Raven is innocent!

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Jun 3, 2005
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I'm sure I read a post way back in discussion #2. NCbanker said his source told him they had cleared Raven weeks ago...and to start looking at other possibilities.
Raven wasn't a serious POI a few weeks ago, but that status could very well change.

Rooster said:
I'm sure I read a post way back in discussion #2. NCbanker said his source told him they had cleared Raven weeks ago...and to start looking at other possibilities.
Maybe you could check with your source and get an up date.:eek:
Actually, at this point, I think I'm going to let LE do their work. If I hear something, I may post it privately, but we need to let LE work this case without sensitive information being leaked.

As I have mentioned in other threads, there is a substantial amount of circumstantial evidence that screams Raven's guilty, too much in fact.

Raven needs to be convinced to come out of hiding and plead with the public for help in this case. If he is innocent, more details concerning the murder need to be released, i.e. the soccer game that night, the time of death, Janet's coworkers who tried to contact her, etc. We want light shed on these unanswered questions. At this point, he has been tried in absentia by the parties in this forum and he has been found guilty, based solely on circumstantial evidence.

Let the information flow.

Rooster said:
Maybe you could check with your source and get an up date.:eek:
I am aware that most of the people who post here have already decided he is guilty. I belive he is innocent of murder. I'm sure other "lurkers" share my opinion. I don't condone his action's or behavior. I'm sure he's guilty of some of the things posted here. But, I belive he is innocent of Murder.
Rooster said:
I am aware that most of the people who post here have already decided he is guilty. I belive he is innocent of murder. I'm sure other "lurkers" share my opinion. I don't condone his action's or behavior. I'm sure he's guilty of some of the things posted here. But, I belive he is innocent of Murder.
Can you elaborate on why you feel he is innocent? The poll on this thread shows you are in the minority, so your opinion would be significant.
I just thought we could start a thread to observe some other options. I read that post awhile back, from NCbanker, saying his "solid" source had cleared him. I thought maybe we could come up with some other ideas. Like...I belive it was a robbery gone bad. I think someone was there robbing the house...then Janet suprised the burglar...and he/she stabbed her.
Burglars don't typically stab the homeowners. They run. We have no evidence that anything was stolen. The press certainly hasn't indicated that it appeared to be a robbery, and the police said it wasn't a random crime. Robberies are random crimes. This was personal. It has been stated that she only suffered from 3 stab wounds. That is methodical and planned.

Rooster said:
I just thought we could start a thread to observe some other options. I read that post awhile back, from NCbanker, saying his "solid" source had cleared him. I thought maybe we could come up with some other ideas. Like...I belive it was a robbery gone bad. I think someone was there robbing the house...then Janet suprised the burglar...and he/she stabbed her.
A vast majority of burglars are unarmed and commit no violent acts. Most of them are only interested in theft. Those who are interested in violence bring their own weapons and usually don't rely on knives because they are not as effective as guns. If she was killed using a knife from the kitchen but was found in a bedroom, it seems highly unlikely that a burglar was involved unless he dragged her into the bedroom to leave her there... which would seem rather stupid. The police have stated that this was not a random crime (which negates your postulation that this was a burglary). The murder weapon is certainly a reason why... most people who plan murders don't use knives... it's too easy to screw it up... there are always exceptions to the rule, but most premeditated murders involve other means of exacting death upon the victim.
All of them run...no exceptions? Maybe the house wasn't locked. So no forced entery was needed. Leading the police to belive that it was someone they knew.
Rooster there are always exceptions to the rule... but rules are usually rules because they happen most of the time. Do you have any other ideas for why Raven would not be guilty? I went to college with him and Janet and I am really hoping that he didn't do this even though the circumstantial evidence is kind of scary.
He's been "cleared" by LE. They haven't arrested him. I know they are way ahead of all this stuff the poeple on this sight come up with. Not that it's not good relivent stuff. I just think LE is way ahead of it. So they haven't charged him or arrested him. He's innocent. Let's try and find the real killer. I hope when all the forensic stuff come's back from the lab we'll have more to go on.
Well if the killing was in fact random, that makes LE's job 100x harder in trying to find the perp. If the killing WAS random, there is an even greater need for Raven and the family to start trying to drum up some information from the public but they've been reluctant to do that... that's why I agree that it wasn't random. Otherwise the police would have "strongly suggested" that Raven and the family be a little more proactive in trying to obtain information.
I've been trying to think of a case similar to this where the police were so close-mouthed, and there aren't many.

And... in every one where they gave lie detector tests to the husband or boyfriend and he passed, or in every case where the guy had an airtight alibi, they would proactively state the man was not a POI or suspect.

There has been no direct, public statement by the Durham PD that Raven is not a POI. In fact, they did make it a point to say the crime was not random.

The moment they issue a press release or give an interview where a named representative of that law enforcement agency says Raven is not a suspect I will begin to wonder what happened, and worry for folks in that area. If I were Raven, I'd be demanding they do this at this point. If he is, and they aren't complying, that means the police cannot in good conscience do so.

It isn't that I mistrust or disbelieve NCBanker; it's just that I want to hear a named rep. for the Durham PD say it if it is to be said. That hasn't happened.

It is fair to say that he hasn't been accused directly, either. To me, the "not random" statement was the closest they've come to saying; someone made it a point to kill Janet Abaroa.

Therefore, with that "not random" statement in mind, all questions in my mind have to be connected to this one; why would someone make it a point to kill Janet?

A woman whom we are told over and over again was very quiet and unassuming. Who was shy and soft-spoken. Who tended to keep her troubles to herself. We've even seen her speak in the 2:03 Xmas greeting video. Her voice was so low you had to strain to make out everything she said -- but Raven spoke smoothly the whole time and even proudly showed us his new knife.

As soon as the Durham Police Department, which as far as I know is the investigative agency of record here, makes a direct statement in some manner that Raven Abaroa is not now a person of interest in his wife's murder, I will begin to re-think this crime with that in mind.

Mr. A.
Is there someone lurking on this site, who played soccer with Raven on the night of April 26th, who wants to back up Ravens alibi? (dosn't hurt to ask. :eek: ) PM me if you want to.
Rooster said:
I just thought we could start a thread to observe some other options. I read that post awhile back, from NCbanker, saying his "solid" source had cleared him. I thought maybe we could come up with some other ideas. Like...I belive it was a robbery gone bad. I think someone was there robbing the house...then Janet suprised the burglar...and he/she stabbed her.
.........i think robbers would more likely SHOOT a witness , and if they were to stab them, ( with the knife they brought along just in case ) then it would be more than ONCE ( as we know janet was fatally stabbed once to the chest.....)to ensure the witness was indeed no longer a witness......but in general, i don't think your average house burglar is also a cold blooded murderer....

...nope..............i don't buy the robbery theory...

...raven was cleared? b/c of the blood spatters NOT being on the clothes he SAID he was wearing that night ? at this point i'm not believing anything raven has said, without solid proof to back up his statements...

...he and janet's own friends/acquaintances have either directly or indirectly posted here that they believe him to be very capable of this........( that's a HUGE plus sign on the guilty poll...)

...if i were raven..............and innocent.....and knew of the suspicions surrounding him.....i'd be all over the media/LE demanding air time to proclaim my innocence! take a lie detector....and ask for the public's help..........anything to find the real killer...

...raven is very internet savvy..........has sites ( a family site even ), blogs etc, where is his tribute to his wife ? he began a blog titled "til we meet again' some time ago.............that's it...the title.......no entry has followed.......why?

...raven has been online numerous times since april 26th..........as noted as he logs onto his "myspace" account...........why then has he not been all over every site he frequents with questions/comments of his wife's murder? ( all that are available are OLD entries.....)a simple google search will bring up this site a hundred times..............

...his LACK of participation in this makes you wonder.............
Rooster said:
He's been "cleared" by LE. They haven't arrested him. I know they are way ahead of all this stuff the poeple on this sight come up with. Not that it's not good relivent stuff. I just think LE is way ahead of it. So they haven't charged him or arrested him. He's innocent. Let's try and find the real killer. I hope when all the forensic stuff come's back from the lab we'll have more to go on.
.........no they haven't charged or arrested him..........they didn't charge or arrest scott peterson either until the bodies washed ashore...

...in a circumstantial case, i'm sure LE is making sure they have all of their t's crossed and i's dotted before taking it to a grand jury.....

...i don't believe that b/c he hasn't been arrested means that he's "been cleared" by LE at all.....
lauriej said:
.........i think robbers would more likely SHOOT a witness , and if they were to stab them, ( with the knife they brought along just in case ) then it would be more than ONCE ( as we know janet was fatally stabbed once to the chest.....)to ensure the witness was indeed no longer a witness......but in general, i don't think your average house burglar is also a cold blooded murderer....

...nope..............i don't buy the robbery theory...

...raven was cleared? b/c of the blood spatters NOT being on the clothes he SAID he was wearing that night ? at this point i'm not believing anything raven has said, without solid proof to back up his statements...

...he and janet's own friends/acquaintances have either directly or indirectly posted here that they believe him to be very capable of this........( that's a HUGE plus sign on the guilty poll...)

...if i were raven..............and innocent.....and knew of the suspicions surrounding him.....i'd be all over the media/LE demanding air time to proclaim my innocence! take a lie detector....and ask for the public's help..........anything to find the real killer...

...raven is very internet savvy..........has sites ( a family site even ), blogs etc, where is his tribute to his wife ? he began a blog titled "til we meet again' some time ago.............that's it...the title.......no entry has followed.......why?

...raven has been online numerous times since april 26th..........as noted as he logs onto his "myspace" account...........why then has he not been all over every site he frequents with questions/comments of his wife's murder? ( all that are available are OLD entries.....)a simple google search will bring up this site a hundred times..............

...his LACK of participation in this makes you wonder.............
Maybe his lawyer is advising him not to talk to the media. Maybe his is doing everything he can to help LE find Janets killer. If you knew you were a POI would you go on T.V. and beg the person who did this to turn themselves in? I'm sure LE is doing their job and has asked everyone in the neighborhood what they know. They have also publicly asked anyone with any information to contact them. So the public knows who to call if they know anything. I'm sure Raven, and the families, want to find the murderer more than anyone else. Just because they arn't on the news everyday it dosen't mean they arn't helping LE.
Roddick said:
Well if the killing was in fact random, that makes LE's job 100x harder in trying to find the perp. If the killing WAS random, there is an even greater need for Raven and the family to start trying to drum up some information from the public but they've been reluctant to do that... that's why I agree that it wasn't random. Otherwise the police would have "strongly suggested" that Raven and the family be a little more proactive in trying to obtain information.
......many of the news reports immediatly folloiwng the murder stated ( already ) that police believed "this was not random"......

ie: http://newsobserver.com/news/story/2368828p-8746832c.html

...considering that this murder took place on the same night that the "run-away bride" ran away.............both raven and LE are very aware of the power of the media.....why aren't either utilizing them in janet's case ???

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