Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #1

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Strange if the boy fell over a railing and then 11/2 days later Rebecca ends up over a railing...

Yes! I made that comment here last night. I think she was thrown off the balcony with the rope tied around her neck and then pulled back up to make it look like she hung herself.

I am suspicious of JS, very suspicious. I totally believe he is capable of doing this and the lack of ANY concern in the PR statements, not even using her name, makes me think he has cut off all feelings for her probably in anger.

If the son was "planking on the steps railing" he would have flown in the air a ways...I think Rebecca was thrown in the air.

This is all my opinion only.
I can't personally say I think it strange at all. If Max was under Rebecca's watch, and his son died during that watch, I understand that he might not be anxious to sing her praises at this point, or even acknowledge her.

I have to keep in mind that he has an ex-wife to watch out for. If he so much as mentions Rebecca, she might just go postal (I know I would). Especially knowing Rebecca was in charge (or was supposed to be) when Max died. JS might not be making a statement for the sake of his ex wife, the mother of Maxie.

Just my opinion!


I have read that he is in seclusion devastated by the death of his son and his girlfriend. Those that knew them the 2 years they were together said they were very much in love with each other. I am sure she had come to love Maxie too.

His ex-wife lived in the same area close to them and I am sure she knew Jonah and Rebecca had a close relationship with each other. That doesn't mean they haven't set aside their own past differences they may have had when married and remained friends for Maxie's sake.
Thank you. I saw that. What a tragedy.


The only online reports I've seen of this announcement are Radaronline and Daily Mail so I would take it with a grain of salt for now.
Good to see you. :seeya:
They've just removed the close-up picture of her body from the Fox5 site. I saw it a few minutes ago, and when I went back to view it again, it was gone! There is still a wide angle shot there, but the close-up one clearly showed her feet still tied together and hands underneath her.

There were three photos of the body, and now there is only one.

edited: Now it's back up!


I clicked on your link and it takes me to one pic. It is not blurred very much. I am not trying to be too graphic or gross, but her legs are stiff and bent. In that position, her legs would have been together if the body was not in rigor.

There appears to be a blue material tied around her neck. The hands are behind her body. With there being the orange extension cord running out from her body, her feet bound, and the blue material around her neck, I think she had been hogtied. The blue material appears to have been tied around her neck over her hair. In other words, she would have been either standing or sitting upright with her hair hanging down when the blue material was tied. The blue material is also going out to the side. Odd position if she had tied it herself, IMO. Her right hip appears to be broken and the bone is somewhat jutting out. That could have happened when she hit the table. There is too much going on here for it to be a simple suicidal hanging, IMO.

The brother was probably set up to find her. I really don't think he murdered her, but I do think it was murder.

Just my :twocents:.

From link above-

Meanwhile, Jonah Shacknai is "in seclusion, and is absolutely unconsolable. Dealing with the loss of his son and his girlfriend, it's just an epic tragedy," the insider tells us.

Thats why his pr firm has mentioned how sorry they are about her death,yea right! :waitasec:

not attacking you, but just putting it out there that is really isn't fair to pass judgment on this man yet. we really don't have enough details. sure, he could be evil, but he can also be going through a tremendous amount of pain.
I wonder if the blue cloth could have been a gag? That would explain it being over her hair. If she were hog tied it would have been easier to throw her off the balcony too.

I clicked on your link and it takes me to one pic. It is not blurred very much. I am not trying to be too graphic or gross, but her legs are stiff and bent. In that position, her legs would have been together if the body was not in rigor.

There appears to be a blue material tied around her neck. The hands are behind her body. With there being the orange extension cord running out from her body, her feet bound, and the blue material around her neck, I think she had been hogtied. The blue material appears to have been tied around her neck over her hair. In other words, she would have been either standing or sitting upright with her hair hanging down when the blue material was tied. The blue material is also going out to the side. Odd position if she had tied it herself, IMO. Her right hip appears to be broken and the bone is somewhat jutting out. That could have happened when she hit the table. There is too much going on here for it to be a simple suicidal hanging, IMO.

The brother was probably set up to find her. I really don't think he murdered her, but I do think it was murder.

Just my :twocents:.

Basically, we know a heck of a lot LESS than what we actually know:

What was the nature of the accident. Sheesh, for all we know it didn't even happen in the main foyer. Maybe it was in a side guest house. No clue.

How many kids ANY of the players had: Jonah, Dina, Rebecca (people/posters/articles say Jonah had an older child, Rebecca had a child, I haven't heard anything about Dina having more kids. For her sake, I hope she does.)

Where said kids live: Arizona, SC, who knows

Where JS was at time of MS accident, RN death

How RN's body was bound: We have heard all different stories. The fox5 pictures (to me) seem to tell the most (arms behind back, legs bound (but not together)).

Party or no party Tuesday night.

I could go on and on. I do say I wish I was on the beaches of Coronado right now sipping a sangria instead of sweltering in Indiana! I am buying my lotto ticket on Saturday, and Coronado is definitely my 1 way ticket destination when I hit the jackpot!
It was said that a female called in to 911, and that (we think) it could have been JS's 14 year old daughter. But a 13 year old boy's voice isn't very deep, ordinarily, and could have been mistaken.

And if another, unrelated, person was there, perhaps it was a Coronado friend of one of the kids. I can understand hustling a child away from there, regardless of the circumstances of the accident.
Basically, we know a heck of a lot LESS than what we actually know:

What was the nature of the accident. Sheesh, for all we know it didn't even happen in the main foyer. Maybe it was in a side guest house. No clue.

How many kids ANY of the players had: Jonah, Dina, Rebecca (people/posters/articles say Jonah had an older child, Rebecca had a child, I haven't heard anything about Dina having more kids. For her sake, I hope she does.)

Where said kids live: Arizona, SC, who knows

Where JS was at time of MS accident, RN death

How RN's body was bound: We have heard all different stories. The fox5 pictures (to me) seem to tell the most (arms behind back, legs bound (but not together)).

Party or no party Tuesday night.

I could go on and on. I do say I wish I was on the beaches of Coronado right now sipping a sangria instead of sweltering in Indiana! I am buying my lotto ticket on Saturday, and Coronado is definitely my 1 way ticket destination when I hit the jackpot!

The dog kennel owner said it was RN's daughter that was there.
Oh Mercy!!! My son even said that he thought Max was planking, but I guess that's really yesterday's fad. With the HP release, it's the new thing amongst teens (I don't know about 6 year olds, but I guess they could pick it up rather quickly).

I just about cried when I saw this picture, and thought of Max. :( With the release of HP

Is it a possibility? Anything is at this point. However, please keep in mind that HP was not released until Midnight on the 15th (we actually saw the 2 AM showing). Max fell on the 11th (before the movie was released). Not that it would make much of a difference, as kids were already doing it.

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ETA: I think this owling thing is much more dangerous than planking and told my son so. I can see a whole lot of kids getting injured from doing this stunt!!!

My son is almost 6 and thinks planking is the greatest thing ever.
The dog kennel owner said it was RN's daughter that was there.

Exactly my point. Did Rn have a daughter? Was she referring to JS's daughter as her daughter? The police have said there was an unrelated 13 yo female there. Who was that?
Wow, in looking at those pics, the body was moved between pic #4, and pic #5 .. wonder if the EMS were still there?

I disagree. It looks like it's in the same exact spot to me. Just different camera angle.
Exactly my point. Did Rn have a daughter? Was she referring to JS's daughter as her daughter? The police have said there was an unrelated 13 yo female there. Who was that?

yes-the story I read was she called and asked him to pick up the dogs and he could not on monday,so he told her tuesday and RN said she was upset about Max and HER daughter was there with them..
If a rope was used why use a drop cord or was there a rope around her neck?
Among other things, investigators are interviewing anyone who spoke to Nalepa in the hours and days before her death.

Separately, the Coronado Police Department is investigating the death of 6-year-old Max Shacknai, the son of the owner. The boy fell down the stairs at the mansion on July 11 and was rushed to Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego, where he died July 17.
The Coronado police have tentatively labeled the boy's death accidental. Investigators have said they have found no connection between the two deaths.

In the Nalepa investigation, department officials said, "We will go wherever the evidence takes us and will investigate however long it takes to make sure we get the facts right for Rebecca, her family and the public."

"Hopefully, the evidence will tell the story and solve this mystery."

Bolding mine.....Max allegedly FELL down the stairs. No mention of falling off a railing or hanging from a chandelier. Also, this report says police have tentatively labeled it an accident.

Will we ever know the truth? I doubt it.

I think Maxie's death was a terrible tragedy that sparked another terrible tragedy.

In 2 years of being around Maxie I believe Rebecca had come to love him as if he was her own child. Imo, she felt responsible. Riddled with guilt that she could have prevented this in someway even though accidents can happen without warning.

I think she was even thinking about suicide when she ask that her dog be taken care of. She felt that this would have a profound affect on the man she loved. She knew what Maxie meant to Jonah, imo. Maybe she was told it was best she didn't come to the hospital to see Maxie because his mother was so upset and she felt totally cutout.

I suppose I would have never believed this could actually be a suicide if I hadn't had the unfortunate experience of learning about another suicide over 3 weeks ago. One of our daughters best friends for 25 years hung herself. She didn't jump off of the balcony but she did bind her feet and hands and hung herself while naked from the chandelier in their foyer. Her bathrobe was on the floor. She had been married to a doctor for 28 years and they had argued the week before she died about him wanting her to go to a treatment center to get off of prescription drugs. She still had meds in the home but she chose this as her way out. Why did she decide to do it this way? Only she knows.

Maybe suicide victims that strip naked think they came into this world naked and they need to go out the same way. It is hard to get into the mind of someone determined to do this but they can be very creative and create many mysteries for those left behind.

So imo, Rebecca decided this was the best way to make all of her guilt and pain to go away. She knew her life would never be the same again.

yes-the story I read was she called and asked him to pick up the dogs and he could not on monday,so he told her tuesday and RN said she was upset about Max and HER daughter was there with them..

I believe she also called Max her son.
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