Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #6

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8/15 "Real Housewives" Russell Armstrong Commits Suicide

8/17 L.A. County Coroner has just made it official ... Russell Armstrong's cause of death was suicide by hanging.

"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" husband Russell Armstrong committed suicide by hanging himself, an autopsy confirmed Wednesday.

A trend is developing that self inflected suicides can be determines rather easily verses "STAGED suicides".

I guess we have to wait and see.

Yeah...I posted that yesterday, I think...amazing how fast that went, eh? Determined suicide yet waiting on tox results...simple.
Not sure if this has been cleared up but as far as I'm aware, we are allowed to discuss them...we are just not allowed to post the full pics on this forum.

We can post them on flicker, and post the flicker link on this forum, along with a source link, and GRAPHIC IMAGE WARNING. I asked upthread a few pages...

Discuss away! You are doing a great job here.

As long as the pictures originate from a legitimate source (MSM, LE, etc.) just make sure you post the ORIGINATION link everytime! (Copyright rule)

Just to add that if you have modified the original pictures in any way and posted them on Flicker, Photobucket, (arrows, etc.) and link, you should state this too. Along with posting the link to the originals.

And if they are indeed GRAPHIC (Gruesome, naked, crime scene type....) Please make sure you warn folks!! And please, please don't embed these type of photos within your post. (Give people a chance to decide if they want to see GRAPHIC or not.)

Hope this helps clarify!

This ongoing media blackout is unbelievable!

How can a hired PR firm put gags on every single media outlet and every single journalist?

There’s not even one single rogue journalist willing to stick his/her neck out and probe/sleuth the story?

We’re not even hearing a peep out of anyone close or not so close to the three main “witnesses”.

There’s not even a single report of recent sightings of the “witnesses”.

Even RN’s family and ex have clammed up since her service.

You're saying what I'm thinking, Quester! The silence is deafening, as they say.

Hopefully, the silence from law enforcement is because they don't want to tip anyone off if they think it is murder, or want to be very sure of themselves, if they are thinking it is suicide, and not because they are at a loss.

I would like to see justice for Rebecca and her family or, if it is suicide, closure.

Thanks, CuriousAmazon, that article was very interesting, especially the reports of other suicides with bound hands and (one with) feet.

I've always assumed that binding your hands behind you if you hang yourself is to prevent your own attempts to get yourself down once you hang. Rebecca was very strong, so she could have wanted to make sure that she did not escape if she changed her mind at the last minute.

But the feet get me every time! Why bind the feet? I guess you could use them to get yourself loose, so you would want them immobilized, too, but it makes it so complicated.

She would have had to put the rope around her neck, tie her hands together in front of her, then step through her arms so that her wrists were bound behind her. Then she would have had to tie her feet together while her hands were bound behind her back?

Or maybe she could tie her feet together first, then tie her hands and then lie down and wiggle her legs and bound feet through her arms so that the hands end up tied behind her. She would not have been able to just step through as she could when her feet were free.

Then she would have to fling herself over or roll over the top of the balcony to hang.

All this while she is naked.

It could be done, but why? And why naked?

Besides her grief over MS, JS could have ended their relationship, could have lashed out at her in his grief. Maybe that could have added to her pain and despair, and she just wasn't concerned about whether she was clothed or naked.

OR, and here I am going to say something that might seem mean about the victim, but I've been thinking it, so I'm going to write it,

maybe she wanted to make it look suspicious, to cast doubt on JS. Maybe he really unloaded on her, and she was full of despair but also wanted to lash out at him. I'm saying this because, if it was suicide, this is the only reason I can think of her staging it the way she did.
I believe LE knew or had a very strong understanding of exactly what happened to RN from the day they were called to the mansion after AS’s 911 call. To the public, LE has wisely chosen their words to reveal as little as possible.

So the question becomes, why the long, going on 5-plus-weeks, delay in pressing charges in this particular case which appears to have so few possible suspects and with palpable motives?

If it was suicide, and as others suggested up-thread with the recent Armstrong suicide, it appears LE could have come out with the suicide determination much, much sooner.

So, this leaves us with murder and why the delay?

LE has been using the excuse (legitimately or not) of waiting on tox and other investigative results, but could the delay be more truthfully along the lines of the following:

MOO. Soon after the official death of MS, the known perp voluntarily checked her/himself into a secure, psych facility. Therefore, there is no hurry for LE to press charges. If this is the case and when the perp is deemed to have regained a grip on reality and is released, then charges would be leveled immediately. MOO [Does anyone know if the above is a reasonable/realistic scenario? Could a scenario like this delay the pressing of charges?]

If the perp continues to stay at the psych facility, at what point does the length of time test LE’s or the public’s patience? At what point in time would LE act and press charges? [I’m assuming that LE can only reasonably stall pressing charges for a certain amount of time. How long is that?]

If the perp is who many of us believe it could be, this is a legitimately grieving person with whom everyone can deeply empathize. How is this aspect affecting the delay?

I've thought of that possibilty, as well, Quester...(patiently waiting for someone more fluent in CA law to pipe up...)
One thing I did notice on that last link, the suicide theory link, in that video report, there was a handy, dandy close up of a balcony...

Was it THE balcony? Was it the day of the incident? If so, I see no hanging rope or cord like a few of us thought we did see in that last video (sorry, no link, discussion on one of these threads)...

Might have been new video for this report...might not...just an observation...thought I'd share.
Usually, we sleuth a case...this time, we are sleuthing the reason for the lack of;)
I believe LE knew or had a very strong understanding of exactly what happened to RN from the day they were called to the mansion after AS’s 911 call. To the public, LE has wisely chosen their words to reveal as little as possible.

So the question becomes, why the long, going on 5-plus-weeks, delay in pressing charges in this particular case which appears to have so few possible suspects and with palpable motives?

If it was suicide, and as others suggested up-thread with the recent Armstrong suicide, it appears LE could have come out with the suicide determination much, much sooner.

So, this leaves us with murder and why the delay?

LE has been using the excuse (legitimately or not) of waiting on tox and other investigative results, but could the delay be more truthfully along the lines of the following:

MOO. Soon after the official death of MS, the known perp voluntarily checked her/himself into a secure, psych facility. Therefore, there is no hurry for LE to press charges. If this is the case and when the perp is deemed to have regained a grip on reality and is released, then charges would be leveled immediately. MOO [Does anyone know if the above is a reasonable/realistic scenario? Could a scenario like this delay the pressing of charges?]

If the perp continues to stay at the psych facility, at what point does the length of time test LE’s or the public’s patience? At what point in time would LE act and press charges? [I’m assuming that LE can only reasonably stall pressing charges for a certain amount of time. How long is that?]

If the perp is who many of us believe it could be, this is a legitimately grieving person with whom everyone can deeply empathize. How is this aspect affecting the delay?


But again, no reason whatsoever for the reportorial coterie to not publish the fact, if indeed AS or DS or some other "suspect" are in a psychiatric facility. Unless they don't know. But it's their job to track this stuff down.

Another possibility for the foot-dragging by LE: they are just stumped amid the many possibilities and are in hunker down mode for as long as they can possibly delay, praying for some break in the case. Possible suspects also are perfectly willing to clam .up and may even be feeling pretty darn good about LE's apparent dumbfoundedness. I wonder if Pfingst has made contact with JS yet? He made a point that first day of saying he hadn't even spoken with JS> likely JS is footing Pfingst's bills at least.
Since I am not permitting myself to post any more photos notice and stop the viewing of this report when we see a NEW view of Rebecca (a non fuzzed view) with the arrows pointing to the binding on her feet, her hands and the electrical cord trailing off behind her. Of particular note are the arms behind her back and the binding around her wrists which is clearly seen from this new angle and perspective. Also note that the cord around her feet (from the viewpoint) is not attached to the cord wrapped around her wrists unless it is out of the way under her legs which would indicate to me that it is either two separate cords or is one cord tied very loosely.

Notice also the detail in the scarf and how long it is bunched up at the right end to the right of her head. Unfortunately, the blacking out of her chest area and her face has also obscured the neck area and her abundance of black hair under her chin which was visible in other shots, but can still be visible to her left under her left shoulder. We also do not see the orange cord under her neck nor the blue scarf there as well which could be seen in those other images. The angle shows us something new, and take away something else.

Thanks CuriousAmazon for posting this source. Amazing what a new perspective can show us.

it was informative to see some very clear pictures. It doesn't appear that the cord on her ankles and hands are the same she used 2 different cords....way to many things for her to do.....

Did you see the picture of the staircase? That's a long drop from the top bannister/balcony....

Also, I'm not sure whom that woman was near the end that said something about 'being investigated as a suicide'....

All this unrelated reporting, smells hinky to this point, it appears that RN may not receive the justice due her....
If you read my speculation in reply #397 about the rug taken away by police ...

It is time now to mention the framed "painting" also carried away. Was it a painting? And if so was there something written on it that needs further study? Was it slashed or ripped in any way? Was there anything written or stuck to the back of the canvas? What if it were a family photo. Was it slashed? Was it written on? And then if it were a framed mirror. Was it scrawled on? Was it smashed in a spot where someone might have broken it by throwing someone against it? Or that persons head?

I find it very telling that these items were removed from the house, but then I ask what else was removed that we never saw? Or what was left behind? Too many questions .. not enough answers. Thanks again for reading.

I wonder if laptops and cell phones were removed from the house. Aside from crime scene I would think these would be critical link in determining what when down when both MS and RZ met their demise.
Discuss away! You are doing a great job here.

As long as the pictures originate from a legitimate source (MSM, LE, etc.) just make sure you post the ORIGINATION link everytime! (Copyright rule)

Just to add that if you have modified the original pictures in any way and posted them on Flicker, Photobucket, (arrows, etc.) and link, you should state this too. Along with posting the link to the originals.

And if they are indeed GRAPHIC (Gruesome, naked, crime scene type....) Please make sure you warn folks!! And please, please don't embed these type of photos within your post. (Give people a chance to decide if they want to see GRAPHIC or not.)

Hope this helps clarify!


OKAY!!! Whose gonna do this Flicker or Photobucket thingy????? :great:
hint, hint..........not mentioning anybody......Bonepile....ooooppppsss....
This ongoing media blackout is unbelievable!

How can a hired PR firm put gags on every single media outlet and every single journalist?

There’s not even one single rogue journalist willing to stick his/her neck out and probe/sleuth the story?

We’re not even hearing a peep out of anyone close or not so close to the three main “witnesses”.

There’s not even a single report of recent sightings of the “witnesses”.

Even RN’s family and ex have clammed up since her service.

Please note: I do realize that IF LE shuts off the tap of information that nothing new on the case will be officially released. And, I’m not suggesting broaching insensitivities with grieving parents/family members. But, no journalist seems to be willing to chase after the story at all? It’s bewildering!

You would think someone would leak a Sitrick communique or a threat to sue from Medicis board of directors, something that resulted in this blackout.
The sharpest photo I've seen of RZ body to date. Looks sort of like she's wearing shoes.

Just my opinion, but I think she looks barefoot - bottom of her feet are lighter colored.

It also looks like the long rope is attached to her hands/wrists underneath her, which doesn't support any hanging by her neck theory?? If not, I sincerely think she was hogtied or psuedo hog tied, unless there is another rope we cannot see. Even though this article is about it being a possible suicide, they point out just the three bindings - wrists, ankles, rope coming out from the middle of her back. Incredibly bad journalism in my opinion - and this is not a 'review' of similar suicides. One is from 20 years ago which does not make this common :innocent:

Her wrist and ankles appear to be bound with the same materials and I'm still not sure if that is a blue scarf or not, but if so, it does look to be across her neck evn moreso than in previous pictures.
It looks like a blue scarf and looks like it goes around her neck, as well to the right of that looks like a rope?

Warning Graphic Photo


Original located at

You will need to copy and paste the url without the dashes at either end, everytime I tried putting in just the url alone the picture came up.
It looks like a blue scarf and looks like it goes around her neck, as well to the right of that looks like a rope?

Warning Graphic Photo


Original located at

You will need to copy and paste the url without the dashes at either end, everytime I tried putting in just the url alone the picture came up.

Thanks. Flipping it sure helps. And, it pretty clear that's a scarf and looks bigger than I thought before. My thoughts on silk scarves - once you pull them too tight if knotted, nearly impossible to get them unknotted. This could have been a method of strangulation before hanging? It's looks fairly tight on her neck esp given hair underneath?

As I said ... extremely doubtful she would put a scarf over her hair. Possibly easy for someone to come up behind her and put the scarf around her neck quickly and pull tight. No noise since she would not be able to breath.

It just dawned on me, it's possible someone took her clothes off to remove evidence instead of being a weird factor.

Is that a rope coming off from the right top side of her neck? I just didn't notice it before, but maybe I'm behind!
It looks like a blue scarf and looks like it goes around her neck, as well to the right of that looks like a rope?

Warning Graphic Photo


Original located at

You will need to copy and paste the url without the dashes at either end, everytime I tried putting in just the url alone the picture came up.

Thanks for putting the photo up Defense101!

RE: noose rope - That does look like it could be the noose rope on her left side, amidst her hair above her left shoulder. The length of the noose rope seems consistent with AS cutting her down from the table or from the brick path but not from above on the balcony.
that blue thing is really bugging me. if it was murder, why was it there? heck, if it was suicide, why was it there? i think it looks like a scarf but maybe that's because i've been hearing scarf for so long. i want to know what it is definitively darnit! has there ever been any cases of suicide where the person puts a cloth or towel around the neck before the noose for cushion? just brainstorming here
that blue thing is really bugging me. if it was murder, why was it there? heck, if it was suicide, why was it there? i think it looks like a scarf but maybe that's because i've been hearing scarf for so long. i want to know what it is definitively darnit! has there ever been any cases of suicide where the person puts a cloth or towel around the neck before the noose for cushion? just brainstorming here

Noticing there is a dark shadow on the right of her neck (as she is in this flipped photo) - is that something underneath the scarf or just a shadow from the angle of the light?
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