Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #1

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If the trailing orange cord/rope is what she was hanging by, I am gonna assume Adam went into the house to the room to cut her down.

GOOD POINT! Otherwise the cord would have likely been cut off closer to where she was hanging. In that case, there would be no need for the table. Did he say he stood on the table and cut her down??
One the talking heads described how a person would tie themselves in that manner.
Pretty close to what Ocean said.
Not as hard as it would seem, for someone young and fit.
Not saying I think that's what happened.
GOOD POINT! Otherwise the cord would have likely been cut off closer to where she was hanging. In that case, there would be no need for the table. Did he say he stood on the table and cut her down??

He hasn't said squat.
Maybe someone can answer this question for me...I don't know much about rigor mortis. Let's say she was hanging, and AS did cut her down. Let's say he wasn't able to hang on to her and after he cut the cord, she dropped on the ground. If that happened is it possible that she broke bones when she fell to the ground and her legs landed in this awkward way? Or would the body be so stiff that it would not bend/break what so ever?
You know, usually one can find on Topix or other blogs some type of rumors or information whether true or not. I can't find anything about this!

Is there a biography of any of these people anywhere besides Wikipedia?
Thank you. It was such a needless tragedy.

I am trying to remember if she told me. Some type of cord I think or it may have been duct tape. Sorry I am not really sure but I will ask my daughter tomorrow.

Anyway I asked her how she did it and she said the ME told them that they had seen this before with other suicide deaths. What they do if I can describe it... is they bind their feet first and then their wrists. Squat down on their butts and put their feet and legs through the opening of where their arms open up into an oval shape and that brings the wrists/arms back behind the back. I think she told me that they think she used her teeth to help wrap the cord or tape around her wrists.

S was also a petite woman like Rebecca.

I know I am not describing it the best in the world but maybe you can get the gist of it.


Thank you - your description was clear and understandable.

Please, only ask your daughter if you feel she won't be offended or too pained.

Such a sad story
One the talking heads described how a person would tie themselves in that manner.
Pretty close to what Ocean said.
Not as hard as it would seem, for someone young and fit.
Not saying I think that's what happened.

Whew........I thought I hadn't described it where anyone could understand it. lol

Thank you. It was such a needless tragedy.

I am trying to remember if she told me. Some type of cord I think or it may have been duct tape. Sorry I am not really sure but I will ask my daughter tomorrow.

Anyway I asked her how she did it and she said the ME told them that they had seen this before with other suicide deaths. What they do if I can describe it... is they bind their feet first and then their wrists. Squat down on their butts and put their feet and legs through the opening of where their arms open up into an oval shape and that brings the wrists/arms back behind the back. I think she told me that they think she used her teeth to help wrap the cord or tape around her wrists.

S was also a petite woman like Rebecca.

I know I am not describing it the best in the world but maybe you can get the gist of it.


Weren't her hands bound behind her? How could she use her teeth .... I'm just trying to picture it...
Thank you - your description was clear and understandable.

Please, only ask your daughter if you feel she won't be offended or too pained.

Such a sad story

I will and thank you for being so understanding.

My daughter is still struggling to understand.

She was to meet her for lunch the very next day. They had made plans or at least my daughter thought they had.

We have no idea what the relationship was like. Perhaps Adam had a problem with drugs or crime in the past. Perhaps he was too proud to take money, or just honestly didn't care. It's impossible to help people who don't want it. It's easy for everyone to say that they would never let their relative live like that, but the reality is always more complicated.

FWIW, Adam is clean in Shelby County, TN (Memphis), less a couple older, minor traffic offenses. Heck, his older brother has more of those in just the last few years in the Scottsdale area.

Could be into drugs and just never caught. Could be he prefers a much simpler lifestyle and to not be tied down.

or could be a whole ton of money was dangled under his nose and he bit. Total speculation of course.

Easy to presume he arrived in Coronado because his nephew had been gravely injured, and I believe the family probably knew within hours of Max's accident that he was brain dead. Even if not, he was clearly very critical.

What happened after Adam's arrival is the $64 Million question. :waitasec:
I believe it was a quote from OBMAMA; saying one of the neighbors mentioned it....would be in post from yesterday afternoon/evening.......
I believe it was a quote from OBMAMA; saying one of the neighbors mentioned it....would be in post from yesterday afternoon/evening.......

Thanks for remembering, Scorekeeper!

There's been THREE reports that point toward the chandelier having relevance in Max's fall.
"Two days prior to the Arizona native's death, the six-year-old son of Zahau's boyfriend - 54-year-old Jonah Shacknai - fell down the stairs onto a chandelier at the home.",0,6761111.story
The video was taped when a search warrant was served at the mansion Friday night, the day Max's sister posted "RIP Maxie" on Facebook, most likely the day he was declared "brain dead". Investigators brought in a ladder and were seen jumping up and down on the second story, as if they were re-creating the incident. Now I know I heard or read the ladder was used to inspect the chandelier. Either they edited the video or I read it at an unknown website. This video is worth watching, as a review of the week's activities, and JS's questionable financial transactions.
"There have been conflicting reports about how the boy was injured. A neighbor told 10News that the boy, whose name was not released, was hurt by a falling light fixture and is still in the hospital."

In today's comments, someone posted a picture of "owling" on a stair rail. I never heard of it (no kids!), nor "planking" I read in earlier comments. I think these are excellent theories, that "horseplay" was the cause of the fall. The proximity of the chandelier suggests he flew off the railing.
"The boy was left unable to breath and without a pulse Monday after a fall at his home; he was revived and was last known to be at Rady Children's Hospital."
"unable to breath"? Sounds like an airway obstruction. Perhaps this prevented Rebecca and/or his sister from performing CPR. By the time he was revived, he most likely suffered irreversible brain damage.
A mystery surrounds his sister, and why there are so many conflicting reports as to who was present. Her friend, who lives three houses away, said she "was in Coronado till Monday crack of dawn, when she returned to her South Carolina home".

SDSO maintained Rebecca was the only one home at the time of the accident, then later reported Max's sister was there too, but Coronado Patch says it was Rebecca's sister. One news source said his sister called 911 (sorry, I can't find it), but may just be shoddy reporting. Even her age is inconsistent. I've seen "13" and "14".

I have a feeling these contradictions may be JS's effort to protect her from the media, which is certainly understandable. She may have been playing with Max when he fell, maybe even encouraged a dare-devil act, but I doubt she's at all implicated in his accident.

The problem with it all is, lies and cover-ups tend people to think the worst. People in the public eye usually make a short appearance and public statement. That's what people do, when they have an image to maintain. His avoidance casts doubt, and if Rebecca's death is deemed a suicide, most people will not believe it and LE's integrity will be compromised.
Weren't her hands bound behind her? How could she use her teeth .... I'm just trying to picture it...

She bound her hands before she put her feet/legs/butt into the (arm area down to bound wrist area )and then brought her bound wrists/arms behind her back.

Sorry I dont know how to explain it any better.

Isn't murder by hanging pretty rare?

Hanging or suffocation is used in about one out of five suicides, which is why you can never leave an acutely suicidal person alone for a second. People who have died by hanging have used virtually every conceivable thing to hang themselves with, including shoe laces, electric cords, belts, bedsheets,etc. Again, never leave an acutely suicidal person alone.

Hanging or Suffocation.....20.2%

GOOD POINT! Otherwise the cord would have likely been cut off closer to where she was hanging. In that case, there would be no need for the table. Did he say he stood on the table and cut her down??

No he did not say if he stood on the table or if he went upstairs.

But your comment made me think of this - what if RN stood on the table and kicked it out of the way or stepped off of it - causing the leg to break. Then he would have had to go up stairs to cut her down and then she may have hit it on the way down........
Still haven't caught up. I probably never will.

In the absence of any new news , I thought I would ramble some more.

Jonah Shacknai's company has headquarters in Scottsdale. Is that where his ex-wife lives?

Any idea why he supported so many causes for special needs children? Whispering Hope Ranch Foundation, Director of the Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center and the World Craniofacial Foundation. And he also was involved with something called the Delta Foundation which promotes human-animal bonding (I thought that happened at feeding time :) Adam, his brother, also seems to be interested in causes involving special needs children.

And for those of you into numerology:

His ex got their home in AZ in the divorce, plus she owns a home in Coronado, a few blocks away from Jonah's "little beach shack" so I'd guess she splits her time between AZ and CA, and that they shared custody of Max.

All of their connections to special needs children is interesting indeed. Makes one wonder if Max, or one of his other kids, fell into one of those categories.

Do you happen to have the link that shows how Adam is connected to special needs causes? TIA
Hanging or suffocation is used in about one out of five suicides, which is why you can never leave an acutely suicidal person alone for a second. People who have died by hanging have used virtually every conceivable thing to hang themselves with, including shoe laces, electric cords, belts, bedsheets,etc. Again, never leave an acutely suicidal person alone.

Hanging or Suffocation.....20.2%


That is fascinating data. I had to seriously take a double glance when I saw the age group 5-14 listed as a suicide demographic.

I'm shocked hanging is so common with women (more common with men, as is suicide, but still not unheard of). Reading your previous stories, maybe that's all this is. Hopefully (meaning it will be done and closed soon).
No he did not say if he stood on the table or if he went upstairs.

But your comment made me think of this - what if RN stood on the table and kicked it out of the way or stepped off of it - causing the leg to break. Then he would have had to go up stairs to cut her down and then she may have hit it on the way down........

Yeah, this seems plausible.
Hanging or suffocation is used in about one out of five suicides, which is why you can never leave an acutely suicidal person alone for a second. People who have died by hanging have used virtually every conceivable thing to hang themselves with, including shoe laces, electric cords, belts, bedsheets,etc. Again, never leave an acutely suicidal person alone.

Hanging or Suffocation.....20.2%


Yes, I know in suicide, but I think it's rare in
She bound her hands before she put her feet/legs/butt into the (arm area down to bound wrist area )and then brought her bound wrists/arms behind her back.

Sorry I dont know how to explain it any better.


I've seen contortionists do that and on a few tv programs it can work in the reverse if someone has their hands tied behind their back first. Granted has to be somebody very limber and in good physical shape.
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