Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #4

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Music loud enough to disturb others is intentional in order to attract attention, imo. Murderers don't usually turn up the music to disturb the neighbors, which is why I think this was a suicide. We'll see.

There were teenage boys on the roof of the house next door supposedly taking pictures of Rebecca as she lay dead in the courtyard. Very callous, IMO.

Could these same teens have been the ones to have the loud music going? Sounds carry in the wee hours. Could it possibly be that this music was not coming from JS home? Could these same little guys been on the roof that night as well?

It would make no sense for such loud music to haave been heard during a murder or suicide. How could anyone know LE wouldn't have been called for a loud music complaint?

If media has reported that loud music was coming from the manse and it is the only source, then that does not make it true, IMO.

Is there a possibility the girl was Maxie's half-sister? I don't know the girl's name but isn't she around that age?

Yep sugar I cant say her name here we arent allowed but initials are GS
Yep sugar I cant say her name here we arent allowed but initials are GS

ok, thanks. If that's the case, the cops really have their work cut out for them in sorting out what really happened to Max.

There are many reports that say she was hanging but the only thing police have said is a repeat of WHAT AS told them......because he had supposedly cut her down before anyone all we have is his word....

That is right only AS word....
There were teenage boys on the roof of the house next door supposedly taking pictures of Rebecca as she lay dead in the courtyard. Very callous, IMO.

Could these same teens have been the ones to have the loud music going? Sounds carry in the wee hours. Could it possibly be that this music was not coming from JS home? Could these same little guys been on the roof that night as well?

It would make no sense for such loud music to haave been heard during a murder or suicide. How could anyone know LE wouldn't have been called for a loud music complaint?

If media has reported that loud music was coming from the manse and it is the only source, then that does not make it true, IMO.


I thought it was neighbors who reported the loud music to cops. It makes sense that someone suicidal would play loud music. I know of cases of suicide where the person calls 911 themselves.
I thought it was neighbors who reported the loud music to cops. It makes sense that someone suicidal would play loud music. I know of cases of suicide where the person calls 911 themselves.

Nobody reported loud music to the cops.
That is right only AS word....

That is true but after this long I do believe LE knows whether what he told them rings true based on the evidence found. It would either be consistent or inconsistent.

I imagine it lines up with what he told LE.

Paladine,don't you just hate it when the real world clashes with posting on Websleuths.Like you I also have people in the real world but they're not Websleuth's literate. :crazy:

I must say I have read a lot of posts butOceanblueyes and Matty were both amazing identifying the scary mindset of a sociopath. Ann Rule could not have done better and that is a compliment of the highest order!

Also,a big Websleuths salute to arielilane for bringing
links over to the thread.:clap:

Living with a person like this for so long, like I did, I can spot it a mile away, my Dad has done some crazy stuff of which I will note a few; we had a German shepard that barked constantly, which infuriated my Dad to no end, so to 'teach it a lesson' my Dad put him in a metal garbage can, put the lid on it and beat the metal can for an hour with a baseball bat to 'show the dog' how annoying unwanted noise can be, I was 4 years old at the time; he counted the miles on my Mom's car and if she went further than what he said she could drive in a certain day he took her car keys for however long he felt should be her punishment; after years of this sort of behavior my mom divorced him when all of us kids were older; my Dad remarried shortly thereafter and his new wife found out he was having an affair while they were newlyweds so she called the woman's husband to 'tattle' and tell this husband to keep an eye on his wife and make this affair stop. My Dad's mistress called him and told him what his new wife had done and my Dad FURIOUS that she had called the mistress's husband packed up ALL of his wife's belongings and Fed-ex'd over night to her mother's house and handed her a plane ticket back to her hometown and told her to get out of his house. It took the new wife 2 weeks of BEGGING his forgiveness to be let back in his house/to resume being married; when my Mother and I heard the Mel Gibson rants last summer we sort of laughed and thought, what every guy doesn't go berserk like that over something as little as Mel's girlfriend with a newborn baby was ASLEEP rather than awake to service him thus those vicious rants.

Those endless verbal tirades are a classic and tell tale sign of Narcissistic personality disorder and I would bet every cent I had that JS came back to the mansion late Tuesday night after being told that MS was just being kept on life support to be an organ donor and he went berserk and the loud music/noise was him going back and forth btwn yelling, crying, begging, and SCREAMING for RN to tell him what she did to Maxie (of which there was no right answer and the tirade and tying her up was him acting out his rage), and I agree with a PP that he probably tied her to a chair for this little tirade to command her full attention, naked no less for the ultimate humiliation. I think he might have strangled her, staged the hanging or just threw her off the balcony after she was all tied up and he made the noose.

Again, time will tell and I would like all the facts to come out for RN and for her family.

As for my Dad, he has never hurt me or my sisters, and I do love him and I accept him and understand why he is this way. His mother was an alcoholic who abandon him and his brother with their father and he grew up with no Mom and it just really messed him up. He is a good father, and he does the best he can as he doesn't know why he is this way (I would bet he doesn't even know he is what he is).

Off my soap box!
Nobody reported loud music to the cops.

thats correct I listened to police dispatch for the hours of 800 pm on the
12th til 3;30 am on the 13th no call about noise or music there.

the neighbors may have heard loud music ..but they didnt call police.
Living with a person like this for so long, like I did, I can spot it a mile away, my Dad has done some crazy stuff of which I will note a few; we had a German shepard that barked constantly, which infuriated my Dad to no end, so to 'teach it a lesson' my Dad put him in a metal garbage can, put the lid on it and beat the metal can for an hour with a baseball bat to 'show the dog' how annoying unwanted noise can be, I was 4 years old at the time; he counted the miles on my Mom's car and if she went further than what he said she could drive in a certain day he took her car keys for however long he felt should be her punishment; after years of this sort of behavior my mom divorced him when all of us kids were older; my Dad remarried shortly thereafter and his new wife found out he was having an affair while they were newlyweds so she called the woman's husband to 'tattle' and tell this husband to keep an eye on his wife and make this affair stop. My Dad's mistress called him and told him what his new wife had done and my Dad FURIOUS that she had called the mistress's husband

packed up ALL of his wife's belongings and
Fed-ex'd over night to her mother's house and handed her a plane ticket back to her hometown and told her to get out of his house. It took the new wife 2 weeks of BEGGING his forgiveness to be let back in his house/to resume being married; when my Mother and I heard the Mel Gibson rants last summer we sort of laughed and thought, what every guy doesn't go berserk like that
over something as little as Mel's girlfriend with a newborn baby was ASLEEP rather than awake to service him thus those vicious rants.

Those endless verbal tirades are a classic and tell tale sign of Narcissistic
personality disorder and I would bet every cent I had that JS came back to the mansion late Tuesday night after being told that MS was just being kept on life support to be an organ donor
and he went berserk and the loud music/noise was him going back and forth btwn yelling, crying, begging, and SCREAMING for RN to tell him what she did to Maxie (of which there was no right answer
and the tirade and tying her up was him acting out his rage), and I agree with a PP that he probably tied her to a chair for this little tirade to command her full attention, naked no less for the ultimate humiliation. I think he might have strangled her, staged the hanging or just threw her off the balcony after she was all tied up and he made the noose.

Again, time will tell and I would like all the facts to come out for RN and for
her family.

As for my Dad, he has never hurt me or my sisters, and I do love him and I accept him and understand why he is this way. His mother was an alcoholic who abandon him and his brother with their father and he grew up with no Mom and it just really messed him up. He is a good father, and he does the best he can as he doesn't know why he is this way (I would bet he doesn't
even know he is what he is).
Off my soap box!

You have such an amazing ability to bring this all to life. It all turns on a dime they can go from... fun & charming.....into raging and vicious. Thanks for sharing.
I can't remember if this was previously posted but it really shows some personal insight to JS (and thanks to Matty for her personal experiences (((Matty))).

The homeowner lobbied hard, but even critics of his plans for the Spreckels mansion describe him as professional and gracious.

Jonah Shacknai was involved in a number of local land deals and made himself known among real estate agents and city officials

Before the council voted, Shacknai met with Tanaka at Café 1134. The mayor remembers the conversation as “cordial and friendly.”

After they discussed the mansion, Shacknai talked about his years as a congressional staffer, other historic homes and about “his pride and passion for the homes he had owned,” Tanaka recalled
He always came armed with his attorney and his architect, complete with expensive color binders and drawings, sparing no expense,” recalled Doug St. Denis, a commissioner who was very critical of Shacknai's plans for Spreckels.

“He had absolutely no respect for the historical architecture he became steward of,” she said

I have one question for JS....

Who died and made you God?

I also hope that LE thoroughly investigates the events surrounding RN's death. She deserves that and more.
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