Reports of alleged Casey Anthony video diary surface on Internet

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I think someone needs to e-mail vinnie politan and let him know the Drew guys name to see if he can get him on for an interview :)
1) She is NOT in Ohio.
2) She probably doesn't have a dog at all, and hasn't had since her release.
3) The " dog" is probably some man with big feet... someone to " fetch" things for her. She is one more lazy b####.
4) Her hair is tucked up under a bad wig and those are NOT her usual glasses.
5) ONE finger has dark nail polish. The others showing have none. She is not well- kept but is trying to look and sound smart.
6) She is a slob. I hope she gets fat sitting around doing nothing.
7) I'd bet anything that she is totally doped to the gills every day of her life. " Psychotropic meds" to keep her volatile moods under control. Looks like it was a partial fail.

As far as her "publicity stunt" to come, it's OBVIOUS to me.
What's the worst thing a mother who murdered her child could do?

Answer: Give birth to ANOTHER child. Trust me, this is coming.

As for WHY she didn't mention Caylee, what was she supposed to say?
" I miss my baby girl so much". "Oops, well, except for the 30 days I forgot she was missing".

"I did not kill that child" a la Patsy Ramsey...

Nope. Caylee is past tense. Casey will hook up with someone, have a baby for the notoriety of it, and who knows what will happen to that baby...:furious:

Casey's psychopathy is VERY easy to understand and predict.
I agree that she will put whatever she can get away with that does not violate her probationary terms on the Internet. *advertiser censored*, either soft or hard core. Of just herself, of course. NO partner to take the focus off her.

The dog is, obviously, in charge of the lighting. Cracks me up. All alone...with her lighting person and her imaginary dog.
I bet it was a supporter or Casey because wouldn't you think the person that originally hacked this video would want to say so unless they supported Casey or is Casey or one of her team?

I personally think Casey put it on the web by herself... without anyone's permission and she is now lying to Cheney Mason.
Isn't she supposed to report to probation for Jan - wonder how she'll 'splain the earnings she spent on those things of her very own... with no job.
Jane is looking at it more as Casey being sexy in a tank top.

Not to mention that JVM linking anything about KC to sexuality is :sick: :sick: :sick:

That is the last thing I think of when I see her. What I do think about is, well, not very nice. Maybe JVM's Freudian musings?
I think she had this released on purpose, and I think she had help with what to say and how to look to garner the most publicity on this. Someone on Vinnie was saying the same thing to this effect, that she would have someone helping her to figure out how to best start the process to start earning $$ online somehow, and this is the "tease".

I think she knew darn well which BUTTONS to PURPOSELY push, especially about the alleged "dog", I doubt she even has a dog, but since, during the trial, the many Anthony household pets dying in a short time span, the burying of the dogs brought up in trial by the DT to try to frame GA for wrapping Caylee and disposing her, Cindy talking about the chlorophyll searches because the dogs were acting lethargnic, acting like she has NO IDEA how to operate a computer, when she LIVED on a computer, talking about her phone and camera, when all she did was talk on the phone and text and LIVED on her computer, NOT MENTIONING Caylee, on purpose, she talked about everything in that short 4 minutes that would push the most buttons and cause the most outrage, just to get everyone talking about here again.

Saying she never had any family, etc., she had help even in her cadence and her pauses, etc., I think the whole thing was staged and IMO.....

IMO, MOO, etc.
Up thread someone said the sign in the background was reversed - and when flipped, could be read as "Help Wanted". If it is flipped, that would make KC look different. Try looking at a version flipped horizontally and see if it doesn't look more like her.

Quite right!


It definitely says "Help Wanted"
This is Casey Anthony's acting debut- I'm sure of it. The pauses, the pretend being uncomfortable on camera, the narcissism. It's her job application.

And this is definitely her- again, the narcissism, the voice, it's her.

Don't worry about Mama, Caylee. She got a dog and a computer. She's fine.
This Briley guy stated it was on a couple of pay per view sites and then linked to a free site. I am just not getting the feeling Casey did this, but more so, someone close to her at the moment looking to make some big bucks.

I don't know. It seems like just the thing Casey would do, and maybe even behind her attorneys' backs. I can't believe Mason would sanction this. As much as I don't like him, I don't think he could possibly be this dumb. I could be wrong, though. And Baez has just been GONE for months. I don't even think he's part of her team anymore, honestly. He has definitely moved on. The only one I think that might have helped her is Greene. This would fit with the civil cases and trying to up the fact that she's a poor girl who needs help and now her life is in danger because of this released video. Greene is her newest partner in crime, I mean attorney, and I bet she used him to do this and never told Mason. The fact that Mason is outraged tells me he did not know about this. Usually he doesn't comment at all about things like this, or is not in the forefront like this. He usually let Baez handle things like this from what I remember. Why get outraged now unless he wasn't in on it in the first place? Wanna bet Baez dumped Casey on Mason? I really think that is what happened, and now she's conspiring with Greene behind Mason's back.
Unleashing the lawyers---

NG-why is she making audio recordings of herself?
Cheryl-this is not a diary. Nothing personal. Simply flirting with the camera. Bragging.

NG-How did CA and GA feel about FCA saying a dog is her only family.
Lippman-not commenting just worried about FCA's safety
Oh my gosh, inverted, it looks so much like her! Thanks for doing that!
Oh Lippman, we clearly know what Casey looks like with glasses, no glasses, short hair, red hair, blonde hair etc., etc.
This Briley guy stated it was on a couple of pay per view sites and then linked to a free site. I am just not getting the feeling Casey did this, but more so, someone close to her at the moment looking to make some big bucks.

I think the Drew guy payed to watch the video and downloaded it and shared it with a couple of friends because he felt so special. He really had the hots for Casey. I remember reading his post on the Support Casey Anthony fb page that someone had the video and was just letting them watch a couple of minutes of it at a time on a private site.
Lippman -everyone is just trying to go on with their lives.
NG-do you honestly think anyone but FCA leaked this video? Don't need to be a brain surgeon to work this out.

Lippman ..all it does it let people identify what she looks like and where she's at. Causing security concerns.

NG- lets get practical-think about it. It was taped in OCT, but yet released now..ratings down. TV picks back up in JAN. and when is it released? First full week in january, Perfectly timed. Take off rose colored glasses. A big scam by totmom.
Ng has some guy on the phone I think she said John Riley who said he uploaded the video to you tube. So, I am confused JVM said it was a Holly Bistrow. Correct or am I more confused than I think?

The YouTube page where it was originally posted after they got it from another site on the internet belongs to Holly and Jon Briley. There is at least one link to that page very early in this thread.
Nancy going for the "scam" release ... Lippman quartering , providing (a very lame alternate scenario). Heck I don't care... if this is her, she was vain and stupid enough to provide the opportunity for it to be "released"
I think the Drew guy payed to watch the video and downloaded it and shared it with a couple of friends because he felt so special. He really had the hots for Casey. I remember reading his post on the Support Casey Anthony fb page that someone had the video and was just letting them watch a couple of minutes of it at a time on a private site.

Somewhere is the person that posted the original and I hope they are outed.
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