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I've often considered that it was another child, on suggestion by Jonbenet , that called 911. The problem with this "thought" is that it could only be Fleet's child.
tipper said:
Actually I've always been suspicious of that crying story. Why would this woman (Janet McSanta?) just waltz on past a crying child. Wouldn't she sit down and talk with her about why she didn't feel pretty? Wouldn't she try and talk her out of her sadness. Yet we get this abreviated story. Did BPD not ask any further questions about it? Or did the full story not add to his trying to raise our suspicions about the Ramsey household.
Tipper, do you know where the crying story originated? I have heard it referred to many times but have never known whether the source was reliable or not.
aussiesheila said:
Tipper, do you know where the crying story originated? I have heard it referred to many times but have never known whether the source was reliable or not.
The first place I read it was ST's book. I don't think it was in Schiller but I could be wrong.

This was apparently in the Denver Post. It’s a 3 part article written by Janet McReynolds. I got it from the 2B WS. There are interesting little digs at Patsy throughout. If you go there and do a search you should be able to find it. I don’t know why I didn’t save the link. I saved the whole thing but probably shouldn’t post it.

But there was little evidence of the beauty queen in JonBenet's manner
during the 1996 party.
She sat on the floor at Santa's feet, absorbing everything but saying little.
She seemed a quiet, even pensive, little girl, utterly unspoiled and without
When Santa suggested she sing "Rock Around the Christmas Tree," the
song that won her the title Little Miss Christmas in a beauty pageant,
JonBenet declined with a polite smile.
For the party, Patsy Ramsey was dressed in black pants and a
black-and-white striped top. Recent ordeal Her face showed the ravages
of her recent battle with ovarian cancer. She seemed tense and a little
She dived into one of the gift bags to find a book from which Santa was to
read. In the book she had written a little poem for each guest.
As I recall, the poem for JonBenet commended her for being placed in an
advanced math class at school.
Santa read the poems and handed out the presents. He received a gift
himself - a scarf in the plaid of the Ramsey clan.
Later, while sitting on the floor, JonBenet gave him another vial of
stardust, just like the one she had given him the Christmas before.
After the gifts were distributed and Santa led the children in a chorus of
"Jingle Bells," he posed for photographs with the children and the adults.
Santa concluded the visit by singing the song he has adopted as his
anthem, an old Shaker hymn, "Simple Gifts."
JonBenet walked with us to the front door. Santa said in his teasing way,
"Now, JonBenet, when you get to the Miss America contest, you'll have a
chair for ol' Santa, won't you?"
She didn't say anything. Just smiled her sweet smile.
Then Santa bent down and had a few private words with the little girl. He
was testing her memory of the three secrets he had told her the year
"When is Christmas, JonBenet?"
"Christmas is every day, Santa," she replied.
"And where are the angels?"
"Oh, Santa, angels are everywhere."
"And where is Santa when you can't see him?"
"Always in my heart." Another question Then, on impulse, he was moved
to ask, "And where is JonBenet when Santa can't see her?" She looked
perplexed. "Well, you must know. She is always in my heart."
Those were Bill's last words to JonBenet.

tipper said:
The first place I read it was ST's book. I don't think it was in Schiller but I could be wrong.

This was apparently in the Denver Post. It’s a 3 part article written by Janet McReynolds. I got it from the 2B WS. There are interesting little digs at Patsy throughout. If you go there and do a search you should be able to find it. I don’t know why I didn’t save the link. I saved the whole thing but probably shouldn’t post it.
Thanks alot Tipper, no I don't think it was Schiller it must have been ST which I haven't read.
capps said:
Quote by aussiesheila:
"I have always wondered how those people Patsy called just after she made the 911 call to BPD arrived so very quickly. From what I understand she called the Whites first and then the Fernies. John Fernie arrived first. That to me is understandable, he lived the closest and is a male and males can get ready very quickly. I know this is a very sexist thing to say but I do think males are faster than females at getting ready to go anywhere,..."


How fast do you think it would take you,if a good friend of yours called hysterical claiming their daughter was kidnapped?

I am a female ... and I don't know about you,but if I got a call like that,forget the brushing of teeth or bothering wth make up .... I would probably be in the same clothes I had on the day before,and would be there in no time flat ... I guaranty that.
I think I probably would have taken as long as Barbara Fernie did. I would have sent my husband along first to render immediate assistance as she did and I would have stayed home long enough to make sure everything was OK at home before I left.

This was after all, supposedly a completely unexpected call for both the Fernies and the Whites and there would certainly be things that would need re-organising at home before they left for what was in all probability, going to be a long day at the Ramseys. I would have expected PW to do exactly that, she after all, had two very young children at home who were most probably still asleep when their mother and father left. How were their children going to feel when they got up and were told by their auntie and her boyfriend that their little friend had been kidnapped and their mother and father had gone off over to their house?

Little D the 6 year old was probably scared stiff. Shouldn't her mother have stayed home long enough to make sure she and her brother were OK? Indeed, should she have left them at all with a kidnapper on the loose? As an aside, I seem to recall that when the Ramseys sent Burke to that very same household after the kidnapping, it was taken as yet another sign of their certain guilt in JonBenet's death.

No, I don't think I would have got there as quickly as PW did. In fact, if my children were as young as her's I might not have gone at all. I certainly don't think I would have left my children behind at home, unless of course if I really knew all along that the kidnapping was a total fake.

Everything you posted above are judgement calls,people make them every day.The White children were fine with the relatives.I see nothing in this scenerio to point to anythng sinister,or signs of guilt.
capps said:

Everything you posted above are judgement calls,people make them every day.The White children were fine with the relatives.I see nothing in this scenerio to point to anythng sinister,or signs of guilt.

I still maintain that the group of four Whites got there so quickly that I suspect they were all awake, dressed and ready to go the moment that call was received.

You say that you would have arrived in no time flat and I say that if it was me and I had two young children I do not believe I would have arrived in no time flat and I find it highly suspicious that she did.
I believe it was Fleet White who accidently made the 911 call. He was on the phone dialing overseas to confirm the medicine for his ailing mother was on a flight to Denver. When you dial overseas you punch 011 and the "0" is close to the "9".

I don't recall that it was Janet McReynolds who talked with a crying JonBenet. I only heard that it was a female who spoke with her.

It's interesting that JonBenet was sitting on the steps near the hallway where the wet-bar was located....John Ramsey and the men were standing around there drinking cocktails. Why didn't John notice his daughter crying?
I'm sure it was at WS a few years ago that some people reported FW's mother had been partying somewhere, not sick, and I believe they gave the location but it's been QUITE a while. Maybe someone else will remember details.

I've always felt JonBenet tried to make the call and that FW grabbed the phone from her.

I don't think LHP's daughter, A., would have anything to do with this incident. In fact, didn't they leave early? There may also have been other children there that night.

Also I've always felt it was indeed strange, S. Stine not opening the door, and not inviting the policement in, also strange they didn't insist on coming in. Giving them some souvenir cookies would have been a nice thing to do.
I can't see how the police didn't think something strange was going on,when shortly before the 23rd Fleet called 911 about not being able to find his daughter (who was hiding),then a few weeks later on the 23rd they get an "accidental" 911 call from the Ramsey house,then two days later they get a 911 call that a little girl was kidnapped and found murdered.

That's a short span of time to get three 911 calls,if I were the BPD I'd be kicking myself for not pursuing this earlier on,like at least making a walk though the house on the 23rd.

And who's name comes up and is some how involved with all three calls ... someone I'm not allowed to talk about.
Yep, it's really really strange, in my opinion, why they didn't insist on going in, the 23rd at least. Maybe they did respond when the little girl D. was hiding under a bed.

Would they have needed a warrant, on the 23rd? If so, Stine knew that?
To remind all that Never, ever, has an Intruder also stagged a Photo-Op!!!!!
capps said:
I can't see how the police didn't think something strange was going on,when shortly before the 23rd Fleet called 911 about not being able to find his daughter (who was hiding),then a few weeks later on the 23rd they get an "accidental" 911 call from the Ramsey house,then two days later they get a 911 call that a little girl was kidnapped and found murdered.

That's a short span of time to get three 911 calls,if I were the BPD I'd be kicking myself for not pursuing this earlier on,like at least making a walk though the house on the 23rd.

Maybe he caught his own child dialing 911 both times. The first time he could come up with a quick cover, "she's missing", the second, he had to hang up the receiver? Could Jonbenet have been the only one who knew a secret?
sissi said:
capps said:
I can't see how the police didn't think something strange was going on,when shortly before the 23rd Fleet called 911 about not being able to find his daughter (who was hiding),then a few weeks later on the 23rd they get an "accidental" 911 call from the Ramsey house,then two days later they get a 911 call that a little girl was kidnapped and found murdered.

That's a short span of time to get three 911 calls,if I were the BPD I'd be kicking myself for not pursuing this earlier on,like at least making a walk though the house on the 23rd.

Maybe he caught his own child dialing 911 both times. The first time he could come up with a quick cover, "she's missing", the second, he had to hang up the receiver? Could Jonbenet have been the only one who knew a secret?

------>>>:clap::clap: New thoughts connecting some previously not covered dots.

I could speculatively see FW daughter hiding if she was being abused by her father in her home. BUT why would FW daughter call 911 on the 23rd, when she could have easily hidden in the R house as well? UNLESS JBR found a circumstance and made an ill phone call that was aborted on the 23rd.

FW daughters, brother would have been present on both occasions, no talk on forum about that possibility that I can recall. Another trip into yet another dark hole on WS.

WHO made the 911 call on the 23rd and WHY? AND where were the parents of those discussed here, WHY did they not answer the door to the police 'with cookies in hand' and a hearty Merry Christmas to the officer.


sissi said:
capps said:
I can't see how the police didn't think something strange was going on,when shortly before the 23rd Fleet called 911 about not being able to find his daughter (who was hiding),then a few weeks later on the 23rd they get an "accidental" 911 call from the Ramsey house,then two days later they get a 911 call that a little girl was kidnapped and found murdered.

That's a short span of time to get three 911 calls,if I were the BPD I'd be kicking myself for not pursuing this earlier on,like at least making a walk though the house on the 23rd.

Maybe he caught his own child dialing 911 both times. The first time he could come up with a quick cover, "she's missing", the second, he had to hang up the receiver? Could Jonbenet have been the only one who knew a secret?
Sissi, I don't suppose you know exactly when the pre-23rd call was made and/or what was happening at their house at the time? Was there a party on, do you know?
sissi said:
I've often considered that it was another child, on suggestion by Jonbenet , that called 911. The problem with this "thought" is that it could only be Fleet's child.
I agree sissi, I think it was a child each time, I think it was an older child each time, most probably a boy, one who was aware that something bad was happening to a small girl and was trying to do what he could to stop what was happening to her.

I think it might have been DS at the Ramseys on the 23rd and that maybe the adults were yelling "Who made the 911 call?" and the other children, not wanting to get into trouble themselves yelled "D did it", and that was why SS answered the door.

I don't know who it would have been on the pre-23rd, the most likely I think would be as you say, FW111.

Certainly neither was a case of FW11 not being able to find D because she was hiding under the bed or dialling the wrong number in an attempt to call his mother, IMO. They were such feeble excuses that they just served to add to the suspiciousness of the Ws, IMO.
<<or worried because D was hiding under the bed>>

Daphne hiding under the bed happened weeks before JonBenét's death.
So maybe up to 4 weeks prior to December 25? I would love to know who else was there in the White house that day/night. What time of day? Was it the weekend? I guess no-one knows.
tipper said:
Actually I've always been suspicious of that crying story.
This is off topic but that's one of about 5 stories I think are rubbish (maybe for diff reasons than you do, tipper - i dont know). Some other ones that spring to mind are that JonBenet said that she wanted to "feel the rhythm of the earth" under her feet, and the insipid "do roses know their thorns can hurt"? (come ON)

This cutesy fairy-tale mythology tarnishes all the sources that we, sleuthers on this forum, rely on. It's a shame. The death (accidental or otherwise) of a little girl is a disaster and a sickening tragedy. No need to embellish it with BS.
Hi Guru
Nice to see you back....again lol, stay with us!..I've always enjoyed your posts :)
I've said this to you before....because you have brought this same thing up before and I'm not exactly sure why it worries you so much....
Some kids really say stuff like that, they really do...not all kids...just some.
My little boy asks me the most amazing questions....

I don't know if JonBenet really said those things, but why couldn't she have, why is anyone necassarily embellishing anything??
Her death couldn't be any sadder to me, even if she was a complete brat.

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