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Billie knew on Jan 13,2011...the public would find out about the memory stick!!! :furious:

"The important thing people need to remember is not slandering me," said Dunn. "The important thing is there is a 13-year-old who it seems just disappeared into thin air."

not slandering her was JUST a little more important the HER DAUGHTER HAILEY that had been missing for two weeks!

:behindbar- guess she forgot you go to jail AFTER getting slandered for owning child *advertiser censored*

Billie knew on Jan 13,2011...the public would find out about the memory stick!!! :furious:

"The important thing people need to remember is not slandering me," said Dunn. "The important thing is there is a 13-year-old who it seems just disappeared into thin air."

not slandering her was JUST a little more important the HER DAUGHTER HAILEY that had been missing for two weeks!

:behindbar- guess she forgot you go to jail AFTER getting slandered for owning child *advertiser censored*


Exactly gngr! As much as this woman attempts to obfuscate every single time she speaks{and don't get me wrong IMO obfuscate is about the only thing this woman is good at}..but much of the time in her attempts to do so her selfish..self-centered..self-absorbed true character shines thru as bright as the mid day sun..just as it does in the above example..

"The important thing that people need to remember is not to be slandering me."

I believe as she has in many other statements she has thought on what she wants to say and I think that Hailey being missing was in the mix that was supposed to come out with her looking as a concerned parent..but as usual as I said her self-absorbed true character trumps all and because that is what is most important and #1 in her mind..thats why she blabs out that she being slandered is the important thing that ppl need to reminded of..disgusting as usual..

**as I have stated before..Billie in order for you to do something about this slander/libel that is rampant in the community and across the country{ya know the slander/libel that YOU make veiled threats that once "this mess is cleared up" that YOU will "do something" about it..i.e.threatening law suits and to seek damages possibly}..

Lesson #1 Billie in order for it to be slanderous..libelous..or defamation of character.. it must be able to be proven that what is being said is infact FALSE!! Therefor you have a serious problem...BECAUSE ALL THE "SLANDEROUS" THINGS BEING SAID ABOUT YOU ARE 110+% TRUE!
Okay so in BD's interview she states something to the effect of the new *advertiser censored* issue not having to do with Hailey when asked. IF she doesn't know what is on the memory stick how does she definitively know that? IMO, she knows all about the memory stick.

Thanks for this! This is absolutely true..and I'd love to have one of the "fine" reporters down there to please simply on camera point this out to Billie and ask the question.."Billie..if it's true as you claim that you have NO IDEA what is on "that" memory stick then how exactly can you so assuredly state repeatedly that the contents of the memory stick has absolutely nothing to do with Hailey's "disappearance"?

Because per Billie the only thing that she know s of the memory stick is that it was brought into her home by Shawn Adkins..and per the affidavit it was found way down concealed under many other items including a far corner of that bottom dresser drawer{IMO "hidden"..either that memory stick fogotten about when clearing out stuff..or what I believe->ignorant and never dreaming in your wildest dreams that your house would even be searched in this thorough manner.}.. But either way this memory stick being concealed in the bottom of a bottom drawer there is no way that you knew where this stick was at all times..if it was removed and loaded with video of Hailey being violated..assaulted..or even murdered..or if Hailey is in the images or video..Because if Billie has never seen the contents of the stick..nor knew where this stick was at all times of all can she so assuredly and repeatedly state that its contents have absolutely zero to do with Hailey's disappearance..

Gosh how I wish a reporter would just drop a little "bombshell" of a question such as this to her while on camera..And even if her answer wasn't as "telling" as we'd hoped it'd be..I can guarantee her demeanor and reaction to it would be "telling"..

Does anyone correspond with any of the local reporters in that area? If so maybe they could drop them an email suggesting such be asked of Billie..It'd be interesting to say the least..
Thanks for this! This is absolutely true..and I'd love to have one of the "fine" reporters down there to please simply on camera point this out to Billie and ask the question.."Billie..if it's true as you claim that you have NO IDEA what is on "that" memory stick then how exactly can you so assuredly state repeatedly that the contents of the memory stick has absolutely nothing to do with Hailey's "disappearance"?

Because per Billie the only thing that she know s of the memory stick is that it was brought into her home by Shawn Adkins..and per the affidavit it was found way down concealed under many other items including a far corner of that bottom dresser drawer{IMO "hidden"..either that memory stick fogotten about when clearing out stuff..or what I believe->ignorant and never dreaming in your wildest dreams that your house would even be searched in this thorough manner.}.. But either way this memory stick being concealed in the bottom of a bottom drawer there is no way that you knew where this stick was at all times..if it was removed and loaded with video of Hailey being violated..assaulted..or even murdered..or if Hailey is in the images or video..Because if Billie has never seen the contents of the stick..nor knew where this stick was at all times of all can she so assuredly and repeatedly state that its contents have absolutely zero to do with Hailey's disappearance..

Gosh how I wish a reporter would just drop a little "bombshell" of a question such as this to her while on camera..And even if her answer wasn't as "telling" as we'd hoped it'd be..I can guarantee her demeanor and reaction to it would be "telling"..

Does anyone correspond with any of the local reporters in that area? If so maybe they could drop them an email suggesting such be asked of Billie..It'd be interesting to say the least..

Excellent question to ask her on her little talk show on Mon, Smooth, call it in.
Excellent question to ask her on her little talk show on Mon, Smooth, call it in.

Hmmmm... Jo good idea..just maybe I will.. Thanks for the idea..That is certainly one way to ensure atleast the question does get asked.. as for an answer we may not get that but hopefully maybe we'd be able to see her reaction to atleast the question being posed..

Thanks jo!
Exactly gngr! As much as this woman attempts to obfuscate every single time she speaks{and don't get me wrong IMO obfuscate is about the only thing this woman is good at}..but much of the time in her attempts to do so her selfish..self-centered..self-absorbed true character shines thru as bright as the mid day sun..just as it does in the above example..

"The important thing that people need to remember is not to be slandering me."

I believe as she has in many other statements she has thought on what she wants to say and I think that Hailey being missing was in the mix that was supposed to come out with her looking as a concerned parent..but as usual as I said her self-absorbed true character trumps all and because that is what is most important and #1 in her mind..thats why she blabs out that she being slandered is the important thing that ppl need to reminded of..disgusting as usual..

**as I have stated before..Billie in order for you to do something about this slander/libel that is rampant in the community and across the country{ya know the slander/libel that YOU make veiled threats that once "this mess is cleared up" that YOU will "do something" about it..i.e.threatening law suits and to seek damages possibly}..

Lesson #1 Billie in order for it to be slanderous..libelous..or defamation of character.. it must be able to be proven that what is being said is infact FALSE!! Therefor you have a serious problem...BECAUSE ALL THE "SLANDEROUS" THINGS BEING SAID ABOUT YOU ARE 110+% TRUE!

The concern over slander really mystifies me. :waitasec:

Most people who are concerned about their reputations don't live with a guy like SA or start a relationship less than a month after she kicks hubby out. Her words don't mesh with her actions. Doesn't she get that? Does she really believe that she had the respect of anyone to begin with? Hailey's counselors at school, I imagine talked to Billie at some point about Hailey. Can you imagine the counselor not being frank with Billie about some of the causes of Hailey's distress?

If this case goes to trial, I expect this counselor will be on the prosecution witness list and will have some interesting things to say about Hailey's home life.
So, what then,, they will just get them for the *advertiser censored* and we will never know where Hailey is??????? I feel Shawn will squeal on Billie once he's in jail,,,,,,what is the hold up? Just arrest them already. I wish I was on the jury..But I am sure it will be in Mitchell county.
So, what then,, they will just get them for the *advertiser censored* and we will never know where Hailey is??????? I feel Shawn will squeal on Billie once he's in jail,,,,,,what is the hold up? Just arrest them already. I wish I was on the jury..But I am sure it will be in Mitchell county.

That's exactly what Pat Brown and Peter said today on his show. SA is bold and likes to play games with LE. He told LE to look at him and Billie. He was the one who told about the ATM/drug purchase, etc. BD has prolly told him to keep his trap shut, except what she has scripted...along with his lawyer. But as soon as there is actual jail time, imo, the lawyer will let him run with what he knows against BD.
So, what then,, they will just get them for the *advertiser censored* and we will never know where Hailey is??????? I feel Shawn will squeal on Billie once he's in jail,,,,,,what is the hold up? Just arrest them already. I wish I was on the jury..But I am sure it will be in Mitchell county.

It reminds me of Ronald and Misty. They are both in the slammer for drugs and Haleigh remains missing. I feel like this case is going down a similar path. The players are similar etc. it's frustrating.
That's exactly what Pat Brown and Peter said today on his show. SA is bold and likes to play games with LE. He told LE to look at him and Billie. He was the one who told about the ATM/drug purchase, etc. BD has prolly told him to keep his trap shut, except what she has scripted...along with his lawyer. But as soon as there is actual jail time, imo, the lawyer will let him run with what he knows against BD.

And SA is probably wishing BD would have kept her mouth shut about the memory stick. I think he is rubbing off on her. No, I take that back they are two peas in a pod.
i hope it is ok to post this but colorado city once again need your prayers, there is a huge fire north of town. they are talking of a possible evacuation accually have evacuated the north side of town. the days inn is said to be on fire.
thank you for your prayers and if i need to delete this please let me know
BBM-Correct, nor does BD need to talk to SA more because there is nothing to talk about, she knows what's on that stick.

Just like she didn't need to talk to him to double check Hailey's destination when she found it she never went to MB's house that night. No need to , nothing more to talk about, she knew everything she needed to know I guess...
That's exactly what Pat Brown and Peter said today on his show. SA is bold and likes to play games with LE. He told LE to look at him and Billie. He was the one who told about the ATM/drug purchase, etc. BD has prolly told him to keep his trap shut, except what she hat HBs scripted...along with his lawyer. But as soon as there is actual jail time, imo, the lawyer will let him run with what he knows against BD.

Good point HB ... She probably laywered him up quick to keep him from shooting his mouth off. Member all those discrepancies at the beginning? He couldn't be trusted to say the right thing under pressure. Not that she has though either :waitasec:
i hope it is ok to post this but colorado city once again need your prayers, there is a huge fire north of town. they are talking of a possible evacuation accually have evacuated the north side of town. the days inn is said to be on fire.
thank you for your prayers and if i need to delete this please let me know

There is a new thread for the fires ajk, they would probably like to hear from you over there.
I am late to the party but "A LITTLE BIT" she said she talked to him "A LITTLE BIT"!?!?!!!?!?!!?
I would be going freaking nuts and definitely would be talking much, much, much more than "A LITTLE BIT"!!!
That is, if I didn't know what was on the flashdrive. If I knew what was on it, I may talk to him a "little bit" because it had been found.
So, what then,, they will just get them for the *advertiser censored* and we will never know where Hailey is??????? I feel Shawn will squeal on Billie once he's in jail,,,,,,what is the hold up? Just arrest them already. I wish I was on the jury..But I am sure it will be in Mitchell county.
HEY i live in mitchell co. hehe. never the less. they imo are holding back for perminent damming evidence. this is a very touchy case and i think they have some of what there looking for but imo again they want to go for life or possibly the death penalty.
Yup, she probably had the 'little bit' of a talk because Shawn was supposed to clear everything out. The 2 things he left, the bedside reading material and the *advertiser censored* stick, BOTH of them lead back to Billie and make her look bad. What a coinky dink. Add to that his comments to LE that they should look at ' both of them' and Scurry co." and his admitting to their drug buy----and it appears that Shawn is making sure Billie goes down with him if he goes.
What kind of drug did they buy?

The affadavit did not make it clear exactly what they bought. It said illegal narcotics I believe.

Speculation has been PILLS[ oxycontin maybe] or COKE or METH or ?

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