Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #5

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I certainly wouldn't ask you to change up for me. I don't even know if I should be bringing this up. I've only been here a couple weeks!

Thanks for replying.

I think it has to do with people shortening, changing others' quotes to read as they
prefer it to read.... & thus misquoting another person's comments.

If you do shorten or bold part of a quote, it's best to keep the quotation marks around
it and state that it was "bolded by me" (BBM) or "snipped by me".

If a quote is shortened, by another poster, sometimes the important details are omitted
& it changes what the writer of the original quote is actually saying.

OK! Not sure that made sense! I need another cup of coffee.
I am trying very hard not to let the emotional aspect of the case sway me.

It is easy to assume since Max died suddenly from such a sad tragedy that someone wanted to get even with Rebecca if they held her accountable. But I really don't have any evidence to back that assumption up although I do think it is a possibility.

I also have to take into consideration what LE plainly said. There is documentation out there of other people who bound their feet and hands before they hung themselves. I know for a fact it can and does happen. I believe the explanation given by the doctors who have studied suicides have come up with a reasonable explanation as to why they do it. To make sure they cant grab the rope at the last minute. So if others can accomplish it I have no reason to believe that Rebecca couldn't do it too.

As far as the photos we have seen of Rebecca taken later that day at around 2pm all we have is what those shots took at that period of time.

We are not privy to what Adam told LE about all the particulars of when, how, where and what all he did. Maybe it is all consistent with the way her body is positioned in the photo after she is laid out on the grassy area once she was removed from whereever he first found her. We really don't know exactly where her body would have been when cut down or the position she was in at that time or how long she had been there.

So I guess I am still on the fence 50/50.

I can see both homicide or suicide as possibilities.

I found a pretty good picture of RN. This is my first time posting a picture, in case it doesn't work, I included the link.

View attachment 18051

What tools might you have handy to cut electrical cord or nylon rope?

(I've read thru many posts/threads but had to skip ahead, so sorry if this question has been asked & answered.)

A sharp pocket knife can cut nylon rope or an electrical cord. If my husband is replacing a plug in on an electrical cord he just cuts the cord with his knife and most men carry some type of pocket knife. Millions of them are sold annually.

Seems like more everyday I am convinced that she didn't hang.

There really haven't been any valid reasons that have been presented to make me think that she would have committed suicide.

She also loved JS ..she would want to be there to be supportive. am certain she was hurting because she loved Maxie.

It is so hard to even try to get into someone's mind to really understand how they may be processing horrible circumstances they are having to deal with and face at the time. Actually imo, it is impossible. Only Rebecca knew how she really felt inside and whether this is suicide or homicide that will never be known now.

Love unfortunately doesn't save someone who is determined to commit suicide. In fact the love for someone can be a key factor in suicides. Love is the strongest emotion of all imo and it can make rational human beings do very irrational things.

Many suicide victims loved others and were greatly loved by their own families and friends which compounds the tragedy. A lot of people who decide to take their own lives are not unwanted nor throwaways.

Maybe Rebecca felt left out. Maybe she felt others did not understand or care about her pain over the death of Max.

Maybe she was angry/depressed that they dismissed her pain simply because she wasnt the biological mom or official step mom to Max. No matter what happened to Rebecca I think her love for Max was deep and genuine.

Love does not come from the biological blood only that flows through someone's veins comes straight from the heart of the person who matter who they are.

So I still do think it is a possibility that she did commit suicide although I am keeping both possibilities open.

I've been mulling this case over in my head for a while. I know that if Rebecca were strangled, then hung, the ME would be able to tell quite easily, since the manner of death is quite different. However, what if she were garroted? If she were kneeling, or the perp at a higher level (stairs?), then the upward angle of the garrotte could mimic hanging, couldn't it?

Just my :twocents:, not sure if it's actually plausible.
I certainly wouldn't ask you to change up for me. I don't even know if I should be bringing this up. I've only been here a couple weeks!

Thanks for replying.

and your contributions to date are amazing. Thanks again for them, and I look forward to more reading from you as we continue progressing with this case. I have been here only a couple of weeks too, and I find all the input remarkable.
Photoshopping Rebecca ...

I have taken a few minutes this morning and photoshopped the photos of Rebecca in the yard goosing the color balance. My first result by dialing up orange is ...


Notice even at this distance how the orange electrical cord looks around her ankles and the sheer length of that cord just below my orange line extending from her neck up to the walkway. I also noticed the medical/first aid/ ME bag in the lower right corner of that photo.


In this second closeup you see the bunching of the cord around her ankles, the cord around her neck on top of her black hair, and again the sheer length of the cord extending upwards from her neck toward the walk that in this photo extends beyond the right hand margin of the photo. I am also seeing orange cord under her shoulder and her hair on that side of her head.


Now with the blue filter turned up you can see the scarf flowing back in a triangle shape from the back of her head, and it looks like part of that scarf (if that is what it is) covers her left ear, and yes you see it under her chin as well as indicated by my blue lines.

Hopefully these "enhanced" photos help in some small way in our understanding of how she was tied.
I think she was dead and maybe not hanging. I have looked at the tapes and pics many times and I see what Inobu suggested.

The hanging may not have happened at all. I had to act like I was cutting RNdown (had she been hanging) way would the scene look like this
. Her body would be closer to the side walk. The cord would be down close to the body it would trail from the middle othe balcony..not from the garage apt.

If she was hanging close enough to the ground to have caused her knees to bend..AS would not have to use the table to climb on to cut her down.

It certainly is a good way to try to cover strangulation marks.. Saying that a
person was hanging and you cut them reason for AS finger prints to be on her body.

It is a good way to explain away bruises. I couldnt get to see tonight ..I keptgetting this sick feeling about RN's murder..that someone may get away
with it.

I remember this article:
The home's balcony, which lies outside of a bedroom, is about 10 to 15 feet from the ground. Police were not immediately aware how Zahau's body would have been anchored if, indeed, it had been hanging.
I think it has to do with people shortening, changing others' quotes to read as they
prefer it to read.... & thus misquoting another person's comments.

If you do shorten or bold part of a quote, it's best to keep the quotation marks around
it and state that it was "bolded by me" (BBM) or "snipped by me".

If a quote is shortened, by another poster, sometimes the important details are omitted
& it changes what the writer of the original quote is actually saying.

OK! Not sure that made sense! I need another cup of coffee.

Got it! I probably shouldn't have said "edit". I usually delete what I'm not responding to, and the rest in "quote mode" (gray box).

Photoshopping Rebecca ...

I have taken a few minutes this morning and photoshopped the photos of Rebecca in the yard goosing the color balance.

In this second closeup you see the bunching of the cord around her ankles, the cord around her neck on top of her black hair, and again the sheer length of the cord extending upwards from her neck toward the walk that in this photo extends beyond the right hand margin of the photo. I am also seeing orange cord under her shoulder and her hair on that side of her head.

Hopefully these "enhanced" photos help in some small way in our understanding of how she was tied.

Thanks for moving these into the reply box. I thought these pics were clearer than most I've seen. You really get a good look at the orange cord, it looks like it's wrapped around her ankles several times. That would explain why her legs are splayed.
have the police indicated any press conferences or anything?

Thanks for the new pictures!!! Some of my observations:

the orange cord appears around her right ankle (can't see her left)

the cord then goes behind her to bind her hands behind her back

then the cord comes out by her right shoulder and up toward the walkway (i'm not sure if it is on the brick walkway)

the position of the table is "not right"

If you look at the full picture (with the rope hanging from the balcony) the table is to far away to be used to cut RN down - for AS to stand on

If AS cut RN down without the use of the table, he would have to "walk around" the table to place her in the grass

So by these pictures he cut her down, walked around the table (toward the guest house or to the right of the table - if you are looking at the table from the grass area) and then put her in the grass....but the orange cord should be in a straight line.....why is it trailing at an angle.....from that angle in appears she was carried from either a side door or the guest house...I hope you guys are as confused as I am!!!! LOL

sorry for the rambling but most times it helps to write it down.

Gotta' walk away for awhile.......keep sleuthing!!
Last week we discussed who might have hired Phingst ..big $$$lawyer..many suggested the PR co. At the time I didnt think JS or PR co would do something that have attorney show up at the scene as it was being processed.

If JS or AS had a hand in RN's death (and I am leaning more in this direction) then JS prolly did hire this guy thru the PR co.

Dina may have moved on with her need for JS anymore...She is prolly in incredible pain due to Maxies death.

Oceanblue...THE FENCE..I sat on that fence so long behind got tired and the fence broke..hehehe. There still are so many issues for me to overcome to see this as suicide.
I'm confused about the attorney showing up at the scene as well. I work for a criminal defense firm (have since the end of March), and so far, I've never seen any of the attorneys go to the scene at the time it's being processed. Jail visits, yes. Visiting the scene later with private investigators, yes. However, when contacted by clients, they tend to give advice via phone and have the client come in to the office (or go over to the jail to meet with them).

Perhaps things are different with different firms, but I've never seen an attorney go out to the scene of the crime while the investigation is ongoing.
I´v been thinking about RN's long hair.

If you decide to comit suicide and tie your ankles hands and put a cord around your neck I belive you would arrange your hair in a ponytale or somthing that take the hair out of the way so that it wount tangle into the binding/cord etc.

But in the pictures of RN on the grass, her hair is lose.

This might be a long shot idea but I thought I would share it anyway
I´v been thinking about RN's long hair.

If you decide to comit suicide and tie your ankles hands and put a cord around your neck I belive you would arrange your hair in a ponytale or somthing that take the hair out of the way so that it wount tangle into the binding/cord etc.

But in the pictures of RN on the grass, her hair is lose.

This might be a long shot idea but I thought I would share it anyway

I have been thinking about that too as I also have long hair and it is quite a hinderance in even doing daily tasks with it being in my face so participating in a suicide this elaborate seems way off.

Also, I am not sure if this was mentioned before, if this were a suicide how would RN know exactly how much rope would 'hang her' and not drop her to the ground when she ran and dove off the balcony while bound or rolled herself while bound off of a table?

It just doesn't make any sense to me that she could make all these knots and a noose and measure rope or cord. As a girl, I could not do any of those things, and I also have long hair and as the pp said there is no way to run around tying rope or cord, binding your hands and feet with loose hair in your face, and if she had her hair up while doing those things, how could she untie her hair if she wanted to die with her hair down if her hands were bound? I do try to see the suicide angle due to her torment and pain but it just makes no sense to me.
I'm confused about the attorney showing up at the scene as well. I work for a criminal defense firm (have since the end of March), and so far, I've never seen any of the attorneys go to the scene at the time it's being processed. Jail visits, yes. Visiting the scene later with private investigators, yes. However, when contacted by clients, they tend to give advice via phone and have the client come in to the office (or go over to the jail to meet with them).

Perhaps things are different with different firms, but I've never seen an attorney go out to the scene of the crime while the investigation is ongoing.

If there is a long standing "arrangement" <---read $$$ between the family and the attorney...for $$$ he would show up at anytime to become a legal advocate for the family member who needed him.
If somone here know Rebecca Nalepa personanly or just have information about her past could you PLEASE share?
Like a timeline with as much info as possible.

I´m very interested in her time living on Long Island.

When and were did she meet Neil Nalepa?

When did she marrie Neil Nalepa?

Did RN live on LI before she meet Neil Nalepa?

What did RN do for a living when she lived at LI ?
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