Reported/Possible sightings of Elizabeth and/or Gabriel from 12/18 to 12/30

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I made another thread for the nearby laundromat locations here:
[ame=""]Sightings subthread - locations near the Laundromat - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Just making it easier to keep track of what we've got. We can keep discussions here, and just put locations in that thread.

We can create more threads for locations near the other sighting spots where we end up with a lot of them.
Jack in the Box
10683 Huebner Rd Ste 101
San Antonio, TX 78240

Is this the confirmed address of the Jack in the Box restaurant she was seen at?

Is this the confirmed address of the Jack in the Box restaurant she was seen at?


Yes, confirmed for the ones I posted for Jack in the Box, Subway, and library. Sorry. I forgot to mark them as from MissingGabe. I'll edit my post. Thanks for poking me :)
So we've possibly got a siting of EJ in the parking lot of the Homegate on the 25th with the couple and HG and a siting the same day at the Jack In the Box restaurant that is quite close to the hotel. Is it possible that they all met in the parking lot of the hotel before going out for dinner on the 25th to discuss all the particulars and that the actual hand off was more like what EJ described, in her room on the 26th? Or maybe not at the hotel at all but somewhere near that laundromat?
Other than the hair salon and the laundromat, the confirmed sitings seem to be in locations as close to the hotel as possible so it doesn't appear as though EJ was wandering around outside of the general vicinity of the hotel much. If she was familiar with the Guys and Dolls hair salon chain and used them in AZ, then perhaps she just googled it and the location that she went to is the first one that comes up so perhaps that was the first one she called to make an appointment?
McQueary has talked to several witnesses who spotted and even talked to Johnson when she was in San Antonio; however, in most of those sightings, Gabriel wasn't with her. "Either somebody was watching Gabriel, or , you know, I don't want to think about her leaving Gabe by himself, but she has done it in the past," said McQueary

She has left Gabriel by himself before?? I didn't even want to think about that as a possibility but I wonder if the times she was seen without Gabriel were in the middle of the day-nap time.
TX...this is kinda the way I was leaning is that she left him by himself during nap times. When my grandson was younger, up to about 9 months or so, he literally had to sleep in his carseat because he had acid reflux so bad. (this was pediatrcian/gastro dr. recommended by the way) This was the only way he could get comfortable in a semi upright position and get some solid sleep. And at that time he was taking 2 naps a day for 2 + hours...each time.....
Gosh, that makes my heart hurt that she would leave him alone, she's done it before... This precious little baby deserves so much better. :(
Were there camera's at the laundrymat???? Or outside the laundry ? And was this laundrymat in a strip center ???
One more thing...are there cruise lines that leave off the coast of TX and if so, are they the same requirements made leaving/coming back to USA, as if you were crossing the border on land ??? And what might their route be? Lots of ???'s...Sorry!
One more thing...are there cruise lines that leave off the coast of TX and if so, are they the same requirements made leaving/coming back to USA, as if you were crossing the border on land ??? And what might their route be? Lots of ???'s...Sorry!

I think that hole-in-the wall laundromat does not have a camera.

Yes, cruises leave from the TX coast, and you need a passport to return to US soil. :D
Wonder if there are any local repo agents (auto) in the area that have the cameras hooked up to their trucks? LPR (license plate recognition) If they cruised any of these lots where EJ, the couple or HG was spotted they may have a plate. The cameras photograph every plate on vehicles that the tow truck passes.

Also, most of our traffic lights here have cameras. Wonder if SA has them and if they were looked at?
She went to the laundromat four days straight, came in multiple times a day without Gabriel and paced by the same bank of dryers??? WTH?
She went to the laundromat four days straight, came in multiple times a day without Gabriel and paced by the same bank of dryers??? WTH?

Four days straight so that would be the 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th.
She went to the laundromat four days straight, came in multiple times a day without Gabriel and paced by the same bank of dryers??? WTH?

It sounds like EJ was expecting to find something either in or on one of those dryers...maybe some form of payment was supposed to be placed in one of them? The interior of the laundry didn't look all that big, from what was shown on the video, so it would seem weird for her to keep going back to those same dryers if EJ was meeting another person there...wouldn't a possible contact be able to see EJ upon entering the laundry, regardless of where EJ was standing...KWIM?
I think she dropped Gabriel off with the baby broker on all of those days so that the couple/s could come and get aquainted with Gabriel and sign whatever (bogus) papers. My thought is she was nervous and pacing, not trusting the baby broker wondering if she should go through with this.

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