Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #6

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It would have been waaayyy more suspicious if he hadn't attended, and I'm not sure how accepted he necessarily was either. The adding to of the message on the memorial site to include JS DS and MS seemed like it was either an after thought or the PR machine working in JS's favor imo

To be quite cold about it, imo, really he HAD to attend.

If he was the loving, grieving partner, soon to be fiance, (from rumors) he would WANT to be there...imo.

If he was the perp...everyone was watching to see if he'd attend...he HAD to be there, imo...

So, in my mind, his attendance is a wash...
The striking similarities to JBR and this case is startling. From the opening discovery of JBR and RN by members of the household compromised forenics from the beginning. This initial discovery created a murky cloak of doubts & suspicion surrounding the preservation of evidence. The death scene was so compromised and LE hamstrung by design or bad luck were kept on a short leash by a powerfu$ family's PR machine. Time will tell if RN is receives the justice she is owed. :twocents: MOO

I'm not so sure about how 'accepted' he was, I know he attended and wasn't thrown out...what were their choices? As I recall, there was no picture of Rebecca with JS in that memorial tribute, was there? JS, at this point, is not considered a POI, according to what we've officially been I see it, the family had little choice...what if he IS an innocent victim of this all? How could they throw him out? Personally, I give his attendance little weight.

How suspicious would we all be if he HADN'T attended? I recall much discussion over that possibility, here...and how it may sway us...

Hello Everyone!:seeya:

It really isn't how much weight we give Jonah being at the funeral though but how much weight Rebecca's family gave it and I really have seen nothing showing they weren't appreciative that he was there when he sat with Rebecca's family.

Her family is not coming out and demanding justice be done. This tends to make me think they are being kept abreast of the possible MOD/COD and are patiently waiting for the results to confirm it.

Hello Everyone!:seeya:

It really isn't how much weight we give Jonah being at the funeral though but how much weight Rebecca's family gave it and I really have seen nothing showing they weren't appreciative that he was there when he sat with Rebecca's family.

Her family is not coming out and demanding justice be done. This tends to make me think they are being kept abreast of the possible MOD/COD and are patiently waiting for the results to confirm it.


True. They did not say they did not want him there, as far as I've seen. But other than that, I see no positive sign from the family, a thank you to him for attending, or a pic of him or Max with Rebecca in the memorial tribute, unless I missed it...

Her sister was out in the beginining, saying it wasn't a suicide...and, imo, coming out in public and making such an assertion, is a form of 'demanding justice', otherwise, why do so?

Now, I hope they are being kept abreast of some degree...
... snipped and included for clarity ...

-I believe that JS’ presence and acceptance by RN’s family at her service was a very powerful, non-verbal, public statement. Others may disagree with this opinion.


I'm not so sure about how 'accepted' he was, I know he attended and wasn't thrown out...what were their choices? As I recall, there was no picture of Rebecca with JS in that memorial tribute, was there? JS, at this point, is not considered a POI, according to what we've officially been I see it, the family had little choice...what if he IS an innocent victim of this all? How could they throw him out? Personally, I give his attendance little weight.

How suspicious would we all be if he HADN'T attended? I recall much discussion over that possibility, here...and how it may sway us...


Respectfully Paladine, my use of the term “acceptance” seems to have been misunderstood. What I meant by it was at that particular moment in time while JS was present and reportedly sat with RN’s family at RN’s funeral, he was at least visually accepted into, appeared to be included with the family – I meant no more, no less because I, you, all know factually no more, no less.

JS’ presence and that visual acceptance made a powerful public statement, in my opinion. And, knowing full well that media would be covering the event, it was a statement made consciously and publicly by JS.

To all of you who have followed this case from the beginning --

Did JS do any of the following?
-return to the mansion when they discovered the body?
-ever return to the mansion?
-make a public appeal to find the person who committed the crime?
-make any public statement before the one issued recently that did not even mention RN by name?

Yes, I agree, Dunne would have blown this case wide open.

I know the list might be rhetorical, but as far as we know I do not think he did any of those. On top of it, a PR announcement claimed Jonah was dealing with two funerals (as I recall the wording). I think this led the public to believe he was planning Rebecca's funeral. My guess would be he didn't or didn't do much of that.
that blue thing is really bugging me. if it was murder, why was it there? heck, if it was suicide, why was it there? i think it looks like a scarf but maybe that's because i've been hearing scarf for so long. i want to know what it is definitively darnit! has there ever been any cases of suicide where the person puts a cloth or towel around the neck before the noose for cushion? just brainstorming here

I think the scarf was used to gag her, so she couldn't scream for help. After rescue, it was loosened down to her neck for cpr. JMO.
Does anyone think that the delay in information coming from LE is because they are in disagreement as to what conclusion to reach? I know someone posted a similar thought. Is it possible that the ME says the manner of death cannot be determined based on available evidence? If so, that would leave LE in a quandary. I can see how there might be inconclusive findings (provided they are sure that the actual hanging caused her death). When I went back and reread those early sheriff dept press releases, they made multiple mention of "suspicious circumstances".

I think this is a very good point that the whole of it is probably not black & white ... perhaps some of the evidence conflicts with other evidence or findings. My feels are that if it were truly a suicide, it would be easier to determine. If it was staged somehow or the perp(s) left little evidence leading back to them, not easy.
I think this is a very good point that the whole of it is probably not black & white ... perhaps some of the evidence conflicts with other evidence or findings. My feels are that if it were truly a suicide, it would be easier to determine. If it was staged somehow or the perp(s) left little evidence leading back to them, not easy.

Bold by me .. and would have been announced several weeks ago. IF they announce suicide at this late date, it will look extremely suspicious to me. JMO
This is true, which is why imo I keep NN on my list of possibles if this is a murder, but I have to say the death of your child is certainly a related issue. Who would profit from this?

In terms of money, I go back to heirs of JS or something connected to JS. We obviously know that because of the accident, DS has no large connection to JS anymore, but maybe now she has a much bigger emotional connection. I just now got the implication of someone checking into the mental ward and we all know we haven't heard anything about this person since...

I'm not sure if NN would profit in any way or in any significant way.

There may be profit that is not monetary? Or directly related to money. Pulling this off the top of my head. Say someone threatened your social standing .... or future, somehow.

Then I have to wonder if some people know how to get other people really riled up and if they are a non-convictable accessory to murder (ok, I made that concept up) and/or an accessory to a cover-up.

If I carry on any more it would just be babbling. I just think there is plenty of motive to go around and money/prestige ultimately has something to do with it.
Hello Everyone!:seeya:

It really isn't how much weight we give Jonah being at the funeral though but how much weight Rebecca's family gave it and I really have seen nothing showing they weren't appreciative that he was there when he sat with Rebecca's family.

Her family is not coming out and demanding justice be done. This tends to make me think they are being kept abreast of the possible MOD/COD and are patiently waiting for the results to confirm it.


Welcome back from your anniversary get away. Paladine,scorekeeper and I tried to sleuth out your resort. Paladine wisely pointed out sleuthing members might be frowned on by moderators. :great: Missed your posts Ocean. :skip:

Are you sure RN family,media & LE are not on short leash by the PR machine. I think a brief note or verbal nod from them would be sufficient to keep all three from lashing out their frustration.MOO
JS was preparing to propose to JS. There speculation about who had motive and inevitably two people remain consistent possibilities. JS is the fiancé of RN and also has more money than Midas. Therefore, I wonder if he offered to foot the funeral expenses of RN. Regardless, I believe that would have been duly noted by the press and it wasn't. Therefore, I can only assume the family of RN assumed the expenses of her death/memorial expenses. This is just another nail in JS's coffin IMO.
I think the scarf was used to gag her, so she couldn't scream for help. After rescue, it was loosened down to her neck for cpr. JMO.

There is a reason or purpose for everything no matter what the circumstances. Your point/question really deserves some kind of answer.

Gathering bits and pieces and linking them to form a conclusion is an important step to determining what happened.

The scarf had a purpose and one must look at all possibilities. Linking a potential action with a potential event.

Don't let word usage throw you off track.

The neighbor(s) making the statement that there was a party going on is just their interpretation of an action (turning music volume up). That action does not constitute a party. LE response of "there was no party" maybe true but the occurrence of loud music is another point.

If the neighbors heard loud music then one can come to a conclusion that the loud music (at that time of night) can be used for 2 purposes.

1. entertainment.
2. or sound barrier.

With that said we can also come to a conclusion that the scarf could be used for a few purposes as well when placed around the neck area.

1. Ornamental dress.
2. Binding or tying the hair.
3. Hiding, concealing face.
4. Gagging.
5. Neck padding.

The potential of linking these two factors together has its possibilities. Being that we are investigating a potential crime one can eliminate some factors arriving to a probable conclusion.

One can rule out entertainment, ornamental dress, hiding and concealing face and binding and tying the hair.

If the time of death is moved back to the early hours, then the music as a sound barrier and scarf falls in place for use and purpose. If excessive saliva was found on the scarf then your gag theory holds true.

Just because LE said there was no party does not mean that there was no loud music.

Bold by me .. and would have been announced several weeks ago. IF they announce suicide at this late date, it will look extremely suspicious to me. JMO

Yes, I agree. If that happens, I'll be extremely curious to hear the explanation, but, unfortunately, I'm already anticipating that I wouldn't believe it.
IF LE believed RN's death to be a murder, and IF they had evidence that pointed to an individual, and IF that individual was currently voluntarily confined to a psychiatric unit/hospital, what would the protocol be to charge that individual with the crime and take him/her into custody? How would that play out?

Alec Kreider confessed to the Haines family murders while he was in a private psychiatric facility for attempting suicide. His parents went to the authorities with this information, in what must have been an agonizing decision. My recollection is that LE had not singled Kreider out as a POI prior to this, and indeed might not have solved this case without the assistance of Kreider's family. I don't think this is quite the same situation, but it does make me curious how LE would proceed if they had evidence to change someone under private psychiatric care.
True. They did not say they did not want him there, as far as I've seen. But other than that, I see no positive sign from the family, a thank you to him for attending, or a pic of him or Max with Rebecca in the memorial tribute, unless I missed it...

Her sister was out in the beginining, saying it wasn't a suicide...and, imo, coming out in public and making such an assertion, is a form of 'demanding justice', otherwise, why do so?

Now, I hope they are being kept abreast of some degree...

~~~Bolded by me

Rebecca's sister stated that when she spoke with Rebecca the night before Adam found Rebecca hanging in the courtyard, Rebecca was "fine."

There was (1) no mention of her being upset about what happened to Maxie, (2) no mention of Rebecca feeling guilty for not ensuring Maxie's safety as his caregiver, (3) no mention of Rebecca lamenting that she was not able to "fix" Maxie after his tragic accident, (4) no mention of Rebecca being devastated that such a tragic accident had occurred on her watch, (5) no mention of Rebecca being concerned about what Jonah must be going through while holding vigil at his son's hospital bedside. Rebecca's sister simply stated that Rebecca was "fine." Huh?

There is a lot of denial when it comes to suicide. This is especially true when you are raised in a culture where suicide is considered somewhat "taboo."

In our culture, suicide happens and it is often referred to as being related to depression or some other form of mental unbalance, thereby rendering that final act as somewhat more "acceptable" in society's view.

In other cultures, suicide is considered something that one does out of some (misplaced) sense of honor, to accept responsibility for some perceived wrongdoing on the part of the person choosing suicide as their final act of contrition.

Still other cultures find suicide to be something so wrong that entire families can be made to feel as outcasts for the "shame" that a family member's suicide has brought upon them.

As I have related here previously, both my father and my sister committed suicide. Their choices to end their lives were most certainly attributable to mental illness, according to the mental health experts familiar with them have stated. There was no shame felt by any of my family members, at least not that I am aware. There were plenty of guilt feelings, especially for myself, but that is neither here nor there.

I say all of this to make the point that I feel that Rebecca's family may not ever accept suicide as having been Rebecca's choice because it could bring an ill-conceived perception of shame upon the family. Her family may always feel a need to believe that someone else either forced Rebecca to end her own life, or that someone else took her life. As stated earlier in this post, many cultures simply do not, cannot or will not accept suicide as a manner of death because of that public perception of shame.

I hope that all parties involved are able at some point to find peace with these tragic and traumatic deaths, no matter what the causes.

Little Maxie was so young to have lost his life. He didn't have a chance to grow up and experience all that life has to offer such a handsome young man. I am sure that his family is feeling his loss each moment of every day. Unfortunately, accidents happen every day, and sadly they sometimes end in an untimely death.

Rebecca was certainly quite a good looking young woman with a lot of life ahead of her. She was in a relationship with someone who, from all outward appearances, seemed to care quite deeply for her. If Rebecca was as close to Jonah's children as has been stated by those who knew her, then her feeling guilty over little Maxie's accident would not be an unusual emotion. If she was so overcome with grief that she felt she could not face up to Jonah and verbally take responsibility for Maxie's death, then she may have taken her steps at accepting responsibility by ending her own life, to show Jonah that she was indeed remorseful and willing to accept the "final punishment," but by her own hand.

I have not touched upon the idea of this being a murder in relation to Rebecca's death. I do not know if she was murdered or if she committed suicide. I am not sure how exactly I feel about the little information that we have been provided. I will try to set aside some time to think about whether or not this could have been murder and, if so, at whose hands.

At this point in time, I am rather impatiently awaiting word from authorities as to what their investigation has gleaned, and as to how they intend to classify the sad passing of Ms. Rebecca Zahau-Nalepa.
Today ..

It appeared to be a homicide from the start of the investigation, but detectives maintained suicide was an option.

Sources, who have knowledge of the investigation, told NBCSanDiego that detectives are reasonably confident that Zahau's death was a suicide.

So, who is leaking this info?

Not buying it and at this point I think it's irresponsible to present it this way without revealing the source.
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