Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/26 -12/02/14 In recess

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She did deny it, iirc right up until the Det. showed her some of the pics... then suddenly ninja's appeared and suddenly yes her and TA had spent the day sleeping, taking pics, etc. She obviously thought it might help her at that point so of course no more arguing it and yes, I think she may have put them on there herself, though perhaps not realizing that her using the camera for TA's shower pics may compromise the dates. Either way, she did try deleting a lot of pics and then oops, it fell into the washing machine along with the wash...

I loved her little "That looks like me." comment. :rolleyes:

But would that show on the memory card, which is where the pics were retrieved from?

I don't know. My brother works for a local shop that sells cameras and other stuff. He's really busy this time of year, but I'll ask him. I do know that cameras have two memory spots. One is in the camera. Adding a memory card just increases the amount of data that can be stored. So the camera's memory might record all of the things done to the camera settings. JMO
Lol, now you see why I question it? :)

A camera is like a computer, you put info in on the same day( old memory card) and fire it up, there is a chance it could overwrite the original dates with the current date. That was one of the few things I tended to believe JA about, was her surprise with the Det.'s certainty that the "photo shoot" pics were from the same day. I'm just trying to remember if that info was given to her before or after she included it in her story about having spent the day in bed with TA before the ninja's attacked...

It was before the two ninja story, and before she was booked in the county jail. When Flores tells her about the photo's about the first thing out of Jodi's mouth is dates and times stamps can be manipulated. Then goes into this explanation of switching memory cards back and forth between her old camera and another. He tells her that it's a sims card not a memory card. but it is very interesting that she talked about it in detail of switching then back and . Many here have have always thought that is what she did, and that is an explanation of the difference between them.

In re reading the interviews you can tune out Flores and the female officer and focus on Jodi's answers and statements and they are very reveling.
Hi Sydni, I'm a long time lurker, now relative newbie. The letter referred to was written by Arias and sent to Travis' grandmother, who as you;ll remember was Travis' de facto mother. It's about 18 pages long and describes in great detail how Travis was killed. At least, how he was killed by the ninjas. However, the nitty-gritty details of his injuries and suffering are apparently rooted in reality.

Arias claims she sent it because she felt the family "deserved to know how Travis died", and is sickening on many levels. No one with an iota of decency provides - or rather, confronts - a victim's family with that kind of information. And when Arias says "deserved" it's safe to assume that she means it in the malicious vengeful sense of the word.

On top of that, she wrote it for her own benefit. Not only did she get the pleasure of inflicting horror on the family, it was a means to aggrandize herself as the one and only person who knew exactly what happened to Travis. And of course, a way to add (in her mind, at least) some credibility to the ninja defense.

Utterly evil.

One of the primary aspects of a psychopath's interaction with others is that they relish playing upon others emotions in a predatory, victimizing way. They feel superior; they are not 'bound' by what they see as the weakness of being subject to, for example, sorrow, grief, loss and shock. This is to a large extent what I believe motivates serial killers. They know they are causing untold suffering and grief; They can't feel it themselves, yet they feel powerful knowing they can make others feel it, and in maybe also making them realize that it means nothing to them. It's self-flattery at the ultimate expense of others.

Arias' motivation in writing this letter was similar, imo. It was to re-live the killing, to give it life through the eyes of those who knew and cared for him most, to rub it in the face of those to whom it meant the most, and at the same time to confuse and confound them as to why and how someone would do it.

If you remember the first police interrogation with Flores, at one point she expressed interest in seeing the pictures out of "a morbid curiosity" ie, "I'd like to re-live the killing", but what really struck me is that when he left to get the pictures, when he came back the first thing she asks him out of the blue is "what kind of gun is that?" and then "I just bought a gun." Why steer the conversation in this direction? My guess is she either wanted to re-live the gun part of the killing, or frighten him with her cold ability to casually discuss guns in the midst of being accused of a brutal murder in which, in part, a gun was used. She was showing her detachment from the whole thing, saying in effect: "You don't know who you're dealing with, I'm not some scared little girl, I'll see your call, and I raise."
I loved her little "That looks like me." comment. :rolleyes:

I don't know. My brother works for a local shop that sells cameras and other stuff. He's really busy this time of year, but I'll ask him. I do know that cameras have two memory spots. One is in the camera. Adding a memory card just increases the amount of data that can be stored. So the camera's memory might record all of the things done to the camera settings. JMO

Thanks, please ask if the dates showing on any pics already on the memory card can be changed, either with or without the camera making a record of it.
One of the primary aspects of a psychopath's interaction with others is that they relish playing upon others emotions in a predatory, victimizing way. They feel superior; they are not 'bound' by what they see as the weakness of being subject to, for example, sorrow, grief, loss and shock. This is to a large extent what I believe motivates serial killers. They know they are causing untold suffering and grief; They can't feel it themselves, yet they feel powerful knowing they can make others feel it, and in maybe also making them realize that it means nothing to them. It's self-flattery at the ultimate expense of others.

Arias' motivation in writing this letter was similar, imo. It was to re-live the killing, to give it life through the eyes of those who knew and cared for him most, to rub it in the face of those to whom it meant the most, and at the same time to confuse and confound them as to why and how someone would do it.

If you remember the first police interrogation with Flores, at one point she expressed interest in seeing the pictures out of "a morbid curiosity" ie, "I'd like to re-live the killing", but what really struck me is that when he left to get the pictures, when he came back the first thing she asks him out of the blue is "what kind of gun is that?" and then "I just bought a gun." Why steer the conversation in this direction? My guess is she either wanted to re-live the gun part of the killing, or frighten him with her cold ability to casually discuss guns in the midst of being accused of a brutal murder in which, in part, a gun was used. She was showing her detachment from the whole thing, saying in effect: "You don't know who you're dealing with, I'm not some scared little girl, I'll see your call, and I raise."

Steve .. I think you are spot-on with your observations/opinion. You have inspired me to go back and look at some of the interview segments between Flores and "her". I agree with you (as you have expressed) but I'm just wondering if you are a "professional" .. maybe a psychologist or someone in the "mental health" realm?? You nailed it and have expressed in such a way that I THINK YOU KNOW what you are talking about. Not trying to pry, but what you said makes a lot of sense and I am impressed.
Steve .. I think you are spot-on with your observations/opinion. You have inspired me to go back and look at some of the interview segments between Flores and "her". I agree with you (as you have expressed) but I'm just wondering if you are a "professional" .. maybe a psychologist or someone in the "mental health" realm?? You nailed it and have expressed in such a way that I THINK YOU KNOW what you are talking about. Not trying to pry, but what you said makes a lot of sense and I am impressed.

Thanks, no, I'm not a professional in that field, but I'm introspective by nature so I also like to look beyond the surface of things I see outside as well. I enjoyed psychology in college, and my professor was similarly impressed. I hope that doesn't sound like bragging, I'm just trying to explain.
You're probably right but I don't get it! They really want Jodi to get the death penalty. If the letter is so horrible it could actually lead Jodi to the DP. I don't understand why they wouldn't use it to help their cause. Maybe there's a legal reason it couldn't be entered; I know JM wasn't allowed to argue remorse right? Maybe the only way he could have introduced the letter was if he was allowed to talk remorse.

Maybe the Alexanders are just remaining quiet and keep everything trial related private until after sentencing as to not be accused to be influecing the trial.

Me too, I wonder why they don't want this letter to be released.
May be it was their grandma's wish and if so it's surely out of question for Travis' family not to respect this wish?
Me too, I wonder why they don't want this letter to be released.
May be it was their grandma's wish and if so it's surely out of question for Travis' family not to respect this wish?

It was probably simply not allowed in for one reason or another. Certainly the defense would have argued against it.

ETA: Oh, you mean the family releasing it to the public? I thought you meant the trial. Well, why give her more attention than she deserves? Arias would probably be thrilled if it were released. Maybe not for its evidentiary value, but for other reasons similar to why she wrote it in the first place. Besides, they probably burnt it a long time ago.
Regarding the BMW, I don't think it was in California. The BMW was in Arizona.
I hope that letter to Travis' grandmom is released after the trial. 18 pages of lies.
The more I read about Travis and the relationship he had with friends, I feel so badly for him. I believe he saw the good in all people and didn't recognize how evil she was until it was too late. I bet he was so relieved when she moved back to Yreka because he thought she was truly gone from his life. I bet she made him feel shamed and so morally compromised that he didn't like himself in the end and was finally ready to cleanse his soul and of her and begin to live a life he was comfortable with. That's why I don't think he knew she was coming that fateful day. They had had that terrible argument the week before when he told her she was the worst thing that ever happened to him. Then she shows up at his doorstep and temptshim one last time . This confirms my belief that she premeditated every detail of his murder beginning with the robbery of the gun. How those jurors that voted against death in the guilt phase couldn't see that, I will never know. CMJA is, simply put, is evil. She is a threat to society and should never ever be out on the street again. Unfortunately I am not sure this jury has seen enough evidence yet to understand that because of the all the delays and issues her DT have presented. I just hope the DT isn't successful in sowing the seeds of doubt in the jurors minds.
Two days of testimony next week? WTH? I think Nurmi is trying to lose jurors and work toward a mistrial.
I loved her little "That looks like me." comment. :rolleyes:

I don't know. My brother works for a local shop that sells cameras and other stuff. He's really busy this time of year, but I'll ask him. I do know that cameras have two memory spots. One is in the camera. Adding a memory card just increases the amount of data that can be stored. So the camera's memory might record all of the things done to the camera settings. JMO

Please ask your brother if taking photos of old photos without dates would look like they were taken that day. It has always bothered me that some were time stamped and others were not. She did tell Flores that she thought the dates could be altered!
Yea it will be interesting to see what she so desperately wanted us not to. We'll probably just go 'Huh??'. It might give some insight into whatever crazy flavor of the month excuse she's into right now, though.

I think she's going with the disgusting scenario that Jose Baez used. Since she knows that a couple of jurors did actually believe she was abused, she's going to dirty it up to the highest level. I think she's NOW claiming that her dad not only physically abused her, but he also sexually abused her. We all know that it never happened. Since she's been running the show for almost 7 yrs. now, she DEMANDED that her new lies be keep "secret" away from the public and the media. Even her own mother had to leave the courtroom. JA will say or do anything to save her sorry a$$ from the DP. Although she said she would beg for the DP on many occasions, I'm sure she really believed that no jury would ever convict her.
Well this beotch is going down. And you can mark my words on that.
I am 120% sure that TA had no idea that JA was coming to his house that fateful morning. She used that check for the car payment to get in the door, IMO ~ If Travis would have accidently dropped that check, it certainly would have bounced :wink:

But I have a thought that I can't seem to shake. What if she went there (stalking) and Mimi or another girl was at his house? Besides slashing his tires (which would have been a given) what do you all think would have happened? I'm sure she had a Plan B

* sometimes I wonder if she really did have black pants/hoodie and even had a ski mask in her magic bag of tricks. Just in case?? A little bit of truth in her lies?
I think she's going with the disgusting scenario that Jose Baez used. Since she knows that a couple of jurors did actually believe she was abused, she's going to dirty it up to the highest level. I think she's NOW claiming that her dad not only physically abused her, but he also sexually abused her. We all know that it never happened. Since she's been running the show for almost 7 yrs. now, she DEMANDED that her new lies be keep "secret" away from the public and the media. Even her own mother had to leave the courtroom. JA will say or do anything to save her sorry a$$ from the DP. Although she said she would beg for the DP on many occasions, I'm sure she really believed that no jury would ever convict her.
Well this beotch is going down. And you can mark my words on that.
I wouldn't be surprised if CMJA pulled this, but IIRC didn't her parents in their interviews basically say that she was a liar? Why can't JM use these? I'm sorry if this has already been discussed.
Regarding Brian Neumeister, how can anyone take him seriously after his presentation in the guilt phase, where he said he was so sure that you could see the killer reflected in Travis' eye, and Juan said he saw a dog, too! Unfortunately, this jury didn't see that. That presentation was totally ridiculous, a prime example of Nurmi grasping at straws. I can't quite remember what BN's point was with that pic, I will have to go on YouTube & review it.

Even after she admitted doing the deed, Neumeister's fanciful "mirror image" -- not to be confused with the HDD malarkey -- was designed to create doubts in the minds of jurors (who would never see it) about who the killer actually was, if there was more than one, how the murder actually happened, self defense, etc.
Both the defense and the prosecution believe the pictures are from that day. It's never been argued. She's admitted she was there, and she killed him all by herself. If they weren't from that day then she put them on the camera to make it look as if they were, and that makes no sense, since initially she was denying she was even there that day. Why would she deny it, then provide false evidence to the contrary?
And, why did she attempt destroy evidence by putting it in the washer with bleach thinking it would destroy the camera? She was trying to hide the pics, IMO. Even though are deleted, they are recoverable. Another reason why I don't think she is so smart with technology.

Ive always wondered why she just didn't take the camera with her. The only reason I can think of, is LE would see the empty camera box with no camera and friends would point at Ms. Photographer, which they did anyways.
One of the primary aspects of a psychopath's interaction with others is that they relish playing upon others emotions in a predatory, victimizing way. They feel superior; they are not 'bound' by what they see as the weakness of being subject to, for example, sorrow, grief, loss and shock. This is to a large extent what I believe motivates serial killers. They know they are causing untold suffering and grief; They can't feel it themselves, yet they feel powerful knowing they can make others feel it, and in maybe also making them realize that it means nothing to them. It's self-flattery at the ultimate expense of others.

Arias' motivation in writing this letter was similar, imo. It was to re-live the killing, to give it life through the eyes of those who knew and cared for him most, to rub it in the face of those to whom it meant the most, and at the same time to confuse and confound them as to why and how someone would do it.

If you remember the first police interrogation with Flores, at one point she expressed interest in seeing the pictures out of "a morbid curiosity" ie, "I'd like to re-live the killing", but what really struck me is that when he left to get the pictures, when he came back the first thing she asks him out of the blue is "what kind of gun is that?" and then "I just bought a gun." Why steer the conversation in this direction? My guess is she either wanted to re-live the gun part of the killing, or frighten him with her cold ability to casually discuss guns in the midst of being accused of a brutal murder in which, in part, a gun was used. She was showing her detachment from the whole thing, saying in effect: "You don't know who you're dealing with, I'm not some scared little girl, I'll see your call, and I raise."

I've watched the interrogation tapes several times. IMO her number one objective throughout was to try to stay a step ahead of Flores.

She repeatedly asked to see those photos. Kept changing her reason for asking, but she wasn't playing it cool with Flores to get them. She felt an urgent need to see them so she could tailor another story around what she thought he knew.

She has several observable patterns of behavior in the interrogations and on the stand. Bringing up the gun is imo an example of deflect and divert.

She does toy with Flores, but often in more sickening ways, such as saying she thought she'd have been more humane if she killed him, etc. And the biggy of them all- not giving him what he wanted, an explanation.
As far as I know- no- it has never been released... nor do I think it should be. Just my personal opinion. Would I like to see it- you bet I would.

While we don't have access to that letter at this time, your post reminded me of her cover-up comment on TA's online obituary:

"Travis, what can I say to you that I haven't already said? I am so grateful for the endless hours of conversation and amazing experiences we've shared. Thank you for having the courage to share the Gospel with me. You've had one of the greatest impacts on my life, and have forever altered it's [sic] course for the better. I love you, my friend, and always will.
Jodi Arias,
Yreka, California"

I noticed that there are thousands of comments spanning more than 1,280 pages on Legacy . com.

A sampling of the sincere mourners posting there:


Here's a link to same so you don't have to scroll all the way to the first message on June 13, 2008.

ETA that the especially cruel lying torture murderess had her entry deleted from the website. :violin:
Re: secret testimony
I think she was either going to add or subtract from her story, leaving her followers asking questions. Her most avid fans would excuse anything, but I could see some turning against her.

I really want more about the COA to come out. I really want to know both the Judge's & Nurmi's arguments.

You may have already seen this, but it gives a fairly good indication of how the judges feel about Nurmi's actions...
My input from your post: The pics from that day, no doubt. Even Juan is not arguing.

I do recall JA testilying about having vaginal sex only once, but I have to look it up, sorry!

I really do not think they actually were together in his room that many times alone. JA may have been in the bedroom (cleaning) but if the sex tape was made to verify they had sex JA only mentions a few times. TA is not alive to ask so it seem unfair to him to assume they were having sex all the time especially when people were constantly coming and going within the household. If her car was always at his house I think witnesses would have mentioned it. I don't know, what do you think? jmo
And, why did she attempt destroy evidence by putting it in the washer with bleach thinking it would destroy the camera? She was trying to hide the pics, IMO. Even though are deleted, they are recoverable. Another reason why I don't think she is so smart with technology.

Ive always wondered why she just didn't take the camera with her. The only reason I can think of, is LE would see the empty camera box with no camera and friends would point at Ms. Photographer, which they did anyways.

I thought it was possible that throwing the camera in the wash was an accident. She gathered up a pile of sheets, towels, clothes, whatever to throw in the wash and could have accidentally grabbed it.

But maybe not - she apparently took the time to delete each photo individually, so that would seem to mean she didn't plan on taking the camera with her. I don't know why not - at least she could have taken the memory card if nothing else. It would have been way harder to convict her if she had destroyed it too.
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