Remains found confirmed as Jacob Wetterling/Suspect led LE to Remains #1

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Oh do I ever agree with this! The facts are that this is so true it's borne out again and again. Well into their 80s, these types continue to offend over and over again.

No, as for this guy there is absolutely no way I'm believing this was it for him. It might have been it in that area but if I was working this case I would want to know ANYWHERE that this man had connections in childhood, former friends and hangouts where he spent any length of time.

I was a young man when all this started and he was out of control. OUT of control. There is so much to be learned from this case. But I would start with a detailed accounting of his whereabouts for his whole life.

The thing here is that he is VERY age specific in choosing his victims. Right down to actually asking them how old they are and picking among the boys in preference.

If I were LE I'd be looking at every cold case in nine states around there where a boy specifically that age has gone missing. This was a big, powerful man in his day, looks like he still is. This whole thing is just amazing.

(And he fits the geographic profiling perfectly). So much to learn. It's the only good that will ever come out of this.

I completely agree with this! I can bet there are more young boys missing or abused. I've never believed a person can be rehabilitated when they do things like this.
In fact, many images shared by these monsters are not of abused children. They will get photos of kids from any source, including social media.

Thanks for posting.

"Senior investigator at the eSafety Commissioner, Toby Dagg, said that on one site with at least 45 million images "about half the material appeared to be sourced directly from social media" and clearly labelled in folders as images from Facebook, or other social sites like Kik, with one folder called "Kik girls". Another was labelled "My daughter's Instagram friends"."


"The Children's eSafety Commissioner, Alastair MacGibbon, said his investigators have found sites containing child exploitation material where innocent images were presented in folders named thematically, such as "kids at beach", "nice boys play in river", "gymnasts".

"Many users clearly identify that they have obtained the content through trawling social media accounts. The images are almost always accompanied by highly explicit and very disturbing user comments. Often, users exchange email addresses with invitations to connect outside the site to trade content," he said."
In fact, many images shared by these monsters are not of abused children. They will get photos of kids from any source, including social media.

"A 2013 investigation uncovered one site with about 100 images, including photos of kids on holiday, doing homework, and opening Christmas presents. "Families – very innocently – maintain blogs where they catalogue every aspect of their children's lives, with no security against these obsessive efforts to obtain content. Within 10 days of being uploaded, the content had been viewed 1.7 million times and comments had been posted that explicitly sexualised the material," Mr MacGibbon said.

Cyber-safety expert Susan McLean said parents were often less educated about online safety than their children.

"When you post anything online, does not matter where it is, you have lost control of it. Over-sharing parents are a concern because they have no idea about where these [images] go and many parents do not lock their accounts down in the same way kids do," Ms McLean said.*

"It does not matter how innocent the photo is, if your child has got what a predator is looking for, they will take that photo.""
Just reported on WCCO that Jacob was buried 1 1/2 miles from where DH lived in 1989.

The first thing I thought when I heard about the remains is that it must be somewhere he's familiar with to be able to somewhat easily lead them there. Disgusting. I am a bit surprised they aren't doing anymore digging or searching at the location right now.


The penalty for possessing child *advertiser censored* is not life in prison, though. It's listed as 5 years + a $5,000 fine here:*advertiser censored*-laws.html

I'm sure that the quoted defense attorney knows more than I do, but it seem to me that they've got to have more than that going on. Maybe they'll charge him with lesser degree murder (manslaughter?) or something to result in a life sentence?

I think it's 5 years for each charge. And he's charged with 25 counts.

Just reading DH's background infuriates me. Seems him and his older brother were molested by a guy Mom dated, so thanks Mom for allowing your kids to be abused. That guy was a super perv his name was Duane Hart. Cannot believe Mom did not catch on to the pervert she was dating. This is why I am single after my divorce 3 years ago My kids are 11 and 8 and very few men I trust around my kids. Did Duane Hart molest the youngest brother too? Family dynamics are so screwed up. Nobody puts their kids first anymore.

I am angry at everything esp the DH. I wonder if Jacobs brother and friend yearn to have some poetic justice done to him. I know I would.

I think it's a big of a stretch to say NOBODY puts their kids first anymore. I'm sure many of us here do.
I think the best we can hope for now is to find out that Jacob fought back and was killed (quickly) during the abduction BEFORE Heinrich had a chance to sexually assault him.
I never thought this would happen.
I honestly thought he would never be found.
Rest in peace Jacob """closure, sadness """
I don't cry much but when I saw Jacob "trending" on my facebook this morning, clicked on the story and found out...
tears tears tears...
Gives me hope that maybe someday the Johnny Gosch case will solved.

I hope it was over quick for Jacob.
Thoughts and candles also for the other victims of this person, and the other accused, What a true nightmare, all because of one person's evil decision.
I have been following this case for a long time, and it came up on my FB newsfeed yesterday that Jacob's remains have been found. This surely wasn't the way I wanted this to end, deep down I knew he was probably not alive, but I really didn't think after 27 years his remains would be found. Prayers to the Wetterling family.
:bump: for thenotebook

Hmmm, but just realized it doesn't have the site where he was found. Perhaps somebody else has a map to help out that has that also.

Don't have the quotes,but I think they want it to be unknown. They were there digging days before anyone knew . The farmer that owns,the land does not want his name known.

With all,of,the crazy stories that were out,there, I can see some nut jobs going out there.
Someone must have known that he did this. It will be interesting to see if anyone else in implicated.
I hope that, as part of the plea deal, he revealed exactly what happened that night. I think that may help facilitate closure for the parents. The idea of not knowing what happened to your child is horrific.
I cant believe that this dumb *advertiser censored* was able to pull this off by himself. He used the same m.o. on all his other attacks and doesn't strike me as one who could improvise once his plans went awry.
I just watched the Johnny Gosch documentary on Netflix the night before last. What timing. There is a real problem with pedophilia and child *advertiser censored*. It said about .5% of the population has pedophilia. that is 1 in 200 people. These people come from all walks of life. Some are coaches, teachers, doctors. Some women marry these men. The children in these images are victims and many go on to abuse as well. It's a non stop cycle. I read Noreens book years ago and there are some pretty outlandish claims in it, some not mentioned in the film. I am not sure i believe Noreen when she claims Johnny visited her (I think it was 1996).

I was surprised to learn Paul Bonacci is married with kids. He is a pedophile. I realize he was a victim too but why would any woman marry a guy like him and have kids with him? Seems like law enforcement never much believed his claims on Johnny and the Franklin Credit union people.
If they found the clothes along with the remains, it seems likely that he was killed shortly after the abduction. Just speculation. Also interesting that they didn't find anything in Heinrich's place that tied him to Jacob.
Thanks for posting.

"Senior investigator at the eSafety Commissioner, Toby Dagg, said that on one site with at least 45 million images "about half the material appeared to be sourced directly from social media" and clearly labelled in folders as images from Facebook, or other social sites like Kik, with one folder called "Kik girls". Another was labelled "My daughter's Instagram friends"."


"The Children's eSafety Commissioner, Alastair MacGibbon, said his investigators have found sites containing child exploitation material where innocent images were presented in folders named thematically, such as "kids at beach", "nice boys play in river", "gymnasts".

"Many users clearly identify that they have obtained the content through trawling social media accounts. The images are almost always accompanied by highly explicit and very disturbing user comments. Often, users exchange email addresses with invitations to connect outside the site to trade content," he said."


Wow. We all need to read this a few times and let it really sink in. It isn't just "explicit" images these creeps are getting their jollies from, but regular, everyday images that many, many parents don't even think twice about posting.

Just think of a photo of your child doing something totally normal being used by these guys to get off.

I know they can get an image anywhere (magazines, catalogs, yearbooks), but we don't have to hand it to them!

To be honest, Human. I am a bit heartbroken. I have been out for the last couple of days and just learned the news this morning. I had some hope he was alive somewhere.

You really put your heart and expertise into trying to help. Continue on with your work . So important. As you know. :star:
"Heinrich, 53, of Annandale, denied any involvement in the abduction, and was not charged with that crime. But he has pleaded not guilty to 25 federal child *advertiser censored* charges and is scheduled to go on trial on those counts in October.

The FBI has said previously that Heinrich matched the general description of a man who assaulted several boys in Paynesville from 1986 to 1988. Earlier this year, Heinrich's DNA was found on the sweatshirt of a 12-year-old boy who was kidnapped from Cold Spring and sexually assaulted just nine months before Jacob's abduction.

Heinrich was questioned by authorities shortly after Jacob's disappearance, but he denied involvement. Court documents say his shoes and car tires were "consistent" with tracks left near the site of Jacob's abduction, but couldn't be ruled an exact match. Authorities also searched the home where Heinrich lived with his father at the time and found scanners, camouflage clothing and a picture of a boy wearing underwear."

Yeah, I knew why he'd been arrested last fall, but I was surprised to see that he had been arrested and released long ago without enough evidence to charge him on JW. I didn't realize they had (sort of) matched tire tracks and shoe prints to him back then. Thanks for the info.

I bet having this website around in 89 would have helped solve this case faster.
Yeah, I knew why he'd been arrested last fall, but I was surprised to see that he had been arrested and released long ago without enough evidence to charge him on JW. I didn't realize they had (sort of) matched tire tracks and shoe prints to him back then. Thanks for the info.

I bet having this website around in 89 would have helped solve this case faster.

There is a book by WS sleuther ELOC soul known as Robert
Dudley on Amazon that has all of this info. The money does not go to him. He is the one who found,the notes about,Heinrich. Notes that were thought to be lost.
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