Remains found confirmed as Jacob Wetterling/Suspect led LE to Remains #2

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The jacket and other things could have been moved around over the last 25 years by any number of reasons. Animals, tree roots, flooding, shifting soil, ect.

He said he threw the shoes into a ravine. Looking at a map of the area that was probably from the bridge on old HWY 23 into the North fork Crow River. They probably weren't there long and there world be no reason for anyone to be down there let alone thinking finding a pair of shoes would mean anything.

Remember, Paynesville is 30 miles away from where the abduction occurred and that specific area is very rural. I doubt that area was heavily searched like the area around St. Joseph was.

I lived 3 1/2 hours away from the abduction site, and even I was looking in ditches and ravines. Everyone in Minnesota was searching for clues. His story doesn't make sense to me.
Can someone tell me the exact address where Jacob's remains were recovered? Thank you in advance.
The guy in the video who is being interviewed re the farm is Voss

This answered the questions that I had and that I've seen asked.
He specifies that he left Jacob and walked home, before returning later to bury him.
He specified what happened with Jared's assault.

ALSO on page 37-38 it was made clear that his sentence was almost DOUBLED.
For the charge he pled to he would have gotten 120 months.
They enhanced his sentence because of his confession in Jared and Jacobs cases.
So he got 240 months instead.
That was a very informational read.
The podcast is really good, just made me sad again! :(

jmo :moo:
I lived 3 1/2 hours away from the abduction site, and even I was looking in ditches and ravines. Everyone in Minnesota was searching for clues. His story doesn't make sense to me.

My only point is that a lot of these things can be easily explained. And no matter how much anyone thinks his story doesn't make sense, that's the story he told and that's all we're ever going to get, unless he decides to talk some more, which is doubtful.
The news reporting of this was awful and really not consistent with the transcript, glad we have it ! Thanks.

That's what happens when your only source are reporters in the court room going off notes and memory and reporters live tweeting what they think they're hearing on a live feed of the court room.
On page 28 of DH transcript. He says he walked, at night, to the original gravesite with a garbage bag and a trench digger. It was then he saw Jacobs shiny jacket, so he decided to move his grave? Did I miss something? Because it makes no sense to take a walk in the dark with a garbage bag and a tool to dig a grave.

I know we all understandably want finality to this narrative, but I agree that this and other things lead me to conclude that this confession was incomplete and not entirely accurate.
I listened to the first two eps of the podcast, again it is really about the investigation not the crime, the biggest thing is how many people who lived in the street saw something that night and before, but claim to not have been interviewed by the police, or not that night or next day.

Though, so far there is nothing that would have changed the events that night ... not considering it was 1989 and Amber alerts, social networks, etc weren't around.

I also noticed, while reading the search warrant docs, that when they interviewed Heinreich after Jacob was missing, he gave them an alibi. From the docs, it doesn't sound like they checked it out. The trick is to interview again and again, both the suspect and anyone he mentions in his alibi. Investigate alibis thoroughly.

I notice this, too, with some cold cases, where LE have some good tips, but they just put out information to the news media asking for help. They should be going back to all the old witnesses, friends, etc. and interview again and again. Re-check the alibis. Ask more questions.
I agree 100%. Considering everything that has been discussed here, Jacob is home and now the only logical way is forward from here. That forward motion simply must include a detailed discussion on possible unknown victims.

I haven't caught up with the thread yet, but I suggest that maybe another thread be set up for possible other victims of the monster.
On page 28 of DH transcript. He says he walked, at night, to the original gravesite with a garbage bag and a trench digger. It was then he saw Jacobs shiny jacket, so he decided to move his grave? Did I miss something? Because it makes no sense to take a walk in the dark with a garbage bag and a tool to dig a grave.

I tend to think that he didn't keep the shoes because he figured he would be visited by the police. If the shoes were in the ravine, might he have gone back and didn't find them? My speculation is that he was going back for a trophy because a year had passed and he collected trophies. If he continued to share the details of this murder and his life, I would venture to guess that we would see him evolve as a ritualized person who stalked at night.
My only point is that a lot of these things can be easily explained. And no matter how much anyone thinks his story doesn't make sense, that's the story he told and that's all we're ever going to get, unless he decides to talk some more, which is doubtful.

Speaking for myself, I think I rehash and keep going over the same information and details because somehow it keeps Jacob alive.
I also noticed, while reading the search warrant docs, that when they interviewed Heinreich after Jacob was missing, he gave them an alibi. From the docs, it doesn't sound like they checked it out. The trick is to interview again and again, both the suspect and anyone he mentions in his alibi. Investigate alibis thoroughly.

I notice this, too, with some cold cases, where LE have some good tips, but they just put out information to the news media asking for help. They should be going back to all the old witnesses, friends, etc. and interview again and again. Re-check the alibis. Ask more questions.

In the press conference after the guilty plea in court, one oft he principles described the monster as volatile in ways that conjured visions of what an interview would be like: simmering anger and clamming up when things got hot. I think that is exactly what happened because the monster realized that they did not have enough evidence to charge him. For a man who stated that he panicked when he saw the police vehicle, he was incredibly lucky as there was no real physical evidence, no dan evidence and no witness. What are the chances? But all the angles went his way on this. He had no close relationships so he didn't share anything. He was aware that he was doing nothing "arrest able" when he was caught cruising. Again, he had great luck. Or, was he more highly planned as to evidence and paths for abductions. Unfortunately, we will never probably hear from him again. I hope his other victims will share their experiences so LE can learn more about other unknown victims. And, we will be left to conjecture.
They had shoe prints, not foot prints. Shoe prints are not unique because a lot of people can have the same shoes.

He knows what they are. He's been intimately involved in the discussion of the tracks in the relevant thread in this subforum.
The news reporting of this was awful and really not consistent with the transcript, glad we have it ! Thanks.

Many people don't realize this, but typing a transcript from real world conversations is hard and many people just can't do it. I suspect that's what happened with the reporters. (I'm the person who types the transcripts of our board meetings at work.)

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Speaking for myself, I think I rehash and keep going over the same information and details because somehow it keeps Jacob alive.

Perhaps I thought this would give me closure, and I would bring me a sense of relief. But all of this just makes me feel horrible inside. Almost worse. I can't wrap my brain around any of this. How could this brazen hot headed creepy pedophile walk the streets of Minnesota for 27 years. It scares me knowing these monsters walk among us.

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