Reasons Terri May or May Not Have Done it

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...And it also bothers me that only now, after the fact, do they "see" all of these ominous qualities in Terri, yet both seemed content to have her basically be one of Kyron's primary caregivers since he was a baby.

The sheer number of photos we have been allowed to see of Kyron say something to me...he was not a neglected little boy in any way and he was treated to many fun activites and trips. And he always looks happy. And so does Terri. I just don't get it.


Many of us have been in relationships, whether family, friends, work or romantic, that...looking back, we missed ALL the signs. The signs that pointed to our friend as a habitual liar, our co-worker as a thief, and our loved one as a cheater.

Most of us have not had to come to terms with someone we know/respect/care for and/or love doing something heinous to a little child, much less to one we love and thought they did as well.

But if we did, how much harder would it be to see those things, let alone the "small sins" such as lying and adultery.

We see what we expect to see, what we've been lead to see. Taking the blinders off can be like removing a bandaid; sometimes it's quick and painful, sometimes it's slow and painful. No matter what, it hurts like heck.

Sometimes I think that what we'll have to reflect on after this is all over is that we never REALLY know those we trust and believe in. Perhaps we need to be more careful with those we allow into our lives. There aren't always tell-tale signs (except in hindsight) and even those can be as elusive as the whisper of the wind.
A person could harm a child (like the accused Casey A.) when there is rejection from the family. Kyron could have made it known that he wanted his Mom and Kaine could have announced a divorce whether he admits to it or not.

Drugs and/or alcohol can make mental problems worse and cause irritability and rage in some people.


Kryon could be hidden, because she wants to keep him plus end her marriage

Worst case scenario is when a narcissist premeditates and wants to end marriage and solve financial problems even if it involves getting rid of a child. We've been told that she spent money like water and I've read other places that there was lots of debt.

Why on earth would she give up rights to her own flesh and blood - her biological daughter, as she has done, and stash away a stepchild 'to keep' instead?
I just can't formulate a reason why she may or may not have done whatever has been done to Kyron either. We have so little information, considering how much we have heard and read about Terri; almost none of it comes from LE.

I can't get past the fact that neither Desiree or Kaine can come up with a reason why Terri would harm Kyron, so how on earth can I come up with one? And it also bothers me that only now, after the fact, do they "see" all of these ominous qualities in Terri, yet both seemed content to have her basically be one of Kyron's primary caregivers since he was a baby.

The sheer number of photos we have been allowed to see of Kyron say something to me...he was not a neglected little boy in any way and he was treated to many fun activites and trips. And he always looks happy. And so does Terri. I just don't get it.

Imo thats because LE doesn't know Terri as well as Kaine and Desiree do.

On the contrary, the interview about the content of the emails is very telling to me. They may well know 'why' but choose to not share it publicly. And even if they don't know why, the fact remains that she is not talking or cooperating with the investigation. If she is truly innocent, she would be doing everything possible to tell what she knows. She will never do that.

Okay, pictures. Have you thought about the fact that she only took shots of him when he was happy or 'smiling for the camera'? Or she only chose to post the 'happy' ones on FB for obvious reasons? Just because we don't see 'unhappy' pictures of Kyron doesn't mean they don't exist, for obvious reasons.
Imo thats because LE doesn't know Terri as well as Kaine and Desiree do.

On the contrary, the interview about the content of the emails is very telling to me. They may well know 'why' but choose to not share it publicly. And even if they don't know why, the fact remains that she is not talking or cooperating with the investigation. If she is truly innocent, she would be doing everything possible to tell what she knows. She will never do that.

Okay, pictures. Have you thought about the fact that she only took shots of him when he was happy or 'smiling for the camera'? Or she only chose to post the 'happy' ones on FB for obvious reasons? Just because we don't see 'unhappy' pictures of Kyron doesn't mean they don't exist, for obvious reasons.

You could say that last part about any family...people are not inclined to share photos of their children is they look miserable and ill-cared-for. And I'm not getting a sense that D&K know why Terri would harm Kyron-they look totally baffled whenever they are asked.
[IMHO, money is out. The cunning of the plan involved speaks to the intelligence of the person who committed this crime even if it is only common sense intelligence. IMHO, if Terri was smart enough, in a common sense way, to pull this off, she would've been smart enough to realize how convoluted it would be for Kyron's disappearance to benefit her financially.


imo, there's nothing convoluted about rendering yourself and/or your dd KH's sole beneficiary--even assuming that TH had no subsequent plans for kH. Not to mention getting rid of the expense of simply caring for Ky. That much more to go to TH/baby.

If we believe Eckert's 'rents, inheritance has been on her mind for quite some time. As I see it, TH knows she is her parents' sole beneficiary, and they've bothered to hold RE in trust, so we know they've been doing some estate planning. Maybe (before Houze, assuming her parents have picked up that expense) they still had some of the settlement money from Chubby's and their house, minimum. They're also teachers, so a pension and probably some good bennies to save from. So she's got that coming.

Eckert -- if he and his parents haven't been smart enough to write J out of their wills (not because I don't think he is worthy of it, but b/c I think that's his bio parents reponsibility), then there's that.

If Kyron is gone, all of KH's assets would go to TH, or at least to baby, in trust. Again, unless KH planned for an alternative. And I'm guessing, if he did, he didn't tell TH about it.

Add a lawsuit against the school...

and if you add KH's accidental death, and you can add SS and life insurance, too.

The only thing I see as *convoluted* is getting rid of one or two people to accomplish it. And that's the question of the day, imo. Not the reason why it couldn't possibly be a motive. jmoo
Terri may have done it because: it does not seem far-fetched to assume that Terri was unhappy (possible MFH, reported drinking problems, PPD, marriage problems, just turned 40 mid-life crisis,etc. etc.). At some point, Kyron became the "reason" for her unhappiness (see gitana's post). In her mind, "Get rid of Kyron, I can be happy again!"

Terri may not have done it: if she is a rational, mature, stable adult. I'm just not seeing that. Smiley faces on FB after your stepson has gone missing? Batphones? Come on.
You could say that last part about any family...people are not inclined to share photos of their children is they look miserable and ill-cared-for. And I'm not getting a sense that D&K know why Terri would harm Kyron-they look totally baffled whenever they are asked.

If you had done something like that, what reason could you possibly give? I'm sure there's no sane reason in the world these people can come up with that would make disappearing (or worse) their child a reasonable action. Honestly, if someone had done that to my child, I'd be baffled as well.

imo, there's nothing convoluted about rendering yourself and/or your dd KH's sole beneficiary--even assuming that TH had no subsequent plans for kH. Not to mention getting rid of the expense of simply caring for Ky. That much more to go to TH/baby.

If we believe Eckert's 'rents, inheritance has been on her mind for quite some time. As I see it, TH knows she is her parents' sole beneficiary, and they've bothered to hold RE in trust, so we know they've been doing some estate planning. Maybe (before Houze, assuming her parents have picked up that expense) they still had some of the settlement money from Chubby's and their house, minimum. They're also teachers, so a pension and probably some good bennies to save from. So she's got that coming.

Eckert -- if he and his parents haven't been smart enough to write J out of their wills (not because I don't think he is worthy of it, but b/c I think that's his bio parents reponsibility), then there's that.

If Kyron is gone, all of KH's assets would go to TH, or at least to baby, in trust. Again, unless KH planned for an alternative. And I'm guessing, if he did, he didn't tell TH about it.

Add a lawsuit against the school...

and if you add KH's accidental death, and you can add SS and life insurance, too.

The only thing I see as *convoluted* is getting rid of one or two people to accomplish it. And that's the question of the day, imo. Not the reason why it couldn't possibly be a motive. jmoo

If this was about money, it makes more sense for her to off Kaine. Terri is Kaine's wife and she has a child with him as well. Kyron would not be Kaine's sole beneficiary. Terri would, in all likelihood, get more money than Kyron. The theory floated on this site is that Terri hated/resented/was burdened by Kaine and Kyron -- if she wanted to be rid of them and get some money in the process, it would've been easier (and I use that term loosely) to off Kaine, get some insurance money, send Kyron back to his mother, and live her life with J and baby K.

Abducting and murdering Kyron and then attempting to sue the school for negligence and/or waiting a few months and staging Kaine's suicide is too convoluted for me to consider as a legitimate possibility.

If Terri abducted and murdered Kyron, then it has nothing to do with money, IMHO.
You could say that last part about any family...people are not inclined to share photos of their children is they look miserable and ill-cared-for. And I'm not getting a sense that D&K know why Terri would harm Kyron-they look totally baffled whenever they are asked.

I'll have to give you that...people on average probably don't have a camera handy to snap those shots of their child after a spanking, crying because they are frustrated, feeling sad, etc...
Imo thats because LE doesn't know Terri as well as Kaine and Desiree do.

On the contrary, the interview about the content of the emails is very telling to me. They may well know 'why' but choose to not share it publicly. And even if they don't know why, the fact remains that she is not talking or cooperating with the investigation. If she is truly innocent, she would be doing everything possible to tell what she knows. She will never do that.

Okay, pictures. Have you thought about the fact that she only took shots of him when he was happy or 'smiling for the camera'? Or she only chose to post the 'happy' ones on FB for obvious reasons? Just because we don't see 'unhappy' pictures of Kyron doesn't mean they don't exist, for obvious reasons.

Thank you. Happy pictures doesn't mean a happy life. Casey Anthony had TONS of happy pictures of Caylee and her friends were all shocked when Caylee died because they couldn't believe that the Casey they knew would do something like that. And the whole time, she was lying to everyone and really resented the heck out of Caylee for taking her place in the family. Who knows what went on when they were alone. Even some creepy home movies have come out that Casey filmed and she doesn't say a word the entire time. The poor child is wondering why mommy isn't talking to her and even gets upset.

My point is, it's easy to fill up albums with happy pictures to convince people that your family is perfect and there is nothing wrong. You could say the same for my family. If you judged us by our albums, you'd never know what a hard time I had growing up with a mother who was a perfectionist and never accepted me for who I am. Pictures only capture moments in time, they don't capture EVERYTHING that goes on. And people can easily fill up albums with only happy pictures so everyone who sees them will think that their family is a happy one.

Who knows what happened to Kyron when he and Terri were alone. I keep hearing she loved him so much, yet she's never shed one tear for him, or plead for the real perp to bring him home. She hasn't SHOWN once how much she really loved this child if she did, and I don't think she did.

Her motive, to me, is that the perfect and loving mom mask was getting harder to hold up as Kyron got older. She wanted everyone to think a certain way about her, but Kyron was getting in the way of that. Maybe she was afraid he was going to blow that mask off of her by telling his bio mom about something that happened to him, something that Terri did to him. I think it's no coincidence that he went missing on the day he was supposed to go to Desiree's.

I think Terri was more worried about what he would say to Desiree because Desiree was more onto the real Terri than Kaine was. Who knows, maybe Kyron had a bruise or something, a tell tale mark that would let Desiree know her fears about Terri were right. Terri couldn't risk her perfect loving mother mask being shattered by something like that. If Desiree pressed charges, everyone would know Terri was lying about being this great mom. Or maybe she feared that Kaine would believe Desiree that Terri did something to Kyron, and Kaine would divorce her and then everyone would know what a bad mother she really was. I mean, Kaine has said that Terri was worried that people would think badly of her. She can't stand the thought of people not seeing her as the perfect mother. She had fooled them for a long time, but this mistake would cost her her reputation, and some people just can't deal with losing reputation. They'd kill to keep their perfect reputation intact.

I think she killed Kyron, planned to blame it on the school so her reputation as a perfect and loving mother would remain intact more than ever, and she'd be rid of the one thing threatening to reveal her true self to the world, and maybe even get the double bonus of Kaine committing suicide so she and the baby would get all of his money. She'd never have to work and would live the high life she's always wanted to live without working. But things didn't go her way at all, and I think the last thing she wants is Kyron found, which is why she hid him so well.

And who knows, maybe the shocking thing is that they have investigated all alternatives and haven't turned anything connected to Kyron. Maybe the shock is that the perp really is Terri, and they just need time to get enough evidence to get her convicted. Honestly, the police see and expect bad things everyday. I don't know how shocking it would be to find out some sex ring was involved or underground getting kids away from abusive parents. To me, it would be shocking if they looked into all of that and nothing came out of it, or they found out about it because it stemmed from people Terri knew, but it wasn't related to what happened to Kyron. I honestly don't think they went into this believing Terri was the perp. I think they thought even if she looked suspicious, that they'd probably clear her, this middle aged middle class SAHM, and the shocking thing is, she's not what they thought at all, and even more things have stemmed from who she knows and associates with. And the other shocking thing is, it's looking more and more like Kyron is dead and is not alive and being held by someone. I don't think Terri would risk her reputation on someone else holding Kyron and either turning her in for it, or letting Kyron come back and he would be the one to get her into trouble.
I'll have to give you that...people on average probably don't have a camera handy to snap those shots of their child after a spanking, crying because they are frustrated, feeling sad, etc...

Oh, I don't know about that... I once took some pictures of my 3 year old crying. She had just cut off her bangs all the way to the scalp. I just felt a need to save that episode for posterity. :crazy:

Thanks for this post. Sometimes I have to remind myself that Terri has never said a word publicly. There have been reports of her expressing to friends (and however you want to classify Michael Cook) that she misses Kyron and/or baby K and wants them home, but those private statements are rarely reported because they don't support the guilt meme.

So Terri squeezed in texts in between the sexts and sending explicit pictures of sexual acts that she was concerned about Kyron? That would be a rare occurrence. I believe she is involved because of all the facts about her character, behavior, and words that just don't add up to innocent, and it certainly doesn't add up to caring :twocents: for Kyron.
Oh, I don't know about that... I once took some pictures of my 3 year old crying. She had just cut off her bangs all the way to the scalp. I just felt a need to save that episode for posterity. :crazy:

MOM!??? Is that you??? HA! I think we all have THAT picture of ourselves!
If this was about money, it makes more sense for her to off Kaine. Terri is Kaine's wife and she has a child with him as well. Kyron would not be Kaine's sole beneficiary. Terri would, in all likelihood, get more money than Kyron. The theory floated on this site is that Terri hated/resented/was burdened by Kaine and Kyron -- if she wanted to be rid of them and get some money in the process, it would've been easier (and I use that term loosely) to off Kaine, get some insurance money, send Kyron back to his mother, and live her life with J and baby K.

Abducting and murdering Kyron and then attempting to sue the school for negligence and/or waiting a few months and staging Kaine's suicide is too convoluted for me to consider as a legitimate possibility.

If Terri abducted and murdered Kyron, then it has nothing to do with money, IMHO.

As I said, skip the KH part entirely, and she's still got 100% of his estate coming, whenever, that might be; 100% of this income going to her and hers; and the potential (in her mind certainty) of a HUGE and really straightforward lawsuit against the school. Think about how much that lawsuit would be worth. If I had to value it for the school for settlement purposes, I'd put it in the $5-10 million range, easy. That is a whole lot 'o cash and enough motive right there, imo.
Risk vs benefit. Even a sociopathic narcissist would realize that the risk of being accused outweighs the chance of a successful lawsuit --- and that such a suit would take many years before reaching a conclusion. Not to mention Kaine and Desiree would be the ones who would have cause to bring the suit. Not the non-custodial, non-related stepmom.
She could bring the suit on behalf of Kaine's estate.
Risk vs benefit. Even a sociopathic narcissist would realize that the risk of being accused outweighs the chance of a successful lawsuit --- and that such a suit would take many years before reaching a conclusion. Not to mention Kaine and Desiree would be the ones who would have cause to bring the suit. Not the non-custodial, non-related stepmom.

I disagree. I don't think she thought there was a huge risk that she would be accused. Just look at her e-mail from 6/5. She was incredulous that they *kept asking* me. T

The lawsuit might have taken many years, but it probably wouldn't have. Idk if the school is self-insured or not, but they certainly have liability insurance one way or the other. The insurer would want to settle that case asap, and would probably offer limits immediately if a child disappeared from inside a school. No matter how you look at that scenario, if TH is NOT involved (and maybe even if she is) the school is in a whole lot of hot water -- justified or not. And even if it did drag on to a certain extent, the upside potential would make the wait WELL worth it. People do it all the time for a whole lot less potential pay out. That's why our civil courts are clogged and insurance is as expensive as it is. In my circle, we refer to a case like this as *hitting the lottery*

eta: when I say *case like this,* I'm assuming TH's guilt, which is implicit in the motive aspect of the thread. I would NEVER refer to a case involving a missing or sick child that way, otherwise. Many other plaintiff's cases, yes, but not those involving a child.
I suppose. She would still have to prove that she was the injured party. Feigning a suicide w/Kaine wouldn't work. Life insurance policies don't pay out for suicide.

Seems like an awfully convoluted way to snag a few bucks.
I disagree. I don't think she thought there was a huge risk that she would be accused. Just look at her e-mail from 6/5. She was incredulous that they *kept asking* me.
I've seen it brought up repeatedly about her fascination with crime shows. If she'd been paying attention, she'd have known she would be the first person LE would go after and hard. Maybe she was incredulous because she hadn't done anything wrong? Who knows.

The lawsuit might have taken many years, but it probably wouldn't have. Idk if the school is self-insured or not, but they certainly have liability insurance one way or the other. The insurer would want to settle that case asap, and would probably offer limits immediately if a child disappeared from inside a school. No matter how you look at that scenario, if TH is NOT involved (and maybe even if she is) the school is in a whole lot of hot water -- justified or not. And even if it did drag on to a certain extent, the upside potential would make the wait WELL worth it. People do it all the time for a whole lot less potential pay out. That's why our civil courts are clogged and insurance is as expensive as it is. In my circle, we refer to a case like this as *hitting the lottery*
And what are the odds of hitting the Lotto?
I suppose. She would still have to prove that she was the injured party. Feigning a suicide w/Kaine wouldn't work. Life insurance policies don't pay out for suicide.

Seems like an awfully convoluted way to snag a few bucks.

She would not have to prove she was an injured party. She would have to prove Kaine was an injured party. He is.

Insurance policies often do pay for suicides. Usually there is a two year waiting period though. In other words, the policy has to be in effect at least two years (or whatever the policy says) before they will pay out for that.

And I hardly think the potential several million dollars is "a few bucks."

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