Ranting Thread And Open Random Thoughts

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not my kids,

I am sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

I must vent.
First, I am so sick of hearing that "Of course Casey was irresponsible, consider her age." and " well, look at her age, she wasn't ready to be a mother."
I dont think her age had a single thing to do with it. Some of us 22 year olds are quite mature, we have jobs and families and we support ourselves and said families. If Casey was going to be a mooch, she would have been a mooch for as long as she could, at 20, at 40, at 80 if she could have pulled it off.
In the land of 20-somethings with children, Casey was an anomaly, not the standard.
Spoken from the point of view of a 22 year old with a good job, the beginning of a college education(I am still working toward my degree), a good car, her own home and 3, soon to be 4 kids.
Second, I understand, how you can lose someone and show no emotion at first. I lost my Dad this morning and have yet to react, but by the end of the week I will be a wreck.
C'mon Anthony's. it's been long enough. Somebody freakin cry already, maybe the world would see you as human.
I agree 100%.Congrats on all you have accomplished.
It takes guts to cover it all on your own,I know. Casey is a spoiled Brat who will never grow up.Very immature! IMO
I'm so sorry> I neglected to add my sympathies for the loss of your Dad.Its a hard one but you will make it honey (I can call you honey~I'm a 76 yr.ol" grt.gramma)..Take care and we are all here for you..
Please go to www.Pandora.com. This message has to be from Caylee . . . just ask for Rain King (live) by Counting Crows. I am suddenly in tears.

When I think of heaven (Deliver me in a black-winged bird)
I think of flying down into a sea of pens and feathers
and all other instruments of faith and sex and God
In the belly of a black-winged bird
Don't try to feed me
I've been here before and I deserve a little more

I belong in the service of the Queen I belong anywhere but in between
She's been crying I've been thinking And I am the Rain King

Mama, why am I so alone?
I can't go outside
I'm scared I might not make it home
I'm alive but I'm sinking in
If there's anyone at home at your place
Why don't you invite me in
Don't try to bleed me
I've been there before and I deserve a little more

I belong in the service of the Queen
I belong anywhere but in between
She's been lying
I've been sinking
And I am the Rain King

Hey, I only want the same as anyone
Henderson is waiting for the sun
Oh, it seems night endlessly begins and ends
After all the dreaming I come home again...

When I think of heaven (Deliver me in a black-winged bird)
I think of dying Lay me down in a field of flame and heather
Render up my body into the burning heart of God in the belly of a black-winged bird
Don't try to bleed me
I've been here before and I deserve a little more

I belong in the service of the Queen
I belong anywhere but in between
She's been dying
I been drinking and I am the Rain King.

happychic...ya know i love ya.:blowkiss:..but this is just too weird to comment on
Whatever your experience with LE you've heard the tapes.

Casey admitted she lied.

She was sitting with the cops where she said she worked, but really didn't. She'd just taken the cops to a place where she said she dropped Caylee off with a babysitter for over a year, BUT where nobody lives.

Casey even adds a lie about going to Valencia college.

We heard Casey tell lie after lie after lie with our own ears.

And we heard Casey being given chance after chance to say where her daughter was.

My own ears don't lie. The cops wanted to find Caylee. They were driving all over Orlando to verify that one thing Casey said was true. And despite being given chance after chance to make it right and to go where Caylee might be, Casey kept up with the lies. One of the last things she said to the nice cop she joked with was that she was a student at Valencia.

She was also sworn in to tell the truth. Baez is going to have to get those tapes tossed if he has a prayer of a chnace of getting her off the neglect charge.
Whatever your experience with LE you've heard the tapes.

Casey admitted she lied.

She was sitting with the cops where she said she worked, but really didn't. She'd just taken the cops to a place where she said she dropped Caylee off with a babysitter for over a year, BUT where nobody lives.

Casey even adds a lie about going to Valencia college.

We heard Casey tell lie after lie after lie with our own ears.

And we heard Casey being given chance after chance to say where her daughter was.

My own ears don't lie. The cops wanted to find Caylee. They were driving all over Orlando to verify that one thing Casey said was true. And despite being given chance after chance to make it right and to go where Caylee might be, Casey kept up with the lies. One of the last things she said to the nice cop she joked with was that she was a student at Valencia.
The saddest part of all these lies is that valuable LE time was taken in following them. Time that could have been used to find Caylee IF Casey had given any credible information.

I am still amazed that she tells the police that she does not trust Zanny the Nanny. She's allegedly been using her as a nanny for one and half years and suddenly does not trust her? I iknow why Casey borrowed a shovel - she needs one for all she is shoveling imo
How do we know that what LE says about evidence in the trunk is true? Do you believe everything that LE says? I don't. IMO LE is as bad as the criminals. We sit at our computers making judgements, but what do we really KNOW? Nothing! We aren't experts, we're just invisible people caught up in a national story. Shame on us, we're as bad as the protestors at the Anthony home.
I have lived in two towns in tha tlast ten years. In one, the law enforcement was corrupt. The 20 man meth-task force was disbanded for selling meth. In the other, LE is respectful and reasonable. A lot depends on where you live. But to assume that Orlando LE is as corrupt and evil as those in your town is a bit of a stretch. We have heard nothing like that so far about OCSD. And the testing information isn't even coming from them. It's a little hard to plant the smell of decomposition in a vehicle without a decomposing body having been there.
I must vent.
First, I am so sick of hearing that "Of course Casey was irresponsible, consider her age." and " well, look at her age, she wasn't ready to be a mother."
I dont think her age had a single thing to do with it. Some of us 22 year olds are quite mature, we have jobs and families and we support ourselves and said families. If Casey was going to be a mooch, she would have been a mooch for as long as she could, at 20, at 40, at 80 if she could have pulled it off.
In the land of 20-somethings with children, Casey was an anomaly, not the standard.
Spoken from the point of view of a 22 year old with a good job, the beginning of a college education(I am still working toward my degree), a good car, her own home and 3, soon to be 4 kids.
Second, I understand, how you can lose someone and show no emotion at first. I lost my Dad this morning and have yet to react, but by the end of the week I will be a wreck.
C'mon Anthony's. it's been long enough. Somebody freakin cry already, maybe the world would see you as human.

I agree with everything you said.
And.. I am so sorry for your loss.
happychic...ya know i love ya.:blowkiss:..but this is just too weird to comment on
Hi Linda,

Love you back! I'm sorry that you think it's weird - I guess others will too. I am into psychic stuff and I believe in signs. How could I ignore all of the signs in these songs? I just thought that we could get something out of the words. I'll stop here with the songs unless someone wants me to continue and no one else asks me to stop.

This may not be what you are asking, but I have complete confidence in LE.

I think they have done a great job considering they are getting no help from the mother of the missing child.

Easy for others looking in from the outside to critize, but they want Caylee found just as much as we do.

*none of the above was said in a mean or snarky way*:crazy:

As usual.....MOO

ETA: Sorry, I must be tired and just saw where LE is considered the same as criminals. Many of us have friends and family in LE and that comment was....uncalled for. They put their lives on the line everyday to protect and serve US. Caylee is part of their lives.....they go without seeing their own families, they lose sleep and they shed the same heartbroken tears that we do for this baby girl.

No shame..............YIPPEE FOR LE !!

Could not agree more!!!
Hey Casey, I need a Xanax. You've rubbed my nerves raw.
Maybe if all of the info we have recieved was from the LE investigating the case we should be suspect to the leaks, but since, there were Dogs and other folks who smelled a dead body AND a lying POI, I think I would lean more to trusting the information we have been given. Besides, I live in Knoxville TN and I can tell you right now that they would not be apart of "leaks" that weren't true. They have a wonderful reputation and would not risk it by untrue information being published about their findings.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must vent.
First, I am so sick of hearing that "Of course Casey was irresponsible, consider her age." and " well, look at her age, she wasn't ready to be a mother."
I dont think her age had a single thing to do with it. Some of us 22 year olds are quite mature, we have jobs and families and we support ourselves and said families. If Casey was going to be a mooch, she would have been a mooch for as long as she could, at 20, at 40, at 80 if she could have pulled it off.
In the land of 20-somethings with children, Casey was an anomaly, not the standard.
Spoken from the point of view of a 22 year old with a good job, the beginning of a college education(I am still working toward my degree), a good car, her own home and 3, soon to be 4 kids.
Second, I understand, how you can lose someone and show no emotion at first. I lost my Dad this morning and have yet to react, but by the end of the week I will be a wreck.
C'mon Anthony's. it's been long enough. Somebody freakin cry already, maybe the world would see you as human.
NMK...I am so sorry for your loss. :blowkiss:
O/T, Your signature picture is hilarious!!!! I need one of those too!!:clap::clap::woohoo:

ETA: Sorry, I must be tired and just saw where LE is considered the same as criminals. Many of us have friends and family in LE and that comment was....uncalled for. They put their lives on the line everyday to protect and serve US. Caylee is part of their lives.....they go without seeing their own families, they lose sleep and they shed the same heartbroken tears that we do for this baby girl.
No shame..............YIPPEE FOR LE !
You are so right.We just buried another one who was murdered by a louse who should rot in hell! Anyone against LE. so very much cant really understand what WS. is about. ~ meaning LE. has a big role in the cases. IMO
Good grief! I don't think there is a thread long enough for all the things that tick me off about this case. From the in-denial, overindulgent parents, GA and CA, to the lies upon lies upon more lies told by CA (in an effort to "find" her daughter? gimme a break!) to the out-of-control confrontations with the protestors to the baking brownies for the attorney to the hiring of high-profile attorney and PR people (where did THAT $$ originate, I wonder) to the As being more concerned about salvaging their grass than finidng Caylee..... The list of bizarre just goes on and on; but I think what has me the most riled lately is the LOOOONG periods that KC is permitted to be with her attorney. It's ridiculous and flies in the face of the concept of house arrest. What's the point of house arrest when she is there mostly only to sleep?

Poor little Caylee did not deserve any of this, including the circus; and the ONLY point on which I agree with despicable CA is that in the midst of all this, the memory of an innocent little angel is getting lost.
It makes me sick that no one can remember (really) the last time they saw this little girl, mom gets days confused, gma cant recall the exact day until she is reminded, none of the friends can exactly remember and no one cared enough to ask Casey, or demand to see this little girl that everyone "LOVED" so much, for an entire month or so. Caylee deserved more than that!!! jmo
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