Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/3/14 Hearing

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So they will be let back in, but the secret witness will not be on the stand. If all of the DT's mitigation witnesses refuse to testify in open court, then nothing will happen in the courtroom until the ruling on the special action is made?

I think that is 1 possibility but in the event the defense doesnt want their secret witness to testify until the appeals court gives their final ruling, then it is my understanding the judge has the right to demand that the defense continue with any other witnesses they have while they wait for the ruling. If the defense doesnt want to bring any other witnesses or their other witnesses refuse to testify, that is solely on them and the judge can refuse to allow them to be called in the future, since they had their chance now.

The secret witness permission was only granted for this 1 so far, so the judge doesnt have to allow future ones to get this special privilege and it should not delay the trial while they wait.

Now, whether the judge will have the backbone to handle it properly is another story. :)
Another wasted day! :tantrum: Does anyone know if they'll be court tomorrow?
Another wasted day! :tantrum: Does anyone know if they'll be court tomorrow?

I have a feeling that Nurmi will say he can't call any other witnesses until this "secret" witness has gone. Didn't he say that? I seem to remember he said that last week.
AZlawyer: How do you think JSS would have explained all this to the jury?

Extremely vaguely. :)

Just a question if you have time.

Do you think it is likely that her boss or one of the Appeal judges got on the phone with her either this morning or last night to help direct her?

It sure seems like a simple phone call by her superior or one of the appeal judges could help her and get this trial back on track in a legal way with the least amount of delay.

The Ct App judges definitely would not have been calling her. That would be totally improper. JSS could call the Presiding Judge or another colleague for advice if she is concerned. It is unlikely the Presiding Judge would call her--the relationship is more of colleagues than "boss/underling."
They didn't just grant a stay, they also gave a pretty clear indication of their opinion of media's arguments by the addition of the order saying that lesser restrictions to public access were permitted. Why this judge needs several hours to figure out what it means, is the mystery, IMO.

She needs several hours to wipe the egg off her face??
Nurmi seems to have a weird sense of entitlement to me, and I don't think he'll take the COA's "suggestions" to heart and gracefully concede. I fully expect him to refuse to go on with his defense and wait for the COA's hearing/ruling. JMO
Another wasted day! :tantrum: Does anyone know if they'll be court tomorrow?

The attorneys and judge are meeting at 1:30 pm Arizona Time to discuss how to proceed.

Court re-convenes tomorrow morning.

I just checked Twitter and nothing from the usual reporters who have been attending.

I hope that helps !
Nurmi seems to have a weird sense of entitlement to me, and I don't think he'll take the COA's "suggestions" to heart and gracefully concede. I fully expect him to refuse to go on with his defense and wait for the COA's hearing/ruling. JMO

Nurmi would be happy for a mistrial. I doubt very much the State would go for a third try....mistrial and she's spared death. He wins.

The more and longer the delays, the better chance jurors will drop off. Nurmi said just that at the AC.

If JSS is truly concerned about a mistrial she'll move things along even if Nurmi pouts and sulks and whines. Time for her to put the big girl panties on.
I bet TA would be sad about the destruction of his family. And furious as well.

Saying TA's family is choosing to be tormented is like saying cancer patients are responsible for being ill because they're not thinking positive enough thoughts.

They can't move on until this trial is over, and the years long delays are NOT their fault.

You posted what I was just thinking... it would be very hard if not impossible for anyone to move on with their lives when their murdered family member is being continually desecrated and dragged through the mud by an unconscionable DT and their convicted murdering client. A team that is apparently intent on making this heinous murderer into the victim, and the murdered victim into someone who deserved what he got. :steamed: How can anyone begin to move on while they are still being emotionally tortured by this cruel circus that drags on and on and on. Justice will not be fully realized until CMJA is safely locked away in Perryville with nothing less than LWOP, and when Travis' family is no longer being subjected to the punishing, grueling, cruel torture they are being forced to endure. They are victims and they are still to this day, six long years later, being victimized. jmo
Back to the video....did the dad talk at all? I saw only part...and he said nada
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 1m 1 minute ago
Waiting to get into the courtroom #JodiArias #3tvarias
I'm not sure if this story from HLN has been posted by Michael Duffy/November 04, 2014:

Snippets from:

3 rows behind Jodi Arias

Jodi Arias enters the courtroom and stands to the side looking at everyone around her. From the third row, I am at most 15 feet away with a clear line of vision.
A smile creeps across her face and spreads wide as if she was about to laugh. She is glowing. The court is packed, the public filling every available seat, eager to catch a glimpse of the players made famous by the murder of Travis Alexander.
I look around me and see nearly everyone in the courtroom has been swept up in the emotion. The public is crying. The jury is crying. Many reporters are crying. I glance over at Jodi and she is hiding behind her hair, wiping her nose repeatedly with a tissue, a stark contrast from the woman that confronted the public with a beaming smile just an hour earlier.

Nurmi seems to have a weird sense of entitlement to me, and I don't think he'll take the COA's "suggestions" to heart and gracefully concede. I fully expect him to refuse to go on with his defense and wait for the COA's hearing/ruling. JMO

I Agree. I see him asking for a delay until the coa comes back.
AZ… if Nurmi does have a tantrum and refuse to move forward with his defense, does JSS have the option of saying fine, are you resting your case and move on with the trial? I'm pretty darn sure she won't do that because she is scared of making her own decisions, but is that a legal and possible outcome?
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