Rants and Random Ideas ABOUT THE CASE thread #3

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Don't really see it in this case. I really think this case is pretty straight forward, pretty much exactly what it seems to be. Mom 'loses' baby but won't co-operate to find her, probably because she did it, whatever it is. Everyone around her is sucked into a vortex of lying, stealing and obstructing created by Mom. There's definite disfunction, bigtime, but this is not it.
I was laying in bed the other night and I don't know why this came to me and it's probably not all that original, but I thought I'd share anyway..

Oh, and if this is the wrong spot, let me know.

This is what I don't get... so CA stole money from everyone under the sun she was loved by (grandparents, mom, friends)... but when did this start? I don't know that I've seen any particular time frame on this.

It's been rumored that CinA had to take out money from her retirement to pay off CC debt that CasA had supposedly run up (rumored to be upwards of $45k, right) Whoa! That's a tremendous amount. And I'd even venture to guess that CasA wasn't the only one using those CC - I bet CinA had a hand in it too... cause think about the payments on those - you'd have to borrow from Pete to pay Paul. Make sense?
So with that being said, how in the He!! did CinA for one second begin to believe that CasA had any kind of employment? What about April every year? Where are CasA's tax returns? Who claimed Caylee? Or did she lie about that too??? Just another cover up?!?! But again, why would she allow for that kind of behavior? Going out, saying its work, looking for email proof, etc etc. Did she really think that her daughter had a job? If so what did she think she was making?? Minimum wage? Or less? Come on!!!!!

What a mess...
I agree, tehcloser....people, George was previously a COP who also ADMITTED to LE that he knew exactly, sadly but exactly, what the smell coming from that car was. The smell of death!!!! He knew better than anyone in that house to turn that car over to LE as soon as they smelled it at the impound lot! Take it home, wait a few days, wash evidence....clean the car??????? :eek: This is beyond DENIAL IMO

This is what gets me. He knew exactly what the smell was. I believe Cindy told Amy they were scared it may be Casey or Caylee. With that said. A normal person would've called the LE the moment they opened the trunk at the tow yard. George being a former LE agent thinking it may be his daughter or gr daughter you would think would call the LE so no evidence was compromised. That is unless they already knew what happened, and were in on the cover up.:waitasec:
This has probably already been sleuthed out, but I am not as up to speed as many of you, so forgive me if I am repetitive here! I have always thought it strange that a "Patrick Bourgeois," supposedly from Casey's HS, came to visit Casey during her first stint at the jail in July, yet she didn't remember him. The jail records that day indicate that he signed himself in as "Frank Bourgeois" (per Scared Monkeys... http://.net/index.php?topic=3626.0). When I Google Frank Bourgeois, this is the first thing that pops up in the results, and I wonder if there's somehow a connection to Caylee's whereabouts or ending...?

http://www.alwaysfishing.com/Florida charter fishing.htm

Probably a dumb thought, but thought I'd throw it out there...
...and I thought a sharing a little info here might be of interest to WS'rs looking @ timelines and thinking about Casey conducting a shallow-grave disposal.

We lost a family pet yesterday :(. So I went to the backyard to make preparations.

So...FWIW...here's what maybe relevant info:
  • I live near the coast w/ sandy soil conditions reasonably comparible to Orlando area
  • My backyard is sparsley wooded w/ pine trees
  • I'm 42 y.o. male, 6' tall, 170 lbs. (for comparison to Casey's capabilities or time needed only)
  • I'm in good physical condition, this was a good workout...full rolling sweat w/ no breaks
  • I used a short-handled "ditch diggers" shovel (rounded to a point end)
  • Dug a shallow grave that would accomodate a 30lb pet
  • Final dimensions 2' x 3' x 2' deep
  • Ideal weather conditions: 79F, sunny, low humidity, no mosquitos
  • Took me exactly 30mins to dig the grave
  • This 30mins does not include transporting to/from, refilling w/ soil, etc.
  • Toughest physical challenge for Casey, IMHO, would be cutting through roots. I encountered several 3/4" diam. from pine trees and undergrowth. I got through these w/ the shovel, but, took real effort and persistance.
  • After cutting through root layer, digging went quickly...hence, job would go much faster in non-wooded area
  • Digging another 2' deeper (total 4' deep) would've taken another ~20minutes. Faster due to no roots and sandier soil. Slower if I could only use the short-handled shovel and had to dig from inside the hole vs. from above.
  • OK, something obvious, that's still worth noting, IMHO...the occupant of a grave lays on the bottom, hence, a body thats, say, 8" thick will only be 16" below the surface of the filled grave. A 2' grave somehow looks deeper than 2' when you're standing above it.

Some other notes FWIW:
It was very wet in Orlando in June/July, IIRC, and water would be seeping/ponding into any hole being dug more than ~1' deep.

Having/knowing the right type of shovel to use is a make-or-break for this job. For example, a flat-tipped coal shovel would make cutting through roots virtually impossible. A long-spade shovel would've double-to-tripled the duration of the job since it moves less volume. Factor this in if a receipt ever surfaces w/ a shovel on it. :)
...and I thought a sharing a little info here might be of interest to WS'rs looking @ timelines and thinking about Casey conducting a shallow-grave disposal.

We lost a family pet yesterday :(. So I went to the backyard to make preparations.

So...FWIW...here's what maybe relevant info:
  • I live near the coast w/ sandy soil conditions reasonably comparible to Orlando area
  • My backyard is sparsley wooded w/ pine trees
  • I'm 42 y.o. male, 6' tall, 170 lbs. (for comparison to Casey's capabilities or time needed only)
  • I'm in good physical condition, this was a good workout...full rolling sweat w/ no breaks
  • I used a short-handled "ditch diggers" shovel (rounded to a point end)
  • Dug a shallow grave that would accomodate a 30lb pet
  • Final dimensions 2' x 3' x 2' deep
  • Ideal weather conditions: 79F, sunny, low humidity, no mosquitos
  • Took me exactly 30mins to dig the grave
  • This 30mins does not include transporting to/from, refilling w/ soil, etc.
  • Toughest physical challenge for Casey, IMHO, would be cutting through roots. I encountered several 3/4" diam. from pine trees and undergrowth. I got through these w/ the shovel, but, took real effort and persistance.
  • After cutting through root layer, digging went quickly...hence, job would go much faster in non-wooded area
  • Digging another 2' deeper (total 4' deep) would've taken another ~20minutes. Faster due to no roots and sandier soil. Slower if I could only use the short-handled shovel and had to dig from inside the hole vs. from above.
  • OK, something obvious, that's still worth noting, IMHO...the occupant of a grave lays on the bottom, hence, a body thats, say, 8" thick will only be 16" below the surface of the filled grave. A 2' grave somehow looks deeper than 2' when you're standing above it.

Some other notes FWIW:
It was very wet in Orlando in June/July, IIRC, and water would be seeping/ponding into any hole being dug more than ~1' deep.

Having/knowing the right type of shovel to use is a make-or-break for this job. For example, a flat-tipped coal shovel would make cutting through roots virtually impossible. A long-spade shovel would've double-to-tripled the duration of the job since it moves less volume. Factor this in if a receipt ever surfaces w/ a shovel on it. :)

So sorry about your pet, I've been there a time or two myself :blowkiss:

Thank you for relating this experience with us, I was on the fence between shovel for digging in backyard or shovel for other reason (prying up pavers or breaking shed lock) Now, I feel for certain that she didn't dig a grave for Caylee in the backyard. She might have tried, but gave up realizing it was way too much for her. IMO
Thanks, Bond! (Sorry about your family pet tho. :()

It is interesting to know all those details.
sorry about your loss, I love my pets like my children.

I think it would have been too much work for Casey to dig....she doesn't come across to me like she would want to do that much *work*....plus handling a decomposing corpse would have some major issues...(but that's just me, i couldn't look at what used to be my child.)

i'm theorizing that she was more likely to wrap Caylee and just be rid of her by dumping her in the trash, then scamper off to Tony and her free social life.
This isn't technically about the case exactly. I just want to express my rage towards her after watching the video of her latest trip to meet her HCO. The part where she laughed after walking in made me just want to strangle this girl. For real! It may not be as bad as her and Lee high fiving but for some reason this one made me just as mad, if not more so. Had to lol though when the reporter made a comment about "why are you strutting like that." and then the reporter kinda laughed at her. I don't know what she thinks she has to strut because if you ask me she looks like a little boy. Anyone else think so?

...and I thought a sharing a little info here might be of interest to WS'rs looking @ timelines and thinking about Casey conducting a shallow-grave disposal.


Thanks for posting your experience, though sorry about the pet.

It will be interesting to find out what, if any, residue was clinging to the shovel.

I just added a signature, but it's WAY sad. Look at the HUGE FACTS Lee et al are having to ignore! Can you imagine remembering every day the stench of a car trunk ... and it was a loved one? How can you ignore that?

It's NOT just a smell (just like another poster's sig, "It's not squirrels...") -- it's that dear little girl! </full rant mode>
Thanks for sharing that Bond. It puts things into perspective. So sorry about your loss too.

On a side note: Did that remind anyone else of the Diet Coke commercial? ;)
So sorry about your pet, Bond. Our old cat passed away last year, so I know how difficult it is. Thank you for sharing your facts. Much appreciated. :)
I totally agree with you on this matter, Suzet. I'm just not personally ready to play the game of involving CA and GA in a conspiracy with KC, as many others on this site are apparently trying to do.

It only took me a limited time of watching the A family to realize they were the ones "playing games" in this case. Until their actions and words spoke volumes about the roles they possibly played in this scenario, it was not even in question. They brought this all upon themselves. Their own words and actions are working against them.

No one here has done anything except call it like we have seen it with our own eyes. We aren't trying to do anything except get to the truth of what happened to Caylee and to find out why people want to cover it up instead.

Thank you, SeriouslySearching. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Did y'all see that she's got herself a new "Find Caylee" shirt that fits like a baby tee? No more of those oversized shirts that hide her favorite asset. Finding Caylee takes a back seat to getting a hoochie wardrobe and slathering on the eyeliner so thick even the raccoons are cringing. She cares so much more about her appearance than she ever did about Caylee and that just makes me wanna retch.
So with that being said, how in the He!! did CinA for one second begin to believe that CasA had any kind of employment? What about April every year? Where are CasA's tax returns? Who claimed Caylee? Or did she lie about that too??? Just another cover up?!?! But again, why would she allow for that kind of behavior? Going out, saying its work, looking for email proof, etc etc. Did she really think that her daughter had a job? If so what did she think she was making?? Minimum wage? Or less? Come on!!!!!

What a mess...
We have wondered about the tax situation and how her parents did not know about Casey's lack of a job. My guess is that Casey always told them she had "a friend" doing her taxes for her, but I bet CA claimed Caylee on her taxes since she paid for everything.

Mininum wage was probably about right for the type of job she had with Kodak. Casey would have been eligible for the EI tax credit for Caylee if she filed, but since she had no job...no need. It does look like CA would have questioned it at some point as that is a chunk of cash for any single mother.
We have wondered about the tax situation and how her parents did not know about Casey's lack of a job. My guess is that Casey always told them she had "a friend" doing her taxes for her, but I bet CA claimed Caylee on her taxes since she paid for everything.

Mininum wage was probably about right for the type of job she had with Kodak. Casey would have been eligible for the EI tax credit for Caylee if she filed, but since she had no job...no need. It does look like CA would have questioned it at some point as that is a chunk of cash for any single mother.

So, let me nibble on that for a second.
Let's say Cin did claim Caylee. This wouldn't be hard to do, she'd just have to prove that she was taking care of over 50% of the childs needs.
My question is - and this just comes from my lack of knowledge on dependents... how could she claim her if she wasn't somehow given guardian standing? Or is it simply that you just have to put down a SSN to claim.
I'm then also beginning to question health insurance and so on. Not sure how Caylee could have been covered unless Cin's company policies allowed for that. At my place of business, we have to provide information on relationship (ie biological child, adopted, legally granted custodian, etc.). I'll look it up, but you all are so on top of these things, you can probably answer before I do.
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