Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/20 thru 2/23 - Break

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She has also pulled this "I'm receiving death threats by mail" before, way back when the ninjas were still in the picture and she said they mailed her and told her not to talk or her family would be killed. (It didn't occur to her that she was on national television doing just that). She told quite a riveting story of the inmates sharing the mail they'd received and when they came to her she quickly hid it and said, "nothing."

I tell ya, girl has quite a small bag of tricks.
It's because she worries about public perception of herself. Should've thought of that before coldbloodedly murdering Travis. She just might pass Casey Anthony for the title of Most Hated Woman in America!
Oh right! Sherry is a sly one! She knew the COA would overrule her unconstitutional ruling! That way, she could still coddle her favorite killer and keep Nurmi and JW happy! She is the nice one....COA is bad! I have to say that the pretzel shape one has to contort themselves into in order to defend Sherry is impressive! MK doesn't look that limber, but I guess he is! :giggle:

The killer got her exclusive audience with the jury. The State of Arizona, represented by JM, was completely excluded. No cross exam, no explanation to the jury why not. Nothing from Sherry about the testimony. Let's all ^5 Sherry for being so clever!!

As the COA kind of alluded to, the judge wasn't concerned about Jodi being threatened becusse she was in jail and she was safe. They already protected her once from the crazy guy. She also made note of the fact that Jodi testified at length in the first trial and the threats wouldn't stop just because her testimony was sealed. It's eventually get out.

She was only concerned about appeals and how a future appeals court might see this. That's it.

Boy, and was she wrong on that.

And Nurmi does not have a diagnosis for JA of PTSD, so did he lie to the judge?

I don't believe guards told JA about the man pretending to be her lawyer either. My god, can this person lie. The whole defense lies imo.
The judge seemed, IMO, very aware that everyone was trying to manipulate her, not just Jodi. Every time she offered a solution to their concerns that didn't involve closing the proceedings, they'd shoot it down and say no, that won't work. I could practically feel her sighing. Willmott brought up that some who were sending Jodi mail were sitting in court the judge said tell me who I'll throw them out. Willmott was all, uh...oh, never mind. Can't have that. That's too simple a solution.

As the COA kind of alluded to, the judge wasn't concerned about Jodi being threatened becusse she was in jail and she was safe. They already protected her once from the crazy guy. She also made note of the fact that Jodi testified at length in the first trial and the threats wouldn't stop just because her testimony was sealed. It's eventually get out.

She was only concerned about appeals and how a future appeals court might see this. That's it.

Agreed! And the DT was only concerned with the control and manipulation of information (and to delay).

The judge also stated that she would only consider unsealing the testimony after the verdict OR (what left me gobsmacked) a redacted version of the testimony, leaving part of it sealed for eternity.

And what did we get? More mendacity, rather lame at that. A tempest in a teapot. Meanwhile, the judge completely forgot about the law- it really didn't enter into her judgment.
Thanks for letting us know. I'm not going to buy it either. Why write a book if some family members do not approve? If the Hughes cared so much about Travis then they would now do only what his family wants. At least wait till the trial is over. I don't care if they give all the money to charity. Money isn't everything. Silence, respect and grace go a long way in honouring the departed. I do not understand the Hughes.

I totally agree. If ANYONE wanted to write a book about Travis it should be a family member. And since they said that some of the family are not happy about it, but they are doing it anyway? Why? Just because they can? And considering how judgemental they were and how they were duped by JA initially, would I think that all of a sudden they have become less judgemental? I suspect that the reason that some of the family are not behind the book is because the Hughes's hearts are not in the right place. The people that knew Travis already know he was a wonderful person with faults. The people, like us, that didn't know him in real life have also learned that he was a normal guy that had come thru a lot of things as a child and was moving in a good direction in his life. And that he was pretty normal other than that, and mostly that he was too compassionate because otherwise he might still be here. My opinion is that if they REALLY cared about Travis, they would care what his family thinks and scrap the whole book. It's not like they are writing about Tiger Woods or some other semi celebrity. Travis was not famous. There just is no logic in them writing a book. JMHO
Thinking CMJA and Eddie R Routh ( sniper trial ) would make a grrrrreat little couple.

These people I swear.

TGIF yall.

She has no logic. She has a terrible compulsion to make the whole world hate Travis as much as she does. In her deluded grandiose evil way of looking at things, she believes if she keeps telling her lies, the world WILL hate Travis, and will write the Alexanders to tell them that.
No I think she did it knowing Jodi was being manipulative, and that it would give them less grounds for appeal, and she'd be overturned anyhow. I think it took great courage to make an unpopular decision.

Um...courage isn't the word I'd use for it.
Good summary! I am behind so perhaps it has been mentioned, but JA didn't want it known that she was testifying, not just that she doesn't want she said to be public. It was also said she wouldn't be able to adequately express remorse with an audience.

Yeah, but she testified for 18 days last time around and has no problem giving national TV interviews.

Notice that the DT did not present the request to have her testimony sealed forever. That came straight from JA. Presented by her as ...well, that's what you're doing for all my affy witnesses- I just want the same consideration.

I also note that the DT knew JA would refuse to testify, which makes me pretty darn sure the whole team discussed beforehand how to play their hand.
I also found it interesting that her family was not precluded from the courtroom during her super secret special testimony, yet they didn't attend anyway. :thinking: Probably because they knew the 'composition' of her testimony this time around would consist primarily of bovine ordure. :shame:

Respectfully snipped. I was about the post a comment that's almost word for word the same as yours, Hez! Except for "bovine ordure." :laughing: Mine was not nearly as creative!
Can we not comment on the judge's looks? This is going too far in bashing her.

I didn't take that post the same way. Goodness, we have ALL aged since this mess started. Thankfully, there aren't day to day photo updates of our new wrinkles or new holes in our jammies.
The Hughes were quick to jump on the media bandwagon IMO. To me it appears that might have liked Travis but were using him. They were very judgmental of Travis & his life wanting to control him. Read the emails they sent to Jodi and it shows no loyalty to Travis. What business was it of theirs to trash Travis? Even with the Alexander family asking them not to do the book, they marched right ahead with it. They just could not wait until after a verdict. Very self serving. Don't like them- don't trust them.
BBM. I agree. With friends like these, who needs enemies??? Hope they learned who the real abusive sociopath was, and it sure wasn't Travis for not committing to marriage!
I agree JSS didn't buy the threat drama. But she was, from the very beginning of the session, entirely sympathetic to the idea of closing the courtroom. That's the goalpost the DT kept moving. Closed to cameras, which she was entirely on board with- no video, period, became no overflow room either, because the DT kept pushing the limit, and because she had clearly already bought into the idea that protecting JA's "rights" trumped other considerations.

By her own admission, she had all of lunchtime to contemplate which was more important- the ridiculous and unprecedented demands of a manipulative murderer, or the First Amendment. She was quite straight forward in saying which she concluded was more important. I really think that distortion in her thinking is what led to her fear of being vulnerable on appeal.

Yes but that decision was made after she expressed her worry at how the appeals court would see it.
Oh right! Sherry is a sly one! She knew the COA would overrule her unconstitutional ruling! That way, she could still coddle her favorite killer and keep Nurmi and JW happy! She is the nice one....COA is bad! I have to say that the pretzel shape one has to contort themselves into in order to defend Sherry is impressive! MK doesn't look that limber, but I guess he is! :giggle:

The killer got her exclusive audience with the jury. The State of Arizona, represented by JM, was completely excluded. No cross exam, no explanation to the jury why not. Nothing from Sherry about the testimony. Let's all ^5 Sherry for being so clever!!

Good point, no cross. JSS can remedy that by forcing JA up on the stand. Will she do that???
Oh right! Sherry is a sly one! She knew the COA would overrule her unconstitutional ruling! That way, she could still coddle her favorite killer and keep Nurmi and JW happy! She is the nice one....COA is bad! I have to say that the pretzel shape one has to contort themselves into in order to defend Sherry is impressive! MK doesn't look that limber, but I guess he is! :giggle:

The killer got her exclusive audience with the jury. The State of Arizona, represented by JM, was completely excluded. No cross exam, no explanation to the jury why not. Nothing from Sherry about the testimony. Let's all ^5 Sherry for being so clever!!

I don't think this judge should win any Judge of the Year awards, I don't think this judge is above criticism and I don't think this judge was correct in closing her courtroom for JA's testimony, but I don't think this judge did that because of any particular love of this defendant or her defense team.
Thanks for letting us know. I'm not going to buy it either. Why write a book if some family members do not approve? If the Hughes cared so much about Travis then they would now do only what his family wants. At least wait till the trial is over. I don't care if they give all the money to charity. Money isn't everything. Silence, respect and grace go a long way in honouring the departed. I do not understand the Hughes.

Thank you for posting this. I'm not brave enough sometimes to post my opinion. But, I'm not a fan of PPL, which some of my thoughts might contribute to the way I feel about the Hughes. So nice to hear others opinions.
Notice that the DT did not present the request to have her testimony sealed forever. That came straight from JA. Presented by her as ...well, that's what you're doing for all my affy witnesses- I just want the same consideration.

I also note that the DT knew JA would refuse to testify, which makes me pretty darn sure the whole team discussed beforehand how to play their hand.

Always concerned for her image, the charmer....:)
LOL Typical Jodi-speak. Translation: 'It's just my ability to manufacture versions to fit the evidence that's at issue'.

ETA: How many ways are there of telling the truth, Jodi? One? Two?
In the lying way.
Thank you for posting this. I'm not brave enough sometimes to post my opinion. But, I'm not a fan of PPL, which some of my thoughts might contribute to the way I feel about the Hughes. So nice to hear others opinions.

Most posters here are not PPL fans. Most view it as a shady pyramid scheme.
BBM. Once again, I firmly disagree. Yes JSS gave her what she wanted, but not because she wanted to violate the constitution. JSS had nothing to lose, she knew it would be overturned, and it would shut the DT up.

I totally disagree. Judge Sherry made a boner move that will follow her all the days of her life. She is now on record as wasting the COA's and almost the SCoA's time, and you are saying she knew it would be overturned, but just did it to shut the DT up.

Hmm, In that case...

#1, she is either incompetent,


#2, she is incompetent.

No I think she did it knowing Jodi was being manipulative, and that it would give them less grounds for appeal, and she'd be overturned anyhow. I think it took great courage to make an unpopular decision.
Well, my opinion may be very unpopular but after reading through the transcript I come away with the feeling that all judges should have specialized training in how personality disordered individuals and abusive personalities are able to manipulate the court system to their advantage.

I've shared my own horror stories about my experiences in family court here many times but I would hope a judge who literally sees the worst of mankind would be more resistant to and aware of such antics.

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