Reasons NOT To Be Annoyed with TES

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Oct 20, 2008
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I see from dozens of posts here that many of you are upset, bewildered, and even angered by Tim Miller’s sudden decision yesterday to abort the massive search for Caylee that we’ve all been counting on for weeks.

I understand how you feel, but I ask you to consider two things:

1) Nothing would benefit and delight Casey’s Defense team more than having TES conduct a widely publicized, so-called “massive,” search of all these areas—but turn up absolutely nothing. For this reason—and in this instance—I think that if TES lacks the manpower to conduct a thorough, intensive search of an area, then it’s better that they don’t search at all.

As you all know, on Saturday, less than half the anticipated searchers actually turned up for this “massive” search, and only a paltry few of the 500 professional bounty hunters Tim was expecting. The turnout on Sunday was pitifully small considering the areas needing to be thoroughly searched.

2) If you haven't actually been at any of these search sites, forget the mowed fields we saw on Murt's cameras and forget the media's aerial shots of picturesque clearings surrounded by woods and bounded by pretty vegetation.

The reality is that Orlando has sprouted up in the midst of hundreds of thousands of acres of swampy, alligator-infested, snake-infested areas of dense foliage and trees that resemble “jungles” more than “woods.”

When you're up close and personal, standing at the edge of that barrier of dense tropical woods, things look a lot different and a lot more foreboding.

To give you an idea, last month, on a sunny cheerful morning, I was privileged to be alone with 8 TES and LE people at the site where the Size 6 Disney dress was discovered. The site bordered a perfectly civilized 2 lane road directly behind an industrial complex, and while LE's amazing dogs darted in and out along the road, I decided I should make myself useful and do a little exploring like the others we’re doing.

I walked right up to that impenetrable barrier of thick green, shoved some branches aside, stepped forward, and realized that 20 feet in front of me there was an enchanting little pond surrounded by rocks and shaded with overhanging branches. I started to take another step forward when a middle-aged LE guy pleasantly insisted, “Let’s throw a couple stones in there.” He handed me a stone roughly the size and shape of a hockey puck and kept a similar stone in his hand for himself.

Privately, I thought this was a very inappropriate time for us to have a “skipping stones” contest, but I acquiesced because, after all, he’s LE, and so I obediently flung my stone at the pond. I overshot the pond by an embarrassing distance, probably because my heart wasn’t in the game, or more likely, because I have lousy depth perception. “Your turn,” I told him, expecting him to mock my clumsy attempt, but all he did was hurl his own stone directly into the underbrush surrounding the edge of the pond. His shot wasn’t a whole lot better than mine, and I was going to mention that to him, but as his rock landed he whispered sort of imperatively, “Listen.”

I heard it immediately--a mysterious, exotic orchestra of Latin maracas. I’m a city girl, and I was enchanted by this unprecedented glimpse into Florida’s flora, fauna, and especially these delightfully noisy insects or frogs or whatever. “What’s making that sound?” I asked in a reverent whisper, tiptoeing forward another step.

He put a restraining hand on my arm. “Rattlesnakes.”

An Olympic medalist couldn't have caught up with me in the "Screaming While Running Event" that took place next.

Sorry this was so long. I wanted to help relieve the awful frustration and helplessness we're all feeling.
I have to agree. While I searched with TES for 10 hours yeaterday I felt that calling it off was a mistake. TES comes in gung-ho and then always seems to pull out too early.
We kept asking ourselves yesterday as we were covered in stickers and pushing bushes and sticks off our faces...would Casey have braved this? Would someone so lazy and narcisistic get so dirty and scratched up in here? I never realized how vast my own backyard is. It's a big city. We will find her...eventually.
I think people were only completely taken by surprise that TES gave up so soon after so many days of anticipating that a massive search was finally coming together.

Everyone has nothing but admiration for TES and all the searchers. As well as all the people who donated time or money to the efforts to FIND CAYLEE'S BROKEN BODY.

Any sniping is really only out of the public's sheer revulsion at the attitude by Caylee's own family & their refusal to get involved in locating this innocent baby.

While our hearts are broken over what happened to Caylee, the Anthony family is using their time to DEFEND the monster/mother who is 100% responsible for Caylee being missing!!!!


Anybody who enables or defends the monster, is Caylee's worst enemy!

TES is wise to give up on locating Caylee & concentrating their efforts on helping families who WANT to be helped.
I see from dozens of posts here that many of you are upset, bewildered, and even angered by Tim Miller’s sudden decision yesterday to abort the massive search for Caylee that we’ve all been counting on for weeks.

I understand how you feel, but I ask you to consider two things:

1) Nothing would benefit and delight Casey’s Defense team more than having TES conduct a widely publicized, so-called “massive,” search of all these areas—but turn up absolutely nothing. For this reason—and in this instance—I think that if TES lacks the manpower to conduct a thorough, intensive search of an area, then it’s better that they don’t search at all.

As you all know, on Saturday, less than half the anticipated searchers actually turned up for this “massive” search, and only a paltry few of the 500 professional bounty hunters Tim was expecting. The turnout on Sunday was pitifully small considering the areas needing to be thoroughly searched.

2) If you haven't actually been at any of these search sites, forget the mowed fields we saw on Murt's cameras and forget the media's aerial shots of picturesque clearings surrounded by woods and bounded by pretty vegetation.

The reality is that Orlando has sprouted up in the midst of hundreds of thousands of acres of swampy, alligator-infested, snake-infested areas of dense foliage and trees that resemble “jungles” more than “woods.”

When you're up close and personal, standing at the edge of that barrier of dense tropical woods, things look a lot different and a lot more foreboding.

To give you an idea, last month, on a sunny cheerful morning, I was privileged to be alone with 8 TES and LE people at the site where the Size 6 Disney dress was discovered. The site bordered a perfectly civilized 2 lane road directly behind an industrial complex, and while LE's amazing dogs darted in and out along the road, I decided I should make myself useful and do a little exploring like the others we’re doing.

I walked right up to that impenetrable barrier of thick green, shoved some branches aside, stepped forward, and realized that 20 feet in front of me there was an enchanting little pond surrounded by rocks and shaded with overhanging branches. I started to take another step forward when a middle-aged LE guy pleasantly insisted, “Let’s throw a couple stones in there.” He handed me a stone roughly the size and shape of a hockey puck and kept a similar stone in his hand for himself.

Privately, I thought this was a very inappropriate time for us to have a “skipping stones” contest, but I acquiesced because, after all, he’s LE, and so I obediently flung my stone at the pond. I overshot the pond by an embarrassing distance, probably because my heart wasn’t in the game, or more likely, because I have lousy depth perception. “Your turn,” I told him, expecting him to mock my clumsy attempt, but all he did was hurl his own stone directly into the underbrush surrounding the edge of the pond. His shot wasn’t a whole lot better than mine, and I was going to mention that to him, but as his rock landed he whispered sort of imperatively, “Listen.”

I heard it immediately--a mysterious, exotic orchestra of Latin maracas. I’m a city girl, and I was enchanted by this unprecedented glimpse into Florida’s flora, fauna, and especially these delightfully noisy insects or frogs or whatever. “What’s making that sound?” I asked in a reverent whisper, tiptoeing forward another step.

He put a restraining hand on my arm. “Rattlesnakes.”

An Olympic medalist couldn't have caught up with me in the "Screaming while Running" event that took place next.

Sorry this was so long. I wanted to help relieve the awful frustration and helplessness we're all feeling.

Rattlesnakes! :eek: Bless everyone who has participated in the search!
Respectfully snipped:

We kept asking ourselves yesterday as we were covered in stickers and pushing bushes and sticks off our faces...would Casey have braved this? Would someone so lazy and narcisistic get so dirty and scratched up in here?

Here's why I'm positive she absolutely would not--

A few minutes after I fled from the rattlesnakes, I had an icky, icky encounter with the skeletal remains of a small alligator lying right next to the road, which made me whirl around and sprint back to the search site.

For the rest of the time we were there, I leaned against our SUV (ready to jerk the door open at the first sign of a new threat) and I arrived at the absolute conclusion that if Caylee's remains were in a heavily wooded area, they'd be no more than ten feet beyond the roadside or cleared area.

Casey isn't into endangering, or even exerting herself. IMHO
I can see Casey finding an easily accessible but safe place to drop Caylee's body on the ground and perhaps covering it with something that would quickly attract gators.... just to be sure the body wouldn't be found.

Casey is TOO lazy to exert herself & in too much of a rush to go have fun to waste much time dumping the baby. She was stuck with her almost 3 years.... she's anxious to get on with HER life.
Do you think that if Casey had ventured into woodsy, snakey, high-grass, overgrown brush, she would have had signs of it....scratches on her legs, arms, sunburn. a blister from the heavy shoveling? And one her party-pals would have said *something* in an interview.

I didn't read a thing, in her Fusian dancing pics, you don't see it....I don't think she exerted herself, the dumpster would have been her option....jmo of course.
I would like to thank all those who risked life and limb during the search for Caylee. Many of us who couldn't be there donated water, pizza, and money. I believe many people stood behind this search and we all did our best.

I do not believe it is too much to expect TM to keep his word and search till Tuesday.
Do you think that if Casey had ventured into woodsy, snakey, high-grass, overgrown brush, she would have had signs of it....scratches on her legs, arms, sunburn. a blister from the heavy shoveling? And one her party-pals would have said *something* in an interview.

I didn't read a thing, in her Fusian dancing pics, you don't see it....I don't think she exerted herself, the dumpster would have been her option....jmo of course.

after coming up short in the wooded searches the dumpster idea sounded more and more plausible. the only problem i have with that now is that if caylee was picked up by a garbage truck and so horribly placed in a dump, then why would her defense team put up that information about how if caylee DID die, it was indeed a mistake? and why say that casey's behavior was erratic?

the only reason why i think that the defense team would even point at that was because they were afraid that caylee's remains would be found by tes. therefore, i still believe that she is out in the woods. if she was in a garbage dump, casey's team would have still gone with the babysitter hoax, knowing that her remains would never be found.
Do you think that if Casey had ventured into woodsy, snakey, high-grass, overgrown brush, she would have had signs of it....scratches on her legs, arms, sunburn. a blister from the heavy shoveling? And one her party-pals would have said *something* in an interview.

I didn't read a thing, in her Fusian dancing pics, you don't see it....I don't think she exerted herself, the dumpster would have been her option....jmo of course.

Not to mention a tell tale snake bite and maybe even a limb taken off by an alligator....:croc:lol
Any sniping is really only out of the public's sheer revulsion at the attitude by Caylee's own family & their refusal to get involved in locating this innocent baby.

While our hearts are broken over what happened to Caylee, the Anthony family is using their time to DEFEND the monster/mother who is 100% responsible for Caylee being missing!!!!

I totally understand and agree. In fact, the mere thought of Cindy and Casey makes me want to rant lately. I truly fear there's a possibility that this grotesque alliance between these two ruthlessly dishonest, manipulative, controlling women may actually result in their smug
triumph in court.

All of the above is solely my opinion, of course. :rolleyes:
It's not fair to be angry or disappointed in Tim. TES has poured so much time,effort, love into the search for Caylee. They have recieved zero cooperation from anyone in the Anthony family. And they sure a heck didn't ever get a thank you. Despite their best attempts to run Tim out of town or have the search shut down, the Anthony's did not succeed. That is not why TES left.

With a limited amout of funds, how do you decide who to search for? There are so many missing, so many families to help. People all over the nation hate Anthony's. They have followed the case, prayed, wished, hoped, donated & searched. I think a lot of people don't feel like one more dime should be spent for the Anthony's to have closeure. I know it is not about THEM, it's about Caylee. Caylee is just bones now, her soul is in heaven. I just don't think anything else could be done at this time to locate her remains. I know her lawyer thinks no body will mean no guilty. I disagree. I think her not speaking the truth, the Anthony's own words on video tape, will do her in.

Please don't ever stop donating to TES & don't ever stop praying for them. There will always be someone missing. I always want some one like Tim around to help. It didnt make me mad they left. I didnt feel they had given up. The reality is, Caylee is such a little bitty girl in such a large area. I am so thankful to TES & all those who give of their time & talent to help those who can't help themselves. I sent Tim & his team a card of thanks today, along with another donation. Please, keep them in your prayers & please please keep supporting them. It could be one of us that needs him next.
I would like to thank all those who risked life and limb during the search for Caylee. Many of us who couldn't be there donated water, pizza, and money. I believe many people stood behind this search and we all did our best.

I do not believe it is too much to expect TM to keep his word and search till Tuesday.

Bolded by me. I just wanted to also say thank you to those who not only joined the search physically, but also joined by donating water, food, and money. It definitely helped during the long, difficult searches. :blowkiss:
Do you think that if Casey had ventured into woodsy, snakey, high-grass, overgrown brush, she would have had signs of it....scratches on her legs, arms, sunburn. a blister from the heavy shoveling? And one her party-pals would have said *something* in an interview.

I didn't read a thing, in her Fusian dancing pics, you don't see it....I don't think she exerted herself, the dumpster would have been her option....jmo of course.

I know you're probably right about the dumpster. For some reason, though, I keep fixating on all those convenient, nearby bridges over alligator infested waterways.
Friday, you're a braver person than I am....but I would have out-run you in that screaming race. I'm just throwing out another theory, but the cell tower pings mean she was there, probably looking for the best spot.

I can see her taking frozen chicken from Cindy's freezer too to leave with her dead child to attract a gator so you know I have a very over-active imagination....because I only know nothing about them or their habits)
Hi All.
I am not annoyed with TES, LP, Murt, or anyone at ALL that has taken their time to search for this child. I don't even care WHY they are doing it. I don't think anyone is doing it for the 'press' or for the 'attention', but even if they are...I don't care. If the end result is that people are looking for Caylee and there remains a possibility that she is found, I don't care about the 'why'.
What I am annoyed with is some of the negative and argumentive attitudes here. I have been coming to this site since 2003 and I have always been impressed with the community, the way people can totally disagree yet remain amicable and respectful. That doesn't seem the case anymore. The mods here are great and I can only imagine the amount of time and energy they put into damage control on the back end of all of this.
You can see from my count that I have rarely posted here, but I absolutely had to at this point, because I feel all of this hostility needs to stop and I don't want the good and kind people from this community driven away by it.

I can see Casey finding an easily accessible but safe place to drop Caylee's body on the ground and perhaps covering it with something that would quickly attract gators.... just to be sure the body wouldn't be found.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't walk into anyplace where alligantors are known to hang out. :) Easier to feed them--and avoid all personal risk--by stopping on a bridge and dumping a blanket-wrapped bundle over the side into the water.
Respectfully snipped:

Here's why I'm positive she absolutely would not--

A few minutes after I fled from the rattlesnakes, I had an icky, icky encounter with the skeletal remains of a small alligator lying right next to the road, which made me whirl around and sprint back to the search site.

For the rest of the time we were there, I leaned against our SUV (ready to jerk the door open at the first sign of a new threat) and I arrived at the absolute conclusion that if Caylee's remains were in a heavily wooded area, they'd be no more than ten feet beyond the roadside or cleared area.

Casey isn't into endangering, or even exerting herself. IMHO

I agree with your opinion. Casey wouldn't go into a heavily wooded area to bury the body. Not when there are other options.

I also don't believe she would leave behind a large blue cross tied around a tree to reflect the area where she dumped the body either.:confused:

Casey is not that stupid. IMO
Do you think that if Casey had ventured into woodsy, snakey, high-grass, overgrown brush, she would have had signs of it....scratches on her legs, arms, sunburn. a blister from the heavy shoveling? And one her party-pals would have said *something* in an interview.

I didn't read a thing, in her Fusian dancing pics, you don't see it....I don't think she exerted herself, the dumpster would have been her option....jmo of course.

I agree and Tony would have noticed something. One thing she did have made me wonder. The nights sweats. I've wondered if she could have become ill from actually wandering into a swampy area or gotten bit by something that caused a slight fever for up to a week. Otherwise, I doubt that Casey would have endangered herself. Caylee is probably not far off some road or was thrown off a bridge. Maybe backing in is how the Pontiac got the long scratch on the trunk.
TES are absolutely professional and knowledgeable. I would never attempt to 2nd guess them, they know what they are doing. It is a thankless job for them with a family who won't even give them an article of clothing for the dogs, or cooperate, just remain critical to their sincere efforts.
The 100K that has been spent of this search could have been avoided and spent on so many others whose families would be grateful for some closure. Maybe CA could address this in her next media appearance? Or the amount of time & $$ her own county has forked out including the special incarceration for the Mother of the Year.

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