Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #1

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she may be close to turning 15....sophomore's usually get their driver's license

I am pretty sure you still have to be 16 to get your actual license in CA. I got mine on my 16th birthday, you'd better believe (in CA). You can take driver's ed and get your permit when you're 15, though.
About the stairs because much has been made of what they are covered with. Maybe I'm just clumsy, but I have tripped on plush carpeting with no shoes and slipped down on plush carpeted stairs wearing socks. I've also (as I stated WAY upthread) fallen, as have all of my kids on our wood stairs. We have all just gotten lucky that we fell on our butts and not on our heads/necks, etc.

While a fatal fall is less likely in a child than an adult, just based on how flexible they are compared to us adults, if he fell from the top of the stairs all the way to the foyer OR even fell down the stairs at just the "right" angle, he could have been injured very badly.

Another thing to consider is that the fontanel (soft spot on your head) isn't even completely closed until you are at least 12. This is why in youth soccer, kids are not allowed, at least by the reputable soccer organizations, to use their heads to hit the soccer ball. Funny husband took the AYSO training in San Diego as a coach and learned that before I learned it in nursing courses. But it's true.
The quote lists the 5 possibilities:



I think we can rule out natural & accidental which leaves us and LE back to homicide or suicide. If they can't rule out either one then we're left with undetermined which I believe will be the final COD, imo
Let's assume Rebecca felt guilty and that would be a reason for suicide.
In which case, where is the suicide note, asking for forgiveness and such?
Why naked, out in the open, with hands and feet tied?

The point has been belabored that many, many suicides don't leave a note, so there's no point debating that anymore, BUT you're right, I agree that for a woman who, from her photos, appears to be very invested in her appearance, being found hanging naked would probably not be her choice, but I don't have any research or info to back that up. Just a hunch.
Does anyone have a timeline of the events handy? When did the alleged party take place? Was it the same day Maxie was rushed to the hospital or the next day? Reports state Rebecca's body was found 2 days after Maxie passed? Is that correct? With so many conflicting reports, a true timeline would be great.
I think we can rule out natural & accidental which leaves us and LE back to homicide or suicide. If they can't rule out either one then we're left with undetermined which I believe will be the final COD, imo

Yes, which is exactly what LE said.

“There are five possibilities in her death, and we know it wasn’t natural or accidental,” Frank said. “We don’t want to say ‘undetermined,’ so that leaves homicide or suicide.”

I was pointing out the the poster that 5 possibilities did not mean suicide + 4 murder suspects.
yes-the story I read was she called and asked him to pick up the dogs and he could not on monday,so he told her tuesday and RN said she was upset about Max and HER daughter was there with them..

RN also called Max "her son" when talking to the employee at the dog kennel... Is it possible that she referred to all of JS' children as 'her own'...??
No he did not say if he stood on the table or if he went upstairs.

But your comment made me think of this - what if RN stood on the table and kicked it out of the way or stepped off of it - causing the leg to break. Then he would have had to go up stairs to cut her down and then she may have hit it on the way down........

sorry for quoting myself but I thought it interesting (and I know other WSers spoke about same) that this is mentioned in the article......

The motivation is so they can't change their minds and free themselves.

"Some of the psychologists will tell you once that decision is made, there is an urge of self-preservation, and this is one way to preclude oneself from stopping an attempt to end their life," Coronado Police Chief Louis Scanlon said.

One possible suicide theory is that Zahau might have hung the noose from the balcony, binding her hands and feet before stepping off a table. A table was one of the items taken from the mansion as evidence.


Now I'm wondering about her "giving things away"....making sure her dog was taken care off....

We may never know if she was blamed for Maxie's accident or felt totally responsible for his accident, what was said to her by whom, perhaps she was asked to leave......I just don't know if she did commit suicide.

The alleged loud music/party and others there would lean more to possible murder.....

Hopefully, LE will release more findings soon
Does anyone have a timeline of the events handy? When did the alleged party take place? Was it the same day Maxie was rushed to the hospital or the next day? Reports state Rebecca's body was found 2 days after Maxie passed? Is that correct? With so many conflicting reports, a true timeline would be great.

July 11 - Maxie's accident (approx. 9:30/10:00 am)

July 12 - alleged loud music/party - no MSM verification

July 13 - RN found hanging (approx. 6:45 am)

July 15 - Maxie's sister posts on facebook - RIP for Maxie statement

July 17 - Family announces Maxie's passing
RN also called Max "her son" when talking to the employee at the dog kennel... Is it possible that she referred to all of JS' children as 'her own'...??

You know what? Her calling "my child" her child (if I was Dina) would totally pizz me off!!!! Especially, if she also "stole" my husband.......:maddening::maddening:
I have never heard this before. Has anyone else?

His mother, Jonah Shacknai's ex-wife Dina, has been identified by detectives as a witness in Zahau's death.:waitasec:

Jennifer Vigil responded to this same question made by posters in comments portion of the article she wrote quoted above. Her reply is as follows:
"Detectives have labeled Dina a witness, yes, under questioning from the media, to distinguish between witness and “person of interest” or suspect. They have also labeled Jonah and Adam as witnesses. That doesn't necessarily mean the people talking to investigators were present at the scene. Only Adam and Rebecca have been named as having been on the property that night. Thanks for your question."
sorry for quoting myself but I thought it interesting (and I know other WSers spoke about same) that this is mentioned in the article......

The motivation is so they can't change their minds and free themselves.

"Some of the psychologists will tell you once that decision is made, there is an urge of self-preservation, and this is one way to preclude oneself from stopping an attempt to end their life," Coronado Police Chief Louis Scanlon said.

One possible suicide theory is that Zahau might have hung the noose from the balcony, binding her hands and feet before stepping off a table. A table was one of the items taken from the mansion as evidence.


Now I'm wondering about her "giving things away"....making sure her dog was taken care off....We may never know if she was blamed for Maxie's accident or felt totally responsible for his accident, what was said to her by whom, perhaps she was asked to leave......I just don't know if she did commit suicide.

The alleged loud music/party and others there would lean more to possible murder.....

Hopefully, LE will release more findings soon

BBM, I hear you on this whole post and agree...the one thing I want to bring up is that the dog kennel guy who was on JVM stated that Rebecca inquired about price....would someone considering suicide care about that? And he even made the point of saying (and I'm paraphrasing) "If she was thinking of killing herself, why would she even ask me about price at the point?"

Just throwin' it out there for discussion....

"The Coronado police chief tells News 8 at this point there doesn't appear to be any criminal activity involved in this case, and that could point to suicide, but Rebecca Zahau's sister tells us Rebecca would never have taken her own life."

Her sister is extremely upset, obviously in denial. He goes on further to say binding is not uncommon in suicides, and tells the reasoning behind this.

He also discussed a very interesting theory about a piece of evidence.
The table with the broken leg. There is speculation that Rebecca may have jumped from the table off the balcony.

This is the first statement from an LE official that leans in either direction, suicide or murder. I don't think the chief is going to put his butt out on a limb, on an investigation that's escalated to the federal level, by making random statements to the media.

And, I think Rebecca's sister reaction was to the findings that are appearing to rule out criminal activity. I expect when the forensics investigation is complete, it will support those findings and the cause of death will be suicide.

As for poor little Maxie, it was a tragic accident. If he was indeed, "owling" or "planking", as some have suggested and I tend to believe, it would be prudent of JS to disclose this and send a message to parents of the dangers in these activities. It would give him some positive media exposure, something that has been lacking this past week.

I hope Rebecca's death is ruled a suicide, for the sake of both families. Her sister may come to realize it's better this tragedy ends quickly, rather than a drawn out murder investigation that dredges up dirty laundry from the past.

I think what they were referencing in the article in regards to the table was...she may have hung the cord from the balcony. Then went to the courtyard, put on the noose, bound her hands/feet then stepped off the table and hung herself. From an image posted earlier in this thread, it doesn't look like a table could fit up on the balcony.
One possible suicide theory is that Zahau might have hung the noose from the balcony, binding her hands and feet before stepping off a table. A table was one of the items taken from the mansion as evidence.

I have said this from the beginning, one of my first posts on the case. She tied the cord on the balcony and let it hang down. She then stood on the table and jumped off.

"The Coronado police chief tells News 8 at this point there doesn't appear to be any criminal activity involved in this case, and that could point to suicide, but Rebecca Zahau's sister tells us Rebecca would never have taken her own life."

Her sister is extremely upset, obviously in denial. He goes on further to say binding is not uncommon in suicides, and tells the reasoning behind this.

He also discussed a very interesting theory about a piece of evidence.
The table with the broken leg. There is speculation that Rebecca may have jumped from the table off the balcony.

This is the first statement from an LE official that leans in either direction, suicide or murder. I don't think the chief is going to put his butt out on a limb, on an investigation that's escalated to the federal level, by making random statements to the media.

And, I think Rebecca's sister reaction was to the findings that are appearing to rule out criminal activity. I expect when the forensics investigation is complete, it will support those findings and the cause of death will be suicide.

As for poor little Maxie, it was a tragic accident. If he was indeed, "owling" or "planking", as some have suggested and I tend to believe, it would be prudent of JS to disclose this and send a message to parents of the dangers in these activities. It would give him some positive media exposure, something that has been lacking this past week.

I hope Rebecca's death is ruled a suicide, for the sake of both families. Her sister may come to realize it's better this tragedy ends quickly, rather than a drawn out murder investigation that dredges up dirty laundry from the past.

From your link:

"There are documentations of incidents throughout the country where people have secured their feet and hands as well to commit suicide, so we have to keep an open mind," San Diego County Sheriff's Department Sgt. Roy Frank said.

The motivation is so they can't change their minds and free themselves.

"Some of the psychologists will tell you once that decision is made, there is an urge of self-preservation, and this is one way to preclude oneself from stopping an attempt to end their life," Coronado Police Chief Louis Scanlon said.
Let's assume Rebecca felt guilty and that would be a reason for suicide.
In which case, where is the suicide note, asking for forgiveness and such?
Why naked, out in the open, with hands and feet tied?

I am also perplexed!
What are the reasons of binding one's one hands and legs and being naked?
I just don't understand the thought process here.
Does anyone have links to suicide statistics that show this is common?
You know what? Her calling "my child" her child (if I was Dina) would totally pizz me off!!!! Especially, if she also "stole" my husband.......:maddening::maddening:

I don't think anyone can steal a spouse away from the other spouse. There already has to be something lacking in the relationship for that to happen in the first place, imo.

I think it is much better for the child or children for the prospective step mother or step father to love the children as they would their own.

I find nothing wrong with Rebecca looking at Maxie this way. She had been around him for 2 years. He looks like a warm loving little boy. In the photo with Rebecca and Maxie they seem so comfortable together.

It shows why she killed herself...........imo. She just couldn't get over the death of Maxie. That shows me he meant a lot to her as if he had been her own child.

The Daily Mail reports that Nalepa was sobbing at a local kennel where she took her dog last Tuesday. Staff there described the 32-year-old as distraught.

Ted Greenberg, owner of Camp Diggity Dog, said Zahau called the Coronado kennel last Monday, shortly after the boy's fall, to ask that someone pick up her 14-month-old Weimaraner, Ocean. She said her child was hospitalized after an injury.

"She described it as her child," he said.

Greenberg went to the home Tuesday.

"She was crying on the phone on Monday and Tuesday she was quiet," he said.

I think the doggy day care guy picked the dog up from the mansion...

so many conflicting stories......
I am also perplexed!
What are the reasons of binding one's one hands and legs and being naked?
I just don't understand the thought process here.
Does anyone have links to suicide statistics that show this is common?

I don't know about how many times with being naked. I do know it happens though.

The binding of the feet and wrists is so the person committing suicide cant change their minds or have a way to stop it.

They want it to be over with and are afraid that they will grab the rope and stop themselves from what they really want to do.

Hangings or some type of suffocations happen over 20% of the time in suicides so it is not uncommon at all.

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