Reference: Typed Letters List ONLY

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
My dear Cookie!
What a wild couple of days we've had! Now entering day number two of crazy, convicted Girls gone wild. Would people pay for this crap? Sadly, I think they would. Every time a guy walks in, unless I recognize the shoes or voice, I can't help but try to sneak a peek of the new man meat. You had me practically pressing my face to the window to watch the officer the other night. Wow! Next to a couple of the EMT's I've seen here , he was numero uno. I miss being around guys :-( talking sports, drinking beer, playing cards....the smell of cologne (boy did some of mail smell* yummy * today [sigh]. The poor guys that are here today. I feel bad for every single person that has to walk in these walls.. Trouble. I pray for the day(s) that this place is empty and all of our entertainment is gone. Wishful thinking. My ears are starting to hurt from forcing my stupid earbuds in my head. Owie!- I can't see this guy in front of 3. Grrr....He's wearing nice shoes. That's what got me. Cookie! I need a new hobby, new entertainment, something!!!! I miss you :-( :-( :-( Oh! Oh! He turned! Goodness! Best looking guy for miles! I'm glad I can still appreciate a good-looking man. I wonder what he's doing here.....I have a problem! Ha! Have you ever tried to picture what a guy looks like by the sound of his voice? I've been trying to do that a lot lately while listening to the radio. I used to do that when I heard a new song ng the by an artist I wasn't familiar with (I'm such a stalker! I keep watching the reflection of......


(first line is cut off)….floor!) And he left. :-( But! Boy oh boy! What a good-looking guy! He was really tall too! Brown, short hair, blue eyes, nice build........Is it vain that I can't wait to have a guy like that look me in theyes and tell me how beautiful, great......I am? Something to look forward to for sure. I love you Cookie! I'm so grateful for your friendship! (Hi!!!) If I could have just told you about the object of my affection, I gladly would have. I need a nap. And a hug..A nice, big, warm hug from a great big, lovely boy. Soon enough. <3 I hope you have a great visit! I hope when I see my guy(s) this week I get a letter back from my Mum. It's been weeks and nothing- no word- nothing. Oh well. I'm a big girl now, even when the tears are streaming down my face. I'll let you read one of the letters I received today and I can pretty much guarantee a tear or two will escape your eyes. Nothing Mushy-gushy, but obviously heartfelt and encouraging. It brightens my day to hear from a nice person and our brothers and sisters in Christ. Well, since the book went missing, I'll try and write you what I already had. We may have to rely on Shannon and every couple of days. Whatever works. I'm going for now. Happy visiting ! <3 I'll rewrite more later.

If you could get a tattoo of anything what would it be?



Well no book :-( That sucks! I wish we could talk again. It'd be so much easier to update you on everything if we could. Oh well. We'll lip read/mouth read and write when we can. How are ya love? I finally got to watch my stories today. I wish Mrs Baker would let me watch TV. It brings a bit of normalcy back into my life and it's a good distraction. I've read so many books, I'm pretty much booked out. Although, I'm looking forward to reading the twilight book. Miss Pat told me about it and highly recommends it. And please tell me if I made a mistake of loaning Pearl Stronger by the day. I have a feeling I'm going to have to send someone after it/ I gave her my last bag of skittles the other night and a package of KOOL-AID. I hate feeling like I'm being taken advantage of when I've tried to do something nice. She did say thank you and said that she appreciates it. We'll see if that lasts. I'd give the shirt off my back for someone if they asked. I know you're the same way. Doing the right thing isn't always easy, but it's well worth it in the end.
I saw one of the press conferences today on the new missing child case- Haleigh. I started crying the moment her picture popped up. :-( Why does this happen? It's just not right. I wish people could and would stop being so heartless and evil. Satan continues to tempt and more and more individuals succomb to that damned temptation. I'm even starting to feel sorry for Lisa. Although she's a tremendous pain, I can't help.....

but pray for her. That she'll be released from the prison 's in that the demon that plagues her will leave her be. Is it bad that I really want to be mean sometimes? That's just not me. I'm glad that you've been able to vent even if it is directly towards that evil woman. We are at war, and it's obvious that she's not on our side. All we can do is show her some compassion and pray, pray, pray. Have I told you lately that I love you? You know, you're my favoritest of favorite Valentines!
I think I may have put that in your Valentine (the original one and the rec reaction). I will keep your Valentine forever! Oh! And I've kept my word....your letter is still sealed. I dread the day that I have to open it, but In know the only feelings I'll have while reading is of love and joy! You're my bestest best friend and everything that you write is to be cherished. How is Maddy Bear? Did she have a good birthday? I hope so! I thought about her the whole day. I cant wait until you're home with your babies! Soon enough!!! I'll try and update you on the fam, but right now, I just want to hold onto this moment of peace (peace sign)
I'll see you tonight! * Read this book.
Chaplain Gonzalez gave it to me. I <3 her!

* I love you sis! *
Flush-a-roonie !
That's all of the KC letters that I have. If I've missed any please let me know.

Mods, let me know if I should/can post the letters from Robyn too.

ETA :Okay, just found the rest- will post soon

Ok, so I'd be lying if I said that my heart wasn't in pieces right now. That hit me like a punch in the gut and sadly, that feeling is still there. Can I be selfish and try to keep you here?
Daddy answered my birthday wish of you being here. And for that I am incredibly grateful. Alright, so neither one of us was expecting this blow, and I have mentioned before that I'm not the biggest fan of surprises? The up-side? This is far from good-bye. This, right here is see you later. Daddy is ready to use you to glorify His name and that is surely a blessing. Father, help me to truly see this separation as a blessing and as a temporary thing , which I know it is.
Even with all of that knowledge I still feel sick to my stomach. You know I have to be honest with you , regardless of what's hanging in front of us- you're leaving and this sucks. I'm being supportive because I have to , but because I love you and I'll be seeing you happy *advertiser censored* soon.. So for the sake of cutting short my long-windedness.....

* Always remember that I love you ,Robyn my best friend that I have ever (underlined) had and my big sister. We are family-and we are never apart- families are bound by that unconditional love. I'm always her and always will be. Start counting the days to the RV trip!

My prayer for you and the one thing I will make you promise me- He will hold you to that too-:

Stay close to the Lord
Continue to plan for the future, :ie our RV trip
(Keep your eye on the prize) Hosh and maddy reuniting with Clay.
Keep in touch with your family (even your inlaws- Sammy boy too)
Know how much you have changed my life, for the better, and that meeting you has been one of life's greatest blessings.
I love you! And I will miss you terribly. This is not goodbye....
So see you later

Hasta ________ until next time <3

* Look for Caylee's star *
She's watching over her aunt Robyn.
And you're new nickname/name : Lucy Lu <3


P***** C****
# *********
Po box ****
Orlando – FL ****

Write me and let me know how everything is, o.k.


Ok, I'm setting myself up for this......
I've been having a lot of sex dreams lately. Stupid soaps! At least the guys have been HOTT.....tall, dark, and handsome. Tattoos and muscles. Sign me up!
The funny thing is that , I have no real desire to have sex. Maybe it's the place? I dunno.
Me = Hornball. You called it!

P- 13692

When you're feeling sad;
when you're blue,
open your special gift
from me (muffin)
To you (my dear cookie)

* you may have your letter, but whats inside is a surprise.
It may not be much, but it's special,
almost as special as you! <3

March 29, 09

Oh my dear Cookie.....
How I've missed you! I'm so happy that Shannon gave you the go ahead. Geepers or is it Jeepers, like jeepers creepers (where's you get those peepers?) You're yikes not the only one starving for the intellectual conversations! To think I actually look forward to certain C.O's being here- scary thought-! I've missed my compdre mucho mucho :-( Our Daddy must have heard our miserable cries- I know I've made a big stink about not getting to talk to my buddy! He <3's us! (As if we had any doubts!) So...I feel like a dork, but a much happier one at that- and a much dumber one-, thanks to those puzzle sheets. Boo. I'm Sudukoed out anyway. Mr Clay is gone, that sucks? I'm sorry, I'm not sure what to say. I obviously wish that neither of you were in your present situations, but at least he is getting some real grub. I am envious of that! Texas? Well, It's warm there. He's in my prayers love! And you know what??? I [very ] proud of you for doing what [you] want to do. Go Girl! <3 It's nobody's business regarding your marriage, except for you, the Mr. And our Big Daddy upstairs!
I gave you the best I could before and I'll gladly say it again- It's your decision, but the most important thing to do is to give it up to God. He will guide you through whatever decision(s) you make, and you know that He (and I :) ) both support you 100% ! Don't let any negativity get you down or stress you out! I've been so happy to see and hear you goofing around- keep those spirits up! You're an amaz....

….ing wo-man of God! Never forget that. As far as my Legally things are moving in the right direction and my days here are quickly coming to an end (Yippee!!!) But as far as my folks are concerned, it's only getting worse. They're really good at putting on the supportive face/persona for the TV, but behind the scenes, it's a daily battle. Ridiculous, unnecessary and down-right shameful, but what are you going to do? I just have to keep my distance and hike -up my BIG GIRL panties (no “depends” necessary- not yet anyway ) And keep on keepin' on. I'm getting the best kind of supports from the hermano- his exact words- this is my time and I need to do what's best for me. I <3 my _soef! I did get some B-day <3in' , but it just seemed insincere. Goes with the territory (as far as my folks are concerned). 3 of my boys came to see me- the Jose's and Gabe (you met him a month or so ago). Between them and your delish * cupcake ( I saved the cup and candle) and 20 or so cards, it was a pretty successful day. Plus, I chewed out some idiot that was in 20 and Miss Johnson let her have it. It was fun! :) But.... enough about that. Same old stuff. I'm glad the babies daddy (Sam? I forget his name. I'd call him A-hole if I thought it would make you smile) stopped being a big dummy . You need your kids and they need you. As far as Mady goes, it sounds like she's been spoiled lately. Just remind her that God goes FIRST and that he rewards the meek/humble. There's.....

…... ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with being a strong woman, or very young woman in her case, but going from zero to 100 in 3 seconds
isn't always the best way to handle things. She's growing up. We've both been there and I know first hand how it is to have a strong female role model, and I know you do too. She looks up to you and admires you. She see's your strength and wants to be strong like you. My best advice, tell her where your strength comes from, or better yet, from whom. Girl, I can't wait to meet her! How are your parents and your little man? I know you're struggling because you're basically in limbo right now, I'm right there with ya, and it sucks. But! The life of captivity is temporary for us both, and we must use this time to rest , meditate, meditate , and continue to build our relationship with God. He was seeking your attention before and I know He still wants it now- now more than ever. It sucks having to deal with my “old life” (the real and media-made) , but one thing that I know for sure , NO matter how hard it seems, we've already gotten through the worst of things. Not a day goes by that I don't think about Caylee and wish that I could have protected her better. I tried my hardest and it wasn't enough. If I let that plague my thoughts and my emotions, I'd give up in a second. One day at a time- one prayer at a time. One thing I've tried to do is ask the Big questions- How and why (underlined). With every letter receive and when I hear how this situation , “my story” has changed someone's.....

….life , I know that my questions and those answers don't matter. (it's hard to say it, but I know it's true). God is using me, He's using you, He's still using Caylee to grab peoples attention, and it's our job to lead them in the right direction. I honestly don't know what I would've done without you helping me through this. Even though we've had limited contact lately, just knowing that you're here is a comfort. And I know that the day I open your letter will be both a tragic and triumphant day. I've been itching to open it all this time and I'll FINALLY get to read another piece of your heart. I'm a sap, I know. The two poems you wrote are still in my Bible and that is where they will stay until we get our place. Then, they will be framed and kept in a special place forever and ever! You're my best friend and my sister from another Mister and Misses , but that doesn't change a thing! :) I'm back to my old ways- bad jokes , numerous analogies and page after page , of gabbering- wait! That's one's definatley Jaberring! Whoa- nelly! 9 months down – for us both, and a lifetime (on this earth and in Heaven ) of shananagins from Muffin and Cookie! Thanks for making me feel like a dumby with the new puzzles! :) That's a book I may have to order. Boy! If you could only see the ink stains all over my hand – I'm such a dork! I <3 ya sis!
Love you Love you Love you!
God bless Hernikins! <3
P-13698 (BWI's note- this is a decorative card-type thing from the American greeting cards she had 'smuggled' in with butterflies and various quotes)

(left page)
Robyn Ann, I will never forget the first time we spoke, or signed rather. I knew from that moment on that I had a new friend..
You have continued to touch my life each and every day since October 2008. The lord sure workd in mysterious ways and I can't thank Him enough for bringing you into my life.
To my sister, my best friend and my partner in legal (underlined) crime.
I love you and cherish you forever and always.
<3 Casey

(right hand page)&#8220;May the Lord continually bless you with heaven and blessings as well as with human joys&#8221;
* Psalm 128.5
(I think it says):
And hearts like mine so much longer (so much longer underlined)

*Numbers 15:39
&#8220;you will have these tassels to look at and so you will remember....&#8221;

* I know it's a make-shift friendship bracelet , but this way you always have a physical part of me, until you're stuck living with me :) <3

Always remember &#8230;.
No matter the (physical) distance between us, our friendship will continue to grow.

You're beautiful inside and out
in a way that changes things
and makes days brighter
and smiles warmer.

(still part of the same card)

(In border)

* Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 *
I've always believed that it is our duty to be there for those we care for, and pick them up when they fall. We are stronger together, and that bond is unbreakable.

So, It's offical....
I need a vacation!
I was thinking Costa Rica...
Want to come with?
(unfortunately we have to wait until we are released. Someday!)
A quote from the book:
&#8220;Don't Call us Out of Name&#8221;

Encouragement is what all people need,
when facing difficult and lonely
transitions, encouragement and practical support.
I agree!!
Sometimes, just knowing
someone cares makes everything
a little easier and each day a
little brighter. <3

* Live the journey;
Love the journey;
Embrace the power of God!

Bonjour Madame!
Man, I'm tired! I'm running on about 5-6 hours of sleep, because of all of the activity last night. Oh well! I saw my pastor this morning- and boy, did I need that! I got an update on my family, and a few friends from home! Thankfully, there's only good things to report. How's your family? As for new friends, you are the only person I trust here, besides my attorneys who visit frequently, and now my pastor. Most people want to talk to me, or get my attention , so they can report back to some idiot with a camera or microphone. Later. It's hard having to watch your back all the time, but I know I don't have to tell you that! God is my glory, and my strength. My faith and love definitely power me through the day. I heard a translation of a scripture that has always held weight with me, but even more so after today: Romans 10:11 &#8211; Those who believe in Him will not be disappointed. How true! Thank you , New American Version and Pastor Shane. He's praying for you too! I'm a little sad, because I missed getting to order my my commissary, because I was with my attorney! Definitely sucks. Oh well! Another week of washing my hair

&#8230;..with soap. Snacks will be nice, and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't craving something to put a little meat on my bones. I have been keeping a journal. I started doing that the first time I was here , and it helped my family see things from my perspective, as well as helping me vent my frustrations. I hate being cold all the time! I think we're both hitting on the same theme- we're grateful to have someone to turn to! I'm with you on another thing too; I ignore the media, and everyone's judgement. It solves nothing by getting caught up in the unnecessary drama. That's just what they want. I will continue to encourage you as well , throughout everything! No judgements here! Just an open heart, an open mind, and lot's of prayer for you, and your family. Here's to hoping we're still successful in getting past the teacher other watchful eyes.
& don't worry! I'm not even using the phone, or taking visits right now. I'll fight, to keep whatever privacy I can get!!
Hardy Har &#8211; How could I forget! Haha! (no jokes today...did I mention that I'm not very funny? Only sometimes.....rarely.)

Hey! I did get the note you left the other day. I didn't get your first one, I don't think :-( Hopefully you got the one I left yesterday. I think it may be a good idea to use a new book. I'll find one and let you know. I'm hanging in there, and I hope you're doing alright as well. You're in my prayers as well, as is your family. God will surely see us through our troubles. And the vent talkers...yeah. Ruin my naps every day! Oh well. I was advised to write &#8220;IM has PRIV&#8221; on all of my com sheets to make sure I get my commissary. I doubt they'd remember to do it for us. Speaking of, I keep looking at my sheet and it's making me hungry! The beach...can't wait. Lord knows I need a tan! :) Stay encouraged ! <3 ya!!
(I'll resend the notes I wrote the other day, just in case)

may your day be brightened by the loving thoughts this brings, And may the angels brush away your care with gentle wings. <3

Romans 10:11
Those who believe in him will not be disappointed!
- How great is that translation?
Encouragement to say the least :)

Romans 5:1-5
It fits! I take great comfort
in these words.
God does not disappoint!!!

P- 13710

I've really started to despise channel 9, and Kathi Belich. No integrity. They don't check facts anymore which is just plain wrong, and very sad. Glad you keep things simple. That's the only way to go any more. I hope your visits and phone calls are going well. I'd love to meet your Mom, and I'd love for you to meet mine. She's really started to come into her faith. It's an incredible process to witness. I just wish I was there to help encourage her. I marked the scriptures you noted, and found that they are ones that I have become pretty familiar with. What a book! Not a disappointing word. I'll have to remember Monday $12 days. Better be a big bag of trail mix. Haha! I'm glad your &#8220;date&#8221;, is basically around the corner. Unfortunately, I have quite a few months before mine. Nothing is scheduled until April. Yikes! I'll be home well before then , and hopefully you will be too!!Thermals & sock are definitely on my list, with shampoo, conditioner, and plenty of writing supplies. My next order is all about snacks! Each day, we are a day closer. That's definitely a part of my prayers everday.

Stay encouraged! Surprisingly, a lot of good has come from this, and I know this is just the beginning. One day closer! <3 ya !! :)

Man, do I need a nap! :)
I noticed you were gone a while the other day. Figured it was a visit. Hope it went as well as can be expected. No matter how comfortable you are with them, it's still unnnerving. You better be hanging in there! I look forward to your daily bible verse, and I'm trying to send a variety of things in return.
Costa Rica it is! Pina Coladas , fresh fruit & massages. I could use a bit of each. Commissary day! I won't miss it this time. And stupid cold showers! I actually shower w/my shirt. It's the only way to stay warm. I'll watch for you later. <3 ya!!
Hey girl!
Everything is going &#8230;.as usual. The attorney visits are always unpredictable, but good, nonetheless. My main attorney has been giving me a hard time, wanting me to &#8220;teach him&#8221; some of the things he's sent back with me to read. It's draining. Now I remember why I don't miss school! My visit last night was good though. Two hours of chit chat, with our newest guy. Sad , but true, I look forward to his visits (the new guy). He sweet, super-sweet and easy on the eyes. HaHa ! Oh boy, I guess that's encouraging in itself!

Morning, chica!
How are things? Good , I hope! I had a question for you...know of any good authors/good books? I came to the conclusion, over the past few days, that I'm going to start cataloging books, so I can have a massive library of appreciated works. I won't turn into one of those book collectors who refuse to touch or read the books, once acquired. Quite the opposite. I've come across some exceptional books....

...while here, strange, right? It's made me appreciate writers that much more. Alright, now that I've bored you, I'll go!
:) Keep Smiling , stay strong, and remember that I'm always praying for ya! <3 ya!!

(BWI's note- Halloween card with spiders 'n stuff)

The pumpkin hearing let's carve and scoop
he ran as fast as he could
leaving pumpkin poop!

(BWI's note: opposite side of card- must be made of paper)

Thought you could use a laugh

(BWI's note: can't read next line)

Sorry It's ripped :-(
I Miss _________ fancy scissors.

(BWI's note: can't read next line, but think It's happy Halloween)
Love !

If I could help you
through this difficult
time, I would.
If I could, but for a
minute make this
easier to face, I would.
If I could tell you
&#8220;there's a reason for
this&#8221;, I would.
- - - - - - -
I will help you,
through this
difficult time,
because you're my
friend, and I love
you. There is a
reason for this, and
God will show you
the way. Have faith
& be encouraged!


From a friend <3
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

From my family,
to yours.
You are in our
hearts, our prayers,
and our thoughts.
We will always be
here, because we
love you.

Thank you for
lifting me up
throughout this
crazy journey!

Familia fortitudo mea est.
Latin for : Family is my strength (hold that close to your heart)

May the sun shine its
healing on you, the moon
bring quiet rest to you,
the stars fill your spirit
with peace....and may
you know how much you're
thought of every day.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

they who wait upon the Lord
shall renew their strength
mount up with wings of
eagles. Run and not be
weary. Walk and not faint.
-Isaiah 40:31 -


(BWI's note: written in massive font followed by a big scribbled-in love-heart. Takes up whole page)




(BWI's note- written on other side of' stay strong' message, so difficult to read first part, but I'll try)

I decided __________________ note that ____________ to show you stay strong!! I know you had a rough one, and more than anything, I wanted to jump through the window and hug ya! Lord knows you need it, love. I'm here , and that won't change no matter what happens. I said a few extra prayers for you especially, but also for the hubby, and the fam. Turn to God. Again, as always , it's my most powerful advice, &#8220;He does not disappoint. Have faith , and stay strong.&#8221; Unfortunately, we should too pray for our enemies , for we are stronger than they are, but they too, deserve our forgiveness and love. It's hard, but, in the end, it shows where the power lies: in the Love of God. He will get you through this, and whatever else comes your way. But from my end, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. I'm here, if you need anything
Don't hesitate to ask. &#8220;keep your head up, doll face&#8221;, as a friend wrote to me. &#8220;You're far too pretty to cry or frown, but if you must, throw &#8230;.
(BWI's note- next line is cut off)

<3 ya (in border)

P- 13726
&#8230;.Has surely strengthened my bond with God, and myself for that matter. I'm with ya..... I'm going to use this experience to help others, especially Missing and Exploited Children. We are very
similar creatures, my friend. Always encouraging! They ran out of ___ thermals, so I got a credit. Wondering if that returns my money , or if they will send one with my next order. I forgot to ask. I didn't order food the first time, but I am now, and I'm looking forward to the Monday order.
I hope your visits and calls home are going well! I know you miss your family, especially the munchkins . Believe me, I'm right there with ya!! And yes, he wants me to &#8220;teach him&#8221;. Haha! We're taking turns giving each other the run-down of the new finds in books and with evidence. The job is never done. This has become my job, as it was was when I was home. Case stuff at the......

(BWI's note: End of letters that I can locate)

Cookie, how are ya love? I'm still pretty out of it, even post-shower, but I feel better- warm. It's absolutely freezing (underlined) I here this morning! No wonder I wanted to stay cuddled up under the covers all day. Thank God for thermals and thick socks. Did you get your TV time last night? I crashed right after I watched you beeline upstairs. Thanks for the laugh/entertainment. I'm glad your loud mouth friend in 5 is behaving herself. I wonder who bribed her , or what they gave her to finally shut her up? Hmm... nevertheless, I'm grateful for the quiet, regardless of the reason behind it.

I didn't end up ordering any commissary last night. I already feel like a lush because I have a full drawer , with a whole bag of shabangs, popcorn, BBQ chips (yum!), fruit cups, ramon, crackers, plenty of juice mixes (8 or 10), and a few odds and ends. First week since the beginning of Nov that I wont receive a big 'ole bag of treats on Friday. I'm almost kind of proud of myself. Ugh. My hands is still cold, and I'm so sloppy today. Sorry. I haven't watched tv in almost a week....I wonder what I've missed on General Hospital? I can't believe I'm so hooked on stupid day-time soaps. During the summers, if I wasn't doing AA__

P 13634....
…. or training camps, I would lay out after breakfast, shower and hunker down in bed for the Young and the Restless and Days of our lives. It was far more entertaining as a young teen than it is now ; but what else is there to watch on our limited station choices in the middle of the day? I can't complain. At least I get to watch tv by myself, without the knuckleheads upstairs drowning out the sound.

Have you figured out the change in Rivera? She's still the same with me, but I've noticed her impatience with her job in general. I keep hearing more of the officers say how much they want to quit, and I believe some of them would if jobs were available. They keep mentioning numbers on the radio (104.1) involving the lay offs and it's practically in the hundreds of thousands in Orlando?orange County. Scary stuff! In a lot of ways it's a relief to sit here and watch/listen to what's happening instead of being caught in the middle of it. People like my Mom who is still milking her leave-of-absense, at least she still was last month, should be grateful to have a job. Neither of my parents are working – my Dad quit or got fired back in November, never mentioned it to my Mom, but kept disappearing day and night, never telling her where he was going, what he was doing, or who with. Too many questions unanswered. I feel like a bitter old hag or a complete cynic as of late, and that's not the best feeling in the world. I need a sign.....

(End of 13634)



Hey Cookie! Sorry I haven't been in touch. I'm dealing with a pretty big battle right now and with the last person I honestly expected- my Mom. Let me start by saying it's an incredibly long, but short story, and I've been holding off on complaining because I didn't know where to start.

(In border)

(I received this piece of info on Saturday morning)

> Thursday- She drops off clothes to Baez for me to wear in court on Friday (lets just say the only two things I was comfortable in meas my black flats and favorite gray blazer. Navy blue pants, far too tight, and an almost sheer shirt, that was not long enough, and had a decorative neckline that almost showed a mile of cleavage. Lovely)
So this happens early in the day, and she promises to come back to the office later that afternoon/evening, to prep for Friday. After numerous phone calls, Baez can't get ahold of her, or better stated , she avoids all contact, including texts. Baez contacts her attorney , Brad Conway, and gets the run-around from him. More useless details, but what it boils down to is my Mom is going to be escorted to court on Friday, via a friend of hers directly connected to the Today show.

Friday morning- I see what is brought for me to wear for my appearance; unfortunately I didn't have a say because the judge ordered me to come dressed appropriately (his intention is to actually help my public image. Kudos to Judge Strickland), so my morning didn't start off great. I also didn't sleep more than an hour before leaving here at 7:00am, because I was so excited....


….about Finally seeing my Mom. I walk into the court room completely shackled, which was against the judges orders, so I get seated, and Baez relays the message, so I have to get reescorted outside to get uncuffed- only from the waist up. Joy. Well, I trip as I try to sit down the second time, Klutz that I am. All in front of the camera. A few minutes pass they start to let in the spectators, all media and I ask if my Mom is there yet. Baez briefly tells me that she is “sick” and isn't coming. Welcome the proverbial punch in the stomach. Court did go reasonably well, a few laughs, courtesy of the judge, and I was back here just before 10:30. I talked to 3 of my attorneys just before coming back and they're so upset that my my Mom bailed on me and that fact that her attorney shows up, waving all (underlined) conflict with my Moms former attorney, who started working for the enemy the day he “resigned” from working with my folks, back on November 20, my brothers birthday.
Still follow? I hope so! 'Tis just the beginning :-( ….
I was pretty upset on Friday, but I didn't want anyone to worry, especially not my cookie, so I put on my happy face and let it go.

Saturday, around noon- Baez and my attorney who was down from New York for the weekend, came to fill me in on all of the drama. They still couldn't get in contact with my Mom , and are both still extremely frustrated about what went down the days previous. I'm right there with them. This is when I get all the details from Thursday – Saturday.

Video of the day in court Casey is writing about.

BWI's note: Think I've just found more via my fox Orlando-
Heaps more to come...
Will post soon.

ETA: Haven't even started transcribing yet- am waiting for mods approval 'cause they all have the MFO watermark- so just wanna be sure it's okay to post.
There's about another 80 or so pages, but some are shorter, so it won't equate to that amount here.

Have spent the whole afternoon getting screenshots of the fox letters since they are in a different format (Hate the gallery format- PDF is soooo much better)- It's taking up so much space on my poor laptop.
Once I have the mods go-ahead, I'll start typing them up.
Continuing on from My Fox Orlando's link now, kindly provided by angel who cares:

GALLERY: Casey's Prison Letters Part One >>>

Continues from P13726:
I hope your visits and calls home are going well! I know you miss your family, especially the munchkins . Believe me, I'm right there with ya!! And yes, he wants me to “teach him”. Haha! We're taking turns giving each other the run-down of the new finds in books and with evidence. The job is never done. This has become my job, as it was was when I was home. Case stuff at the......

(P13727 via fox), and charity work at home. At least it keeps me busy here, in between books and naps. That Psalm, super cool, Homie! It's all to appropriate. Agreed. Flushing away! * Flush. <3 ya girl!

1 Corinthians 13:8
Love never fails!
1 Corinthians 13:48
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(BWI note: couldn't find the page # for these)

After the storm, the rainbow...
After the night, the dawn.
Have you ever noticed how
after a storm the world
seems so wonderfully new...
as 4 everything that is
unlovely had been swept
away, leaving only what is
clean and bright and beautiful!
That is the way it is with
storms that occur in our
lives. At the tempest
is raging, it's so hard to
see past the turmoil.

But when we focus on all
that is good and believe with
all our hearts, the end of the
storm comes more quickly...
and we find serenity and a
deeper appreciation of life .
I believe that you're the
kind of person who has the
inner strength to walk
through a storm filled with
hope for the future.....And
that is what I wish for
you with all my heart
Barbara Burrow

(in border) Romans 10:11
Hey, I hate it when we miss each other, but I guess it's bound to happen. I hate the little shower, but it serves it's purpose. I'm collecting book info for my future library. Reading has definitely helped pull me through this. We have similar taste in Authors, doesn't surprise me :) Word search sounds lovely. My attorney is trying to smuggle some in too, or Suduku puzzles. 1/9...... I'll keep that in my prayers list, for sure. You'll get your miracle!!! God does not disappoint , remember that. I've heard that these cinder blocks have a way of touching people. I never had a strong faith, but this......


Aloha: How was the pictures in People: dreadful as always, I can imagine! :-( Always glad that I have a non-judgemental friend. Media = Evil! My family is still doing well, from what I've been told. They are emailing letters to my attorney , and he brings them to me. It's better than nothing. Sushi sounds so good! I hate seafood, but won't pass down a good sushi roll or a Salmon patty. I'll have to explain that consept later. It's an equally interesting and fullfilling idea. I miss being a part of society too. I'm so unsure about the election, what, in just a few days? Oh well! * Flush, Flush
:) <3 ya!

I didn't have to go to court after all. The irony: I waited for 2 hours, wrote you for the better part of 2 hours, and it turns out, they cancelled it!
Such is life. In any case, I'm glad that I didn't have to sit through a useless ordeal, and also be subjected to the same clowns and their gosh-darn cameras.
I'm looking forward to seeing what happened when I see my attorney(s) later. I hope you're having a splendid day, full of good naps, good music , and whatever else you need. I'm sad that I didn't get to have a good nap today, but all for the better. I'll keep this one brief, since I chatted my hand into severe pain earlier. Stay encouraged and always remember to smile. Laughter is good too, good for the heart, and for the soul! <3 ya! FLUSH (in scribbly writing) :)

In border:

I'm really starting to hate hot dogs.

So I got called to court. Yippee :-( It's nothing important and we usually wave my appearance. Whoops. Not this time. Blah. So I'm sitting in my “room”, waiting to go. I've been ready for at least the last half hour, and I'm still sitting here....
A good excuse to write, not that I ever need one. It's the only thing calming me down. I can't read right now. It's too thought consuming, and there's no taming my brain at the moment. I've gotten in the habit of even writing my prayers lately. It seems to help me focus more. I've always loved to write, but for the sake of privacy, have chosen not to. Reading is always nice, because it's an escape. How do you escape your own thoughts? You can't , or so I've come to realize. I've been day-dreaming so much lately, especially before bed, that I forget that I'm still sleepy...hints why I'm up reading at 2 or 3 some nights. You got me in the habit of sleeping more during the day, in between my shower and meals. Not a bad idea. I've learned to sleep with the noise , whether during the day, or early evening , when everyone goes “buck wild”!
Silly. I wish we could order mini- tvs . Wouldn't that be great? Even if we could only whatch them during certain hours...I need a new kind of distraction. I've been trying to brush up on my Spanish. Don't want to waste 3 years of it. Use it....

...or lose it, right? Gosh! Are they ever coming??
My butt is going numb. Curses! Hopefully you get a laugh by the play-by-play. I don't know any funny jokes, but I live in my sarcasm. That radio would be great right about now....I wonder if it's cold outside. I sure hope not. I already put on fresh socks, and tried to fix myself up a bit. Have to look good for my audience.....ha! I'm looking forward to getting out of here for a bit today, but in reality, this place is the lesser of two evils. Sad, but true. No cameras here. I will see my folks today , and I'm nervous as ever! I know I'll be an emotional wreck later. Hell, it's been a full month almost since I've seen any of my family. The only one I have pictures of , is my daughter. I wish she was going to be there :-( :-( :-( Great. I'[m going to make myself cry, if I'm not careful. Hmm... I wonder what I'm missing for lunch? If I'm not careful, I may end up enjoying my absence today. At least I'll miss one crappy meal. I need to order more food with commissary. I'm just trying not to spoil myself....alright. At least I'm laughing again. All I want to do is nap, shower, sneak out for a bit of afternoon tv, and take a late afternoon nap, before my attorney (s) visit later. I guess I'm saving them a visit now. I want to go home! :-( I'll ____ up, and you can come......


…..with. Why not! :) Patience is not one of my strong points, not by any means. I've never been a patient person , especially not when I was a kid. My Mom had signed me up for the modeling classes, and I couldn't stand waiting in the lobby for half an hour. That didn't last. At least playing sports, I was always a part of the action, from start to finish, so there was no waiting around, collecting myself or being bored. My nerves get the best of me, when I'm just sitting around. I hate that! It makes me self-conscious , and I'm not by any means . Hell, especially after all of this!, I'm a more humble person than I've ever been, and probably more so than I ever would have been. Witnessing the things that I have ...It's more than enlightening . It's damn -well terrifying . I've always had a potty mouth, and the closer I get to the “real world” and society, the more it starts to show it's ugly head. Self-expression in the worst. My Mom would agree. I bet she's going to be excited to see me today :) Some comforting thoughts there, to say the least. There's always a silver- lining to even a blackest of clouds . Want to hear something funny?I'm incredibly afraid of clowns. Yes, clowns. Any kind of clown will do it. I love the circus, but I hate those stupid clowns , with the painted smile, ginormous.....

P 13738
…, .stupid puffy wigs, and whatever else they decide to add to their ridiculousness. I saw “It” when I was 8, and ever since I've been ruined. I was never much a fan in the first place , but that surely didn't help. So there you go: Your fun fact for the day . Hope you're laughing! It's all sorts of silly , and I know it. I'm not proud of it. Or maybe I am. The joke with my attorneys, “ I hate clowns and there are too many F*ing clowns at this circus!” - referencing the media , other lawyers , and a lot of those idiots that want to be part of this Freak Show.
Alright, so two fun facts, actually more, but two that always make me laugh. Yeah, I know I'm silly. I try :) Which is the best kind of Ramon? Or are those cup 'o noodles? I'm good with either. I've even been considering those pepperoni sticks. I'm starving for real food....real meat. Last nights chicken was pink. And are you nuts?! I'm not about to be sick for another week because of that. The bologna early last week ruined me for the entire week, last week. Honestly, I've never had a worse stomach ache in my entire life! Every time the food comes, my nerves are shot , and I feel like I'm forcing myself to eat. No thank you. I'm thinking about requesting reg breakfasts , and only PB & J sandwiches. At least there would be real protein and something I know I can trust.


I'm really considering it. Almost an hour of waiting....since 8:30. I'm missing my nap :-(
BOO. And now I have myself craving peanut butter. Stupid clowns. I only wanted to make a couple of court appearances in Blues. I've heard it's not my color. Haha! One of my friends , one of the few that has stuck around, was generous enough to write me first to tell me that she still loves me , and I'm her favorite “crazy bit*h” (so nice right?) , but that I really need to get my skinny *advertiser censored* home , because Blue is so not my color”. She made sure to reference the lovely mis-matching blues. I guess it's only flattering on me when I'm tan or so she says. What a friend! :) I still get a kick out of it. I miss that kind of honesty. I do however get that from my attorneys. One of the many reasons why I <3 my boys. They each have their own unique personalities , but they all mesh so well together. I never expected to make friends with my attorney, let alone the numerous ones I've acquired. True friendship , such as ours. We're both in our worst of worst places , but neither of us cares what the other has or hasn't done. I'm good with that. If only more people in our society and throughout the world, for that matter , shared too. Same belief , if nothing else. Alright I'll quit torturing you with my ramblings, and I'll find some way of entertaining myself until they come. :yawn: <3 ya homie! Flush-Flush! :)


* They canceled my court today! HaHaHa! Oh boy;
Now for my rap!

Written while waiting to go to court....
Hey at least I warned ya! :)
Hope you're doing well <3
(a two- hour wait!!!!!)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
(and I was still in GMA_)


I have pens! It's oddly funny to keep saying it, but like a 5- year- old , I'm rightfully proud. The scoop, in case you are still unaware....the day I was indicted , definitely not one of my better days, the “jury” or better stated- Grand Jury , pushed for the death penalty .

Well....a couple of days ago, the prosecutor decides that they “don't have enough evidence to proceed”. Although the entire absis for the case in un warranted , and saying that I am “falsely accused” is beyond an understatement, but at least they're starting to back off, and maybe realize that innocence is a big factor here. One of my attorneys said it best, “the case isn't circumstantial. It's completely speculative. Look at other missing person cases. Name one that hasn't had something that seems “odd”. Find one , and I'll resign from the bar!” (He's from Miami , and just moments before, was telling me about how the court system is run there , and I was hysterical! Gotta laugh, right?

So....although my greatest miracle hasn't yet happened , one of many smaller ones has taken place. God works in mysterious ways , and I'm learning to give in , and be patient. Of course, it was one day of GREAT news, and the next, back to slamming my family , and my lead attorney. I miss watching the weather! They do ruin the entire aspect of journalism . Jerks I do agree. We are definitely made stronger in our moments of weakness . Moving up in status? Who knows? Not I. We'll both come out of this together.

(in border) * Read Balancing Act By Martin_________. (It's about Angela Lansbury- great book)

I know you will get your miracle. I'm like my little Irish Grandma. I can feel it!! Since I just got moved from Psych, I can order my radio this week. I'm thoroughly excited. Charles steak house, Yum. Sounds good to me! We'll go in disguise ….since we both missed Halloween, could be fun.
I continue to pass notes to my folks to my attorney , and he brings ones back from them. At least that way , it's kept private. I hope to see my pastor again soon. He should be around this week. I've spoken to most of the chaplains here , and their pretty great. It's an added comfort to see someone from home..
So...question...I know we can ask for Razors , and the lord knows how badly I need one after almost a month! EEK! I can deal with hairy legs, but armpits- no Ma'am! I need tweezers too. How sad! Can we
get them temporarily (tweezers) like nail clippers? I've given up on ordering thermals, at least this week. Still out of stock. It's not cold to me anymore, so I'll manage . I <3 my sports bra. :)

The day of rest. Thankfully it's been quieter than last week. I'm sticking closer to my faith, like I do my daily naps. Always refreshing.
Stay strong! <3 Ya! Flush-a-roo!

BWI's note: -It's now after 2am and I have to get some sleep. Will post the rest when I wake up after a stroooong coffee.
Thanks for all of your WebSleuthing effort !!
Sun and I have been also transcribing and have duplicated a lot of ones that are already posted here ... oh well ... here are some we've already done

DISCOVERY PAGES 13748 to 13755 – credit to Sun for transcribing

Funny thing. 2 of the 3 times I went home was on someone's birthday... first was my Dad's, and the second was one of the guys on my legal team. It made the "event" that much better.

Ok, so here's the health nut in me... or better yet, the Personal Trainer, in Training. 1) Don't drink the juice. Definitely order plenty of bottles of water and whatever mixes(ers). Don't drink the water here either. There is nothing good about "juice" that had NO JUICE, and is calcium enriched... right. No way jose'! 2) Stress and your diet will affect your entire body, from your hair, to your muscles, to your skin. Your hair is made up almost entirely of protein. I can guarantee we aren't getting any. Order PB&J and plenty of beef sticks/tuna. Get as much protein as you can. That will help your muscles as well. Stretch daily. Your body was used to lifting extra weights, ie. your kids, and laying/sitting around all day, for numerous weeks, your entire body will start to ache. I'm in the same boat, all around.

And your skin, I feel your pain all too well. Buy Noxema and wash your face with that at least once a day. Watch the sugar content with all of the commissary. Unfortunately, that doesn't help either. Stupid things that our parents told us growing up, tends to make sense years later. HaHa! Oh! and toothpaste. Wash your face before bed, and dab a tiny bit on your breakouts. It actually works. They don't usually disappear overnight, that's wishful thinking, but, it reduces swelling, takes away any redness, and 9 out of 10 times gets the rest of the crap out of your clogged pores. 1 more thing for your hair, sleep with it down.

These conditions are way less than ideal, but at least we have air conditioning, even though it's usually freezing. We also have reasonably warm showers, access to commissary, books, and hopefully soon, each other. I hope we get to talk soon! The day they cancelled my court was a good thing. It should have been rescheduled today, for sometime this week or early next week. My appearance has already been waved, so I'll leave the lawyering up to my boys.

Crap. your're not the only one struggling with intellect lately. I second-guess myself with spelling all the time now. This place. It warps your mind. My definition of "Joy"? That's a good one. I've been trying to think of that and I'm still trying to figure that out. I know my true happiness is in the eyes, smile, and laugh of my baby. God, I miss her.(frown)

The past few days have been incredibly hard for some reason. I'm ready for this part of the journey to be over already. Although we find our true strength in our moments of weakness, I'm sick of feeling like I'm at my strongest point, and the next thing I know, I'm curled up on my bed, covers over my heard, crying and I can't stop. I agree with you about only trusting people to a certain extent.

Unfortunately, we have to be so careful in our situations, different as they may be, the main factors are the same, nonetheless. I can appreciate that, now more than ever, and I can honestly say that I have a level of respect for you that I've never had for anyone. You have true strength my friend, and I hope that nothing, and no one will ever take that from you. Actually, scratch that. They can try, and they will, we know that all too well. Our enemies are always on the attach. BUT, God will always protect you and your strength will only continue to grow. Man! I can't wait for that steak! I'm holding us both to that. (smilie)

It's funny that you're thinking about moving after this is finally over. I've been thinking the same thing. I'm going to find my daughter, and move out of here asap! I've looked into sourth Florida, which is a definite possibility, but I'm thinking out of State too. Nowhere cold. I don't do well with cold weather, I haven't seen snow though, in 19 years. Orlando has been my home for most of my life, and I wanted to raise my family here, but that's just not possible now.

At least I've come to realize that it's not running away and that I'm not leaving out of fear... but I owe it to myself, and my girl, to move on, and make a fresh start. My mom wants to come with, so 'm extremely happy about that. I wouldn't expect my brother to, with work here, and his girlfriend, my future sister-in-law, of almost 2 years. His birthday is Thursday. (frownie) I wish I were home to celebrate with him.

Alright... now I'm starting to wish that we were literally at the zoo. At least then, the monkeys don't know any better when they're up al night screaming and yelling, and then other times, throwing poo. I want to go (picture of something) too. (frownie) Whichever one of us leaves first, needs to smuggle the other out... if only!

I know you're struggling with missing the fam, especially your babies. I'm with ya love! I'm glad that you get to "see" them, and your mom too. Tell your friends GRACIAS! (smilie) About communication with the hubby, honestly, write him a letter, but send it to your mom, and have her mail it to him. It's an idea. I also enclosed a ton of quotes on Love. If nothing else, maybe it will help.

I'm as single as single can be, but each one gave me hope, even those directed towards marriage. One must never lose hope, and we must ALWAYS hold on tight to our faith. I'm going crazy too, damn vent-talkers. I'm SO glad that I have my radio and plenty of batteries. My ear buds are all but glued to my head. I'm going from station to station, finging that I still really hate the constant repetitions of each station and the fact that they all play the same songs ever hour.

(continued in next post)
(continued from post above)

I'm going to share something with you, that no one knows about except for my mom, and my doctor. About 6 years ago, I noticed a small, dark purple spot, under my left breast. Exactly how I spotted it, is beyond me. Well, I paniced, showed my mom, who is a Nurse, and she said it was a blood blister. But to be sure, I went and say my family doctor, and had my first breast exam. A few days later, he confirms, it's just a blood blister. Nothing to worry about. It will go away on it's own. OK. No big deal. Well, years later, it's still there. It's maybe doubled in size, but even after seeing another doctor, it's no big deal. It will go away. About a year ago, I noticed that underneath the skin, under that spot, which is helf the size of a chapstick cap (the very top of the cap), there's a gumball-sized lump, roughly the size of a small gumball. So I panic again. My mom tells me to drain it. I drain it. A day or so later, it fills back up. Another trip to my doctor... "we can remove it, but it's nothing to worry about." I wear sports bras all the time, and I guess the added pressure doesn't help. So I limit that.

Fast-forward to a few months ago, roughly the time all of this other crap started for us both. It is now the size of one of those bigger gum balls. Maybe the size of a bottle cap. It's hard, and it hurts like hell. Breast cancer runs in my family: my great-grandma had it; my great aunt had it; my grandma had it a year ago. She's a survivor. I'm noticing a pattern. --and I'm officially freaking out, worse than ever. My entire left boob is killing me. I wrote my mom, I haven't seen my attorney since Saturday, so I can't get it to her yet. I'm going to hae her research possibilities.

A PC with a roommate?? Seriously? Who?? Is that allowed? I'll volunteer. (smilie) I've gotten a few books, and thanks for the puzzles! I didn't check the magazines. I'm slacking! And yeah, my mom's stupid spokesperson. Everone and their mother is trying to profit from this. It's not a joke, or a publicity stunt. This is our lives for goodness sake! My mom is hanging in there.

My attorney is keeping tabs on my family for me, and exchanges letters between us. It's always nice to see my name written in my mom's handwriting. my eyes start tearing up, and I'm done! Do you feel frumpy? I sure do! like Sandra Bullock at the beginning of Miss Congeniality. And girl, I could use a day at Target myself. Just to walk around a store, to be part of society. I want to go grocery shopping. I love my Publix! Soon enough! We'll both get our miracles. I'm praying for you every day! Keep your head up, and your faith even higher. Love ya! ~flush-a-roo!~
Pages 13787 to 13788

Hey Sis! This whole not being able to talk thing really suc*s. Frown. How are you holding up? I'm sorry to hear about everything with your attorney, and to top it off, Clay. I pray for each of you, and your families each night, but I said an extra prayer for you both last night. I know I keep saying this, but I wish there was more I could do. I saw my pastor on Friday, and he's keeping you and your family in his prayers. He said that my family is doing well.

That was actually confirmed, via the radio, when I heard yesterday morning, or maybe it was Sunday, but in any case, my parents flew out to California yesterday morning, following a couple tips, and a special date with Larry King. At least they're getting to travel the US, something I know they've both always wanted to do. My Mom is still extremely defensive, especially in my case, and doesn't hesitate to refute any and all things being reported. My paster confirmed that she's still staying strong in her faith, which is a definite comfort. She's really coming into her own, and I'm so grateful.

I'm still worried about my brother, hoping that he's figured out where he's moving to, and that work isn't putting too much additional stress on him. We're working on my bond motion, so I should hopefully and unfortunately be in court within the next two weeks. Hopefully we'll get to talk soon, so I can get more details from you, and maybe have some useful advice. I'm looking into the appeals process, and I'll make sure I update you with every minor detail as I go along.

I really can picture myself pursuing law after all of this. Funny, huh?

Your journals... WOW I can't wait to read this book!!! And I think the title is perfect. I'm still tossing around the idea of doing something similar, but I've always wanted to write children's books. I guess one can do both... who knows. I'm really interested in reading that story you told me about. hits close to home, considering we both know all too well some of the things she's gone through. Life can be cruel, so cruel, and you're either a victim or a survivor. You and me, we're survivors. Hold strong in your faith. I keep thinking about your dad. He's a strong man. I'm glad that your parents are still trying to keep in contact with Clay's family. That's extremely important. Don't lose hope!
PAGES 13832 and 13833

By George! Las chicas are too loud! If only there was a max. volume button one could press or a mute button so at any given moment, it could be completely silent in here. Most of our neighbors need tranquilizers. Ha! Sorry... I'm being silly. I didn't get to watch my stories today, thanks to someone randomly sitting in there for 3 hours. Boo. Two days in a row no stories. Oh well. I wish I would have gone in anyway because of a stupid tour group that came through.

I could do without "there's Casey Anthony" comments for the rest of my life. Blah. A bunch of stupid high school kids who were overly immature, but it's not just them. I'd expect them to be stuck in the "Celebrity" hoopla, but it's been even worse when adults have come through. For some reason, I'm interesting to people? Eh? Whatev. I don't need or want the attention, but when I'm thrust into it within the next few months, I'll be sure to glorify God with every smile that sweeps across my face and with every word that I speak. Take that America! I kid. (smilie)

Oh I wish we could talk more. I miss my friend! I'm trying to manage a plan to get my butt upstairs, but someone always ends up taking my spot in 20. Part of Sgt. Richardson's idea was to put me in one of the corners, but the most logical corners would be 20/21 or 32, that way I'm right next to the staircase. I heard someone say when I'm the only PC left, I can go wherever I want. Why not now? You're the reason I want to move. I'll figure something out. I can be reasonably creative, sometimes.

I haven't heard anything about my family today via la radio, thankfully, except talk of a Caylee Tribute Doll and some hick from Louisiana selling 3 voodoo dolls on ebay. Guess who it's supposed to be? Jose' told me last night that he already hired me another attorney to deal with those things. (sigh) Another day, another series of rumors and ridiculousness. The life of a celebrity, huh? Right. If only I were old and ugly, then they wouldn't care. Sad that those words have come from people in the media, not just me. And, I guess stupid (bleep bleep) Nancy Grace was on the View talking about me. Really? What a joke! Crazy b**** will have the lawsuit of a lifetime, really, only in hopes of getting her kicked off tv. Yes, I'm a b****. Ya blame me? Nah.

I really hope we can talk tonight but it's so hard to mouth something coherent in steady rhythms. We will have our letters though. How's the fam? Are things better with the madre and padre? How are the munchkins? And any word on Clay? Is he supposed to be going to Coleman or somewhere else? And (last question) is he going to retain an attorney to appeal his plea? I think he should.

Oh! Have you heard about the recalls on peanut butter? I'm tossing my PB cookies. Scary stuff! Many companies including little Debbie, Peter Pan and other cracker companies are recommending that we don't consume any peanut butter products until they are able to test them and rule out salmonela and some other contagious viruses. Not Good! I'm going to stop for now and try to have Shannon hand this off. Love ya! See ya later Love. (smilie)
That's the hearing I went to and ended up sitting next to that Kelani fellow. He kept saying "man is she beautiful" and texting the whole hearing.

Just wondering why you didn't sit on the prosecution side?
That's the hearing I went to and ended up sitting next to that Kelani fellow. He kept saying "man is she beautiful" and texting the whole hearing.

Kelani must be into ranching then if he thinks Casey is beautiful with her horse face and all. I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. Especially after reading all her letters. I'm literally sick to my stomach. Casey is one self centered b*tch.

So the weather's crappy and it's creepy and dark. I'm not quite sure why, but I hate the way the common area looks on a stormy day. It seems to make this place even quieter and even more depressing. Boo.. I stayed up almost all night reading, maybe getting a combined 6 hours of sleep since breakfast. I'm starting to get nervous about going to court tomorrow, not that I should be. The motions we filed are routine and nothing to get my insides all silly, but the idea of seeing my Mom in person for the first time in over 3 1/2 months. I'm not sure how I'm going to sleep tonight. I'm glad that I'll get to see my boys later on, most likely with a message from my Mom, including an update on my Dad. And if it wasn't for the Big Dance this weekend, I'd expect to see my brother as well. That's the only thing I have to look forward to tomorrow - definitely not leaving here and being gawked at and obviously being in front of a camera is the last thing I want, let alone knowing I'll be one of the major news stories as of tomorrow morning, afternoon and evening. I kept praying that someone would charge the station last night and that I wouldn't have to see my mug on the tube. And big surprise, my ex-fiancé was featured again. Really? Some man of God! I got God's message last night though - I need to forgive Jesse for being a "creep" and for taking advantage of Caylee and I yet again. I've forgiven him, but I will never forget how he treated her and I before and I will never forget him trying to capitalize off of us now.

Everyone sees him for the joke that he is and he has no one to blame but himself but of course, the idiots in the media love a controversy, idiots. God is on my side and that knowledge will continue to fuel my fire. The lamp of my body is my eye, and I'm seeing things clearer than ever before. Ugh! And you know what really stinks? My period has been totally irregular, meaning never-ending. One day on, one day off. My *advertiser censored* are still sore :( I always have the best cleavage during that special time though, even if my tummy is achy and bloaty. The joys at being a woman. You know what I just thought about? You'll laugh at me, but do you think the men's toilets are as low as ours? If so, I wouldn't brag about how great it is to pee standing up! At least we have our privacy. So what if someone sees me sitting? At least they can't tell the difference between my actions :) Ah, yes, I'm cuckoo for cocoa puffs and in need of a nice hot shower, a massage and a nice long nap . 2 out of 3 isn't so bad. Pray that I can sleep thought and that I look fabulous tomorrow! Yikes. The demons in this place are running ramped today! This place terrifies me.. No doubt about it. It's time for my shower. Ciao Cookie! <3 ya!

Hey girl! I shouldn't have held off writing a day or so, but I needed to collect my thoughts. The past couple of days have not been good, to say the least. I'm not sure if you heard about my Dad or not, it's been all over the radio and I know that everything has been bouncing around every station. I can't believe he tried to take his own life! What is he thinking? There's something else going on and I don't like the feeling that I've had since I found out yesterday morning (Friday morning). Sorry, but why did I choose to write now? It was so quiet for all of 3 minutes. All of a sudden, the monkeys start throwing poo all over again. Why can't we order earplugs? Ugh! I miss you sis! I wish we could talk directly. You're going through so much yourself and I hate seeing the fear in your eyes when you walk downstairs. How are you holding up lately? In the midst off all of my grief and horror, you're still on my mind and practically the center of my prayers. What can I do to help you? There are so many unknowns in both of our lives, I don't even know where to start. I hate this place and I dispise every moment I'm here, but I know that I still have a few more months (easily) to deal with all of the BS going on outside these protective walls. We'll both be home soon, but not before another trial or two in both of our lives. If it wasn't for God, I wouldn't be here.. The enemy continues to attack and I almost give in to my tears and my weakness. You ever thought about just giving up? Yeah, I know you have. We've talked about it many times. I've felt that too many times, but I thankfully keep coming back to God. I wonder daily how I'm going to deal with the next bit of drama and that stupid cliché runs through my heard - what doesn't kill me will make me stronger. I hate those words, I truly do. Are we going to sit on the beach, drinking cocktails and planning our future business? I can't wait for that day, and I know that it will come soon enough. In the meantime, pray that I find patience. I love you sis! Keep your head up and Read JOB 23. I read it yesterday and your name swept through my mind. HaHa!

Saturday, Jan 24

January 27, 2009

Hello Cookie Dear! :)
Yes, that is your new nickname. Just 'Cookie' is much better than Cookie Monster. You’ve called me 'Muffin'. What an attachment to food we both have! Guilty as charged! So I was trying to fall back asleep after breakfast and a book idea came to mind. I'm thinking of a partial memior/comedy/relationship advice for those not in the know. I'll keep praying about it and see how God feels. It's a way to settle many rumors and to share my insight about love, life and most important - God who knows! I got another letter from my friend Ray, the author of the book I let you borrow. He finished his second volume of his memior - Stronger Than Ever - and his contract has been extended so that he will be able to write more books and continue to share his stories. And, his Charity (s) are taking shape. I'm so happy for his success. God has touched his life in an incredible way and I'm glad that he is able to show how he has grown and persevered through his faith in our glorious Father. Always good to hear good news. I get to see my Mommy in 2 days!!! I'm very excited, but I wish I were able to actually spend time with her while being stuck in court. Either way, God has answered both our prayers and at this point, I'll take 5 minutes in the prescence of a loved one, over anything else in this world. Even 5 bags of Grandma's cookies! ") Yes, I know I'm a smartass ! :) But ya love me! That's what sisters are for.

Thanks for your constant advice, encouragement and prayers. You're always so good at bringing tears to my eyes. Putting a smile on my face and peace to my ice cold heart. Lots of letters of faith, encouragement and even some laughs today. 28 of 30 were keepers. not bad at all. I'm thankful for 1 positive letter, especially if it's from my Cookie or my Momma. Thank you for reaching out to my folks. I know they'll appreciate your kind words and your prayers. I'm going to brief my Mom so she knows to expect it. She's great at sending thank you notes/cards/letters, but I must warn you, if she handwrites it and gets emotional, you many need a translator. Oh I miss her! She's down to 118 - 120, size 4 and hasn't been that tiny since just after I was born. So I'm going to tell her to wear something of mine to court on Friday. Lord knows she might be wearing my stuff anyway. Going from an 8-10 to a 4, big change. At least she's eating better and taking better care of herself. Cindy-Lou is a trooper! The boys says she looks great, which is a relief in itself. She's put her heart in God's hands, and He's definitely taking care of her. He is so good! <3
Your comment about the stools... HILARIOUS!! how did you know I would look? HaHa ! Good call. Mine are kind of tannish, with tons of red spots - juice stains from setting the untouched juice cartons on them. Whoops. Last night I made a little keepsake to take to court with me whenever I have to go. I grabbed one of my favorite pictures of Cays, taped it to a sheet of drawing paper and wrote Isaiah 40:31 on the back. My Mom sent me that scripture weeks back after I had mentioned it to her before. Instant comfort. I saw birds flying around outside the other day, and I only wish they were eagles or doves. To have that freedom, to be born to fly. If I could have one super power, that'd be it. What about you? Did you get an update on the Coleman brawl from your Dad? It was on the men's side. I went to ORMC, 8 total were injured. Of all the places in the state, that's your best bet, but how glorious would it be if the only place you ended up going was home? I will continue to pray that the only place you will go when you leave these walls is back home to your familia and your casa. And your darn skippy that we'll keep in touch! I'm with you on the Superbowl, as far as the Pats are concerned. Funny that the Steelers are considered the underdog this year. We'll see how the game goes on Sunday. I'm actually indifferent on where or not I watch - probably not. I'll catch up bit and pieces on radio if it comes down to it. I'm glad Shannon's situation didn't get blown to highly out of proportion. believe me, I was in tears when you told me. And on thing I hate more than being told what to do, is being repremanded. Did anyone talk to you about it? Not me. It seems to
have been pretty low-key. Hopefully. Stupid rats. It's one thing to tattle tale when it's something serious, but whatever. Jerks "Operation black book" is going well so far. Let's hope we can keep 'er quiet. "Operation green grasshopper" survived a longggg time. It wasn’t until the massacre of "Operation stupid teal linguistic book" took place that I ever doubted our system. We'll keep it sneaky-sneaky. Well, almost silently repremand us for gossiping. One way at looking at it. Have you finished that book yet? I'm really looking forward to Ray's second. Oh!!! And in that book you gave me last night, I have to show you - the author enclosed pictures from growing up, and he looks like someone I know all-too-well. Just wait! I showed Shannon last night and she cracked up! So whether you meant to or not, you brought me on heck of a laugh last night, besides you and your invisible step. :) I hope you get some quality time out. Even a few minutes are better than nothing! My pen keeps clogging and leading ... grrr I'll see you shortly! Dinner-time. uh, Yay
<3 ya mah sistah!
Jan. 25 2009
Hey sis! I'm glad you had a good visit today. I had a good talk with my boys last night - that's when I found out about my Dad, got updates about my Mom (she's going well) and heard about going to court on Friday. Joy at least I'll get to see my Momma. I'm excited. Did you hear about the riot at Coleman (the prison you were originally supposed to go to)? Boy, what a mess. It was all over the radio yesterday and I'm sure it will be again today. I'm so thankful that Jose came through for you and the Mike and Michelle agreed to take your case. They're very good friends of mine and they're working my case as well. Jose and Mike go way back - they both practiced in Miami before Jose moved up here. That's where we're hoping to have my trial, for numerous reasons, including the Walsh's and of course, sun and sand. I shaved my arms this morning and dude! I definitely could stand a little bit of color. Yikes! I'm not pasty, thank God, but I'm still pretty light. Oh well. White girl syndrome :) So the Superbowl is this weekend. I'd be more excited if there was a team I actually cared about. Arizona Cardinals and Pittsburg Steelers - ugh right. I told my brother I'm expecting an autograph or two. Lucky guy has been out there all month getting things set-up for his company. Who wouldn't want to be a project manager for the Biggest football game of the year? I sure would

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