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Page 228-229

Jan. 3

I’ve figured out why I get so emotional when I read your poems, journals, and letters.

They hit me like a tidal wave!​

Now don’t jump to any conclusions, just read the words again – can you picture it? A whole mass of words, fueled by such honest, raw emotion, they could steamroll a thousand people because those words, they hit you like a tidal wave, but in the best way possible! I’m talking about waves so strong that they not only soak your rolled up pant, but you get swept off your feet, left with the pleasure of knowing that you have been impacted by a great force. In those (sorry, stupid pen!) moments, you’re taken on the journey of a lifetime, one you want to hold onto with every ounce of strength because it feels so good! It feels so right! That tidal wave of words and emotions does so many unexplainable things, but most importantly … it touched my heart and it fires the very depths of my soul!

God has surely given you a gift, missy, and I’m always amazed, but never surprised by the talent that I see among so many other things. You are able to express feelings and thoughts that I can’t even begin to put into words, not written, nor spoken, and I swear, I know those are gifts that He too has given me! The thing is, the thing that stands out so clearly for me every single day, I can always rely on your words for comfort. Our Father doesn’t just speak to you, He speaks through you, and man! What an impact you have on me!

You are going to do great things my dear, such great things, and I pray that I will be able to witness [End page 228] them first-hand, each and every one!! : )

You are my sister in this life and every other. My cherished friend – my best friend … you truly have a remarkable soul! ♥

A point to ponder:

God’s love is like the waves – constant, steady, sure.
Every day we get a new wave of His mercy, grace, and love.

(Holley Gierth)[End page 229]
Page 230-231

[from side margin](Friday)

Hey sis! [dot on exclamation point is ♥]

I can’t wait to talk to you! I figured I’d still write in the mean time. Your court date is just around the corner. I’m so excited for you!! : ) I’m praying every day and every night that your happy butt will go home. Your miracle is just around the bend (I caught myself before I said ‘just around the corner’ again). Ha! I think I need a nap!

I tried to write my mom back tonight, but I couldn’t finish it. I can’t seem to find the words yet. I need to continue to pray about it. Every time I think about my Momma, I’m a wreck. I’m having a big problem though … and I know I’ll get to talk to you about it before you read this so use worrying! I’m going to keep my head glued to my Bible and to all positive things – letters, books, cards, etc. I miss my Caylee [End page 230] so much, : ( but knowing that she’s waiting for me in Heaven, :sigh: honestly, is a great relief. I can’t wait to see you with Josh and Maddy. I’m adopting them as my nephew and niece. : )

I already love them, your parents, and even that husband of yours, as I do my own family. You are one lucky girl! I’m happy that we’ve both been able to open up to the Chaplain. She is so full of encouragement and love, and I’m thankful for her growing friendship. God’s love is so incredible! They say that blood is thicker than water, and how true that is! The blood of Christ is streaming through our bodies. Our bond is unbreakable! My friend, my sister, I love you! Stay strong. Stay faithful. ♥ Here’s to a brand new year and brand new beginnings!

Man, those vent talkers! They’re in my prayers … (right after I wrote that, they stopped! How funny. : ) ) [End page 231]
Page 232-233

Hey girl!

I know you saw me earlier and I was pretty much a wreck. It’s been coming and going a lot, which I guess is normal. It seems to come much faster than go, but I’m coping nonetheless. Our talks help, more than you know, and writing has made it a lot easier to deal-with the multitude of emotions.

I’m so terrified that one day I’ll be asked how I got through all of this … not because I’m afraid that I won’t, but because I know that I will. Every morning I ask God to give me the strength to get through each day. Sometimes I have to ask more than once, but I get through it, whether I want to or not. I have faith … I always have faith. One day, hopefully soon, this trial will be over in my life, in yours as well, and we’ll be able to continue to praise God for walking with us along the way. I know I’ll have you to thank too! : )

It’s funny … somedays, I get so frustrated by the ignorance around us, and other days, like today, it just makes me laugh. Odd right? On my worst days, I could care less about the idiots around us, but on my better days, I’m so mad that they try to spoil it. Eh. One thing I’ve noticed though, they hate, and I mean absolutely hate to see us happy. Maybe because you and I are the minority, and not just because of the color of our skin. You’ve got class girlfriend, something all the dark chocolate around us is surely lacking. And our mutual friend … I pray that she can stay strong [End page 232] in her faith and overcome the obstacles in front of her. She may have changed, but she’s back her [sic] for a reason. Maybe it’s our joke to help her? We’re going great by helping each other. At least we both know that she’s willing to listen.

I’d honestly love to talk to those around us, and help them see the bigger picture. Part of me sees that being a big part of this, which is why, whether I’m having a good day or not, I need to remember to keep my head up and not take what they’re saying personally. They’re bullies, and bullies try to put people down to make themselves feel better.

I know better, and I’m going to try harder to keep the peace in my own heart, so I can focus on how to get through to our ever-growing number of neighbors. (I do miss the ones that could actually sing.) Oh well. Anyway … I hope you’re doing well love! Give your folks my best, when you can. I’m praying for them, and the munchkins. Even your hunky man! Does he have any cute brothers?? : ) Ha!

Here’s to hoping that we get a visit from Sandy Claus and maybe a gift or two. I’m almost hoping they hold all our mail on purpose till Thursday. The simple pleasures! Get lots of rest, eat plenty of junk, and keep on keepin’ on! ♥

♥ ya girl! I’m off to beddy-byes! Night! [End page 233]
Page 234-235

Well, you’re watching tv, you lucky, lucky soul! and I’m sitting here by my door, ready to scream!! I can’t seem to get over the level of immaturity and ignorance that surrounds us at every corner. Give me a break! It’s turned into the Loveline in the vents tonight. Seriously? It’s taking all of my strength not to bang my head against the door frame. Come back sis! My radio isn’t pulling it’s [sic] weight as of late. How depressing! I just can’t seem to listen for too long, without the yelling and squaking [sic] and silliness escalating above any normal level.

Dogs would hide their tiles between their legs after listening to all of this garbage at such ridiculous frequencies! Blah! How badly do you think I’d have to beg to get moved, or better yet, for us to be roomies? Granted, that might not work while we’re here … you and I, sharing two drawers? No way José! HaHa! Now, when we get our place, we both shall have disgusting big closets, and two very glorious bathrooms, and the finishing touch … the kitchen of all kitchens. Deal? Man! It’s not even two yet, but the annoying off-key singing, and over-the-top [End page 234] cursing is never-ending, or so it seems. Whose idea, whose bright ideas was it to partner all of the loudmouths up, together? (And Pear is dropping the N-word!) Ew! Make it stop! Please God, make it stop! I’m going to stop complaining, and patient await your return. Hurry up already. ; ) (just kidding!) I hope you get used to spending little time in this crap-hole, because girl, you’re going HOME! : )

I’ll see you soon!
♥ ya!

(after reading your letter, (Friday night – same night [arrow points to above] I couldn’t help but chuckle. We were both up snacking at all hours of the night! Silly : ) )

Page 236-237



Page 238-239



Page 240


Page 241

[I typed this from right side and then left side, as indicated by Casey’s numbering. This is the other side of the gingerbread men card.]

I found these cards and such in a book I was reading, and unfortunately I figured – Finder’s Keepers.

Is that wrong? They were in one of the new books on the book cart. (Shrugs) At least now, they’re being put to good use.

I’ve come to realize that I still draw like a 5-year-old, unless I have markers or sidewalk chalk. I know where my talents lay.

Better not open the envelope I gave you … it’s the closest thing to a present I can give ya. Besides a silly grin. : )

I wonder what the day is going to bring us on Thursday. Any ideas? As long as it’s not Mariah Carey, or her stupid “All I want for Christmas is you” song. Yuck!

I may just break down and listen to Christmas music. Surprisingly, I never do. Since (sorry) [arrow pointing to the comment about never listening to Christmas music] this year is so ‘unique’, maybe changing things up a bit might be … fun?

Did you ever wear or do you wear Christmas pjs? I do, every year. I miss my jammies. : ( What’s your fave Christmas memory??? ) ♥ ya [End page 241]
Page 242-243

Hello, Hello! I get so sad when you walk back upstairs! : ( Yes, I am officially a stalker (At least we can finally talk tomorrow. I’ve missed you! Hints why I’ve been writing so much … not that I have anything new to report – no news is good news, right? I hate sitting on the floor in here, although, it’s not quite as uncomfortable as hours of sitting on my bed. No matter how much booty one has, one can never have enough to double as a cushion.

So how are ya, love? Good, I hop! The clock is ticking and the days are breezing past. I hope you’re finding contentment and peace, even though I know you’re anxious. I’m right there with ya, but our prayers will prevail, for God has big and I mean B-I-G plans for you.

I heard our lovely “neighbors” chatting again today … the same lunacy and debauchery as usual. When I heard Pearl, or Karen, or whoever that was, claim that they will “beg” for forgiveness, I almost got excited. But, sadly, the words that followed showed the selfishness behind the words. The saddest part, years ago, I said the same thing (just goes to show that it’s not the “giving everything to God and asking forgiveness” that’s important, it’s the life-long journey, and the relationship that is key. Granted during the final days, yes that will probably be enough, but if we can change that, we will, right?

I really am thankful for this time of growth and reflection, even though I’m not always the best at showing it. I’m always good, for a sincere thank you, but I know in my heart that’s not enough. I’m just glad that He knows my heart, even if I can’t verbalize what I’m feeling. If only that were true for all men (and women alike). We would have less enemies, maybe.

I came to a realization earlier, and I apologize if I talk about this, and you’re also stuck regarding it : ) but here goes! You’ve been blessed with a very powerful gift – for you are able to bare your soul, especially in your writing. I continue to pray that God will give you the strength to continue to use that gift, and that you may also embrace the many others you have been given. It’s funny, the song goes “I get it from my Mama” but really, we get everything from our Daddy! : ) [End page 242]

Wish we were able to share a common space right now, but maybe it’s best that we’re separated. We may never get any sleep otherwise! I’m so jealous of the trouble-makers around us who get into fights constantly, curse each other out, and the officers, they constantly misbehave, yet, they get that constant “comfort” of a “friend.” The silver-lining … our friendship is Real, and we genuinely care about one another. Plus, we know that we are never alone, because we have Him to depend on. How good is our God! He is my Daddy, not just my Lord and my Savior. He is so much more!

I’m going to let myself get caught up in some good tv. I need some outside drama to drown out all of the chicas around us! Blah!

♥ ya sis! Mucho Mucho! [End page 243]
Page 244-245

Hey sis! So I started reading this book, The Art of Writing, and not even 6 pages in, I got an epiphany. Crazy, huh? My book, or my journals (I’m not quite sure what I want to do with them yet), I’m going to label “it/them” – A Daily Confession (or Daily Confessions). The more I’ve been writing lately, the more it feels like I’m confessing not just my thoughts, but every single emotion that I have inside of me. I’m one of those people, who if I dwell on something I tend not to remember what it is I’m looking for, but in those moments of meditation, prayer, or while engulfing myself in yet another piece of literature, it slaps me in the face (usually in the most gentle way). : )

I’m having one of those days where all I want to do is glue my ear-plugs to my head, grab any and every snack in sight and just vege-out. With the constant uproar of “emotions” around us, it’s hard not to want to escape into our own safe little world(s). The more I think about going home, the more I’m comforted. Every day I wonder how God can fill me with such strength, to wake up, eat, sleep (soundly), make my bed, read, and write, in a calm and quiet manor [sic]. I’m constantly encouraged by my prayers for you and the fam and for my family.

Knowing that our families are continuing to grow, no matter the trials in our lives, it’s remarkable! To be able to smile every day, and to be able to laugh even after [b[every thing[/b] that has happened … how can we not be grateful to the endless love that He has given us? Every single day I pray for the end of this journey, for our miracles, but I’ve realized something. We’re on two journeys at the same time – our growth with Christ, and the true end of our old lives. We have been born again, my sister, and man! does it feel good! : ) I can’t wait for you to go home! Yes, I’ll be lonely here without you, but knowing that you’re happy, suits me just fine! Something that I’ve been pondering and it’s sitting pretty clearly in my mind – I guess my heart finally decided to share.

As long as you are close to my heart, nothing can break that bond, that love. No matter how many miles are between us, we can and will overcome, anything and everything in our [last line is cut off] [End page 244]

Family is family.

Keep Clay close to your heart.
Don’t ever give up hope!
God’s love will get us through it all.
His love is unconditional.
He feels your pain, your sorrow; for your pain, your sorrow is His pain and His sorrow.
Your tears are His tears.
When you’re laughing, He is laughing too.

What comfort! What love!

I love you, my friend, my sister.

We’ll make it through this, and we will achieve greatness. For He has given us both a great power and it will not be wasted!

Ciao! [the dot on the “i” is a ♥]

(Can you start smuggling me some toilet paper? I hate running out and not having a back-up! HaHa!) [End page 245]

Page 246-247


Page 248-249

[Date at top of letter] 1/25/09

By George! Las chicas are too loud! If only there was a max. volume button one could press or a mute button, so at any given moment, it could be completely silent in here. Most of our neighbors need tranquilizers. Ha! Sorry … I’m being silly. I didn’t get to watch my stories today, thanks to someone randomly sitting in there for 3 hours. Boo. Two days in a row no stories. Oh well. I wish I would have gone in anyway because of a stupid tour group that came through. I could do without “there’s Casey Anthony” comments for the rest of my life. Blah. A bunch of stupid high school kids who were overly immature, but it’s not just them. I’d expect them to be stuck in the “celebrity” hoopla, but it’s been even worse when adults have come through. For some reason, I’m interesting to people? Eh? Whatev.

I don’t need or want the attention, but when I’m thrust into it within the next few months, I’ll be sure to glorify God with every smile that sweeps across my face and with every word that I speak. Take that America! I kid. : )

Oh I wish we could take more. I miss my friend! I’m trying to manage a plan to get my butt upstairs, but someone always ends up taking my spot in 20. Part of Sgt. Richardson’s idea was to put me in one of the corners, but the most logical corners would be 20/21 or 32, that way I’m right next to the staircase. I heard someone say when I’m the only PC left, I can go wherever I want. Why not now? You’re the reason I want to move. I’ll figure [End page 248] something out. I can be reasonably creative sometimes.

I haven’t heard anything about my family today via la radio, thankfully, except talk of a Caylee Tribute doll and some hick from Louisiana selling 3 voodoo dolls on Ebay. Guess who it’s supposed to be? José told me last night that he already hired me another attorney to deal with those lings (sigh). Another day, another series of rumors and ridiculousness. The life of a celebrity, huh? Right. If only I were old and ugly, they wouldn’t care. Sad that those words have come from people in the media, not just me. And I guess stupid (bleep bleep) Nancy Grace was on The View talking about me. Really? What a joke! Crazy ***** will have the lawsuits of a lifetime, really, only in hopes of getting her kicked off tv. Yes, I’m a *****. Ya blame me? Nah. I really hope we can talk tonight but it’s so hard to mouth something coherent in steady rhythms. We will have our letters though.

How’s the fam? Are things better with the madre and padre? How are the munchkins? And any word on Clay? Is he supposed to be going to Coleman or somewhere else? And (last question) is he going to retain an attorney to appeal his plea? I think he should.

Oh! Have you heard about the recalls on peanut butter? I’m tossing my PB cookies. Scary stuff! Many companies including Little Debbie, Peter Pan and other cracker companies are recommending that we don’t consume any peanut butter products until they are able to test them and rule out salmonela [sic] and some other contagious viruses. Not good!

I’m going to stop for now and try to have Shannon hand this off. ♥ ya1 See ya later love! : )

[On side margin] *numero* *dos* [End page 249]
Page 250-251

SO the weather’s crappy and it’s creepy and dark. I’m not quite sure why, but I hate the way the common area looks on a stormy day. It seems to make this place even quieter and even more depressing. Boo.

I stayed up almost all night reading, maybe getting a combined 6 hours of sleep since breakfast. I’m starting to get nervous about going to court tomorrow, not that I should be. The motions we filed are routine and nothing to get my insides all silly, but the idea of seeing my Mom in person, for the first time in over 3 ½ months, I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep tonight. I’m glad that I’ll get to see my boys later on, most likely with a message from my Mom, including an update on my Dad. And if it wasn’t for the Big Dance this weekend, I’d expect to see my brother as well. That’s the only thing I have to look forward to tomorrow – definitely not leaving here and being gawked at, and obviously being in front of a camera is the last thing I want, let alone knowing I’ll be one of the major stories as of tomorrow morning / afternoon and evening. I kept praying that someone would change the station last night and that I wouldn’t have to see my mug on the tube. And big surprise, my ex-fiancé was featured again. Really? Some man of God! I got God’s message last night though – I need to forgive Jesse for being a “creep” and for taking advantage of Caylee and I yet again. I’ve forgiven him, but I will never forget how he treated her and I before and I will never forget him trying to capitalize [End page 250] off of us now. Everyone sees him for the joke that he is and he has no one to blame but himself, but of course, the idiots in the media love a controversy. Idiots. God is on my side and that knowledge will continue to fuel my fire. The lamp of my body is my eyes, and I’m seeing things clearer than ever before. Ugh! And you know what really stinks? My period has been totally irregular, meaning never-ending. One day one [sic], one day off. My *advertiser censored* are still sore. : ( Always have the best cleavage during that special time those [sic], even if my tummy is achy and bloaty. The joys of being a woman.

You know what I just thought about? You’ll laugh at me, but do you think the men’s toilets are as low as ours? If so, I wouldn’t brag about how great it is to pee standing up! At least we have our privacy. So what if someone sees me sitting? At least they can’t tell the difference between my actions. : ) Ah yes, I’m cuckoo for cocoa puffs and in need of a nice hot shower, a massage, and a nice, long, nap. 2 out of 3 isn’t so bad. Pray that I can sleep tonight and that I look fabulous tomorrow! Yikes! The demons in this place are running rampid [sic] today! This place terrifies me. No doubt about it. It’s time for my shower. Ciao Cookie! ♥ ya! [End page 251]
Page 252-253

Hey girl. I wouldn’t have held off writing a day or so, but I needed to collect my thoughts. The past couple of days have not been good, to say the least. I’m not sure if you heard about my Dad or not; it’s been all over the radio, and I know that everything has been bouncing around every station. I can’t believe that he tried to take his own life! What is he thinking??? There’s something else going on and I don’t like the feeling that I’ve had since I found out yesterday morning (Friday morning). Sorry, but why did I choose to write now? It was so quiet for all of 3 minutes. All of a sudden the monkeys started throwing poo all over again. Why can’t we order earplugs? Ugh! I miss you sis! I wish we could talk directly. You’re going through so much yourself and I hate seeing the fear in your eyes when you walk downstairs. How are you holding up? In the midst off [sic] all of my grief and horror, you’re still on my mind and practically the center of my prayers. What can I do to help you? There are so many unknowns in both of our lives, I don’t even know where to start. I hate this place and I dispise [sic] every moment I’m here, but I know that I still have a few more months (easily) to deal with all of the B.S. going on outside these protective walls. We’ll both be home soon, but not before another trial or two in both of our lives. If it wasn’t for God, I wouldn’t be here. The enemy continues to attack, and I almost give in to my tears and my weakness. You ever thought about just giving up? Yeah, I know you have. We’ve talked about it many times. I’ve felt that too many times but I thankfully keep coming back to God. I wonder daily how I’m going to deal with the next fit of drama, and that stupid cliché runs through my head – what doesn’t kill me will make me stronger. I hate those words, I truly do. When are we going to sit on the beach, drinking cocktails, and planning our future business? I can’t wait for that day, and I know that it will come soon enough. In the mean time pray that I find patience. I love you, sis! Keep your head up and read Job 23. I read it yesterday and your name swept through my mind. HaHa! [End page 252]

Saturday January 24 ♥ [End page 253]

Page 254-257

January 27, 2009

Hello Cookie Dear! : )

Yes, that’s your new nickname. Just ‘Cookie’ is much better than ‘Cookie Monster’. You’ve called me ‘Muffin’. What an attachment to food we both have! Guilty as charged! So I was trying to fall back asleep after breakfast and a book idea came to mind. I’m think of a partial memior [sic] / comedy relationship advice for those not in the know. I’ll keep praying about it and see how God feels. It’s a way to settle many rumors and to share my insights about love, life and most importante [sic] – God. Who knows! I got another letter from my friend Ray, the author of the book I let you borrow. He finished his second volume of his memior [sic] – Stronger Than Ever – and his contract has been extended so that he will be able to write more books, and continue to share his stories. And, his charity(s) are taking shape. I’m so happy for his success. God has touched his life in an incredible way, and I’m glad that he is able to show how he has grown and perservered [sic] through his faith in our glorious Father. Always good to hear good news! I get to see my Mommy in 2 days!!! I’m very excited, but I wish I were able to actually spend time with her while being stuck in court. Either way, God has answered both our prayers and at this point, I’ll take 5 minutes in the prescence [sic] of a loved one, over anything else in this world. Even 5 bags of Grandma’s cookies. : ) Yes, I know I’m a smartass. : ) But ya love me! That’s what sisters are for! [End page 254]

Thanks for your constant advice, encouragement and prayers. You’re always so good at bringing tears to my eye, putting a smile on my face, and peace to my ice-cold heart. Lots of letters of faith, encouragement, and even some laughs today. 28 of 30 were keepers. Not bad at all. I’m thankful for 1 positive letter, especially if it’s from my Cookie or my Momma. Thank you for reaching out to my folks. I know they’ll appreciate your kind words and your prayers. I’m going to brief my Mom so she knows to expect it. She’s great at sending thank you notes / cards / letters, but I must warn you, if she handwrites it, and gets emotional, you may need a translator. Oh I miss her! She’s down to 118-120, size 4 and hasn’t been that tiny since just after I was born. So I’m going to tell her to wear something of mine to court on Friday. Lord knows she might be wearing my stuff anyway. Going from an 8-10 to a 4, big change. At least she’s eating better and taking better care of herself. Cindy-Lou is a trooper! The boys say she looks great, which is a relief in itself. She’s put her heart in God’s hands, and He’s definitely taking care of her. He is SO GOOD! ♥

Your comment about the stools … HILARIOUS! How did you know I would look? HaHa! Good call! Mine are kind of tannish, with tons of red spots – juice stains from setting the untouched juice carton on them. Whoops. Last night I made a little keepsake to [End page 255] take to court with me whenever I have to go. I grabbed one of my favorite pictures of Cays, taped it to a sheet of drawing paper and wrote Isaiah 40:31 on the back. My Mom sent me that scripture weeks back after I had mentioned it to her before. Instant comfort. I saw birds flying around outside the other day and I only wish they were eagles or doves. To have that freedom, to be born to fly. If I could have one super power, that’d be it. What about you? Did you get an update on the Coleman brawl from your Dad? It was on the men’s side. 7 went to ORMC, 8 total were injured. Of all the places in the state, that’s your best bet, but how glorious would it be if the only place you ended up going was home? I will continue to pray that the only place you will go when you leave these walls is back home to your familia and your casa. And your [sic] darn skippy that we’ll keep in touch! I’m with you on the Super Bowl, as far as the Pats are concerned. Funny that the Steelers are considered the underdog this year. We’ll see how the games goes on Sunday. I’m actually indifferent on whether or not I watch – probably not. I’ll catch bits and pieces via radio if it comes down to it. I’m glad Shannon’s situation didn’t get blown to [sic] highly out of proportion. Believe me, I was in tears when you told me. And one thing I hate more than being told what to do, is being repremanded [sic]. Did anyone talk to you about it? Not me. It seems to [End page 256] have been pretty low-key … hopefully. Stupid rats. It’s one thing to tattle-tale when it’s something serious, but whatev. Jerks. “Operation black book” is going well so far. Let’s hope we can keep ‘er quiet. “Operation green grasshopper” survived a longgggg time. It wasn’t until the massacre of “Operation stupid teal linguistic book” took place that I ever doubted our system. We’ll keep it sneaky-sneaky and if all else fails – Deny, Deny, Deny! God is watching over us, and He found a way to silently, well almost silently, repremand [sic] us for gossiping. One way of looking at it. Have you finished that book yet? I’m really looking forward to Ray’s second. Oh!!! And in that book you gave me last night, I have to show you – the author enclosed pictures from growing up, and he looks like someone I know all-too-well. Just wait! I showed Shannon last night and she cracked up! So whether you meant to or not, you brought me one heck of a laugh last night, besides you and your invisible step. : ) I hope you get some quality time out. Even a few minutes are better than nothing! My pen keeps clogging and leaking … grrr. I’ll see you shortly! Dinner-time. Uh, yay. [smirky smilie]

♥ ya mah sistah!

Page 258

[At top of page] Jan. 25 2009

Hey sis! I’m glad you had a good visit today. I had a good talk with my boys last night – that’s when I found out about my Dad, got updates about my Mom (she’s doing well) and heard about going to court on Friday. Joy. At least I’ll get to see my Momma. I’m excited. : )

Did you hear about the riot at Coleman (the prison you were originally supposed to go to)? Boy, what a mess. It was all over the radio yesterday and I’m sure it will be again today. I’m so thankful that José came through for you and that Mike and Michelle agreed to take your case. They’re very good friends of mine and they’re working on my case as well. José and Mike go way back – they both practiced in Miami before José moved up here. That’s where we’re hoping to have my trial, for numerous reasons – very little media exposure, lots of additional resources, including the Walsh’s, [sic] and of course, sun and sand. I shaved my arms this morning and dude! I definitely could stand a little bit of color. Yikes! I’m not pasty, thank God, but I’m still pretty light. Oh well. White girl syndrome. : )

So the Super Bowl is this weekend. I’d be more excited if there was a team I actually cared about. Arizona Cardinals and Pittsburg Steelers – ugh, right. I told my brother I’m expecting an autograph or two. Lucky guy has been out there all month getting things set-up [sic] for his company. Who wouldn’t want to be a project manager for the Biggest football game of the year? I sure would. [End page 258. End letter?]

Page 259-269

Duplicates of pages 1-11.
BUMPING... in case anyone find the handwritten letters hard to read, many of them have been transcribed in this thread.
Ahhhh Sun... even transcribed, I still find them hard to read. Or maybe I mean "hard to stomach." Yes, that is more precise.

To denjet and NoWay, many many thanks for all your hard work (and stomachs of steel)!
Thanks for bumping these letters up for us.

I had forgotton just how warped Casey is in her writings.

Saying how much she misses her "Momma" and how she can hardly wait to see her "Momma" in court, etc. Then, totally blowing her parents off when they are there !

The best is her talking of "her boys", and hooking Cookie up with them, and then of course, wanting the trial in Miami.
Sand and sun!!!

Is she kidding or really flipping out of her mind???
Does she honestly think that she is going to be given some beach time during the trial, IF it were to have been moved???

I'll go back and start at the beginning tonight - Will make for a good read since we are getting snowed in.
Thanks again.
I wish I had found this thread sooner! I just read some of the letters on docstoc and now I'm seeing double.

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