Reports of New Casey Anthony Video Diary Surface on Web #3

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Not open for further replies. that we are talking about money... FCA doesn't say that she purchased jewelry for the nose and ear piercing in those videos, but it makes you wonder - did she purchase that jewelry herself? Cause jewelry ain't free! There's also usually a fee to have your nose and ears pierced. Where did the money come from? Who paid for it? Hey Parole Officer! Are you paying attention?


Maybe she stuck a cork up her nose and did it herself. :fence:
Has anyone else noticed that in his interview with Geraldo, Jose Baez is wearing an earring in the very same place on his ear as Casey's new one? Did they get piercings together? Or did he always have an earring?

You can see it better in the video on this pro-casey site. Scroll down to the post titled "EXCLUSIVE: Jose Baez speaks out on Casey’s video (w/Geraldo)". I've searched all over the web and it seems no one else has noticed this, but it jumped out at me. Did anyone else see it?

It looks like an ear piece People wear connected to their microphones. It wraps around and the wires are tucked in their clothes. When people do interviews and they decide to walk off the interview they try to get it off but the wires have them trapped. I saw this on a Drew Peterson interview and a few others.

From the article:

People close to both men report a recent major falling out among all the parties—between Baez and Anthony, between Baez and Mason—sparked by Anthony’s displeasure at Baez’s inability to win her a TV, book, or movie deal. Anthony apparently gave Baez until the end of the year to come up with a deal, and absent that anointed Mason as her official liaison.

I don't doubt for a minute this isn't true. We all know the felon uses people and the minute they stop being useful - OUT THEY GO. Including Caylee.

So what if Jose helped her beat the death penalty. If he can't make the big bucks for her - to the curb he goes.

Just once I would like to see someone in her circle sell her out big time. Throw her out of that dingy trailer and make her become accountable. Get ahold of all those video/audio recordings and throw them on the internet.

When is she gonna get what's coming to her?



Has anyone else noticed that in his interview with Geraldo, Jose Baez is wearing an earring in the very same place on his ear as Casey's new one? Did they get piercings together? Or did he always have an earring?

You can see it better in the video on this pro-casey site. Scroll down to the post titled "EXCLUSIVE: Jose Baez speaks out on Casey’s video (w/Geraldo)". I've searched all over the web and it seems no one else has noticed this, but it jumped out at me. Did anyone else see it?

It seems FCA likes men to wear earrings. She also had told george to get a piercing as well, and he DID!
See what I mean, something is very strange. :crazy:

For the record, Holly and Jon addressed this in detail about 14 hours ago on their FB page.

Basically, they are adamant that they did not register the website nor did they attach it to the youtube channel "Cayleecansing"

They contacted the person that it all traced back to and according to them he was very combative, shady, and bizarre. He basically told them they could buy the URL back if they wanted it....and they said they won't be doing that. It's all there on the fb if you guys would like to read it.
Still wondering how she purchased that computer? And where is she getting the money to feed and take care of her new dog? I sure hope the parole office is paying attention. Is FCA even paying the monthly fee for the parole visits or has she said she's too broke she can't pay the monthly fee? Cause if so, that's a lie.

I had asked this question when she was put on probation and I believe AZLawyer provided the answer. The question was does the PO care if she is receiving money if she is not working and the jist of the answer was the PO doesn't/shouldn't care about her getting money. They only care if she has 'employment'. The people who care if she's getting money would be OCSO who she is required to pay back.
Has anyone else noticed that in his interview with Geraldo, Jose Baez is wearing an earring in the very same place on his ear as Casey's new one? Did they get piercings together? Or did he always have an earring?

You can see it better in the video on this pro-casey site. Scroll down to the post titled "EXCLUSIVE: Jose Baez speaks out on Casey’s video (w/Geraldo)". I've searched all over the web and it seems no one else has noticed this, but it jumped out at me. Did anyone else see it?

I personally don't want to click on the "caseyanthonyisinnocent" website, people are always inserting that link places, IMO trying to get more hits for that site, not saying you are doing that,

but am asking is the video on that pro-casey website any different than the JB/GR video seen on FOX news? if so, why would they have a different video of the JB/GR interview, showing his ear-piece more clearly?
Does anyone else think the DT might be asking each other -- "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE? now FCA is out and about and wreaking havoc every which way but loose and draining the life out of all of us, how will we ever forgive ourselves for all of the smoke and mirrors and they way we played that hapless jury??"

or GA/CA/LA asking each other -- "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE with your mis-truths and half-truths on the witness stand, we will NEVER get back to any sense of normalcy FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES", blaming each other for the fact that FCA is out and about and now they have more to worry about, their home life was probably pretty peaceful with FCA in jail, albeit the horrific stress she put them under and what they had to go through all those years, but now it would be natural she would be constantly on their minds, worried what she is going to do, worried what will happen to her. I wonder if they wish (other than CA of course) she was in jail for a few years, at least on the 3rd count of neglect of a child causing a death, or whatever that was. Also, bet GA/CA are looking at the prospect of a constant drain on their windfall $$$$$ from from Phil as they wonder if they will have to support FCA, upon CA's wishes, FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.

I think since IMO the DT and the A's were in collusion to get her OUT of prison, they should all get back into collusion and figure out a way to get her back INTO prison, if they EVER want their lives can get back to some sense of normalcy. :woohoo:

I wonder if the DT are all having second thoughts and are wondering if maybe they should have held a better grip on some professional ethics and human morals and not gone over that brink to keep her from getting the DP, as IMO they NEVER thought she would be free and causing so much chaos in their lives. I wonder what the DT's wives think as they are probably sick of what FCA has done to them and if any of them are helping her with $$ in any way, I think she is going rogue on them all and hasn't even begun to wreak her havoc on them, wondering if JB is sweating bullets as to all the beans she could spill about what those two were up to when she was out on bail and went to his office day after day after day, spending hours and hours there. Oh, and wonder if she will ever explain that licorice incident?? :floorlaugh:

IMO, MOO, my opinion only,
Does anyone else think the DT might be asking each other -- "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE? now FCA is out and about and wreaking havoc every which way but loose and draining the life out of all of us, how will we ever forgive ourselves for all of the smoke and mirrors and they way we played that hapless jury??"

or GA/CA/LA asking each other -- "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE with your mis-truths and half-truths on the witness stand, we will NEVER get back to any sense of normalcy FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES", blaming each other for the fact that FCA is out and about and now they have more to worry about, their home life was probably pretty peaceful with FCA in jail, albeit the horrific stress she put them under and what they had to go through all those years, but now it would be natural she would be constantly on their minds, worried what she is going to do, worried what will happen to her. I wonder if they wish (other than CA of course) she was in jail for a few years, at least on the 3rd count of neglect of a child causing a death, or whatever that was. Also, bet GA/CA are looking at the prospect of a constant drain on their windfall $$$$$ from from Phil as they wonder if they will have to support FCA, upon CA's wishes, FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.

I think since IMO the DT and the A's were in collusion to get her OUT of prison, they should all get back into collusion and figure out a way to get her back INTO prison, if they EVER want their lives can get back to some sense of normalcy. :woohoo:

I wonder if the DT are all having second thoughts and are wondering if maybe they should have held a better grip on some professional ethics and human morals and not gone over that brink to keep her from getting the DP, as IMO they NEVER thought she would be free and causing so much chaos in their lives. I wonder what the DT's wives think as they are probably sick of what FCA has done to them and if any of them are helping her with $$ in any way, I think she is going rogue on them all and hasn't even begun to wreak her havoc on them, wondering if JB is sweating bullets as to all the beans she could spill about what those two were up to when she was out on bail and went to his office day after day after day, spending hours and hours there. Oh, and wonder if she will ever explain that licorice incident?? :floorlaugh:

IMO, MOO, my opinion only,

Only if they have a brain in their heads, which we have not seen so far:floorlaugh:
Any word if M&M has filed the motion to compel her to answer questions. I know they filed one to have access to all recordings and yesterday matt tweeted they just finished, just wondering if it was filed yet.
Any word if M&M has filed the motion to compel her to answer questions. I know they filed one to have access to all recordings and yesterday matt tweeted they just finished, just wondering if it was filed yet.

Its on the Zenaida thread:


Motion to Compel filed:

01/10/2012 Motion to Compel
(renewed) answers to deposition questions
01/09/2012 Request to Produce
Request to Produce
Does anyone else think the DT might be asking each other -- "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE? now FCA is out and about and wreaking havoc every which way but loose and draining the life out of all of us, how will we ever forgive ourselves for all of the smoke and mirrors and they way we played that hapless jury??"

or GA/CA/LA asking each other -- "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE with your mis-truths and half-truths on the witness stand, we will NEVER get back to any sense of normalcy FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES", blaming each other for the fact that FCA is out and about and now they have more to worry about, their home life was probably pretty peaceful with FCA in jail, albeit the horrific stress she put them under and what they had to go through all those years, but now it would be natural she would be constantly on their minds, worried what she is going to do, worried what will happen to her. I wonder if they wish (other than CA of course) she was in jail for a few years, at least on the 3rd count of neglect of a child causing a death, or whatever that was. Also, bet GA/CA are looking at the prospect of a constant drain on their windfall $$$$$ from from Phil as they wonder if they will have to support FCA, upon CA's wishes, FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.

I think since IMO the DT and the A's were in collusion to get her OUT of prison, they should all get back into collusion and figure out a way to get her back INTO prison, if they EVER want their lives can get back to some sense of normalcy. :woohoo:

I wonder if the DT are all having second thoughts and are wondering if maybe they should have held a better grip on some professional ethics and human morals and not gone over that brink to keep her from getting the DP, as IMO they NEVER thought she would be free and causing so much chaos in their lives. I wonder what the DT's wives think as they are probably sick of what FCA has done to them and if any of them are helping her with $$ in any way, I think she is going rogue on them all and hasn't even begun to wreak her havoc on them, wondering if JB is sweating bullets as to all the beans she could spill about what those two were up to when she was out on bail and went to his office day after day after day, spending hours and hours there. Oh, and wonder if she will ever explain that licorice incident?? :floorlaugh:

IMO, MOO, my opinion only,

I don't think so. I think they see it as they did their job. They believed the state couldn't prove it's case and it was their job to somehow convince the jury of that. I don't think you can get as involved as all of the defense team was (3 years) and then have buyers remorse after the fact.

Do you think Johnny Cochran had regrets? I don't.
Yeah, nice, new clean thread and back on figuring out the Casey video diary saga.

BBM: Yes ... the video diary "SAGA" -- lol ...

Here's some more of :twocents: FWIW :innocent:

JMO ... but I believe that it was released by FCA HERSELF ...

Now without getting a loooooong drawn-out discussion about uploading videos, You-Tube, hacking, etc. ...

I go back to this : WHO BENEFITS the MOST from the RELEASE of the Casey Anthony videos [and not just a financial benefit] ?

Again, JMO, but it had to be Casey HERSELF. While the $$$$$ appears to be the motive, I think it was a STUNT for ATTENTION as well .... She has been holed-up for the past 5 months and NOT getting the attention and $$$$$ she thought she would get -- and she just could NOT stand it any more !

I mean seriously -- giving Casey Anthony a "computer" equipped with internet, Skype, cameras, etc. ... is like keeping alcohol in the house of an alcoholic and drugs in the house of a drug addict ...

And her "boys" ... omg, gmab ... JB and CM KNOW the REAL Casey Anthony and WHAT she is CAPABLE OF, so, they should NOT be surprised about FCA releasing these videos ...

I hope this STUNT backfires BIG TIME on FCA and on all of those who continue to "protect" her ... DESPICABLE

MOO ...
Does anyone else think the DT might be asking each other -- "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE? now FCA is out and about and wreaking havoc every which way but loose and draining the life out of all of us, how will we ever forgive ourselves for all of the smoke and mirrors and they way we played that hapless jury??"

or GA/CA/LA asking each other -- "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE with your mis-truths and half-truths on the witness stand, we will NEVER get back to any sense of normalcy FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES", blaming each other for the fact that FCA is out and about and now they have more to worry about, their home life was probably pretty peaceful with FCA in jail, albeit the horrific stress she put them under and what they had to go through all those years, but now it would be natural she would be constantly on their minds, worried what she is going to do, worried what will happen to her. I wonder if they wish (other than CA of course) she was in jail for a few years, at least on the 3rd count of neglect of a child causing a death, or whatever that was. Also, bet GA/CA are looking at the prospect of a constant drain on their windfall $$$$$ from from Phil as they wonder if they will have to support FCA, upon CA's wishes, FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.

I think since IMO the DT and the A's were in collusion to get her OUT of prison, they should all get back into collusion and figure out a way to get her back INTO prison, if they EVER want their lives can get back to some sense of normalcy. :woohoo:

I wonder if the DT are all having second thoughts and are wondering if maybe they should have held a better grip on some professional ethics and human morals and not gone over that brink to keep her from getting the DP, as IMO they NEVER thought she would be free and causing so much chaos in their lives. I wonder what the DT's wives think as they are probably sick of what FCA has done to them and if any of them are helping her with $$ in any way, I think she is going rogue on them all and hasn't even begun to wreak her havoc on them, wondering if JB is sweating bullets as to all the beans she could spill about what those two were up to when she was out on bail and went to his office day after day after day, spending hours and hours there. Oh, and wonder if she will ever explain that licorice incident?? :floorlaugh:

IMO, MOO, my opinion only,

GREAT GREAT POST HERE. :clap::clap::clap:
I, too, believe they all colluded to get her off. But whether or not they are having second thoughts....I doubt it..seriously. I believe with all my heart there will be a big pay day for the Casey Gang. Someone, somewhere will cough up money to feed the frenzy. Sure, sure, we won't watch or support it, but it WILL happen.
Other than that, I agree wholeheartedly with every single word you posted.
For the record, Holly and Jon addressed this in detail about 14 hours ago on their FB page.

Basically, they are adamant that they did not register the website nor did they attach it to the youtube channel "Cayleecansing"

They contacted the person that it all traced back to and according to them he was very combative, shady, and bizarre. He basically told them they could buy the URL back if they wanted it....and they said they won't be doing that. It's all there on the fb if you guys would like to read it.

I know that they addressed the YouTube channel as fake and the investigation into the caseycansing website.

I also know that Holly filed a complaint for someone posing as her and starting the channel.

In post #68, I responded to a member indicating that the site may be a ruse running from the drama over the weekend.
I don't think so. I think they see it as they did their job. They believed the state couldn't prove it's case and it was their job to somehow convince the jury of that. I don't think you can get as involved as all of the defense team was (3 years) and then have buyers remorse after the fact.

Do you think Johnny Cochran had regrets? I don't.

I completely understand and get what you are saying re: they did their job, indeed they did, but I honestly don't think they initially thought the state could not prove their case. I think they thought FCA was going to be found guilty of something more than 4 counts of lying, I think even JP was feeling confident that was going to happen, which is why he bent over backwards for the DT and overlooked so many of the antics going on during the trial by the DT and FCA's behavior in court. and I know the whole "death is different" argument.

I think they were vigorously trying to keep her from the DP, which IS their job, and were stunned when FCA was found innocent of every one of the 1st three charges. I think they were initially elated and overjoyed and felt like they won the lottery, that they were ALL going to live the Bella Vita, which was envisaged during their very public "after party". Now, however, I wonder if in a PERSONAL and EMOTIONAL way, if some of their reputations have been a bit tarnished in some of the legal community for some of their unprofessional and unethical behavior during the trial, that opening statement was beyond all boundaries accusing someone of CHILD MOLESTATION and saying LA POSSIBLY CHILD MOLESTED HER and producing NO EVIDENCE to support that, too far IMO, I don't see JB becoming the big "celebrity lawyer" that he thought he would become, and I see where FCA could be "in their heads" on a regular basis with her antics and "safety issues" and relentlessly bugging them, if FCA is treating her "new family" in any way similar to her biological "Anthony family", she is draining the life out of them and causing chaos and drama and havoc in their everyday lives.

maybe it comes with the territory, I don't know, but I thought they would have all moved on by now and let Greene handle the civil cases, and CM/LFryer would have minimal work here and there to do on the lying appeal. Is the aftermath what any of them thought it would be?

IMO, MOO, my opinion only.
I know that they addressed the YouTube channel as fake and the investigation into the caseycansing website.

I also know that Holly filed a complaint for someone posing as her and starting the channel.

In post #68, I responded to a member indicating that the site may be a ruse running from the drama over the weekend.

I was just trying to help out and offer you information you may not have had. The guy apparently owns many website/URLS that all link back to a youtube account. There are about 6 or 7 of them. The include his name/companies name etc. There is a ton of information on that status and was directing you to it in case you hadn't seen it.

She also mentioned in a comment that he started singing the pledge of allegiance to her while she was on the phone with him.

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