Resources for Researching - NO DISCUSSION

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Feb 25, 2007
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We have many threads on WS that have GREAT info in them for researching when working on missing/unidentified cases. Sometimes the threads are hard to locate though. So..... here's a thread for the Unidentified forum. You may post links here to sites you use regularly and that you find useful.

No Discussion though - only the link and a brief description of what one might find at the link.

I have two links for you today :) - links to a map showing where unidentified persons have been found in the State of Nevada. (Map originally found by poster Ruby Red - thanks Ruby!) links to the Center for Human Identification. Can be useful for obtaining family reference DNA samples.


ETA: Also - remember to check the Lighting the Way Home forum. There is a ton of information in that forum that is very helpful in researching.
This is a great link. Another poster Calliope posted it in the missing forum. It tells about different fabrics and how much they can determine from them plus much more.

Fabrics may aid the forensic scientist and/or detective in determining length of time since death. Decay of fabrics is based on what the materials are and how long they've been there. Styles of shoes and clothing also help pinpoint dates. Below is a chart representing the most common types of fabrics and exposure to various elements over time.
Please note that Imamaze has worked tirelessly in providing links to help in the Resource Center that was formed earlier this year. It even has a comprehensive state-by-state area for information. If you have links to add to it, feel free to open a new thread there. :blowkiss:

State by State - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
I just took a look around there...very cool stuff...thanks!

Kimster, can you post this in that section under Ohio unidentified? I tried to, but it looks like it's closed.

Although these cases are in NAMUS, Doe, etc., I found new and helpful information on several cases listed on this site that was not listed anywhere else.
Enforced disappearances.

OHCHR | Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances

OHCHR | Committee on Enforced Disappearances

Start on these two resources for the UID on Mexico-US border. As you have the whole identity + ID number.
The partial identity and lack of ID number is a pitfall, as you have to scour plenty of homonyms.

For UID we can comfortably suspect as enforced disappearance, the usual resources for MP are of no help. Enforced disappearances is a very specialised field in the disappearances cases. Charities for MPs don't deal with enforced disappearances and vice-versa.

A list of charities specialised in enforced disappearances:
- Memoria Viva (Chile) Memoria Viva – Archivo digital de las Violaciones a los Derechos Humanos por la Dictadura Militar en Chile (1973-1990) In Spanish. Great info, but the new website is awful to navigate

- Desaparecidos (Argentina): Desaparecidos en Argentina: Más Información Mostly in Spanish

- Desaparecidos (other countries): PROYECTO DESAPARECIDOS Mostly in Spanish, but English version available.
Caveat: the info on the English version may be incomplete or translation may sometimes be inaccurate.

- ICAED (international, in English): Home: International Coalition Against Enforced Disappearances
Federation of associations of family of enforced disappearances. Site has not been updated since 2016, contacts of associations for a specific country may not be accurate.
Enforced disappearances + missing in migration US-Latam:

EAAF.ORG - Sitio Oficial del Equipo Argentino de Antropología

English version website doesn't cut it.

For UID migrants, EAAF is better equipped to help LE matching because they are much more experienced with liaising with LE in Latam, not least with the language barrier.

Also, they opened a school teaching forensic identification in Africa.

They are an excellent resource for UID suspected of being enforced disappeared as migrants.

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