Rants and Random Ideas ABOUT THE CASE thread #3

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I am hoping that anyone and everyone who has done the same in this case is also charged and held accountable. Although I feel sorry for the Anthony's loss, I think that they have crossed the line from protecting their daughter to intentionally lying, costing the tax payers money, taking LE away from other criminal investigations, etc. Their actions went from unconditional love to criminal behavior.

I agree. Prosecute them all.
More importantly, Casey's lies can be used against her, for example, if she is accused of murder and claims it was an accident, then the prosection will say, "but didn't you tell police that a Zaneida Gonzales kidnapped your child? If you were lying then, why should we believe you now?"
I thought when you take the stand you are sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? So if she lies, which we know she will then why can't and why shouldn't she be prosecuted? Doesn't really matter any way she will raise her hand and still lie.

She hasn't taken the stand yet... and probably won't. There is no way that Baez will let her testify when it goes to trial.
Baez has a real problem. To cast reasonable doubt, he has to float an "accident" theory, but to do that, Casey almost has to testify, which would of course, be a disaster for her. A real catch-22. I don't think using the "somebody else did it" theory will float with any jury.
More importantly, Casey's lies can be used against her, for example, if she is accused of murder and claims it was an accident, then the prosection will say, "but didn't you tell police that a Zaneida Gonzales kidnapped your child? If you were lying then, why should we believe you now?"

*bolding is mine* And this is precisely what will get Casey in the end, her lies. She's woven such a thick tapestry of stories that there is no way she can keep to one solid one now. She has zero credibility with LE, the judge, and her potential jury pool.
I think JB is going to try and say she is mentally ill and didn't know right from wrong. Which is total cow manure, because if she didn't know right from wrong she wouldn't have made up the elaborate lies.
Casey has never changed her official statement to LE nor redacted it which means that (in her mind...and lies of course) she last saw Caylee on June 9th when she dropped her at the sawgrass apartments.

All of the witness statements, testimony, video, etc will be measured against her official written statement and taped interview with LE.

This being said, I personally think her lies will hurt her in trial....esp the child neglect one coming up in November.

You may want to alter your thread title.. while you can't be prosecuted for murder for lying alone, you can be prosecuted for lying/misleading a police officer, something she already did and admitted to while being interrogated by police (about why she purposely misled law enforcement to Universal).

Edit: Otherwise, you're going to get responses like the three of us that just posted. LOL!

I join you in that, seeker78.

Now CINDY has stated that lying is not a crime, or something to that effect, and she has told some herself. Her stories change, IMO.
Casey's lies will be used in the murder trial to show 'consciousness of guilt'.

I am just dying to see Cindy on the stand in the murder trial. She has lied so much, including in the bond hearing. I wonder if she will tell the truth to avoid perjury, obstructing justice, etc. Or if she'll just keep on lying because she seems to feel she is above the law. Should be extremely interesting.

I think George will be honest on the stand. And oh boy, what happens then between Cindy and George? If Cindy lies, and George tells the truth, Cindy will be extremely angry.

And what if Cindy lies and Lee also is honest? I can just see Cindy stomping out of the court room in a fury.

I'm so much more fascinated by Cindy than by Casey. Casey is a typical, boring, run of the mill sociopath and murderer. She lies without reaction.

Cindy does show reaction when lies. Funny looks on her face, voice gets higher, talks a lot. Much more interesting person.
She already has been charged with crimes based on some of her lies. IF she (or any witness) were to take the stand at trial and lie under oath, she could be charged with perjury. All her lies may also be used as evidence at trial if they show her consciousness of guilt. Mistruth is not her friend.
If they, LE, do not charge the Anthony's, it will set a precedent that sits on a very slippery slope.
:confused: Huh? She is charged with obstruction and making false statements
Could also throw in perjury during sworn testimony or written statement.
CA, Casey, GA, and LA all signed their official statements and stated they were true. The lies there can be prosecuted. Casey's were nothing, but lies. The rest of the family lied less, but still...it doesn't matter if it is one lie or fifty.

I hope they charge everyone who deserves it in this case. Anyone lying should be punished because of hiding information about Caylee's disappearance. I think it matters most what is at stake here and to lie about anything when Caylee's life is in question is criminal, imo.

I would also like to see charges of Obstruction and any other applicable charges brought against the family.
If they, LE, do not charge the Anthony's, it will set a precedent that sits on a very slippery slope.

I agree. The same law should apply to everyone. The entire Anthony family have changed their story so which version is true? IMO, we may never know.

When others have been charged for lying in an official statement or testimony, it would not be fair to NOT charge any and everyone who has done the same, IMO.
You know what is really bugging me today, on this topic?

If my sister's kid went missing, and I was questioned, and I told the police that I had not seen my sister in weeks, and they pulled her phone records that clearly showed that she had been at my house and spoken to me daily, then you can bet your arse I would be locked up and charged with perjury. I am sure of it. So, why in the heck are all of the Anthony's just walking around free as birds, calling in false tips, and continuing to lie to LE? WHY???
Casey's lies will be used in the murder trial to show 'consciousness of guilt'.

I am just dying to see Cindy on the stand in the murder trial. She has lied so much, including in the bond hearing. I wonder if she will tell the truth to avoid perjury, obstructing justice, etc. Or if she'll just keep on lying because she seems to feel she is above the law. Should be extremely interesting.

I think George will be honest on the stand. And oh boy, what happens then between Cindy and George? If Cindy lies, and George tells the truth, Cindy will be extremely angry.

And what if Cindy lies and Lee also is honest? I can just see Cindy stomping out of the court room in a fury.

I'm so much more fascinated by Cindy than by Casey. Casey is a typical, boring, run of the mill sociopath and murderer. She lies without reaction.

Cindy does show reaction when lies. Funny looks on her face, voice gets higher, talks a lot. Much more interesting person.

I have stated numerous times, Cindy is my favorite NUT in this case.
How about that first phone call Cindy made to Casey in jail, when she calls her "sweetheart"? When Casey sarcastically says "You don't know my involvement in this, mom??" and Cindy speaks to her in a soothing tone and calls her "sweetheart". Really, SWEETHEART? After ALL that's just happened? Wouldn't most people be talking to Casey through clenched teeth saying "Listen, you selfish little &&@W))#, you tell me RIGHT NOW, where is Caylee??"

yeah that gave me a lot of question marks too - esp knowing now about the fight they'd had even before the 911 calls and knowing they suspected that stench was poor caylee! there is NO WAY I'd be on the phone after all those lies and after the arrest all "oh, sweeheart".....:furious:
I could be wrong about this, but to me, it is simple. When the Anthonys made their statements, they were merely stating what they believed at that time. To my knowledge, they have been cleared as to having anything to do with Caylee's disappearance. Cindy's statements were inconsistent, but I don't believe they were outright lies... just what she had been told by her lying daughter. What they have said to the media since then, cannot be classified as lies, they were not under oath. That can't be prosecuted as obstruction of justice.
If Cindy washed those pants, knowing that they could be evidence, that's different, however she DID call LE to come pick them up... so by doing that, they gave her a pass. Every spokesperson for LE that I have heard so far has stated the Anthonys are not under suspicion for anything. They have said that they cooperated fully. Does not sound to me like they intend to charge them with obstruction or lying under oath.
Like I said, this is just my opinion, and I could be wrong. But LE knows that they are under tremendous pressure, and hurting right now because of Caylee being missing. They know it is next to impossible for them to accept that Caylee is probably dead. I don't believe they would be callous enough to charge them with anything under those circumstances.
I know that many will disagree with me, and that's okay. But none of us really know how we would react if we had to face the same situation, do we? And also... think about this... most of us claim to love Caylee and want her to be found. Yet we never knew her at all... these grandparents were with her every day until June-whatever... she was their pride and joy. Think about how much harder this is on them than it is us. We can only imagine how sweet and precious she is.... they lived it!!!!
I really did not see a thread that this questions might already be covered in:
How is it determined if/when Casey goes to court - will it be televised?
Who decides which trials are shown on TV?
Doesn't the judge have a say so if his courtroom can be televised of not?
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