Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/09-11

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That letter to her adoring fans... WOW. There's a whole lot of crazy, and a whole lot of hubris going on there, but I think this part baked my noodle beyond any other:

'I bear them no ill will, but their antics over the past 6 months have caused me as much distress as trial'

Really. Having a couple of haters do you 'wrong' on the interwebs was as stressful as your trial for 1st degree murder?

That's probably the reason she had that wrist brace on in court. :smile: I bet she went through 10 putt putt pencils on that letter alone!

Had to read this twice.

Thought it said butt putt pencils.

So that's where she's stashin' 'em!

Graphite hole wonder...
Looks like I missed some interesting discussion. I did not know (or maybe I did and I forgot) about the killer writing a letter to her stupid ignorant wacko fans.
I find her handwriting hard to read so I guess I will not read it.

Good Morning all!!
Do we know if the defense has turned over whatever it was supposed to turn over to Juan? And the fact that they changed today's hearing to tomorrow makes me think the defense is working overtime doctoring whatever it is they are working on. Wouldn't put it past any of them. :facepalm:

Until JSS is going to start sanctioning the defense for refusing to follow her orders, why should they follow this one? I expect it will be more of the same, where they will not turn over what they are supposed to, because BN says whatever he gave them is good enough.
If I may, some likely are gullible (or, if one prefers, compassionate to the point of precluding common sense). There are many in this world who won't, or can't, believe someone like Jodi could be capable of killing Travis. Society struggles to cope, at times, with the evidence that women can sometimes be far more violent and brutal than men. The evidence for this is vast in lesser sentences, acquittals, no charges filed, convictions only on lesser offenses, etc. in like for like crimes.

Others will support her out of a 'greater good', like a stance against the death penalty. Such an emotive topic, in such a high profile case, is going to draw people who feel they can use Jodi's case as an example or springboard to promote their views.

Some will support Jodi because they see themselves in her. There are plenty of abuse survivors I've met over the years that see a victim everywhere they look. Her 'story' will resonate with some. To these, even if she killed Travis, they're able to justify it. There are survivors out there still in victim mode themselves - who go from abusive relationship to abusive relationship, not necessarily realizing it when the abuse or abuser take other forms - these people are going to be highly susceptible to manipulation and gaslighting.

Others will support her simply because there may be a pay day at the end of this. An exclusive letter from Arias; an autographed sketch, details from the 'inside' in a tell all book; magazine exclusives on what she had for dinner Tuesday and how long they're allowed showers and phone calls.

All types of people, from every swath of society, are going to support her for all sorts of reasons. Some may one day feel used, or manipulated; others will remain fervent she should not be held accountable to the highest degree one can; and many, I suspect, will simply move on as their personal lives come into focus and this case fades from the headlines.


Your posts are always so thought provoking and I thoroughly enjoy reading them all, Kate. :)


The part I have highlighted is the group I honestly don't understand. Most domestic abuse survivors can see right through concocted claims of DV abuse such as Arias has made. There absolutely is no ring of truth to any of it. But you may be right and a few female abuse survivors will believe any claim of abuse by a male. Its sort of the mentality of 'I was abused so therefore she is claiming abuse, so I believe it with no questions asked.' I have seen these type of groupies in other cases where DV abuse was claimed and not supported.

I suppose some of those who have suffered from actual abuse has let their own personal experience cloud their judgment when viewing criminal trials. A lot of these Arias groupies may not have moved on in their own life and generally these kind of people tend to become 'men haters' in general. I also believe ALV and MF are also in the group of hating all men while promoting the false claims that the man is always bad and the female is always a victim. GAG!

I saw this happen in the Mary Winkler case. Some (very few) who said they were DV survivors believed MW even though there was never one shred of evidence supporting abuse. BUT the majority of DV survivors saw right through her BS from minute one. So much so it caused Oprah's website to crash due to the genuine DV survivors posting their great disdain against MWs false claims and toward Oprah too for having a premeditated murderer even on her show.

To most DV survivors, me included, the thing that makes them angrier than anything else is using the false claims of DV abuse once a female defendant finds themselves in the criminal justice system. Its a slap in the face of every man and woman who has truly suffered abuse. When that false excuse is used to justify the heinous killing of another it is also appalling/offensive and really ruffles the feathers of true survivors.

I also think misfits in society support these kind of defendants. Just like those who want to marry serial killers, and do. They may be outcast themselves in their own lives.
It's been two weeks since the COA ruling. Shouldn't we be getting the transcript of the secret testimony soon?
I wouldn't be surprised to see polygraph tests entered...everything else about this trial has been crazy.

This trial has been an odd one and I think we need to continually be braced for the unexpected or out of the norm, even in rulings. Still, my understanding on admissibility of polygraph results has always been that it never happens unless both sides agree. If JM said no, that's it for the polygraph, and that may be why a denial happened without fanfare. Unlike how a lot of the other carp gets handled.
It's been two weeks since the COA ruling. Shouldn't we be getting the transcript of the secret testimony soon?

Did the CoA ruling order the transcript released?

If the CoA didn't specifically order that I think JSS might wait to release it until an official order happens.
My theory on what may be motivating some of her supporters:

1: They have a pre-existing aversion to the rules of society. They revolt against the concept that right and wrong can be imposed on individuals, particularly themselves, from the outside.

2: A need to feel special, a member of the elite few, misunderstood yet superior in their views and opinions. It provides them drive and motivation. and strengthens their sense of individuality.
JA and her Defense are under the impression that they set the rules of the court and can say and do what they want, when they want. The chances of this court operating on any sort of time table that makes sense, is equal to my chances of saddling The Loch Ness Monster and riding him thru the Bermuda Triangle. I am sick to death of all HER rights to a fair trial and hearing that SHE is fighting for HER LIFE. What about Travis's life? Did he get a second chance to fight for his life???
Thanks for the food in the opening post. I filled some ziplock bags for leftovers later. Hope that was okay.
I've been thinking about what affect it might have if the pedo letters are admitted. And about why the DT is so focused on making the pedo lie stick.

I'm sure that making Travis less a victim is part of it, but I'm thinking its not the whole goal. IMO Wilmott's closing argument during sentencing was quite effective. Her underlying question- what changed? What happened to this otherwise normal young woman, who held down jobs and bought a house and had long term relationships that ended in friendships?

Their answer is Travis happened, if course. But what was it about Travis that could cause an otherwise normal woman to kill him so brutally?

They seem to be far less focused on the fictional physical abuse this time around (it didn't fly last time). Though they're all in again on the emotional abuse meme, they're now tempering trash with the T-Dogg versus Travis approach. Travis was good- look over here, we're not trying to destroy him. T-Dogg was the dark side: the master manipulator, name calling, woman-gutting........pedophile.

I think the pedo lie is the lynch pin to their T-Dogg story, and I think its meant to explain what changed. Not just in their "relationship" (he became violent the day after she discovered him and his ugliness escalated), but in her.

The more she was exposed to his twisted dark side interest in children and his violent side, the more she lost control over herself, until she was on the brink of suicide. Yes she premeditated killing him, but she had reached the point in her troubled BPD mind where she really did see her own survival at stake. It was him or it was her.

Along those lines.

I think that or a similar storyline is effective, up to a point, for jurors who approach weighing mitigation by asking the question, why did she do it?

For those jurors who care about remorse more than the why of it, the pedo lie and attack on Travis might well backfire in a big way.

Looked at that way, I'm less wigged out about the prospect of those forged letters coming in.
My theory on what may be motivating some of her supporters:

1: They have a pre-existing aversion to the rules of society. They revolt against the concept that right and wrong can be imposed on individuals, particularly themselves, from the outside.

2: A need to feel special, a member of the elite few, misunderstood yet superior in their views and opinions. It provides them drive and motivation. and strengthens their sense of individuality.

Or 3. They're mentally unbalanced and nasty, and seize on causes which make them feel virtuous as they spew their venom.
Did the CoA ruling order the transcript released?

If the CoA didn't specifically order that I think JSS might wait to release it until an official order happens.

I don't think they specifically ordered the transcripts released, only that the secret testimony could not continue, but the media lawyer immediately requested the transcripts based on their decision. JSS' response was to order the transcripts prepared, but not to automatically release them, so it seems she realizes she's going to have to release them, but she's dragging her feet. I'm wondering how long she can stall.


This is where it gets confusing, 50MG of files were downloaded & written onto hard drive. JM asked at what time & BN answers 10:27, JM says was actually 9:27 Mesa time. BN goes on to say these are the times the computer log showed, JM states that BN previously testified that it was MST. BN says this is what the computer says & JM asks did you misquote when you said 9:27. I'm confused, isn't MST & Mesa time the same? Have I gone down the rabbit hole also?

I think JM was referring to what time zone the computer might have been set for. TA (and later BN and others) was in Mesa but if he had the computer set to PST it would show updates in PST.

My comp is set for Central time but I could go in and change that setting to MST. Then anything my comp did would record the time it did it as MST, even though my physical location is still in Central time zone. Computers don't automatically know where they are and I believe JM was trying to get at what the time zone setting on the computer was when certain things were recorded as happening. JMO.
I don't think they specifically ordered the transcripts released, only that the secret testimony could not continue, but the media lawyer immediately requested the transcripts based on their decision. JSS' response was to order the transcripts prepared, but not to automatically release them, so it seems she realizes she's going to have to release them, but she's dragging her feet. I'm wondering how long she can stall.

I wonder why she wants to stall and delay...:thinking:
Thinking more on the computer time stamps, maybe Juan is trying to catch BN for talking out of both sides of his mouth when it came to correcting the times or just plain fibbing on one of them. In both cases, BN says he was just going by the time stamps on the computer but in only one he makes a correction. He says the computer said the computer was woken up at 10:27 on June 10, 2008 but the computer was set in MST so it was adjusted to 9:27, to correlate when the cops would be there, even though the search warrant wasn't executed until half an hour later.

But on the time on June 4th, 2008 when SpyBot made an update, he said it was 2:44, according to the computer. But he didn't mention a correction for the incorrect MST time zone and that's where Juan came in. Juan asks on both occasions if he just misspoke. BK said on the 2:44 time BN was waffling. He said he was just going on the time stamps. But it has to be one or the other. Either a correction needed to be made or it didn't. Perhaps he realized his mistake but didn't want to admit it. Or perhaps the DT told him at 1:44 Travis and Jodi were taking pictures of each other and Travis could not have activated the update on his own, like BN was claiming.

Perhaps it wasn't in MST at all and the 10:27 time was the correct time. But he goofed somewhere along the way on one time or the other. It will be interesting to see if Juan can catch BN claiming Travis had to have initiated an update at a time he couldn't have been. It will call all his other claims about user initiated updates into question. He says he can tell but he's only been able to point out licensing agreements on Apple and iTunes. He may not actually have tangible proof that it was done intentionally, as he seems to be implying he does.

And, IMO, if he was gonna fudge the times it seems to me it would have been more beneficial to do it the other way around and say the computer was woken up on June 10 at 10:27, when LE actually had it and could have done it and said the Spybot update happened at 2:44, when there wasn't time stamp evidence that show Travis was wrapped up in other things. But that's beside the point. And better for Juan, anyhow.
Or 3. They're mentally unbalanced and nasty, and seize on causes which make them feel virtuous as they spew their venom.

I think we're basically saying the same thing. The motivations I cited would lead to the character traits that you did.
Sometimes it's hard to remember this is not a guilt phase trial. Jodi is GUILTY. Only official appeals which take many years can change that.

As frustrated and not taken in by this butcher as we are, I can only imagine what this is doing to the psyche of the jurors. They will be considerate of the facts of the case no doubt, but they are still only human.
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