Resemblance of McDuff and BSL

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You never know. He said that bsl is a liar, knows he lied about the mugging and his first conviction. So, could bsl have lied about his birth mother, meeting her?

Better yet....
could the birth mother have lied about the BIO dad?
It has happened before!
If BSL's mom had no prior knowledge of the BIO family it makes it even MORE suspect IMO... just a baby from the "church"...

Especially with the book written! May be nothing... BSL looks NOTHING like any other serial killer~ jus saying....

All irony I GUESS...

Mcduff was executed 11/98
Book release in 1999 and bsl committed 2 major crimes in 1999.
I take BSL as a reader actually.
Maybe not a constant reader, but to things that fascinate him. He seems to do very well with holding his image to other people, and you need some intellect to put up a good front.
I take BSL as a reader actually.
Maybe not a constant reader, but to things that fascinate him. He seems to do very well with holding his image to other people, and you need some intellect to put up a good front.

I am afraid he actually has an impressive IQ...
Hope I am wrong!
I take BSL as a reader actually.
Maybe not a constant reader, but to things that fascinate him. He seems to do very well with holding his image to other people, and you need some intellect to put up a good front.

BBM...It seems to me that while he was able to fool a few people with his "ma'am and sir" politeness, that doesnt really require intellect as much as conniving and con artist traits, which we certainly know he has, and which works for the short haul. Seems that most people that really KNEW him werent too fooled by him. I have never seen him as terribly intelligent. For someone who may have done as many bad things as many of us think, he seems to have made a lot of rookie mistakes. Sure, we havent found Mickey, but in an area as large as his potential hiding spaces, that is most likely due more to his good luck than his intelligence. JMO
If BSL read his uncle's books ...he probably understands them better than we do. that doesn't make him intelligent. I just think his mind can go where sk minds can go...and know how they think much more than we can.
Eddy Haskell didn't fool Mrs. Beaver, she just didn't let on to him that she was.
Eddy Haskell didn't fool Mrs. Beaver, she just didn't let on to him that she was.

:floorlaugh: It was Mrs. CLEAVER! June Cleaver! lol
I♥U! thanks for the laugh!!!

eta: I'm crying here!!!
please don't hate me...
Hi guys, not trying to jump off topic here, but i know the most important thing in the case is still finding Mickey.

For those interested in pictures, I spoke about a location that I thought needed to be checked out, and i uploaded some pictures for you all to see.
There is another location i am working on posting pictures of right now.

But if you're interested in looking, please visit this thread

Let's bring mickey home!
Hi guys, not trying to jump off topic here, but i know the most important thing in the case is still finding Mickey.

For those interested in pictures, I spoke about a location that I thought needed to be checked out, and i uploaded some pictures for you all to see.
There is another location i am working on posting pictures of right now.

But if you're interested in looking, please visit this thread

Let's bring mickey home!

Thank you for taking those pics. I agree, that road needs to be looked at...It was down right spooky.
My niece used to have an app, on her phone I think, that worked sort of like: You took a picture of two different people, trying to get basically the same distance, position, etc. The app would give you a percentage chance that the two persons were related to each other. It was fun -- results weren't always impressive, but they could be pretty interesting. Anybody familiar with what I'm talking about?

Anyhow, I'm sure there are much more sophisticated facial recognition/comparison programs out there. All this is intriguing enough, IMO, to find out what might be available for comparing these two.

ETA: I should see my niece tomorrow -- I'll get her to refresh my memory about what she had, at least.

Bumping my earlier post to add that my niece said the app was not on her phone but on a ... DSI (??? - some sort of handheld gaming thing...?)

I'm sure there are similar apps for phones, though.

Here is some fairly interesting reading:
Facial recognition software spots family resemblance
I have not started a book club thread because I want to make sure it is ok with the mods first. But I am curious if any of you have started it and what you think.

Yes, I've started it. Having to take it in little spurts because (a)I'm about overloaded on this kind of thing right now and (b)in my own life, this week is already kind of stressful -- just having to deal with a lot of "stuff" that is unsettling. (Making progress, though!)

IMO, so far:
The book is very readable. Lavergne is certainly a competent writer, no annoying problems there. The descriptions of the crimes thus far are somewhat graphic, but in a straightforward way -- not lingering over details for effect, just putting the horrible stuff that happened right out there.
After some sleuthing this is what I have gathered but no links just IMO

Mom adopted BSL while married to adoptive Dad except adoptive Dad is really bio Dad who conceived BSL during an extra marital engagement OR inappropriate unwanted engagement which is why bio mom wants nothing to do with him? CL adopted (took custody) with Bio/Adoptive Dad JL to give him a better life. Bio Dad/Adoptive Dad and CL raise BSL as theirs from birth as he is not wanted by bio mom. Would there be adoption paperwork even? They have BSL's brother they both have the same last name, look alike and CL finally gets tired of it and leaves JL with BSL and his brother. BSL's brother is at least half biologically but not adopted. (?) thoughts?

Now, resemblance can mean that bio mom could be possibly related, a sister, a niece, a victim assaulted by KM, or even his brother, or father. The resemblance, the mannerisms and the behavior are crazy. Sleuthing to find the "link" if there is one. I don't think GL decided to write about him randomly.
Ugh, to me a lot of these creeps look alike in some way...I am not seeing anything in particular with these two. Also a lot of killers share similar traits and utilize the same source materials. But I think it is likely that BL was aware of KM and may have read the book.

There is a thread in the already existing WS Book Club about the most disturbing book you have ever read...I posted about this one yesterday, and maybe we can just go from there as people have comments to make about "Bad Boy..."?

To me, neither man is unattractive or creepy looking, particularly -- I mean, aside from the obvious circumstance that most pictures we have are rather grim-looking mugshots. That pic of KM, where the "shadow" is hovering...? If I didn't know the story -- well, he could just be somebody's jovial grandpa.

I know that many say these two faces creep them out, because of something they see in them -- and I have seen pics of some criminals that DO creep me out, just on the surface -- but, for whatever reason, I don't have that visceral reaction to these two, really, just by their "looks".

I know many will say -- that's where the danger lies. Not spotting the bad ones.
Agree 100% - the behavior is similar, as it is with countless other predators and murderers, but I don't see a physical resemblance, except they are dark-haired Caucasians. BSL doesn't appear to be the type to pick up a book. He didn't need to pattern himself after anyone because he doesn't take responsibility for his own actions. Trying to figure out BSL's thought process is damn near impossible.

bbm: You could be right about this, but I'm not so sure. I'd have to know a lot more about him to make that assumption. Lots of folks read!

I found myself wondering last night if, by chance, a well-read copy of Bad Boy was found in the search of his home ...?:what:
After some sleuthing this is what I have gathered but no links just IMO

Mom adopted BSL while married to adoptive Dad except adoptive Dad is really bio Dad who conceived BSL during an extra marital engagement OR inappropriate unwanted engagement which is why bio mom wants nothing to do with him? CL adopted (took custody) with Bio/Adoptive Dad JL to give him a better life. Bio Dad/Adoptive Dad and CL raise BSL as theirs from birth as he is not wanted by bio mom. Would there be adoption paperwork even? They have BSL's brother they both have the same last name, look alike and CL finally gets tired of it and leaves JL with BSL and his brother. BSL's brother is at least half biologically but not adopted. (?) thoughts?

Now, resemblance can mean that bio mom could be possibly related, a sister, a niece, a victim assaulted by KM, or even his brother, or father. The resemblance, the mannerisms and the behavior are crazy. Sleuthing to find the "link" if there is one. I don't think GL decided to write about him randomly.

Interesting lines of thought -- some I think are pretty likely, some others -- I just don't know!
I take BSL as a reader actually.
Maybe not a constant reader, but to things that fascinate him. He seems to do very well with holding his image to other people, and you need some intellect to put up a good front.

I agree with your thinking. Interestingly enough, I have noticed that I usually agree with your thought process!
I don't post alot, but I read this site religiously. I find you (and others) insightful, more than the average.
:floorlaugh: It was Mrs. CLEAVER! June Cleaver! lol
I♥U! thanks for the laugh!!!

eta: I'm crying here!!!
please don't hate me...

Ha! Leave it to beaver is my all time favorite!!!!!
And yes! June cleaver was one sly mama! Always a smile on her face, but nothing got past her!
Book was published in Sept, 1999...He strikes me as more the watch tv and lift weights in the prison gym kinda guy. JMO

I think he did read his cousin's book. It was probably a big deal in the family. What I also suspect is that BSL "attached" on some level to Kenneth.

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