Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/05-08 In recess

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He was hired in a high-profile case in Aruba where the guy (an American) murdered his wife. Can't remember the names- Gary something.
It wasn't his wife. It was a woman he vacationed with there. They weren't even dating. He was supposedly a good friend to her. He put his self as beneficiary on their travel insurance and has tried to collect on that but the Ins. co. said no way. Her name is Robin Gardner and his name is Gary Vincent Giordano. I believe he definitely killed her, probably because she didn't want to be with him and he had paid for their trip. She is another Natalie Halloway case where her body has not been discovered.
It wasn't his wife. It was a woman he vacationed with there. They weren't even dating. He was supposedly a good friend to her. He put his self as beneficiary on their travel insurance and has tried to collect on that but the Ins. co. said no way. Her name is Robin Gardner and his name is Gary Vincent Giordano. I believe he definitely killed her, probably because she didn't want to be with him and he had paid for their trip. She is another Natalie Halloway case where her body has not been discovered.
Thanks, I couldn't remember the details, only Aruba and Gary.
Past time and counting. The transcript of the secret testimony should be released. Tic tic tock
Skipping ahead so forgive . . . . not sure if anyone noticed.

1) Look @ the pic of the pins (post #63 on this thread)
2) Look @ timeline of events on link

See where the pin picture says they realigned the pins on 8/25/14
Now look @ the timeline of events on 8/26/14 - 70,000 items deleted


Where is this blog author getting the date that the 70,000 files were scrubbed?

W- Pros accused you of incinerating things did you do that Bryan- No. Aug 26th, 2014 we found 70,000 files had been zero'd out #jodiarias
12/4/14, 1:08 PM

Neumeister said there were 70,000 files "zeroed out" on Travis Alexander computer with no dates on them. #JodiArias
12/4/14, 1:08 PM

Martinnez: 70,000 files zeroed out (scrubbed) and no meta data left, right? Isn't it true that on Oct 22 you deleted them #JodiArias
12/4/14, 9:15 AM

ETA: I also searched Tweets from 11-21-14 and came up empty.
How the heck are we supposed to sleuth in this mess? lol
JODI ARIAS: ‘They’ll OVERTURN My murder Conviction!’

Published on: December 4, 2014
Convicted killer Jodi Arias believes she will have her murder conviction overturned, The National ENQUIRER has learned.<snip>
Her mind-set is there’s no way she is getting death, but it’s more than that,” a close source that spoke with Arias divulged. “She is focused on her appeal because she thinks she’ll win it. She truly thinks she will walk free one day.“This is the most upbeat (Arias) has been in months.
<snip for space>

Keep on dreamin', Stabby. Reality is coming down on you like a freight train. Maybe you can title that book, "Journey to the Gurney"
Wow! Thank you for that analysis. Sounds like a bullet was dodged that she left. Mostly because from you're saying, if accurate, she would never have budged from whatever position she took. Too convinced of her own ability to be right.

Ps-,I think its shocking she didn't look at the autopsy photos. They're evidence. It was her job to look.

WOW. All I can say about Lin TX summary is so glad this juror left. She doesn't think emotions should come into decision? And she didn't look at autopsy photos? And VIS didn't impact her? Oh my!!! Thank God she is gone. LinTX give a great summary.
Does anyone have more details on Travis' laptop, such as how long he had it? I know it was a Compaq Presario that he got from Deanna. Did she give it to him new or used? If anyone has the model number, that can help narrow down the oldest it could be.

I'm trying to put the number of nefarious hits, according to BN, into context to see if they are even realistic. With the numbers that BN threw out there, it sounds like Travis would have been tied to his computer all day long just searching for *advertiser censored*, never mind looking at it. Travis did lead a very full life, including travel and none of this makes sense.
Twitter is definitely not the way to follow something technical like computer forensics. Right now, we only have tech talk from the defense expert, so there is a lot of info that still needs to be cleared up.

I don't get it with these defense "experts". Seems like most of them so far have been long on ego and short on knowledge in their field. For example, BN saying that the three phones were missing SIM cards. Travis used Verizon and at that time, all of their devices were CDMA, which means they never had SIM cards. Same thing for Arias' Helio phone. BN also linked the Zblog virus with a media player for *advertiser censored* sites, with the implication that was the only source of the virus. Another false statement was that Apple QuickTime and Itunes cannot update automatically.

BN, like Dr. Samuels, was not well prepared and could not answer technical questions. But he certainly made some strong claims and used emotional language in delivering his message. He is unequivocal that Travis purposefully visited *advertiser censored* sites. In both hearings, he has made statements by which he appears to be saying he can identify certain entries in the registry as automatic files vs. keystroke files. I have been researching this and cannot find the basis for him to be able to state this so clearly, unless TA's computer had a key stroke logger program installed on it. Last week, BN testified that Travis had 19 AV/scrubber programs on his computer and yesterday that number went up to 22, without any explanation for the difference.

I'm also confused by BN saying that he has not touched Travis' hard drive. Surely he is not playing games up there trying to say that he personally did not touch the drive when his agents may have? Willmott wrote the 11/20/14 Defendant's Response to State Motion...and included a picture of the hard drive after pins had been straightened so that the expert could access the drive.

View attachment 64937

Mr. Expert called previous experts grossly incompetent for not having found *advertiser censored*. It had been previously suggested that the first defense expert, Dworkin, did not find anything because he had been given a tampered copy of the drive. Yesterday it was learned that on 6/3/2008 a newer version of SpyBot was installed and then run on 6/4/08 at a corrected time of 2:44 pm. It may be that because SpyBot was run on 6/4/08, it did quarantine any active virus exe program on the computer, thus leading to Melendez answer on the stand. It may also be that the *advertiser censored* files were encrypted and coded, and as such, did not qualify as *advertiser censored* by forensic examination standards. BN had to do a lot of work to recover these files, and the type of work may not be accepted practice. We have to wait and see.

To me, this is quite simple. There are three distinct dates in question with this computer. By using the same software, a qualified examiner should be able to work from copy A to copy B and finally to copy C, producing the same results. For some reason, the defense expert is balking at providing the State with the unaltered copy, which presumably should be B.

Well done, even I sort of understand a little bit more. Is it possible the Spybot installed on 6/3/08 could have been done by remote say DB's computer? We know the convicted murderer was logged onto his in the am of 6/3/08.
Sorry, I'm tired and have my hands full of real life, but about BK and trial winding down and 14 witnesses and affidavits.....

We don't know what is going on because Kirk Nurmi doesn't want the public to know and JSS keeps enabling him.

1. BK did NOT say the trial was winding down
2. She heard 14 witnesses like others did, but neither she nor any other tweeter knows what that means in terms of court time, how many may actually testify, or whatever else. Nurmi put paperwork in requesting the addition of a witness- singular, not plural, fwtw.
3. JSS requested affidavits from the 3 witnesses who allegedly refused to testify in open court. BK said NOTHInG about any other affidavits, and nothing else about the other alleged witnesses.
Because she planted *advertiser censored*/viruses on it and she knew if they looked hard enough they'd find it???

Yes I am also of the opinion that Jodi sent him links to *advertiser censored* and/or viruses. We already know she's hacked into his email account many times.
JODI ARIAS: &#8216;They&#8217;ll OVERTURN My murder Conviction!&#8217;

Published on: December 4, 2014

Convicted killer Jodi Arias believes she will have her murder conviction overturned, The National ENQUIRER has learned.<snip>

Her mind-set is there&#8217;s no way she is getting death, but it&#8217;s more than that,&#8221; a close source that spoke with Arias divulged. &#8220;She is focused on her appeal because she thinks she&#8217;ll win it. She truly thinks she will walk free one day.&#8220;This is the most upbeat (Arias) has been in months. She&#8217;s ready for this to be over so she can hammer away on the appeal,&#8221; the insider added. &#8220;She&#8217;s talking about writing a book when she&#8217;s a free woman!&#8221; more at link:


Now, even though this story is from the NE, it would NOT surprise me at all IF -- a BIG IF -- this happens and CMJA "walks" !

I blame this whole fiasco of a trial on JSS !

I'll throw out a different spin on Juror #3.

My understanding is that she considers this should not be an emotional decision. She prides herself on her analytical skills.

She believes in that she could vote for the death penalty, otherwise she would not have been selected as a juror. Unless she has some preconceived notions about limiting circumstances for the death penalty (i.e., multiple victims, child victims), then in my mind, this is the kind of juror Arias should want off her jury. The woman does not want to make an emotional decision. She will be instructed that unless she finds that the mitigators outweigh the aggravators, she should vote for death.

IMO, she most likely would have followed the jury instructions and found for death, because all the testimony towards mitigation is emotionally driven.

First, thank you for showing that there is value in diversity here! You have given me something to think about, and I will. It's not that she was not well intentioned, I didn't mean to imply otherwise. My initial thoughts though are, intent aside, how is that possible? She talks about her corporate world as an analyst, but this is down and dirty life, not a boardroom. Emotions play a huge part in this whole story.

I don't know how anyone can fairly evaluate the evidence without emotion. Without it, how do you even place a value on what you place on each side of your scale? The aggravator itself implies emotion! Without considering & accepting what is normal emotionally, how do you weigh cruelty against any mitigator? It's the absence of healthy emotion/compassion that allows cruel actions. Ignoring the emotion that is raised by seeing his wounds, the emotion in his 'voice' in that text, the lack of emotion that JA demonstrates every time she speaks about her actions, her obsession/stalking, and even her decision to murder him - all deal with emotion. Making a fact based decision and weighing mitigators against the aggravator is their job, I agree. By trying to avoid any emotion in her decision, wouldn't that in some way require at least downplaying the emotional weight of the evidence supporting the aggravator? Even if subconsciously? Not sure I'm explaining well, but that's probably because my feelings about her are based on emotion, LOL!
He was hired in a high-profile case in Aruba where the guy (an American) murdered his wife. Can't remember the names- Gary something.

Yes, he was. But IMO Gary and Baez lucked out because they never found her body. IIRC, before Casey, Baez was not a high profile lawyer.
Where is this blog author getting the date that the 70,000 files were scrubbed?

W- Pros accused you of incinerating things did you do that Bryan- No. Aug 26th, 2014 we found 70,000 files had been zero'd out #jodiarias
12/4/14, 1:08 PM

Neumeister said there were 70,000 files "zeroed out" on Travis Alexander computer with no dates on them. #JodiArias
12/4/14, 1:08 PM

Martinnez: 70,000 files zeroed out (scrubbed) and no meta data left, right? Isn't it true that on Oct 22 you deleted them #JodiArias
12/4/14, 9:15 AM

ETA: I also searched Tweets from 11-21-14 and came up empty.
How the heck are we supposed to sleuth in this mess? lol

Good eye Daisy!

I think this (BBM) is the very essence of why we are so outraged with the "secret tweetrial".

We can't even have some semblance of "transparency" despite the CoA ruling of no more Jodi testfying in secret.

We are stuck with tweets under 140 characters that are trying to reflect what is actually happening - because this is the only least restrictive alternative to aleviate "something". Whatever the "something" is either doesn't exists or we can't know about. It that "something" exists now - why would it not "exist" later? What are we protecting and what has been sacrificed?

The tweets might be fun as an aside in addition to watching the trial but here we are trying to put tiny tidbits of pieces together to make sense of our judicial process. We often don't know who said the tweet or if the language and intent is actually what got tweeted. It's so infuriating! Even during the first trial, often WS posters would think they heard something and another poster would point out actual testimony and provide a link. We cannot do that because no one outside that courtroom actually knows what was said, how the flow of the conversation got to the point it did, and most importantly how it's relevant. We just keep looking at the edges and curves of the jigsaw pieces of 70,000 tweets to get the full picture.

My hope, is that this case could be the standard of what not to do in the future. There would be some sort of review by the Judicial system that says this is too secret, mystic, illusional, cryptic, and just plain wrong.

I'm starting to feel like I need a Rosetta Stone to decipher the tweets. I thought only Grand Juries got to have all the hearings kept secret. This trial has turned into that for me.
I have to disagree with MeeBee about what she said about JA's testimony. When she declined to talk about that, she said "again, it wasn't complete". That comment related to her earlier talk about not revealing her personal views in order to protect the integrity of the case and the remaining jurors' ultimate decision - at this point the info she had received is "not complete" because the trial isn't over, IOW. Also, she was not aware of the COA statement, and since they were probably sworn to secrecy, she only had a reporter/blogger telling her the ID had been revealed. I doubt they even knew about the media's appeal, etc. so she was probably a little confused too.

Her comment about JA seeming normal, was when she did look at her "the weird thing is..she seemed, seemed (repeated and emphasis on seemed) normal".

I agree, and after listening to her, think the excused juror from the 1st trial was correct in agreeing to discuss only after the trial is finished. If she had only come on to clear up why she was no longer on the jury, that would be OK. But she's even agreed to go on with Jenn again in some "ask your questions" segment, for some reason.

I did, after listening to this interview a 2nd time, figure out what was bothering me about her. First, she's pretty impressed with her own ability to analyse only the facts, and to lead the other jurors to the 'important' issues by her questions. In several areas she talks about avoiding emotion because it has no place in decision making. She avoided looking at the autopsy pics b/c she didn't want to interject emotion that seeing them would bring. She only looked objectively to get info on a question she might have. Same with the VISs, she said that emotion was not appropriate and thought they were told that they could not consider anything re: the VIS. That actually, both families were impacted by this, so it was a wash there. I'm paraphrasing this, but it's like she thinks she's supposed to turn into some robot in order to be fair. Hello, the brutal murder of a person should affect someone. The family of JA was brought into this, but their 'loss' is in no way equal to the Alexanders. The idea of just the facts, only the facts, being considered leaves the human aspect out of the jury and that is exactly why you're tried by a "jury of their peers". They're supposed to be human, they have emotion, this murder was not just a cold fact and being passionless is not necessarily all that useful in a juror, IMO. I'm glad she had other plans, actually. I certainly didn't get the impression as those tweeters did, that she was pro-state. Not at all, and further I suspect she thinks she would have made the perfect foreman.

She sounds really rigid and doesn't get it, IMO. A psychopath would look at the autopsy photos and would not have negative emotions. A normal, decent human being would have all sorts of emotion as a response. I'm glad she's off the jury.
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