Reason for LA and KCs big grin and high-five***MERGED***

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players in a game often HIGH FIVE when they are winning a game, and the Anthonys feel they are winning, the day will come when LE is the one HIGH FIVING this is a game to the Anthonys and I can't wait to see it all implode, their actions make me sick!

Right from the get-go when Cindy started doing media interviews my hackles went up--I guess I did not like her snippy and p*ssy attitude. In my opinion, her demeanor was *not right*--not even CLOSE to behaving how a grieving grandparent would behave. When George did the Greta interview and told the gas can story (with Cindy grabbing his leg) my shenanigans meter was dinging. Especially in light of the interview where George claimed a neighbor brought the cans back! [Way to go, blame the neigbhors!] When Lee did not graciously greet Leonard Padilla and told him he was making assumptions (with prickly pear body language) my meter went off on him too. In my opinion there is something terribly wrong with all of the Anthonys and I could spend 10 minutes listing them all, but I think I'm preaching to the choir here...I felt it from the beginning.
I wonder if they high five when someone calls them with a valid tip that wouldn't help Casey and they throw it in the trash?
And he paid for these purchases HOW?

*smacks forehead* Oops, I forgot, he has his personal PayPal with a healthy balance.

I need a nerf brick to throw at my computer.

LOL Potatohead "nerf brick"...haven't seen a nerf ball in so long.
In what society, in what City of the USA is it appropriate to high five and laugh when your baby and neice is missing and all signs point that she dead? What do they have to high five about? It means alot to me. It's disrespectful of Caylee.

I wish we could pelt her with brownies
I posted this on another thread but I think it belongs here. I am so livid about the way LE is coddling this woman and this family. What the heck is wrong with them down there in Florida and why do the citizens allow this? The protestors should be down at the jail, police station and DA's office, not that Anthony's. The way they are treating Casey is an outrage!


According to the Orange County Corrections Department, Casey met with her home confinement case manager Monday afternoon for approximately 20 minutes. During the meeting her case manager set her out-of-the-home schedule for the remainder of the week.

Corrections officials said he also granted an extension of Casey's schedule for Monday so that should visit with her attorney in Kissimmee. She must be back in the home by 6:00pm and was given permission to proceed directly to the attorney's office from her meeting at Corrections. While she is subject to random drug and alcohol testing, the corrections department said no testing was conducted Monday.

Officials also said Casey scheduled a meeting with her attorney every day this week. She can leave at 10:00am and must be home by 4:00pm. There is no schedule for her to be out-of-the-home over the weekend.

It just makes me sick that LE and the jail is treating this woman like a queen. EVERY DAY THIS WEEK she is spending the whole day at the attorney office! Why? And why would they alllow her to stay out of the home every day? I thought she was on home confinement. I think I am very unhappy with LE in Orlando. No wonder they have so much crime there and people like this. They treat them like queens. And what attorney spends 8 hours a day, 5 days a week with 1 client? Come on now. How bad does that look? Doesn't this man have any other clients? If I were one of the I would be ticked.

The corrections facility caseworker is not treating Casey any different than any other person let out of jail, on bond, with or without a ankle monitor. This is how the system works.

There are some criminals who are out on bond, with or without a ankle monitor that are working to support their families until they go to court.

If Casey gets permission to see her attorney, then so be it. Whether they talk about the case, or she watches TV, she has permission to do so.

Casey being with her attorney gives the neighborhood some peace for a few hours.

Because a criminal gets out of jail on bond has nothing to do with the crime in Orlando, or the fault of the LE in Orlando.
The girls in jail will teach Casey a new high five someday soon! Not to worry, her time is ticking away. Her little feeble brain may tell her that she'll get away with it all as that's how her parents wired her brain in the first place but not this time. END GAME CASEY - you lose!
Let's start a fund for a PI to follow Baez and see if he's supplying her with drugs or something illegal. I guess he has no clue how this looks to people. Let's see at the going rate, 6 hours a day is worth about $1800 a day. What is it that makes him devote all that time to her?

He is a defense attorney..the national publicity in this case is worth it's weight in gold! On home confinement Baez..he'll become your home away from home and make sure your home confinement includes daily trips to spend the day at his office, sharing brownies, small talk, time on the computer..probably even beauty treatments brought in to you!!!
Obviously Casey can't stand to be at home with HER MOTHER (and father) so she is hanging out at the attorney's office instead. She has the 'right' to do that since Jose is her attorney. It stinks, but there's nothing LE can do about that. While she is out on bail she is allowed to meet with her attorney at his office (and be at his office).
Who were the young ladies (around Casey's age) that were also with her going into the jail? One of them had on a Caylee t-shirt. Anyone have any idea?
Blink, you are right about the judge. It is he that set the rules and he is the one they should picket. Speaking of that judge, the minute they found a gun at the Anthony home, that judge could have revoked her bail. Why didn't he? It was a very good excuse to revoke it but he coddled her and the family! Thanks for the compliments on my avatar!

Kathyn- your avatar is beautiful.

Bail conditions and terms are set by the judge, not LE.. Can one actually think that LE is not disturbed by what she is doing and allowed to do.

Law Enforcement has rules, being a murderer does not, that is reality. The detectives and staff have being working 18 hours a day going on 80 days, TES was just there for 10 days working those hours, I feel that the frustration should stay with the person and or family that has caused and continues to cause the heartbreak of this case.
Blink stands for Caylee, nobody is going to get away with anything here, it is not fast enough for any of us, Im with ya on that.
But as we just had a significant amount of volunteers from here, and will need again, I just am fearful blaming LE loses the focus on where it belongs, finding Baby Caylee. If you can find it in your heart to keep the faith a bit longer, I think we will all make it through this to see these Freakenstein's get what they deserve, and Caylee home.

Respectfully and with love, Blink
Wha?? I must have missed something while traveling this weekend. Are you saying Lee has been gaming it up and racking up Comics on eBay? I won't even ask how you know, because I know there are ways to tell, but I just hadn't heard of that until now. :eek: While the general public is out searching for his neice? Or did I misunderstand?

No you did not misunderstand. His ebay activity has hit an all time high. It's disgusting. He seems quite the HALO addict as well.
He is a defense attorney..the national publicity in this case is worth it's weight in gold! On home confinement Baez..he'll become your home away from home and make sure your home confinement includes dailt trips to spend the day at his office, shring brownies, small talk..probably even beauty treatments brought in to you!!!

yeap, he could give a hoot about Caylee, it's all about building his practice, he knows no one is going to blame him when she is convicted becuase the world excluding GA, CA and LA know she is going to be found guilty but he has offered her some freedom and lots of media which is going to probably get her change of venue it's all a game and none of them care about Caylee not even the egg donor
No you did not misunderstand. His ebay activity has hit an all time high. It's disgusting. He seems quite the HALO addict as well.

must be nice to have so much more disposable income huh

how were you able to find out his user name on ebay?
No you did not misunderstand. His ebay activity has hit an all time high. It's disgusting. He seems quite the HALO addict as well.

I was addicted to spades prior to this case and now I can't play because I keep thinking I will miss something sad that strangers are consumed with this and her family is playing video games
What a bunch of BS!!! Who needs to spend six hours a day, five days a week with their attorney??? Do all his clients spend that much time in his office? I swear I have never heard of anything like this in my life and I don't understand why LE is allowing it! If she were still in jail where she should be , her attorney would have to visit her there so why is it different because she's on "home confinement"? Why can't he go to the home for these visits? :furious:
I just seen the "high five" with my own eyes on channel 2, and let me tell you it pisses me off to no end! After they high five she seems so pleased with herself and a big smile on her face in the elevator and she bends over and grabs her knees. The whole time you can see this huge smile on her face then she looks up at the camera and sort of contains herself and steps back a little in the elevator!

How DARE THEM!!!!!!!!!!! I am furious after seeing that! I would like to slap that smile right off her face, I'm sorry!

Yes, Sami: ME TOO !!
What a disgusting thing to do under these circumstances.
Many here held out hope that Lee would be the hero. YUK. Now I will be wondering how deeply he is involved. They all must know they are being looked at regarding the 'collections.' Nothing makes them halfway somber, does it?!!
Guess what? After this behavior from Casey the last time, LE got more charges on her and zapped her a__ back to jail. The whole family needs to think a bit more about how they are watched and how they are hated around the world.
GO LE.....GO LE...

No you did not misunderstand. His ebay activity has hit an all time high. It's disgusting. He seems quite the HALO addict as well.

It's public domain, MD, I say post it..
Id like to see what the vultures have amassed.

I just wonder -

How many more lives will she ruin before all of this is over? One little life extinguished and many more trampled along the way.

No matter how involved her family and friends were/are/may have been - there is a stigma on them now. No one will ever take them seriously, and pretty much their "sucessful" lives are over. Court of public opinion is pretty darn strong too - and although they may not be looking at bars everyday, they will be very limited as to what they can do. Jobs, neighbors, so on and so forth...

TG I don't know these folks in real life - I'd want to distance myself as much as possible. They are like a cancer. Every action, every word they mutter does nothing to help their little Caylee and continues to turn the world against them. Negative breeds negative... and these guys are way in the red.

At the root of it all - that poor little girl. She never had a chance. God Bless you wherever you are.
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