Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #4

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I've read the entire threads, just hoping that RZ's death is not swept under the carpet. In any case my two cents on MsFacetious's comment: I've learned that when it comes to handling these matters, especially involving a crisis like this with LE involved, a normal behavior in a human going through so much, can be pretty much anything. Some handle it better, some don't. Some workout, some can't do anything but stay in a shut up room, some want to be with family, some are even suicidal, some go about their daily lives, some completely change, etc.

With that said, I theorize she was murdered. If it was me, well I would never do that in the first place, but I would like to look my best when found. In Asian culture, she wouldn't have wanted her family to know she did this naked. No, even in Burma they are quite modest. Her family sounds old fashioned, even if she has become modernized since arriving in the US 10 years ago. She wouldn't want to do that to her family. And if she was distressed and actually contemplating this, she would IMO consider what this (in the nude) would do to her family. And I wouldn't go for the orange electrical cord in the garage. That stuff is difficult to work with, even for a strong woman.

IMO I feel like the police are trying to keep this stretched out in the hopes that interest wane and the media stops/drastically decreases its coverage. This is something they want to forget. So I worry that the truth may not come out of the investigation, but I do hope I'm wrong.For RZ to mention to the doggy daycare guy that her daughter (GS) was hurt, is interesting. Makes me wonder if she was involved in the "accident." Not on purpose, but they may have been playing a game...and she was whisked out of there pretty quickly. Very convenient for a person who knew something was wrong... Anyway I do think the child's accident was purely that--an accident. I don't think RZ would hurt the child in any way and risk losing JS. My top POIs are: JS, DS, AS, or unknown professional hit man.

Okay, sorry for the long comment.

Thank you for your long comment. I agree with most of what you say...and you said it well.

RBBM: I, too, share your fear...I feel I did till Casey was charged, then...I could exhale (for what that's worth, now). With ANS I've never exhaled.

I feel like I should be doing more. And I will. We, as a public, are not powerless. Twitter, petitions, FB groups, etc shows us that. The Zahau family and the public need to make noise. This families just TOO connected, too rich, too political...feels a little like Natalie Holloway, to me...funny how some victims never leave ones mind.
I've read the entire threads, just hoping that RZ's death is not swept under the carpet. In any case my two cents on MsFacetious's comment: I've learned that when it comes to handling these matters, especially involving a crisis like this with LE involved, a normal behavior in a human going through so much, can be pretty much anything. Some handle it better, some don't. Some workout, some can't do anything but stay in a shut up room, some want to be with family, some are even suicidal, some go about their daily lives, some completely change, etc.

With that said, I theorize she was murdered. If it was me, well I would never do that in the first place, but I would like to look my best when found. In Asian culture, she wouldn't have wanted her family to know she did this naked. No, even in Burma they are quite modest. Her family sounds old fashioned, even if she has become modernized since arriving in the US 10 years ago. She wouldn't want to do that to her family. And if she was distressed and actually contemplating this, she would IMO consider what this (in the nude) would do to her family. And I wouldn't go for the orange electrical cord in the garage. That stuff is difficult to work with, even for a strong woman.

IMO I feel like the police are trying to keep this stretched out in the hopes that interest wane and the media stops/drastically decreases its coverage. This is something they want to forget. So I worry that the truth may not come out of the investigation, but I do hope I'm wrong.

For RZ to mention to the doggy daycare guy that her daughter (GS) was hurt, is interesting. Makes me wonder if she was involved in the "accident." Not on purpose, but they may have been playing a game...and she was whisked out of there pretty quickly. Very convenient for a person who knew something was wrong... Anyway I do think the child's accident was purely that--an accident. I don't think RZ would hurt the child in any way and risk losing JS. My top POIs are: JS, DS, AS, or unknown professional hit man.

Okay, sorry for the long comment.

Welcome CuriousAmazon..wonderful post..I agree with you on nudity and for the reasons you listed. I dont believe that GS was whisked away..I believe the police took RN and GS to the hopital where they met with JS..She had already seen a very terrifying event for a 13 year old. I believe her dad didnt want her to see anymore. The police brought them back to the house on ocean..and from there we dont hear anymore about GS till her facebook message. Again Welcome
I see you all have been busy......they had to open another thread!!

All the rumors are flying because LE has not released any information.

I'm afraid that the longer we don't hear anything, that LE is going to come out and say it was a suicide. From everything we have looked at here, I am not sure they will ever convince me of that....

I still say those in the running are: DS, AS (for JS), or a message from someone for JS.

I totally agree with previous poster that say DS may be hospitalized....kinda' hard to charge/question someone that is hospitalized for having a "breakdown". She definitely nows how/what to do.......RN was killed in anger and I know I would be angry if my son was injured while in my ex-husband's girlfriend's care; then she comes to the hospital...not to mention she was probably with my husband before we were divorce.....nothing like a woman scorned...and not to mention the great big loss to my income and my connection to my ex...........yep, DS is still top on my list.....either completing or paying for the horrendous act to be completed...

Okay, off my soapbox......yep, I'm speculating...


:welcome: to all the newbies!!!
I thought the same. And, wondered if a computer, IPhone or other media device, was among the evidence taken. Searching 27 rooms, a small gadget could be missed.

Agreed... but if they haven't taken ALL the media devices belonging to the parents, uncle, and RZ, IMO, they aren't doing their job.
Where exactly is the spotlight on Jonah Shacknai? Check Shacknai's Forbes CEO bio. He is one of the principal designers of BigPharma' s rise to a $400 billion dollar industry, starting as a chief congressional aide in 1977-- (at the age of 20, if the bio is to be believed). He helped to design Bayh-Dole legislation, then was patent attorney for 30 major multinational pharmaceutical companies. Then followed his personal love, the sicko Nip/Tuck scene (evidence of multiple cosmetic surgeries right on his face). Current critiques of Big Pharma as a rogue industry might point to him. He knows where many of the bodies are buried and would be a crucial player if BigPharma execs were to be examined by Congress like the tobacco industry was. The bizarre nature of the girlfriend 's death has the earmarks of a warning killing. So does the clean nature of the crime scene. Amateur murderers leave lots of clues -- pros clean up. There's plenty of evidence of cover-up. Donating the child's organs in such a case. Really? The terse death certificates, whisking away of witnesses, etc.

Just a hunch.
What's wrong w/ donating the child's organs and saving the lives of others? :waitasec: I really don't understand your distain, in this case, or any other, over organ donation
Thanks Paladine, I really enjoy reading all your comments on this case.

As for Georgetown, it's the most pretigious school in the Washington DC area. It's the Who's Who of politics, law, medical school, etc. Georgetown graduates have a particular bond and it can last throughout their lives. They will help one another out, etc. I've seen it personally. So to say he has connections, is an understatement! If he was smart, which I think he would consider himself, he would have already made phone calls.

Thank you for your kind words and the information. I'm in Timbuktou, Canada, so my knowledge of prestigious US school is wanting...;)

This just solidifies my belief SOMEONE needs to make noise. Time for someone to stand up, lose thier fear, and do the right thing: contact reputable media and do not get paid for it, imo. If this is a battle for coverup, there's no other choice, imo. If it were me...I'd pray I'd have the courage....because I could not live with the guilt.
After I read all the senerios to date - I still think this was Dina who completley lost it after Max fell.
Seems to be rather extreme for a sex game. Hands and feet bound and hanging from the balcony? How can someone possibly survive in such a game?

Many years ago, and I believe it was in Connecticut, there was a case of a woman who was dropped, nude, onto her head out of her bedroom window. Her husband was arrested for her murder. But during the course of the trial, the local paperboy took the stand. He said that he used to hide in the bushes during the early morning hours and watch the couple play sexy games with the wife hanging upside down (being held by the husband). The husband was acquitted.

PS I've told this story on websleuths before, and everyone was totally repulsed- sorry!
I have a hard time thinking that Jonah killed Rebecca as revenge for whatever happened to Max.

Simply because Jonah would be processing not only the death of his son, but the idea that the woman he loved had hurt him or neglected him.

He would have to process and accept that his son was dead, because this woman HE brought into his life had caused his death.

Then get angry enough about that to take revenge on that woman... all before his son is officially dead?

Dina? Would have just had to process "That B!$@# is the one that hurt my child? Where is she?!"

We've seen this type of scenario before, where the step parent was involved in the child's disappearance or death... and the parent has a harder time accepting it than the ex does.

It's human nature to not want to believe someone you brought into the picture, someone YOU love could be capable of this...

While if you already despise this woman for being with YOUR husband... it'd be a lot easier to believe she did this too.
Kyron Horman's family comes to mind. Desiree accepted Terri's possible involvement before Kaine did.

Adam? Men do weird things when they are left alone with a vulnerable woman... we don't know a whole lot about him.

Rebecca's ex husband Neil?

Did he even know about Max's accident when Rebecca died?
Did he know where the mansion was and that they were staying there at that time?
Would he have had the guts to try and get in, or would he have assumed there was massive security?
Read this old Art Buchwald piece, it mentions Art's run in with Jonah at a party, years's worth the click, imo. ;)

to finish reading the article, you need to move UP a bit...for those who don't know how, you can move the bluish area on the article, on the far right, to move viewing area...if that made any sense. I tried. shacknai&pg=5050,1753321

Quoting JS,"See that beautiful girl over there I hear she goes crazy after 5 vodka tonics."
Question Art,"Why don't you go over and get to know her"? JS answer,'"They cut her off after 3,I would be wasting my time.":loser:

I got a chill reading this. That was probably the luckiest day of that girls life to be rejected by JS. I wonder if she ever read that society column and felt creepy knowing JS(especially now)
could be talking about her?Sounds like JS thought he was a real player.
7/27 The Hanging Question of Coronado

But here’s the thing: one of our trainers saw Jonah here two days after it happened, after Rebecca died. He was here at the gym by himself.

[warning: it's kind of a long slog; opinions by locals; enter at your own risk]

TOM, an accountant.
What I heard was that there were two women, one of them naked and bound up. And it was another female who made the 911 call...
...Two asain women.
THIS may be just a rumor ^^^^
but it fits with my theory someone was still in the house.
I don't get why RN would call about the dog.
Was it someone else that called?
A man saying he was JS maybe?
JS was at the hospital his child brain dead.
can't imagine the dog would cross his mind
even if the dog did "cause the accident".
The dog didn't throw that child OVER the balcony
there was a carpeted landing! "down the stairs" was THAT far.
I also head about the ball and MS hit his head on the wall
WHAT wall? he'd have to be swinging on the chandalier
This happened when police responded to the 911 call for MS?

And the dog care guy said he was told
by RN that GS was injured too?
There was also a disturbance reported at DS's
house that Mon night as well?
Was this a hostage situation?
Was she kidnapped and brought to JS's house?
:eek:I also "heard" DS's witnessed BOTH "deaths" :waitasec:
The 911 calls have been sealed...
Sounds to me like the women were tied
up/maybe raped? and the male "aire" was killed.
Wasn't it reported two women were seen leaving in a police car after MS
was taken to the hospital?

Sounds like a "hit" to me.

But if this happened? why would RN call the dog care guy?
He said she was crying. Was she forced to call?
Is he sure it was RN? Was she seen by anyone that knew her
after the police left?

I have this creepy feeling she was still tied up the entire day
and was being hidden on the property.
Tortured and killed the next morning. no wonder GS was shipped off!
Do we know FOR SURE DS is even alive right now?
I hope someone knows where she is!
I see you all have been busy......they had to open another thread!!

All the rumors are flying because LE has not released any information.

I'm afraid that the longer we don't hear anything, that LE is going to come out and say it was a suicide. From everything we have looked at here, I am not sure they will ever convince me of that....

I still say those in the running are: DS, AS (for JS), or a message from someone for JS.

I totally agree with previous poster that say DS may be hospitalized....kinda' hard to charge/question someone that is hospitalized for having a "breakdown". She definitely nows how/what to do.......RN was killed in anger and I know I would be angry if my son was injured while in my ex-husband's girlfriend's care; then she comes to the hospital...not to mention she was probably with my husband before we were divorce.....nothing like a woman scorned...and not to mention the great big loss to my income and my connection to my ex...........yep, DS is still top on my list.....either completing or paying for the horrendous act to be completed...

Okay, off my soapbox......yep, I'm speculating...


:welcome: to all the newbies!!!
I hear you! And tend to agree...especially about the lawyer and Dina...makes perfect sense,, that's not to say Jonah and his co isn't trying to quiet this...and make it go away, imo.
For those who believe DS is responsible.......

From previous reports, LE could not get a hold of her immediately following the accident. At some point, she was told and we assume she rushed to the hospital to be by her son's bedside. Some reports mention "holding vigil".

Do you honestly believe she would have left her dying son to go murder her ex husband's girlfriend?

I don't believe it for one second.
For those who believe DS is responsible.......

From previous reports, LE could not get a hold of her immediately following the accident. At some point, she was told and we assume she rushed to the hospital to be by her son's bedside. Some reports mention "holding vigil".

Do you honestly believe she would have left her dying son to go murder her ex husband's girlfriend?

I don't believe it for one second.

NO NO NO. NO don't believe it for a second either. Nor do I believe either of them (JS/DS) had the ability (or wherewithal) when MS was in the hospital DYING to contract a killer. Absurd.
Thanks Paladine, I really enjoy reading all your comments on this case.

As for Georgetown, it's the most pretigious school in the Washington DC area. It's the Who's Who of politics, law, medical school, etc. Georgetown graduates have a particular bond and it can last throughout their lives. They will help one another out, etc. I've seen it personally. So to say he has connections, is an understatement! If he was smart, which I think he would consider himself, he would have already made phone calls.

BBM Wow, thanks to you and Paladine. I read way back several threads about his connections politically, but I'm just putting the implications of that together. So he's politically connected via Georgetown, has jobs connecting himself into the Big Pharma industry, does favors for and receives favors from both Big Government and Big Pharma, becomes a gazillionaire, and now donates money all over the place... And yet, I still wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
For those who believe DS is responsible.......

From previous reports, LE could not get a hold of her immediately following the accident. At some point, she was told and we assume she rushed to the hospital to be by her son's bedside. Some reports mention "holding vigil".

Do you honestly believe she would have left her dying son to go murder her ex husband's girlfriend?

I don't believe it for one second.

She had been at the hospital since Monday evening-ish, lets say...

Rebecca died Tuesday night, Wednesday morning...they lived near each other...I can see it. Especially if she knew there was likely no recovery for her son...
Where exactly is the spotlight on Jonah Shacknai? Check Shacknai's Forbes CEO bio. He is one of the principal designers of BigPharma' s rise to a $400 billion dollar industry, starting as a chief congressional aide in 1977-- (at the age of 20, if the bio is to be believed). He helped to design Bayh-Dole legislation, then was patent attorney for 30 major multinational pharmaceutical companies. Then followed his personal love, the sicko Nip/Tuck scene (evidence of multiple cosmetic surgeries right on his face). Current critiques of Big Pharma as a rogue industry might point to him. He knows where many of the bodies are buried and would be a crucial player if BigPharma execs were to be examined by Congress like the tobacco industry was. The bizarre nature of the girlfriend 's death has the earmarks of a warning killing. So does the clean nature of the crime scene. Amateur murderers leave lots of clues -- pros clean up. There's plenty of evidence of cover-up. Donating the child's organs in such a case. Really? The terse death certificates, whisking away of witnesses, etc.

Just a hunch.

Insightful post, thank you so much. BigPharma probably has a lot of skeletons in their closet.
JVM reporter says, source said: leaning to suicide??? Detectives learning about what the last 48 hours was like ( yet, her sister never spoke to police????) Reporter stresses she was a fitness buff...hence, hey, she could do this houdini act??? Man, this smells bad!
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