Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #6

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This ongoing media blackout is unbelievable!

How can a hired PR firm put gags on every single media outlet and every single journalist?

There’s not even one single rogue journalist willing to stick his/her neck out and probe/sleuth the story?

We’re not even hearing a peep out of anyone close or not so close to the three main “witnesses”.

There’s not even a single report of recent sightings of the “witnesses”.

Even RN’s family and ex have clammed up since her service.

Please note: I do realize that IF LE shuts off the tap of information that nothing new on the case will be officially released. And, I’m not suggesting broaching insensitivities with grieving parents/family members. But, no journalist seems to be willing to chase after the story at all? It’s bewildering!

Thanks, Quester. Too me it's a little more then bewildering. It is plain s.i.c.k.e.n.i.n.g. !!!! I really thought from the beginning this was going to happen. Too much money, too many powerful people. I hope, really hope, I am wrong, but I see this "case" drifting of into the sunset. :maddening:
Please note: I do realize that IF LE shuts off the tap of information that nothing new on the case will be officially released. And, I’m not suggesting broaching insensitivities with grieving parents/family members. But, no journalist seems to be willing to chase after the story at all? It’s bewildering!

Two reasons?

* lawsuits
* victimizing people who are also seen as victims
* negative media coverage of other media coverage

Look at it this way - is Nancy Grace going to cover a case like this and suggest someone like JS or DS is guilty? Nope, ain't gonna happen. I remember in the missing baby Gabriel Johnson case, she even presented the third party couple involved in a positive light. With out more info from LE or somewhere pointing the finger at someone, MSM is not going to touch this except to reiterate what we already know. They'd love it if they could jump on a psycho stranger motive though.
Nesbit of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department anticipates that his office will make a joint announcement with the county medical examiner in about two weeks

Read more:

Article from 8/6....two weeks would be 8/20......Saturday

We should be hearing something soon from LE and the medical examiner.

I am starting to have a sinking feeling....:nerves::nerves::nerves:
To echo a comment........This case rest not only on forensic but how well the forensic evidence was gathered. One slip up and this case is gone.

The question is ............did the second the case or not..............
The status indicator is an Arrest warrant. There is no case without an arrest.



I agree (as previously posted)...the 2nd warrant was AFTER to autopsy was completed and sealed. What results/questions from the autopsy initiated the 2nd warrant? :waitasec::waitasec:

If suicide, wouldn't they have said after autopsy...we believe suicide, awaiting tox reports?

What items were removed on the 2nd warrant? Was it the frame and the carpet?
This ongoing media blackout is unbelievable!

How can a hired PR firm put gags on every single media outlet and every single journalist?

There’s not even one single rogue journalist willing to stick his/her neck out and probe/sleuth the story?

We’re not even hearing a peep out of anyone close or not so close to the three main “witnesses”.

There’s not even a single report of recent sightings of the “witnesses”.

Even RN’s family and ex have clammed up since her service.

Please note: I do realize that IF LE shuts off the tap of information that nothing new on the case will be officially released. And, I’m not suggesting broaching insensitivities with grieving parents/family members. But, no journalist seems to be willing to chase after the story at all? It’s bewildering![/QUOTE]


Thanks, Quester. To me I think this clam-up on the "case" is more than "unbelievable" and "bewildering", I think it is s.i.c.k.e.n.i.n.g.

I have felt from early on that this "case" would fly off into the sunset; to much big money, too much power. I hope I'm wrong.

Poor Rebecca.
snipped by me...

I agree, unfortunately, and that's why I have stepped back as of late. These threads, IMO, have gone against the very grain of victim friendly Websleuths, IMO. There is nothing wrong with theorizing the events of RZ's demise, but I am having a real problem painting JS or DS as the perpetrator(s) of this crime that hasn't even been labeled a crime yet. WS is supposed to be victim friendly, and JS and DS certainly are victims of the tragic and untimely death of their beautiful son Maxie. I'm not discounting RZ's death, but I couldn't imagine being in their shoes, losing their child and being painted as murderers when it hasn't even been proven there has been a murder yet. If you've ever had a child in ICU, you would know you don't leave... ever! I spent 8 days in ICU sleeping beside his bed in a chair, without a shower, and with changes of clothes that were brought to me. I cleaned up in the bathroom while my sons' grandparents or father stayed with him for all of the 5 minutes it would take me to change, or brush my teeth or use the toilet. Wild horses couldn't drag me from his room until I knew he wasn't going to lose his eye, or his eye sight and that he would recover and life would go on. It never occurred to me to leave the hospital to take revenge or try to hold the person I felt was responsible for his condition. I just don't see JS or DS being any different... their only concern was for Max and at the time RZ died they hadn't received the MRI they were waiting for to confirm whatever it was they were trying to confirm.

Suicides are a completely different animal altogether. In my personal experience, you never know if your loved one would go to the length to take their very own life. Also in my experience suicide is not something that is determined easily and wrapped all neat with a pretty bow immediately by LE. Sometimes is does take a lot of work to determine if a person did indeed take their own life. At this point, we just don't know if RZ would or would not resort to suicide. Sure she's been painted as the happiest, life loving-est person ever... but so was my brother and he hasn't been here for 4 1/2 years because one day he decided life and the burdens he had were too much for him to continue to deal with. I guess I'm more apt to accept the suicide theory or conclusion because of all the work I've done with Suicide Survivors and all the stories I've heard about how their loved ones succeeded in ending their lives. When they're desperate and determined for a way out, it's horrifying the lengths some of them will go to just to end their pain.

An interesting tid bit... my son is actually stationed on Coronado right now. He called last night and asked if I had heard of this case. He said he runs by the mansion every single day, and that LE had it roped off the day RZ was found and a few days later for only a short period of time (he thought Friday). He actually watched them both days and said nothing much was taken from the home and he was leaning towards suicide because the lack of evidence taken. He also said the infamous blue light which was discussed was actually LE walking up & down the stairs with plain on flashlights in the dark. His hunch was the were looking for impact places where Max may have hit or fell and he thinks Max's accident will play a bigger role in this entire investigation (just his hunch, his dad is LE). IMO he makes valid points and if they were leaning towards murder, the house would have been gone through with a fine tooth comb and not just the handful of hours it was.

All MOO & all that stuff... Hoping LE has something concrete by the end of the week.

Thank you, Stella5, for sharing your personal experiences. I am so sorry you lost your brother. I too lost a loved one to suicide. I have never stopped asking myself if there was something I could have said or done to prevent it. It sounds as though you are doing something very positive in working with Suicide Survivors. I hope you will continue to share your perspective. Also, very interesting that your son is at Coronado right now. Let us know if he hears any local "buzz" that he can share with you.
Two reasons?

* lawsuits
* victimizing people who are also seen as victims
* negative media coverage of other media coverage

Look at it this way - is Nancy Grace going to cover a case like this and suggest someone like JS or DS is guilty? Nope, ain't gonna happen. I remember in the missing baby Gabriel Johnson case, she even presented the third party couple involved in a positive light. With out more info from LE or somewhere pointing the finger at someone, MSM is not going to touch this except to reiterate what we already know. They'd love it if they could jump on a psycho stranger motive though.

BBM - Yes, I agree Time!

And the threat of prompt lawsuits might be akin to a threat of dangling a noose rope in front of the media outlets regarding their businesses, and to journalists regarding their careers.
My apologies for posting those photos to begin with. Now that they are down hopefully everyone who wished to see them saw them. It was not my intention to use them in any way detrimental to anyone living or dead or to any investigation of this matter. Hopefully a resolution of this matter is a few days away, and then minus any graphic photo content we can get back to the analysis at hand. Thanks to the Moderators for doing this, and to those of us who post here for viewing them and commenting on them.
Just a quick word of sincere apology -- after re-reading my own post and your comments, I am mortified to realize how I must have come across to you and regret it. The thread is titled "Murder or Suicide?" and so I have expressed my opinion on that question with some detail and (too much) enthusiasm, but I did not intend to imply that any other point of view is wrong, or that anyone who doesn't think as I do isn't thinking right. When I say the MOO disclaimer, I genuinely mean it. I don't know anything more than anyone else does about this case -- in fact, I probably know significantly less than many here. The last thing that I want to do is create some hostile, oppositional stance about this poor woman's cause of death, when everyone is here to just discuss it, not "win" a point. I tend to express my opinions a too zealously sometimes, as though I have to win an argument, because that's what I do for a living but explaining why I'm obnoxious doesn't make my tone any less obnoxious. Going forward, I will definitely think before I hit "reply" and take it down some notches.

I appreciate both the content and the reasonable, respectful tone of all your posts, and need to learn from your approach. I hope that you will keep on posting your opinions and insights as you always have! I'm nothing but a newbie here and if anybody needs to pipe down, it's me, not you!

No need to apologize for anything, jwportenus. And please, don't pipe down on my account. I just happen to be one who is still inclined to think this was a suicide, and that opinion is in the minority here. I am still lurking, reading, as I find the theories about murder quite well thought out. It is amazing to me how many posters here are so knowledgable about investigations, crime scenes, etc. There is a wealth of knowledge by posters here on just about every subject one can think of, and I learn something nearly every day.
My apologies for posting those photos to begin with. Now that they are down hopefully everyone who wished to see them saw them. It was not my intention to use them in any way detrimental to anyone living or dead or to any investigation of this matter. Hopefully a resolution of this matter is a few days away, and then minus any graphic photo content we can get back to the analysis at hand. Thanks to the Moderators for doing this, and to those of us who post here for viewing them and commenting on them.


Everyones' pictures and comments/sleuthing has kept this case active here at WS and I believe no one meant any harm or anything against the law.

Sometimes, I forget that this is a public forum. We get so "wrapped up" in a case....

Would it have been more appropriate to have the review of the pictures (with appropriate links for copyright) in the basement? Mods, would that be a possibility?
My apologies for posting those photos to begin with. Now that they are down hopefully everyone who wished to see them saw them. It was not my intention to use them in any way detrimental to anyone living or dead or to any investigation of this matter. Hopefully a resolution of this matter is a few days away, and then minus any graphic photo content we can get back to the analysis at hand. Thanks to the Moderators for doing this, and to those of us who post here for viewing them and commenting on them.

Although there may have been issues that we overlooked, your efforts brought clarity to many questions.

I don't think there is anyone here with bad intentions and is more so an intention of the truth and justice being served for the case of Rebbecca.



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Responding to Paladine and all of you who commented on this topic...

I think when a gruesome murder takes place in a rich area, there could be more pressure to solve it quickly? Here especially because of tourism.

JFK ... yeah, strange," accuses the commission, of hurrying through the investigation in slipshod fashion, because it wanted to establish a "version of the truth" that would "reassure the nation and protect the national interest." (exchange nation and national with local and community)

Yeah usually...but in this case the Public doesn't seem to feel at risk...all I've read and seen of public opinion, interviews through video and ink, indicates to me they feel it was not random and this woman was either personally targeted or committed suicide...I don't have a link so just take it as simply personal opinion on what all I've viewed...

I think it has actually drawn tourists and looky loos...(not saying anybody who posts HERE was THERE ;) ;) )

Also, I feel, most think one of the inner circle is involved and know that means moola...most people was justice, imo...and are willing to wait for it.
At approximately 0648 hours, Units from the Coronado Police Department
went to 1043 Ocean Boulevard in response to a 911 call. The reporting party indicated a female was possibly deceased at
the residence.
When the Coronado Units arrived at the scene, they located a female adult on the property who appeared to
be in distress. They immediately provided medical aid until the Coronado Fire Department arrived on scene a few
moments later. After a short time, the woman was determined to be deceased by the responders from the Coronado Fire
Department. The condition of the victim and the scene showed suspicious circumstances that initiated the response from
Coronado Police Department Investigators and in turn the Sheriff’s Homicide Detail along with Investigators from the
California Department of Justice and the San Diego County Medical Examiner’s

The reporting party, later identified as Adam Shacknai told
responding Officers he found Nalepa with a rope around her neck and hanging from a balcony off the main houseBecause of the unique and
bizarre circumstances of this incident, it has yet to be determined if this will become a criminal matter or a death investigation

The victim’s hands
and feet were bound and she was completely nude

The Sheriff’s Crime Lab is processing numerous
items of evidence and Investigators are questioning several witnesses as well as following other leads

the above is from the sheriff media releases. BBM

So it was reported that she was hanging with a rope around her neck. Her hands and feet were bound.

I wonder what the other leads are?
A thought occurred to me, when thinking about the small, relatively unsophisticated Coronado police dept. This may have been posted before, and I just haven't seen it. If RN's death was a planned, opportunistic hit by someone wanting to oust JS, Coronado would be a much better place than Phoenix to accomplish it. A professional hitman would know they would have a much better chance of accomplishing their goal (sending an UGLY message to JS) in that sleepy little village.
If you read my speculation in reply #397 about the rug taken away by police ...

It is time now to mention the framed "painting" also carried away. Was it a painting? And if so was there something written on it that needs further study? Was it slashed or ripped in any way? Was there anything written or stuck to the back of the canvas? What if it were a family photo. Was it slashed? Was it written on? And then if it were a framed mirror. Was it scrawled on? Was it smashed in a spot where someone might have broken it by throwing someone against it? Or that persons head?

I find it very telling that these items were removed from the house, but then I ask what else was removed that we never saw? Or what was left behind? Too many questions .. not enough answers. Thanks again for reading.
At approximately 0648 hours, Units from the Coronado Police Department...
The condition of the victim and the scene showed suspicious circumstances that initiated the response from
Coronado Police Department Investigators and in turn the Sheriff’s Homicide Detail along with Investigators from the
California Department of Justice and the San Diego County Medical Examiner’s
Snipped with respect, scorekeeper!
I wonder why Investigators from the CA Dept of Justice were called in. This is CAs Office of the Attorney General, whose "Services and Information" web page lists the following services:

Protecting Consumers
Protecting Children and Seniors
Serving Victims
Stopping Domestic Violence
Law Enforcement
>The Attorney General&#8217;s Division of Law Enforcement is a team of special agents and staff who are on the front lines of crime fighting in California. These men and women are highly trained and provide extraordinary services in specialized fields including:

Conducting narcotic and criminal investigations
Enforcing state gambling and firearm laws and regulations
Working in forensic sciences
Training and education

The division works in partnership with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to take down criminal street gangs, stop the trafficking of dangerous narcotics, and bring criminals to justice.
Crime Data
Open Government
Civil Rights
Legal Opinions

(there is a link to more info under each heading)

None of these seem to fit with a single suspicious death, which may or may not be a suicide, unless it is "Stopping Domestic Violence", and if that were the reason, well...hell. They're too late already.
Any thoughts?

Edited to add...I suppose it could just be for forensics, since Coronado doesn't have much call for that, but it does seem heavy-handed to me.
Alot of time was spent going over those photos, yesterday...there are posts about RM, lividity, etc...what appears to be the pooling of blood in the thigh area...hmmm....

If you read my speculation in reply #397 about the rug taken away by police ...

It is time now to mention the framed "painting" also carried away. Was it a painting? And if so was there something written on it that needs further study? Was it slashed or ripped in any way? Was there anything written or stuck to the back of the canvas? What if it were a family photo. Was it slashed? Was it written on? And then if it were a framed mirror. Was it scrawled on? Was it smashed in a spot where someone might have broken it by throwing someone against it? Or that persons head?

I find it very telling that these items were removed from the house, but then I ask what else was removed that we never saw? Or what was left behind? Too many questions .. not enough answers. Thanks again for reading.
I agree bonepile I think the main crime scene is indoors, not where RN was found.
snipped with respect from Coastal

None of these seem to fit with a single suspicious death, which may or may not be a suicide, unless it is "Stopping Domestic Violence", and if that were the reason, well...hell. They're too late already.
Any thoughts?

Edited to add...I suppose it could just be for forensics, since Coronado doesn't have much call for that, but it does seem heavy-handed to me.

In my previous 'work' life.......the AG's office got involved at times if it was going to be a "high profile" or "possible political" case.....or both.....
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