Rate Your Risk of being Murdered

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DNA Solves
I scored a -3.

The interesting thing is that from a young age I have always been convinced (known??) that I would die by murder. It wasn't just a young girl's frightened thoughts about the "bogeyman" or something like that. It's like I just "knew" it. I basically just knew it and accepted that it would happen someday. And I lived in a very safe, happy household so I really didn't have any reason to think that! Wierd, huh?

As I've gotten older, I don't really think about it much and I don't live a reckless lifestyle or anything like that (as you can tell from my -3 score!) so it's probably not going to happen. And, honestly, if it was going to happen, it probably would have happened during my wild college days! LOL!
6 here. But I know how high risk this area is. The test seems more of a reminder to get a cell phone for 911 calls, change your routine, maybe take some kind of self defense class, and get an alarm system.

I am one block from what we fondly refer to as "Murder Avenue" in a highly populated City that has rated number 1 in homicides for years, but that has lowered now to 2nd or 3rd.
I scored a 35.
It said, "Your particular job puts you at risk". (Graveyard shift- closing up at night).
Oh well, I can live with that!
Unless I get murdered because of it.

I think I'm going to ask for a raise.
Your total is 20.

I guess no need to worry too much then! :smile:
I got a 17. :)

I also got the following response: "The Metropolitan Police Department is hiring. Look at our main page for hiring details if you think you qualify as a police officer".

I think I'd need to live in the same continent, never mind country, to qualify!!! LOL.
My score was a 2, with a little blub about living in / near a big city.
I would say that about 90% of the people murdered in my area are young males involved in some sort of criminal activity.
Interesting quiz! Not too surprised that I ended up with a 112! :what:

My "warning" was "Your particular job puts you at risk".............DUH! and like others, got the "ex-employee" warning!

But the best......"Appearing on TV is a good way to attract those loons you always wanted. They do need SOMEBODY to stalk...right."....so guess those TV reporters are to be considered accessories to murder & mayhem as they stalk folks coming out of court or drive us "nuts" at crime scenes? :banghead::banghead::banghead:
I was a 29 with this

(Less than 70) You are probably a middle class person who faces a normal (low) risk of murder in today's society.
  • You face more criminal (per capita) in the big city. That adds to some of your risk, but hey...
  • Divorce often means emotional upset. Police always consider ex-wives or ex-husbands in murders because they are so often the culprit.
  • You are driving a nice car. Hope you can stand the attention from thieves, etc. No one wants to kill and rob a person driving a Yugo.
I got a 10 with a warning about a big city.
Well, I scored 1 with the suggestion about joining the police! LOL! What does it for me is I live down the road (under a mile) from a fire station. No kids, retired, never fired anyone, never in the media, small city nearby.

The main crime in my neighborhood is minor vandalism and occasional theft from garage doors left open. Talk about a dull and boring life!
Well, I scored 1 with the suggestion about joining the police! LOL! What does it for me is I live down the road (under a mile) from a fire station. No kids, retired, never fired anyone, never in the media, small city nearby.

The main crime in my neighborhood is minor vandalism and occasional theft from garage doors left open. Talk about a dull and boring life!

i got a 4 , where you live sounds like where i live but i am quite sure i can beat u in the dull and boring life stakes . i probably got a higher score on account of having two teenagers lol
Funny you should post just now! The latest in my neighborhood is a feud between families on one corner. Family A is telling Family B to stop their teens from vandalizing their mailbox! Family A has the crime on video tape and Family B says it's not so.
I'm not convinced this is very accurate. Size of city does not correlate well with murder rates. Some big cities are quite low some smaller ones really high.
Your total is 3. I live in a heavily populated area.
I got a -30, but I think I'm actually safer than that. Things not mentioned are living in a security building; nobody can enter unless admitted by a resident. Seldom drive on a highway/interstate (road rage can be a killer), I don't have any guns, but I do have several heavy canes and walking sticks, a Boy Scout axe, and a few other items that could be used for self-defense in a pinch, and in the recorded history of this town there have only been 2 murders. I feel pretty safe, but often bored.

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