Rants and Random Ideas ABOUT THE CASE thread #3

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LE was called by CA (911 calls) and many LE officers were at their home until the wee hours of the morning. As a former LE officer myself, I think the ball was dropped when the car wasn't immediately impounded. Fortunately, LE realized their mistake and impounded it the next day. Just saying that if normal LE protocol had been followed, neither CA nor GA would have had the opportunity to mess with evidence -- regardless of their motives.

i agree.and I dont think there was anything sinister behind what George and cindy did at that time.
of course..I dont know the ins and outs of LE....Im not in LE. Maybe some here are.
It may have taken until morning to get the warrant.

Normal procedure is for an officer to remain in control/presence of the vehicle until the warrant is obtained. I realize that LE's primary focus was on finding a "kidnapped" child and they immediately pursued that avenue. However, as mentioned by many, the odor in the vehicle was overpowering and had to be noticed by at least one of the responding officers. Why didn't someone take action on impounding the vehicle to prevent the loss of potentially critical evidence.
Except they had the car for at least 4 hours before LE was called the first time and Cindy indicated she had already washed the clothes before she even located Casey. IMO they knew exactly what they were doing by washing clothes, airing the car out, and removing items from the car. If I picked my daughters car up and it smelled like that I would of called LE right then and there so they could find her because my fear would of been something horrible had happened to my daughter. I would never think to take the car home, clean it out, then go look for my daughter.

i agree.and I dont think there was anything sinister behind what George and cindy did at that time.
Except they had the car for at least 4 hours before LE was called the first time and Cindy indicated she had already washed the clothes before she even located Casey. IMO they knew exactly what they were doing by washing clothes, airing the car out, and removing items from the car. If I picked my daughters car up and it smelled like that I would of called LE right then and there so they could find her because my fear would of been something horrible had happened to my daughter. I would never think to take the car home, clean it out, then go look for my daughter.

I must have overlooked the statement that CA washed the clothes before calling LE. Can you point me to the link. Thanks.
Well we have to remember we are all analizing what happened in hindsight. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say...maybe things should have been done differently....it doesnt mean there were ulterior motives to what was done.
And I am perfectly willing and able to admit I could be all wrong and maybe they are all in on some sort of cover up..I just personally dont think so at this time.
I agree with you.I dont think George and Cindy did anything to intentionally cover anyhting up at that time. I agree too, that they probably didnt know the relevance. So what if George was a cop..he was a confused parent/grandparent at that point.I dont think George and Cindy know anymore now than they did then. I cant explaain Cindys behavior and statements..perhaps shes nuts to but I think George has been forthright in his dealings with LE.
So easy to judge from the outside looking in......

They didn't know the relevance? A nurse and a former LE homicide detective didn't know the relevance? No, I'm sorry - I have to disagree here. In fact, I think that they realized some short-comings from the LE at the beginning and just assumed that everyone was incompetent and stupid - And they went along with that in the best way they could to cover their skanky daughter's AZZ!


It's not at all easy judging from the outside in! What we see from the outside, as NORMAL people, is beyond comprehension - and yet, we all keep trying to understand in keeping with our very normal perceptions which, unfortunately here, is not possible.
They didn't know the relevance? A nurse and a former LE homicide detective didn't know the relevance? No, I'm sorry - I have to disagree here. In fact, I think that they realized some short-comings from the LE at the beginning and just assumed that everyone was incompetent and stupid - And they went along with that in the best way they could to cover their skanky daughter's AZZ!


It's not at all easy judging from the outside in! What we see from the outside, as NORMAL people, is beyond comprehension - and yet, we all keep trying to understand in keeping with our very normal perceptions which, unfortunately here, is not possible.

just because cindy is a nurse and George was EX LE doesnt mean they are the brightest people. Im a nurse..Ive met some stupid nurses.
Normal procedure is for an officer to remain in control/presence of the vehicle until the warrant is obtained. I realize that LE's primary focus was on finding a "kidnapped" child and they immediately pursued that avenue. However, as mentioned by many, the odor in the vehicle was overpowering and had to be noticed by at least one of the responding officers. Why didn't someone take action on impounding the vehicle to prevent the loss of potentially critical evidence.

You go, FWNana! The fact remains that George knew better but did nothing about this foul smell of death. Cindy, too. And THEN to continue on and CLEAN the damn car???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too much. This whole thing is making me sick. Especially knowing that KC is still smug as a bug at HOME....
just because cindy is a nurse and George was EX LE doesnt mean they are the brightest people. Im a nurse..Ive met some stupid nurses.

That's true.

I have been very lucky though and the majority of nurses I have encountered
have been smart and kind. Thanks for all you do.
Well we have to remember we are all analizing what happened in hindsight. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say...maybe things should have been done differently....it doesnt mean there were ulterior motives to what was done.
And I am perfectly willing and able to admit I could be all wrong and maybe they are all in on some sort of cover up..I just personally dont think so at this time.

I am in total agreement with you. I think there were mistakes made by CA, GA and LE on that day. IMHO everyone was just reacting to the situation not realizing the severity of the situation that KC created. My heart goes out to CA, GA and LE over the loss of this precious child. I hope KC get the chair for what she's done.
LE was called by CA (911 calls) and many LE officers were at their home until the wee hours of the morning. As a former LE officer myself, I think the ball was dropped when the car wasn't immediately impounded. Fortunately, LE realized their mistake and impounded it the next day. Just saying that if normal LE protocol had been followed, neither CA nor GA would have had the opportunity to mess with evidence -- regardless of their motives.
I don't think LE realized the importance of the car when they first arrived. Remember, they were being told Caylee was taken and Casey knew exactly who took her. I think their first thought was to get all the information they could to locate that person. Cindy said they even talked to her about an Amber Alert. It wasn't until they realized everything Casey was telling them was a lie that they shifted their focus on her.
I still don't feel comfortable with Cindy removing the pants and knife and washing them. If she were truly just trying to clean the car out, wouldn't she take everything out? Why just those items? I question her motives because it states in the early reports that after LE left in the early hours of the 16th, George and Cindy searched the backyard--even moving the playhouse. What thoughts were going through their minds? I can't imagine thinking to move the playhouse if my daughter told me someone had taken my granddaughter. Not unless I thought my daughter had done something to her.
I am in total agreement with you. I think there were mistakes made by CA, GA and LE on that day. IMHO everyone was just reacting to the situation not realizing the severity of the situation that KC created. My heart goes out to CA, GA and LE over the loss of this precious child. I hope KC get the chair for what she's done.

Absoloutely..In those few short hours (which sounds like a long time from the outside looking in), none of them knew what this all meant yet..including LE.
Absoloutely..In those few short hours (which sounds like a long time from the outside looking in), none of them knew what this all meant yet..including LE.

This I really HATE to say because I am in total support of LE and all of their exhaustive efforts but...had they waited even 2 or 3 days to arrest her...they probably could have solved this case within a week. I understand why they arrested her so quickly (her outright lies and strange behavior indicated foul play immediately) but if they had just let her "roam around" and do her "thing" in freedom for a couple of days - I am sure that she would be in prison (without bail) right now, awaiting her trial for murder.

Hindsight is always a precious commodity that we don't have. Here, it would have meant a lot. Florida LE has been in this situation before and if anything - they should use this case as a lesson going forward.

This is said with all due respect for those that I sincerely believe are acting in the law's best interest and is not meant as a slight - it is simply an observation. (Something that is easy to do on a forum almost 4 months after the fact.)

This I really HATE to say because I am in total support of LE and all of their exhaustive efforts but...had they waited even 2 or 3 days to arrest her...they probably could have solved this case within a week. I understand why they arrested her so quickly (her outright lies and strange behavior indicated foul play immediately) but if they had just let her "roam around" and do her "thing" in freedom for a couple of days - I am sure that she would be in prison (without bail) right now, awaiting her trial for murder.

Hindsight is always a precious commodity that we don't have. Here, it would have meant a lot. Florida LE has been in this situation before and if anything - they should use this case as a lesson going forward.

This is said with all due respect for those that I sincerely believe are acting in the law's best interest and is not meant as a slight - it is simply an observation. (Something that is easy to do on a forum almost 4 months after the fact.)


If they had waited for any period of time to arrest her, KC would have fled and LE would now be looking for her and Caylee.
Also, I don't recall reading anywhere that GA did clean the vehicle -- please direct me to a link if there is one. Thanks.

LE has never said that the car was cleaned, let alone that George cleaned it. I'm sure we'd have heard about it if it happened.

On NG they said the chloroform search was done prior to Caylee's disappearance, on Casey's laptop computer.
LE has never said that the car was cleaned, let alone that George cleaned it. I'm sure we'd have heard about it if it happened.

On NG they said the chloroform search was done prior to Caylee's disappearance, on Casey's laptop computer.

thank you..the story has been twisted to read that george and cindy cleaned everything before they called the cops because they knew caylees dead body was in there and they wanted to cover for her!
thank you..the story has been twisted to read that george and cindy cleaned everything before they called the cops because they knew caylees dead body was in there and they wanted to cover for her!

I believe the story started as someone's theory and has taken on a life of it's own from there. LE has said repeatedly that they retrieved evidence from the trunk of the car. NEVER once have they said it was a difficult task because the trunk had been cleaned. We know Cindy was a pair of pants and a kitchen knife. If George washed down the car, we'd surely know that too.
LE was called by CA (911 calls) and many LE officers were at their home until the wee hours of the morning. As a former LE officer myself, I think the ball was dropped when the car wasn't immediately impounded. Fortunately, LE realized their mistake and impounded it the next day. Just saying that if normal LE protocol had been followed, neither CA nor GA would have had the opportunity to mess with evidence -- regardless of their motives.

Normal procedure is for an officer to remain in control/presence of the vehicle until the warrant is obtained. I realize that LE's primary focus was on finding a "kidnapped" child and they immediately pursued that avenue. However, as mentioned by many, the odor in the vehicle was overpowering and had to be noticed by at least one of the responding officers. Why didn't someone take action on impounding the vehicle to prevent the loss of potentially critical evidence.

I agree. LE dropped the ball not impounding the car until the next day.

I can't excuse the argument that they were only concerned with a kidnapped child, so left the car with all it's evidence, with the Anthony's til the following day. It's not like they couldn't have suspected KC from the get go. Let's remember in Cindy's 911 call, she said something is wrong here and that it smells like a dead body in the damn car. That makes the damn car, to me, laden with honking huge hunks of evidence. Evidence lost forever.

Cindy suspected something was wrong and that KC had something to do with it. That's what lured me into this case, that this grandmom was actually turning her daughter in and I cheered her all the way. Cindy wanted KC locked up. Wow, way to go!

It was known immediately that KC hadn't called the child in missing for 31days! RED FLAG to LE!!! That, coupled with KC's uncaring attitude, lack of remorse and tears, and an overwhelming dead body smell in the car, HUGE RED FLAGS SCREAMING IN THE WIND!!! ... any cop should have MADE SURE the car didn't leave their site until it was impounded. I think anyone who has ever watched TRU TV or any simple cop show would know these simple basics. I am completely dumbfounded as to why LE let this go! :confused::mad:

I know what others have said about hindsight, but come on, this should be normal procedure in ANY case.

I also think Cindy and George knew exactly what they were doing. Let's see. Dead body smell, they totally clean out the car and everything in it. Yeah, sounds innocent to me.
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