine. Too bad it wasn't handled as evidence and kept free from any additional contamination.
My take on this is very different from many members here who still cling to the Ramsey theory being that I believe it could have been a member of their church who possibly had a conflict with John. The note is what backs up my beliefs the most.

-"Small foreign faction": A diocese faction. The Episcopal church uses that term.

-Money: The exact amount of John's bonus-a little too obvious if it were Patsy.

-"The men watching over your daughter do not particularly like you": A dead giveaway, but somehow it was completely ignored.

-"Fat cat": A term used in business. Patsy would not think to say that.

-"Good old southern common sense": Something the Ramsey's said often. Why would Patsy use it in pretending to be someone else?

-"Victory!"-Sounds like a religious thing.

-"SBTC" - Southern Baptist Convention of Texas, which was related to the Episcopal church.

Its sad how people have ignored the evidence right in front of them.
I think this is a very interesting point of view, and one I've never come across until now. I can't say I am convinced, but let's play devil's advocate a moment: if a religious 'faction' were involved, how do you explain the other evidence?

Such as:

- Exactly what was the motive, and why was JR singled out specifically as the recipient of the ransom note?
- How did the kidnappers enter the Ramsey premises?
- Where, when and why did the kidnappers murder JBR?
- How do we explain the post-mortem report's finding that JBR had been sexually abused both recently (at the time of death) and previously?
- Why was a ransom note written at all when the intended victim was already dead and had never left the premises?
- Why were no traces of a possible suspect ever found?

Whilst I genuinely find your conclusion interesting and it's something I'd be keen to discuss further, I don't see how it fits in with the other factors involved in the JBR case. The ransom note is a huge smoking gun here, and the fact that it clearly seems to have been written after the kidnapping (i.e. references to the 'two gentlemen' watching over JBR) despite us knowing it obviously wasn't, is highly suggestive of a staged kidnapping.
I think this is a very interesting point of view, and one I've never come across until now. I can't say I am convinced, but let's play devil's advocate a moment: if a religious 'faction' were involved, how do you explain the other evidence?

Such as:

- Exactly what was the motive, and why was JR singled out specifically as the recipient of the ransom note?
- How did the kidnappers enter the Ramsey premises?
- Where, when and why did the kidnappers murder JBR?
- How do we explain the post-mortem report's finding that JBR had been sexually abused both recently (at the time of death) and previously?
- Why was a ransom note written at all when the intended victim was already dead and had never left the premises?
- Why were no traces of a possible suspect ever found?

Whilst I genuinely find your conclusion interesting and it's something I'd be keen to discuss further, I don't see how it fits in with the other factors involved in the JBR case. The ransom note is a huge smoking gun here, and the fact that it clearly seems to have been written after the kidnapping (i.e. references to the 'two gentlemen' watching over JBR) despite us knowing it obviously wasn't, is highly suggestive of a staged kidnapping.

The ransom note is thee smoking gun. If PR hadn't written the ransom note I think things would have turned out differently for them.
If PR had used common sense and called 911 to report she had found her daughter dead, let's say in the basement; then things would have been more believable.
To spend all that time practicing the note, writing the note, and staging her daughter and a fake kidnapping, she could have spent her time coming up with a story as to how her daughter had ended up hit in the head by some mysterious intruder she caught trying to kidnap her daughter or some other more believable story rather than the dramatic story she came up with.
The ransom note is thee smoking gun. If PR hadn't written the ransom note I think things would have turned out differently for them.
If PR had used common sense and called 911 to report she had found her daughter dead, let's say in the basement; then things would have been more believable.
To spend all that time practicing the note, writing the note, and staging her daughter and a fake kidnapping, she could have spent her time coming up with a story as to how her daughter had ended up hit in the head by some mysterious intruder she caught trying to kidnap her daughter or some other more believable story rather than the dramatic story she came up with.

You are wrong. If Patsy had done as you say, she would have been in jail before lunch was served. Their biggest problem would be that they wouldn't have been able to avoid interrogation for 4 months. The ransom note put LE off balance and gave the Ramsey's the head start they needed.

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1. John's exact bonus was $118,117.50, not $118,000 (DOI, pg 120). The only place in the Ramsey home where the 118,000 appears is in a business ledger where it states that John has liabilities totaling $1,118,000.

2. It was originally written as "The two gentlemen watching over your daughter do particularly like you..." and the not was inserted later.

Heyya icedtea4me,

The only place in the Ramsey home where the 118,000 appears is in a business ledger where it states that John has liabilities totaling $1,118,000. - icedtea4me

Gee, I had missed that fact along the way ......
.... the ST book

"Total liabilities were an even $1,118,000, and the similarity of that figure to the ransom note demand
of $118,000 jumped out at me. I noted it as a possible source....."

"from three points: the Ramsey home computer held the net liabilities figure of $1,118,000"
Maybe Patsy was deliberately or subconsciously trying to frame herself as the writer of the RN and thus as the killer to take the blame in case the evidence would point out the real killer whom she wanted to protect..

At least first motherly instictive reaction could be to take the blame for the child..

Is it a stretch for this case ? just an opinion anyway...
If the Ramseys are involved in this and the writer of the ransom note wore gloves, then there is a point where it moves from accident and/or rage to cover up. At what point would parents realize that there's going to be a criminal investigation and that from this point on they will have to wear gloves? It's more usual for a parent to claim their child had disappeared and they don't know what happened. I'm just presenting these questions because I'm working my way through my own theory and this is a defining moment in a person's life. It's a huge milestone. Huge. You can't redefine yourself after you do something like this.

This is the moment when the worst thing that could ever happen has happened. Instead of seeking help, you seek to do something that you've never done before and you have no idea what might give it away. It defines your character, your morality and how you will face God. From a christian point of view, this is where you turn away from Jesus. How do you gain salvation?

I'm not presenting these questions to say that the family wasn't involved in a cover up. It's just impossible to believe that you live your life from a strict moral code, do something like this, and the believe you still live by morals and will be saved. No matter how many times you go to church and pray with other christians, you'll always know how far you went to save your own skin. You're living a lie.

I already know the "people can justify anything" argument. I already understand it whether it's used with religious justification or not. Unless you're a sociopath, you'll be living with self doubt and regret forever so please don't paint this as a simple decision. This is one of the decisions you'll have to keep hidden and one you'll regret for the rest of your life.
If the Ramseys are involved in this and the writer of the ransom note wore gloves, then there is a point where it moves from accident and/or rage to cover up. At what point would parents realize that there's going to be a criminal investigation and that from this point on they will have to wear gloves? It's more usual for a parent to claim their child had disappeared and they don't know what happened. I'm just presenting these questions because I'm working my way through my own theory and this is a defining moment in a person's life. It's a huge milestone. Huge. You can't redefine yourself after you do something like this.

This is the moment when the worst thing that could ever happen has happened. Instead of seeking help, you seek to do something that you've never done before and you have no idea what might give it away. It defines your character, your morality and how you will face God. From a christian point of view, this is where you turn away from Jesus. How do you gain salvation?

I'm not presenting these questions to say that the family wasn't involved in a cover up. It's just impossible to believe that you live your life from a strict moral code, do something like this, and the believe you still live by morals and will be saved. No matter how many times you go to church and pray with other christians, you'll always know how far you went to save your own skin. You're living a lie.

I already know the "people can justify anything" argument. I already understand it whether it's used with religious justification or not. Unless you're a sociopath, you'll be living with self doubt and regret forever so please don't paint this as a simple decision. This is one of the decisions you'll have to keep hidden and one you'll regret for the rest of your life.

I really don't think the long term effects of their decision even entered their minds. I think in a situation like that where one of your daughter appears to be dead and your son appears to be the culprit, a mother's instinct would be to protect the surviving child. Humans have certain instincts that are wired in to them that they are not even aware of. When that moment of tragedy hits, a person can go in to autopilot, following that instinct to protect.

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I think their main concern was appearance.
They couldn't admit to the dysfunction that led to this.
This may sound crazy but sometimes I think the show was as much or more for friends and neighbors (who they invited over) than it was for the police.
If the Ramseys are involved in this and the writer of the ransom note wore gloves, then there is a point where it moves from accident and/or rage to cover up. At what point would parents realize that there's going to be a criminal investigation and that from this point on they will have to wear gloves? It's more usual for a parent to claim their child had disappeared and they don't know what happened. I'm just presenting these questions because I'm working my way through my own theory and this is a defining moment in a person's life. It's a huge milestone. Huge. You can't redefine yourself after you do something like this.

This is the moment when the worst thing that could ever happen has happened. Instead of seeking help, you seek to do something that you've never done before and you have no idea what might give it away. It defines your character, your morality and how you will face God. From a christian point of view, this is where you turn away from Jesus. How do you gain salvation?

I'm not presenting these questions to say that the family wasn't involved in a cover up. It's just impossible to believe that you live your life from a strict moral code, do something like this, and the believe you still live by morals and will be saved. No matter how many times you go to church and pray with other christians, you'll always know how far you went to save your own skin. You're living a lie.

I already know the "people can justify anything" argument. I already understand it whether it's used with religious justification or not. Unless you're a sociopath, you'll be living with self doubt and regret forever so please don't paint this as a simple decision. This is one of the decisions you'll have to keep hidden and one you'll regret for the rest of your life.

Hi BoldBear, tks for your well written ppost. Above I highlighted something... about redefining oneself after doing a sinful act... not just in my opinion, it truly is very ancient human need and done all the dang time in this modern world. When I sit back and review this whole case in terms of SCAPEGOATING, I feel shocked and frankly appalled, horrified by the deeper meaning surrounding this case, and which I truly believe is the #1 reason the case has not yet been "solved" and justice will likely never prevail for JonBenet!

Here is a little book that goes into great depth about scapegoating (especially family scapegoating) - the casting of sins on another. Ancient stuff, Old Testament stuff. For anyone interested here is link on amazon http://www.amazon.com/Scapegoat-Com...7098684&sr=1-1&keywords=the+scapegoat+complex

Unfortunately, I do not think the scapegoating is ever going to end as it pertains to this case. In fact, as time goes on, the scapegoating seems to multiply. That is the nature of what it is.

Perhaps that is why many people feel very intuitively angered by the books by R's DOI and TOSOS. just my opinion....
I think that if after the head bash, if the Ramseys had called 911, they had enough $$$ and access to lawyers to bury the case. They made the decision instead to strangle their daughter to death. Even if the public was not aware of the story, everyone who knew them would know that either Burke, John, or Patsy had gone into a rage, bashed JonBenet in the head, and she is now brain dead in a hospital bed. Of course they could just tell people that she fell down the stairs but people would still be talking and the truth would likely get out. Perhaps the CNN interview was their way of speaking out to their social circles in four different states.

I don't think John and Patsy decided to strangle their daughter because they were scared of going to jail. They had more than enough money and connections to prevent that from happening.
Why would an intruder leave behind an incriminating note in his own handwriting? They didn't take the body, so it wasn't a real kidnapping. The hypothetical intruder moved about the house with impunity for hours, so it's not like he had to take off in haste and forgot the note somehow. Also, wouldn't an intruder leave the note on JonBenet's bed or on the kitchen counter? This ensures the note will be seen no matter what. Instead it was left in a place where only Patsy would find it.
Why would an intruder leave behind an incriminating note in his own handwriting? They didn't take the body, so it wasn't a real kidnapping. The hypothetical intruder moved about the house with impunity for hours, so it's not like he had to take off in haste and forgot the note somehow. Also, wouldn't an intruder leave the note on JonBenet's bed or on the kitchen counter? This ensures the note will be seen no matter what. Instead it was left in a place where only Patsy would find it.

Good points, some think the RN was left where it was so to suggest the housekeeper was involved?

For us it was not a real kidnapping, Kolar has said technically it was since the body was moved, the latter forms part of his implied BDI theory.


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