Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #2

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Okay now I am wondering about the second 9 second video. The first one the names are edited out but we start sleuthing the paneling and pictures in the back ground trying to figure out where they were taken. Now the second one has a world map on each side of her so we see no back ground to sleuth. Really ?????

I am really interested in these audio messages she says she has recorded. In the first vlog, which I call "Me, My Stuff, and I", she states that she has made audio recordings as well. I wonder where they are and if someone has them. I agree with those that think the timing is hinky. 6 months. Really? I think she thought enough time has passed for everyone to be over that little trial thingy. Time for me to bust out my new look. I was watching one of the morning news shows this a.m. and they were talking about the Consumer Electronics Fair. They showed some of the new, future gadgets that were going to be available and then talked about the fair itself. They mentioned that there would be celebrities, such as Justin B and Snookie, and all I could think was that KC probably thought she was going to be doing "events" like this. In her head, one of the voices was probably saying, "And we will have celebrity guests, such as Justin B, SnoopDogg, and KCA!" She may have envisioned herself as a guest on the Celebrity Apprentice, with the likes of Clay Aiken and Arsenio Hall, where the Donald would swoon over her and she'd give that foreign chick he's with a run for her money. She really doesn't understand why everyone is so upset. After all, she didn't do anything. It was her dad, and RK, and Colonel Mustard with the wrench. All, JMO.
I am really interested in these audio messages she says she has recorded. In the first vlog, which I call "Me, My Stuff, and I", she states that she has made audio recordings as well. I wonder where they are and if someone has them. I agree with those that think the timing is hinky. 6 months. Really? I think she thought enough time has passed for everyone to be over that little trial thingy. Time for me to bust out my new look. I was watching one of the morning news shows this a.m. and they were talking about the Consumer Electronics Fair. They showed some of the new, future gadgets that were going to be available and then talked about the fair itself. They mentioned that there would be celebrities, such as Justin B and Snookie, and all I could think was that KC probably thought she was going to be doing "events" like this. In her head, one of the voices was probably saying, "And we will have celebrity guests, such as Justin B, SnoopDogg, and KCA!" She may have envisioned herself as a guest on the Celebrity Apprentice, with the likes of Clay Aiken and Arsenio Hall, where the Donald would swoon over her and she'd give that foreign chick he's with a run for her money. She really doesn't understand why everyone is so upset. After all, she didn't do anything. It was her dad, and RK, and Colonel Mustard with the wrench. All, JMO.

:floorlaugh: "Me, My Stuff, and I......:
This shouldn't shock any of us. She has NO life. She is holed up in some sad little trailer without a family or a true or sane friend in the world. She is lonely, irrelevant, infamous and pathetic.

Of course she is going to live her life via twitter, facebook, video, and the internet, it is the only contact that she can have. Normal every day people that did not murder their babies and that dont have to hide due to being the most HATED women in America, socialize on the internet everyday. It is a fact of life in this day and age.

She is sad. She got out of jail and immediately took pictures of her ta-tas and sent them to a male supporter over the internet. She didn't even wait to cut her nasty trial hair.

This is not a case of hacking, therapy, or anything else for that matter. This is how she lives her life now and it leaked. It is the only "social" life that she has and it shows how reckless and desperate she truly is.

I think it is hilarious really. Her Vita will never be Bella.
IMO, I think they would be better marketed if they were meant for public consumption. I think she would purposely talk about Caylee. I think she would have better 'content' then simply rambling (to me this is all that video is). I don't think it would be in B&W. I don't think it would of took 3 months to get published if there was a purpose to it.

I think OCA knows what public perception is of her, and if she is truly vain as many seem to think of her (and there is no reason not to think that), she would want to show herself in the most positive light, sort of how those pics of her sipping a Starbucks coffee in Ohio. This video doesn't do those things.

BBM - I'm thinking the opposite really, because the difference between Casey's perception of what the public wants to hear, and what the public wants to hear, is as great as the hole in the Grand Canyon. She has yet to do one single thing to prove to me that she has any concept, clue or care whatsoever what anybody thinks about anything. If she thought "gee I should talk about Caylee so they think I care even though I don't really care", she wouldn't have accused her father of doing the dirty with her. That's just outright ... well, nevermind. You know what I mean. I just don't think there's any content there to even attempt to fool people with.
I agree that it's simply rambling. But I think KC knows she is internationally infamous, and she wanted to see if a boring video where she makes apologies for nothing would still be newsworthy. I mean, she has nothing else to do.

And we really have to figure out where and when the name editing happened. Anyone who put the video on the internet would leave the names there, IMO. Except KC, who is hoping we believe this was unintentional.

ITA. I posted on the other thread that I think her little techie disclaimer about her "new" computer sounded contrived and a lot like an alibi to me. Someone that narcissistic and that tech savvy (uploading vids hasn't changed a whole lot since her incarceration and we know she knew her way around a Photobucket) would never go on record sounding like a cross between Butterfly McQueen doing (I don't know nothin' 'bout birthing babies) Prissy in Gone With The Wind and Blanche (I rely on the kindness of strangers) DuBois when mentioning anything involving the internet. She certainly knew how to smoke and mirror her way around SIM cards. And she knew to use a different browser than her parents and to erase the history (especially the chloroform lookup) on her family computer.

I also agree that anyone with a brain would have advised her to market herself differently. But this chick is not aiming for any demographic that liked Caylee - someone put it very nicely that she has always been in competition with her. She doesn't have to prove her innocence (and couldn't if she tried) to the general jury-pool public any longer (this time), so she can appeal to those really really special people who are her "fans". Her whole little world has been about herself first for years - especially since she was arrested, had her little trial-of-the-decade, sat in jail for three years and has since been in a private and small little bubble where she can continue to be the center of her universe (ie; no more Caylee obligations). She is one malignant narcissist that not only believes she is the most important and interesting thing in the world but that we will too. I'm not a bit surprised that she thinks simply breathing into a mic will captivate millions, much less telling them all the fascinating thoughts of herself that flash through her mind on a minute-by-minute basis.

Whether she herself thought to edit out the names, or it was done on the advice of counsel (I use the term loosely and I think only JB would have bothered), that act, if she did it, would also appear to limit her liability in case that was discovered despite her "clever" little disclaimer that she was all confused by the new technology and couldn't possibly have figured out how to leak this to the public.

This girl never had to think of a reasonable lie to fool her mother, just an elaborate one. I guess after 12 jurors affirmed that fact, she thinks the rest of us are just as gullible.
Yeah, I also wish the media would just ignore her and her baby sitters. They are just feeding her unusual traits and she likes it.

She's just like a troll on discussion boards, so much wanting attention - even if it's negative! As we all know - The most effective method of troll management is ‘Don’t Feed The Troll’; if it does not get a response, it will move off and try elsewhere; any response is validation of its sad existence, so should be avoided.

About the black and white. Is her hair blonde or strawberry blonde ? Are her eyes brown, green, aqua ? Is her blouse white, yellow, pale pink ? Is the paneling standard wood grain, pale blue, green, mauve ? What colors are in the kids drawing ? What color is the awning out side?

I think who ever edited the names is the same person that changed it to black and white. The same person who put the world map on each side of the second video.
ITA. I posted on the other thread that I think her little techie disclaimer about her "new" computer sounded contrived and a lot like an alibi to me.

I totally agree with you about this, and it's like any other lie she has ever told to try and preemptively cover her ***. It is not believable even for a second. It makes no sense, and she is of course totally disconnected to the fact that it sounds ridiculous, and doesn't care because all that matters is that she said it so you should believe it and not question it. Kind of like her job at Universal.

Who would ever believe that a person of her generation would not know how to work a laptop? She lived her life on her computer and phone before her incarceration, why was she suddenly acting like a senior citizen being introduced to the new world of computers and the interwebz?

Give me a break.
I am really interested in these audio messages she says she has recorded. In the first vlog, which I call "Me, My Stuff, and I", she states that she has made audio recordings as well. I wonder where they are and if someone has them. I agree with those that think the timing is hinky. 6 months. Really? I think she thought enough time has passed for everyone to be over that little trial thingy. Time for me to bust out my new look. I was watching one of the morning news shows this a.m. and they were talking about the Consumer Electronics Fair. They showed some of the new, future gadgets that were going to be available and then talked about the fair itself. They mentioned that there would be celebrities, such as Justin B and Snookie, and all I could think was that KC probably thought she was going to be doing "events" like this. In her head, one of the voices was probably saying, "And we will have celebrity guests, such as Justin B, SnoopDogg, and KCA!" She may have envisioned herself as a guest on the Celebrity Apprentice, with the likes of Clay Aiken and Arsenio Hall, where the Donald would swoon over her and she'd give that foreign chick he's with a run for her money. She really doesn't understand why everyone is so upset. After all, she didn't do anything. It was her dad, and RK, and Colonel Mustard with the wrench. All, JMO.

Well said! But wait!...did Colonel Mustard really use a wrench??? :waitasec: :floorlaugh:
would never go on record sounding like a cross between Butterfly McQueen doing (I don't know nothin' 'bout birthing babies) Prissy in Gone With The Wind and Blanche (I rely on the kindness of strangers) DuBois

my snip :floorlaugh: she so did sound like that, didnt she :floorlaugh: she sounded like that through the whole vid! empty as a bag of doritos on the trailer's livin' room floor! :floorlaugh:
I am really interested in these audio messages she says she has recorded. In the first vlog, which I call "Me, My Stuff, and I", she states that she has made audio recordings as well. I wonder where they are and if someone has them. I agree with those that think the timing is hinky. 6 months. Really? I think she thought enough time has passed for everyone to be over that little trial thingy. Time for me to bust out my new look. I was watching one of the morning news shows this a.m. and they were talking about the Consumer Electronics Fair. They showed some of the new, future gadgets that were going to be available and then talked about the fair itself. They mentioned that there would be celebrities, such as Justin B and Snookie, and all I could think was that KC probably thought she was going to be doing "events" like this. In her head, one of the voices was probably saying, "And we will have celebrity guests, such as Justin B, SnoopDogg, and KCA!" She may have envisioned herself as a guest on the Celebrity Apprentice, with the likes of Clay Aiken and Arsenio Hall, where the Donald would swoon over her and she'd give that foreign chick he's with a run for her money. She really doesn't understand why everyone is so upset. After all, she didn't do anything. It was her dad, and RK, and Colonel Mustard with the wrench. All, JMO.

RBBM. Me too, chefmom. She says, "I guess this will be as tedious as my audio recordings have been." More therapeutic (lol) documentation, more benedictions (or merchandise?) for her "followers" or just for plain self admiration? Will they also leak?

Yep, the more rope she gets the quicker she will hang herself. She just doesn't know how to do "right."
and that RIGHT there is THE truest, most succinct motive behind everything Casey does, and the blame lies at the feet of Cindy Anthony... she raised the monster to be this way. Casey will always need to be first, need to have adulation and attention, and will never ever be able to help herself from wanting to wrest any attention Caylee gets, even in death, away from Caylee and refocusing in herself.

its why she killed, why she steals, why she lies, and her entire reason for who she is... she HAS to be first, most important, most wanted, best at *whatever. Cindy made her the princess and when Caylee dethroned her, Casey just made whatever moves necessary to reclaim her eliminating the competition... over and over and over. and she's still doing it.

it's okay to have "stuff" as long as she remains in complete control of the stuff... kids, dogs, objects, belongings.......because nothing and no one will ever be permitted to share any of HER stuff.......because it is hers and hers alone, and she won't ever risk having a replacement be more important to any one whose attention and devotion she claims for herself.

I agree....she leaked it herself, because she absolutely cannot stand to have anyone take first place in the media attention.......even is she is hated, she still has "the MOST hated" title. and as long as she gets the lion share of the news, media, and public attention, that's her goal.....and she her mind, that's all that matters.

I am really interested in these audio messages she says she has recorded. In the first vlog, which I call "Me, My Stuff, and I", she states that she has made audio recordings as well. I wonder where they are and if someone has them. I agree with those that think the timing is hinky. 6 months. Really? I think she thought enough time has passed for everyone to be over that little trial thingy. Time for me to bust out my new look. I was watching one of the morning news shows this a.m. and they were talking about the Consumer Electronics Fair. They showed some of the new, future gadgets that were going to be available and then talked about the fair itself. They mentioned that there would be celebrities, such as Justin B and Snookie, and all I could think was that KC probably thought she was going to be doing "events" like this. In her head, one of the voices was probably saying, "And we will have celebrity guests, such as Justin B, SnoopDogg, and KCA!" She may have envisioned herself as a guest on the Celebrity Apprentice, with the likes of Clay Aiken and Arsenio Hall, where the Donald would swoon over her and she'd give that foreign chick he's with a run for her money. She really doesn't understand why everyone is so upset. After all, she didn't do anything. It was her dad, and RK, and Colonel Mustard with the wrench. All, JMO.

And it really is just as simple as that. FCA is the center of the universe who can do no wrong and now that Caylee is gone she has returned to her rightful place as numero uno. If people see her as a villian its only like the way we see the dubious masterminds of "Big Brother" or other such reality shows.

I think I lose sight of just how simple it is because it is so difficult to ever feel like I have a complete understanding of how anyone, especially a mother, could do this to a child. So, in my mind, I think there must be this terrifically complex explanation... how can something so difficult to wrap my brain around be so simple? But it is that simple and that just makes it all the more hideous.

Edit: Do people make/keep audio files on their computer? Ya know I was just thinking that if someone did hack FCA's computer there would be a heck of a lot more vids of FCA basking in her own glory and wouldn't they have been released as well?
This shouldn't shock any of us. She has NO life. She is holed up in some sad little trailer without a family or a true or sane friend in the world. She is lonely, irrelevant, infamous and pathetic.

Of course she is going to live her life via twitter, facebook, video, and the internet, it is the only contact that she can have. Normal every day people that did not murder their babies and that dont have to hide due to being the most HATED women in America, socialize on the internet everyday. It is a fact of life in this day and age.

She is sad. She got out of jail and immediately took pictures of her ta-tas and sent them to a male supporter over the internet. She didn't even wait to cut her nasty trial hair.

This is not a case of hacking, therapy, or anything else for that matter. This is how she lives her life now and it leaked. It is the only "social" life that she has and it shows how reckless and desperate she truly is.

I think it is hilarious really. Her Vita will never be Bella.

I think she is more out and about then you think she is. She was able to stroll up and down some street in Ohio sipping a latte and was able to stroll into an Old Navy and browse at her leisure without anyone giving her a care in the world. I don't see why that would be different now.

I wonder why the Old Navy employees haven't spoken up. For that matter, if it's NOT Casey in the Olive Garden picture, its somebody, why has SHE spoken up?
The blonde video was made in October..does anyone know when the other one was made?

She's just like a troll on discussion boards, so much wanting attention - even if it's negative! As we all know - The most effective method of troll management is ‘Don’t Feed The Troll’; if it does not get a response, it will move off and try elsewhere; any response is validation of its sad existence, so should be avoided.


I LOVE your siggy, I so can see Cindy A. taking that to her own dysfunctional level and saying that to poor George. I wonder how much time she is spending in her own prison of four walls, a computer, and her consuming denial. How anyone can share a house with her and not suffocate is beyond me as I think that last one takes on a life of its own and has grown bigger than than the state of TX and Leonard P's cowboy hat.
I wonder why the Old Navy employees haven't spoken up. For that matter, if it's NOT Casey in the Olive Garden picture, its somebody, why has SHE spoken up?

Don't care or don't want to get involved? Most people do not want a bunch of mics and camera's in their face asking questions about Casey Anthony.

Besides, there may be policies against making comments about 'customers', no matter who they are.
I think she is more out and about then you think she is. She was able to stroll up and down some street in Ohio sipping a latte and was able to stroll into an Old Navy and browse at her leisure without anyone giving her a care in the world. I don't see why that would be different now.


I saw all of the pictures as they were released and I have no doubt that she is out and about at times. But for the most part, she is persona non grata, and really cannot live her life the way you and I can. Most of her socializing (which has been proven with this video debacle) will be done online, which is true to the times, but more so for her. She is most likely sitting in her hovel way more than she is out and about.

Good and true people will not be attracted to her, they will be repelled and I am positive that anyone that she has in her "life" right now she met on the internet, which is full of anonymous psychos. (Especially for her)

Where else is she going to meet them? At work? School? Through mutual friends?

Of course, she will appear here and there, but I believe that for the majority of her time, she is a recluse, surrounded by psychos and sychophants that she found on the internet.
I wonder why the Old Navy employees haven't spoken up. For that matter, if it's NOT Casey in the Olive Garden picture, its somebody, why has SHE spoken up?

Maybe they want to stay as far away from anything related to FCA as is humanly possible. I dunno, but good question because I don't think that it is her in the picture.

EDIT: City, I think you were posting as I was writing :)
I wonder why the Old Navy employees haven't spoken up. For that matter, if it's NOT Casey in the Olive Garden picture, its somebody, why has SHE spoken up?

If it is some random person who unfortunately shares certain looks with KC, they would have to follow this case as we all do in order to know about the Olive Garden picture. Has it been released to media? I have only seen it online. Can you imagine how horrified you would be to look up and see yourself on the Nightly News because someone thought you were the most hated woman in America? *shudder*
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