I agree, and as I said before: LE are bureaucrats, they are busy with numerous cases and new ones coming in every day. In the end, even detectives work a "9 to 5" job, are seldom emotionally involved, whereas criminals are at it 24 hrs/day, incl. weekends! So, there is a place for amateur sleuths (like here) as long as you get out there and run down leads without tainting any evidence. Then, should you have a sympathetic LE investigator, who really hate intervention from the public but if presented in a way that doesn't waste their time or indicate overstepping boundaries (like breaking the law by trespassing, etc.) then some cold cases may yet get solved. In the Wetterling case, Patty stated during the press conference the other day that web Blogger Joy Baker was "absolutely pivotal" in her research that led LE to link all the previous Assaults, Jared, and the DNA match to Heinrich. From there, police interrogation got Heinrich to disclose his killing and burying of Jacob, essentially closing all these cases.